irr FOR SHEER MIS DELIGHT 'V 1 . ... VOL. VI, NO. 212 . KABUL, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13,4967 (QAUS 21, 1346 S.H.) PRICE AF. 3 USSR Ministers Attend BLAMES U S., BRITAIN i Defence Ministers Reyicv Committee Sessions NATO Nuclear Planning FOR i " S.W. AFRICA PROBLEM KABUL, Dec. .13 (Bakhtar). UNITED Dec. 13. Minister of Agriculture and Ir- -' NATO's Defence Planning Com- NATIONS. Developments . in, the year sin- -' on a resolution sponsored by 58 BRUSSELS, Dec. 13, (AFP). rigation Mir Mohammad Akbar (AP). The Soviet ..Union decla- ce the resolution was adopted, he, nationr including the ' United The NATO Nuclear mittee, which groups defence Reza accompanied offic- Jy ministry dis-cus- ed ' red Tuesday that the General As- said, have shown "how little gr- States which calls on South Af- Defence Affairs Committee ministers . from the 15 countries ials., yesterday discussed ways to sembly must bring pressure on ounds there were to place any rica to cancel the conspiracy trial the nuclear planning of minus France, met later yester- solve the cotton and rice husk pro ' the United States .and Britain to hopes on talks" with South Af- of 35 Southwest Africans. the Atlantic alliance behind clo-- day to consider revising of over- blems, v distribution of water, bring about South Africa's with- . and J Tuesday. all defence pros- rica. ,. V Pakistan , joined African na sed doors here strategy and distribution of land Wolesi y j drawal from Southwest Africa. "It is on ' Washington and Lon- tions-- in demanding action under in the pects for military force levels in Jirgah Committee on Agriculture P.D. Morosov assembly Na-tio- years. told the don that the General Asembly chapter seven of the United rs A communique said the defend last five and Irrigation Affairs; . that South Africa's refusal to must bring pressure to bear in Charter, to make South ce ministers from the 15 NATO i NATO foreign ministers Inclu- The ' comply with a UN resolution cal- order to bring an end to the far- Africa comply, with UN resolu- committee 'decided that countries minus Iceland, Luxem- ding France's Maurice Couve de ling relinquish " - laws should- - be passed to solve for it to adminis- ce he said.v ... ; bourg and France Murville, Joined in: Wednesday tions on Southwest Africa. problems reviewed of v " de-ba- about which no regula- tration the neighbouring terri-- The assembly should demand Speaking in. the assembly t" during the past year for a NATO council session slated ' tory tions exist. , .' anti-ballist- ic alli-ac- e.' V. is based on the support of that the two governments "under- on Southwest Africa the Pa- . in strategic nuclear forces, to consider reforming the" U.S. and British "monopolies" : . ' take effective economic, diploma- kistani .delegate-said- Eng. Mohammad Asim'Gran mi- missile defences, tactical which are extracting huge profits tic and other steps to ensure the uAny delay or hestitation oh nister of communications yester- uses of nuclear weaponry, and from Meanwhile,. Dean Rusk,' who Southwest Africa' and on the withdrawal of South Africa from the part of the United Nations in day appeared . before the Legal participation in nuclear' planning. "military-strategi- c" arrived George territory's , Southwest Africa." he added. responding to the challenge from Legislative Affairs Committee of The comittee was set up last Sunday, Brown, importance to the .West., . Morosov. spoke during debate South Africa, is likely to under- the Meshrano Jirgah and answe- year to bring the alliance's non-nucle- ar West Germany's Willy Brandt and mine the authority of this world red the questions on raising the powers into nuclear af- Couve met for the traditional "four " organisation and force the racist telephone tax. fairs.':! '. '. ..' ,; power dinnerlast night minority regimes in Southern Rusk conferred with Belgian v The committee-als- o made a de- It had been scheduled to exa- . their ac- King Baudouin,. Premier. Paul AIKEN 'PRAISES PROGRESS Africa to pursue racist cision on the salaries of civil ser- mine a report submitted by the impunity Vanden Boeynants, Foreign Mi- tivities with vants officials and seven-natio- n nuclear planning and retired nister Pierre HarmeL Canadian Tanzanian Ambasador John presented its views to. the secre- group which met in Ankara last TOWARDS DISARMAMENT W.S. Malecela delivered ' a rin- External Affairs Secretary. Paul tariat. ',",..',.' 