1 BUOKY IS PROUD , .' "I'm proud of everyone of my kids ... You never er HW a team with more guts," iays Hawkeye coac·h. t I lu8Sia'l OWUM ur OIiIro rS that Serving The State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City faclllt1 F,;_~.;.;IU;;;;U.;.;";;;.SI;.;.;IC;;;;· U;;..;.;lr;..1..;;.ltAA1;;;;;;;._-_I:...,II:...'v..;.e_C,;.;·e;.;.;n;.;.;ts:....:;;a_C.:,.o;..:p:.::,y _______ '-- ____......,... ________,;.;M ;.;;e.;.;m,;.;be;.;;•.;..r ...:O.:,.I.;.;A.;.;s;.;;so.;;.c;;;;l;;;.at;.;;e.;;;d...;P:...r_e.;;;s~;:...~A.;.;p:......;te=:I.;;;se;;..;d;:.....;w.;.;i.;;.re;.....;;a.;.;n.;;;d...;P:...h.;.;o;.;;to;.....;;se;.;;.;;.rv.;.;i..;;.ce;.-. _____-:- ______________________lo_ w_3_C_II.:;.Y;..,. _Io_\\'a. Sa turd y. Ma~!:..~ lit)' for ~ meet t meet. ~catioa IIcbers' I 11''' Just lVantil\ I. lI) »er. sse , - means : those * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ~ * * * * * * * * * Itutlona te!ueate '~ ' IM Hom~ as ~her 6-10 Bill Knocks 26 'Frisco Spills·PigHting Hawks :he :So­ ~easln, After the Ballgame Is Over ~iOD 10 i)eadly Don Shooting !On for educa. ~9\Vl1 lterped Dips Early Iowa Lead .f 1lIIS- By IVARS LIEPINS D.II, 1....... .one lUI"" EVANSTO~, m. - Iowa went down to an 83-71 def at In the NCAA championship i=3mc herc Friday night to a San Francisco team that was I~are'. truly a champion. • in U.S. The Hawkeyes !lul on a full court !'ress and great effort in the last ~r. rive minutes of the contest. but that was not quite enouih to overcome a 17·polnl lead built up by the de- ____________ tending nalional champions. SAS ra"l'/crsco - The capacity crowd of 10,653 rans o .. r T &.1.1, I ..... .. , t·~ 4 In watched the Hawkeyes have their Pa'lIIer. I ..... ,., t • ups and downs in the NCAA champ­ Prt&I~ ••• f •.••.• S l"' ~ 3 "I ...... 11. • • ....... 11 ••~ ! ZIl Ionship rin:ds. Nel.. n, . .. .... .-1 • • Per .. ". r ., ...••.. It ft·, tJ ., They played a brilliant first six Br..... , ....... 3 .... • 18 Ba.. , ... , ...• : . t '·0 • • minutes, were able to kC'ep up with B. b. , .• ,... 0.' • • ".,•• , r . 0 ••, • • tbe San Francisco five during th(' T.tal . I~·I~ I ~ 13 first haIr, lost ground heavily in 10WA_ H Cain. I ......... 7 l·. , I~ the openina minutes of the second 8 ..... , . I ........ G ,., S H haiI, came up, put on a terrific la I ....11. , .. , .... 0 .... • , lArlUll t C . •. •• a 2·;t I I ': minute finish. but still walked orr a ••r, •. 0 ...... D .... • 0 Saeuer,".... • .. 4 Jt.. ~ • I' lhe £Ioor as runners:up to the Dons' S.ab.", . ....... G '·1. I 17 Manti. , . ..... , •.• • 0 five. MCCOnBOII. , .... ,.,. 8 1I ... ~b.,ao. r .. • ,., • • RusHIl Too Much To,al. ... .... IP·'U 18 7' The brilliant defensive play of 8 ... FraDcll.. .. !II San Francisco's all·America Bill 10 •• •.. •..... 31 Rus eLL was too much ror the Hawkeycs and Ule Dons extended their string of victori s to 55. followed Seaoorg with (leld gO:lls Nothing, however. could be taken and the Dons found themselves in away from the Iowa Hawkeyes. trouble leading by only seven They fought a better team al\ the ! P '~I'fpb.lO) way down to lhe wire. and not un. points with 2:06 lell. 76-69. GENE BROWN, San Francisco guard, com •• down with a rebound 1iI the nnal minutes could Ihe The rather parUsan crowd went after an Iowa ahot III first half action Friday nl!lht, Bill