QJc Vol. V,' No. 29 U. S. Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Saturday, 4 April 1953 Marines E IIgible For Release AWARD EXTENTIONS ARE OUT, STATES PRESENTED TO SUPPLY DEPOT; ALMAR FLAG POLE DEDICATED TWO Washington (AFPS)-All Marines are now being discharged as soon as they complete their normal tour of duty instead of having to serve their involuntary extensions, the Marine Corps has announced. The 1952 order involuntarily extending enlistments was lifted CIGARETTE SMUGGLERS by AlMar #2, recently sent to the field. The new order does not PAY HEAVYPAY EAV PENALTYPEN LTY compel the man concerned to ac- cept the early release, however. Attempts to smuggle American In cases where it would cause a cigarettes from the Base into Cuba hardship, individuals may ask -o have cost employees more than stay on and he discharged under $323,000 in the past seven years. the old schedule, the Marine Corps This cost represents pay for time said. lost, either by suspensions or dis- Marines are also given a way charges, which would otherwise out in three other categories: have been received by employees. 1. Men serving on voluntary It does not cover employees paid extensions which expire before from non-appropriated funds, who July1,1953. also lost their jobs. More than 4,000 packages of 2. Members of the Fleet Marine cigarettes were confiscated during Reserve who transferred to FMCR the period, adding another $400 to before July 1, 1952. (Ordinarily the penalty. required to serve 12 months after The study of smuggling oper- transfer.) ations, made by the Industrial Re- 3. Reservists who were called lations Office, shows that 60 em- to active duty, extended their ac- ployees were apprehended in 1948 tive tours voluntarily and are for the largest number in one year. scheduled for release before July Fifty-six were caught in 1951, 1, 1953. which with a total of 1612 packs These Marines will be discharged was the biggest year by far in or released to inactive status im- terms of cigarettes confiscated, mediately upon request to their almost double the next highest commanding officer. Considering the terrific cost of This AlMar applies to all per- Consderig th terifi cos of sonnel whether in the U.S. or over- attempted smuggling, employees seas. Those overseas will be return- must ask themselves: Is SAFETY it really ed to the U.S. as soon as possible AWARD PRESENTED TO SUPPLY DEPOT - Rear Admiral C. L. C. worth the risk? for Atkeson, discharge or release. USN, Base Commander is pictured above presenting the Secretary of the Navy Award for Achievement in Industrial Safety to Commander C. A. Messenheimer, ="' ' '' :" According to the Marine Corps (SC) USN. Commanding Officer of the Naval Supply Depot. "STRANGE Hq., this early release will save * *the government money and pro- BEDFELLOWS" video billet spaces to replace some of next volunteers who are now year's losses with long- - termCsi o Casting for your Little available. Theatre's next production, AlMar #3, released shortly after "Strange Bedfellows", will AlMar #2, pointed out that per- continue today and tomorrow. sonnel intending re-enlistment did For details see Little Thea- not have to be discharged until tre Notes on page three. their original enlistment is expired. ,,,,,,, ~ Personnel who are discharged prior to expiration of their origi- Washington, Ga. (A F P S) - nal enlistment, and immediately Farmers along Fishing Creek have c-enlist in the regular Marines, complained that their cows have are entitled only to re-enlistment been getting drunk since revenue bonus. They will not be eligible to agents poured sweetened mash and receive travel allowances or set- moonshine into the stream. tement of unused leave. FLAG POLE TO FURTHER PERSONNEL RELATIONS - In order to further personnel relations, Commander Messenheimer dedicated a new flag pole on the same location that the safety award was presented. Personnel of the Supply Depot and Cargo Handling Battalion Three were present. Rear Admiral C. L. C. Atkeson, USN, Base Commander, presented Flag Pole Dedicated Commander C. A. Messenheimer, On the same occasion, a new (SC) USN, Commanding Officer of flag pole was dedicated by Com- the Naval Supply Depot, with the mander Messenheimer. Secretary of the Navy Award for Military and civilian personnel Achievement in Industrial Safety of the Naval Supply Depot and during 1951, at a ceremony held military personnel of Cargo Hand- in front of the Naval Supply Depot ling Battalion Three were present. Administration Building 24 March The ceremony was opened by the 1953. Naval Base Band playing the Na- This award was given in recog- tional Anthem, followed by an in- nition of the low accident frequency vocation by Chaplain Stephenson, rate of the Naval Supply Depot of Senior Base Chaplain. 