'v3cpt2ail;2r. ::,.', Italy's , ging attack on the "unholy alli- Partin, 'Amintbre Fanfani ance" of colonial powers in Af- .and NATO Secretary"' General 13 .Although the two powers have UNITED NATIONS, Dec. rica ajid called on western na Manlio Brosio Monday. " - not yet agreed on an inspection cla- (AP) Ambassador Frank Aiken of tions to abandon "hydrocrisy and EEC Commission Reaffirms Special interest is attached here Ireland praised recent developments use,' Aiken said, he expressed hope support nationalist movements. ;, to a scheduled meeting between agreement was ndt far away. toward disarmament Tuesday, say--' that the Greek and Turkish foreign mi- -, - people of Africa ,ing they represent major step to- -: Aiken also praised a recent re- "The Southern Support For UK Negotiations - a nisters. ... , . Secretary-Gener- al every peaceful means ward general and complete nuclear port by U Thant have tried ters of the Six that sucn crisis Unofficial have repor- to regain freedom and dig- sources' disarmament in the world. '; on the possible effect of nuclear their BRUSSELS, bee.' 13. (Reuter) would be a terrible political error ted that the spring NATO" coun- nity," told the UN Ge- Aiken,' speaking ih the annual war. 'Aiken "it is clear that's nu- Malecela The Common Market's executi- at a time when European unity cil will probably be held Ice- Assembly, "and they have in disarmament debate of the General clear'' war could destroy the whole neral ve commission Tuesday reaffirmed was more than ever necessary.; land, gather then in Rome as to conclude they ! Assembly's main political commit- human race and that no part , of been forced that support for. early ..negotiations on The commission was ready to 'expected. have no choice but to resort to tee, cited the entry into force this the world could hope to remain Britain's application for member- play a conciliatory role to pre The Brandt-Couv- e meeting, ar- - force of arms". v year of the Outer- - Space Treaty and. immune from its effects" he said. the a ship, and warned member states vent a crisis which wQuld have ranged two weeks ago, was in ' made-cie- ar re-- signing of the treaty for the prohi- -. It also "he adtkdjf He said independent African hat they risked a grave crisis if external as well as internal the Context Monday's Common differn- - bition of nuclear weapons in Latin .that instexrof adding to their countries - Consider "the crush- they did not settle their percussions. Market minister's . meeting to states by atte-mpu- ; - America as two hopeful signs in ing of the racist minority in Sou- ces. t ..' v consider Britain's application to to enter the Rey, the comission presi- com- ' what fias often been described as nuclear arms thern Rhodesia as a matter of Jean . Rey also reaffirmed the joint the Six. - an almost insurmountable race could increase their insecurity priority." . v dent, told the council of minis mission's view that all problems This evening Brandt was offe- of a disarmament, treaty. and bring about the impoverishment - - arising from Britain's entry into the ring a "dinner for four" (Britain, Another hopeful step, Aiken said, of their peoples." Common Market should be dis- France, West Germany and the was the joint tabling by the United "While mankind has made amaz- cussed; in .negotiations between U.S.) at the residence of West States and .Soviet Union of a draft ing advances in science and techno- Britain and Six. -. Germany's permanent representa-tive-t- o logy," Aiken said, "political wis- British Envoy To UAR Arrives Rey was delivering an oral NATO. ' r nonproliferadon treaty. dom lags far behind." report to the council on the ef- West German sources said Br- He said that the conclusion of Cairo As Ties Resume fects of the devaluation of ster- andt would outline at the dinner, "an effective worldwide nonprolif-eratio- n In ling and British measures to res- the developments of Bonn's poli- - treaty is the most important economic cy Security Council of the tore health.. toward the eastern bloc. and urgent political prioity for the " CAIRO" Dec' 13r(AFP).-S- ir tors that led to the closure survival of mankind in the nuclear Harold Beeley, Britain's new 1 Suez Canalt X - Submission of his report asked ; i would do every- - Vietnam Debate age." i.L.., ttatj TTifaj Hb sn d he for by the council last month fol- Smith's Proposed hi harf power to he P e-o- . He added ; 'Time, is running put". Republic), arrived in Cai- - ;, thing lowed talks which he had with Arab relations bet He urged the swift conclusion of ro Tuesdav nieht. Cairo Kaaio vaaie .uu ucvOT? Harold Wilson and George Br- Unlikely This Year ween and UAR. ': - Constitutional general and complete disarmament reported. Britain the own, in London earlier this month. i also said that the such measures , Cairo Radio It was Rey's official po- UNITED NATIONS,' Dec. 13. measures, and said Harold, accompanied by Ah- first - Sir new; UAR nevoy to Britain, Changes ; (AFP). The United States de- - "must be follwed by the nuclear en- licy . statement since General de Rejected " his family, is the first British mad. Hassan El Fekki, would legation to the United Nations powers helping nonnuclear states coun- Gaulle's rebuff to Britain at the two 13 (AEP-Rho-d- eslan voy in Cairo since leave for London today.
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