2.59 per cent, as compared with Mr. L. A. Foote, General Sup- the Navy Department accident ply Assistant and Mr. H. P. Mc- frequency rate of 3.56 per cent. Neal, Industrial Relations Officer, the depot has had only seven lost- spoke on the significance of the time accidents during the past flagpole in furthering personnel three calendar years, while work- relations. ing approximately two and one- Mr. McGowan, Base Safety En- half million man-hours. gineer, spoke on "Safety First." The present award is the second The presentation speech by Ad- TOP successive award received. Indivi- FOUR SPEAKERS ADJUDGED - Pictured above are the four winners of miral Atkeson and the acceptance the American Legion Oratorical Contest held 24 March at the Naval Base School. dual awards were also presented to speech by Commander Messen- They are: Sugar Livdahl, senior, Joan Fowles, sophomore, Alan Burek, freshman ten civilian employees for outstand- heimer were translated by Mr. and Norman Huddy, junior (from left to right). Burek and Ruddy finished in first ing safety records and second place in the judgi ai. the boys while the two girls tied for first place during 1951. David Figuers in in their division. .]lOW: Page Two .THE INDIAN Saturday, 4 April 1953 Page Two THE INDIAN Saturday, 4 April 1953 REPORT Sunday, 5 April 1953 Ed.toral OfficeU S. Naval Base WA SHINGTON Special Services Department (AFPS)-A three per cent reduction in the number of civilians em- Catholic Masses Fleet Recreation Center ployed in defense agencies has been ordered by Secretary of Defense Charles E. Wilson. The order, which affects approximately 40,000 em- 0700-Naval Base Chapel Saturday, 4 April 1953 ployees of the Defense Department, will be made effective by May 31. 0900-Naval Base Chapel A breakdown of the 1,326,000 Daily Mass - 0630 U. S. NAVAL BASE Confessions: Saturday, 1730 - Guantanamo Bay, Cuba civilian workers shows that the Army will lose 16,400, teeNavy, 1800; 1930 - 2015. Confessions Rear Admiral C. L. C. Atkeson, Jr., USN 13,245, and the Air Force, 9,600. SECRETARY OF DEFENSE are not heard before Mass on Commander WILSON CONTEMPLATING Sunday. CAPT Robert H. Wilkinson Houses of Congress slashed Chief of Staff Both Protestant Services 1.2 billion dollars in Defense funds CUT IN DRAFT CALLS U. S. NAVAL STATION appropria- Sunday: 0930-Sunday School Guantanamo Bay, Cuba from a supplemental tions bill early this month. The Washington (AFPS )-Secretary 1000-Adult Bible Class CAPT Orlin L. Livdahl Committee, 1100-Divine Worship Commanding Officer House Appropriations of Defense Charles E. Wilson re- which originated the drastic cut in vealed recently that he was con- 1930-Christian Fellow- CAPT Jack M. Howell by ex-President ship Executive Officer a request made templating a cut in draft calls by Truman, said that Department of reducing the strength of some of Wednesday: 1930-Mid-Week Editorial Staff Defense would have to scrape up the divisions now training in Prayer Ensign J. M. McMahon- Staff Advisor the money from other funds. the U.S. Thursday: 1930-Choir Rehearsal Al Henderson, JOSN ---------- Editor J. C. Dierks. SN-------Sports Editor Making his first official appear- Chaplains at this Activity S. E. Cobbs, SN --- Photographer (AFPS)-The House Ways and ance before the press as Secretary CDR M. 0. Stephenson, CHC, USN Means Committee has unanimously of Defense, Mr. Wilson also said LT J. F. Agnew, CHC, USNR THE INDIAN is published weekly, fin- approved a bill to extend the law that he is trying to slash at least (Protestant) anced by non-appropriated funds, printed Arm- for free distri- which allows members of the four to five billion dollars from on government equipment, overseas, to LCDR W. J. Spinney, CHC, USN bution on the U. S. Naval Base, Guan- ed Forces, stationed defense spending, keeping the na- (Catholic) tanamo Bay, Cuba by order of the Base send gifts home duty free, for two tion's defenses strong despite cuts. Commander. years beyond the July 1 deadline. He said that defense spending THE INDIAN is published in compliance has been held to the January level EASTER 1953 with the provisions of NAVEXOS-P-35 The Committee on Department of 3.6 billions and every effort will (Rev) 1945. of Defense Organization, headed be made to cut the monthly rate This publication receives AFPS material. by Nelson Rockefeller, in concur- even further. The Lord is my shepherd; I shall AFPS material appearing herein cannot be rence with the Secretary of De- not want. reprinted without written permission No pay raise is in sight for the He maketh me to lie down in Armed Forces Press Service, 641 Washing- fense has requested the following Armed Forces, Mr. Wilson indicat- ton Street, New York 14, New York. to serve as senior military con- green pastures: he leadeth me be- ed. When asked about the eight side the still waters.
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