s.abe"" Dons be positive of a victory. Wild. but the Haw~ were not able Hawk guard, qets one hand on the ball as e.nter Bill Logan (left) Hawks To Get Cold NIght to caITY through their threat. watche •• San Francisco spilled the Hawk., 13 ·11, to win It. Hcond It was a cold night for the Russell made (ive eonseeutiv Itralpht NCAA title. Hawks. They missed a great Dum. points and, Iowa was at the $hort C~ampion~~ip ber of lay.ups and s t shots. end ~r . t~c ~pUY. 83-69, ~'ith I: 16 'rhe usual Iowa scoring balance remaUli . was eqoslJed by San Francisco. Start Fa.t tiHle Pitchers, Big Errs We/comeHere which was able to put four Inen In The flAwkeYes started tbe hall double figurC1;. game plaYiDa slowly bllt spectacu· 15-4 Furniture Dealer Won't Salute His Wine • ~ I The Iowa Hawkeyes will arrive Russell was high for the nIght larly, and galloped to a lead home at about 1:45 p.m. today ana dropping (literally dropping) in 26 with less than six minutes gone in Wiih Macaroni Nowl go straight to a welcoming party points. He was followed by Gene the firsl hall. at the Iowa Memorial Union. Brown and Carl Boldt with 16 each, .Baskets by Cain, SclIooC. and Lo. STONEHAM. Mass. "" - A each pitch r was the word: "SA· The tRean:dwj! al;~'ive by plane at and ijarold Perry wiUI 14. gan gave Iowa this advantage, and local furnitur deal r Friday L TE." Cedar apl s ear leI' and drive to High men for Iowa were Carl the DonI! seemed to be much both. night pondered what to do with a Convinced the pitchers without lowNa City by dChabertered bhUS. d Cain and Bill Seaberg with 17 ered by lhis unexpected turn of shipment from Italy or little advertising would make beauti- o motorca e tween ere an points each. events. pitchers with big errs. (ul gifts, the furniture dealer Cedar Rapids is planned. Fall Apar1 Sixteen crates o[ pitchers of :lS' ord r d hundreds o[ lh~m. with Traffic Problems Trailing by only (ive points as .Then Iowa hn a dry streak and sorted slz s. valued at $2 ,()()() , th('se cabl d instruchons: Mark Putney, L2. Gladbrook, the tirst hal( ended, the Hawkeyes jump shots ~y San Franeisco's were ordered rrom a Rome con· "Le:lve ou~ word 'salute' and Brown and Russell chopped the C Student Council president. said a (eLI apart in the opening minutes Hawk lead to 19.18 with 7:40 lert In cern a ter the (urnitur dealcr leave out the words, 'Enjoy your motorcade might cause road prob· oC ijJe second halC, and the Dons the half. noted the distinctive quality or ine with . .mac:lroni.' " Iems. built up a 17·point lead, 74-57, pottery pitchers' being di tribut· Now he hos Ule pitchers. On '. Iowa City was set to return to with 4:47 left in the game. A set shot by Boldt with 6:02 left ed by a Massachusetts macaroni th spout of each one arc these normal today after a hectic week It was Perry and Brown who gave ' the Dons a one· point lead, company. words: that started when the Hawks de· gave the Hawks trouble with spec· 24·23, and from there on the Dons Printed on the sid of U1e nor· "Leave out the word salute:' Ceated Morehead State Teachers I • tacular outside set shots in this kept tIleir advanwge ending C'I\l ally desIgn d pitchers wa th' On the other sid ' o[ ellch is and Kentucky to enter the NCAA ~ . period. They hit often, and if one half with a 38·33 Mad. message: this message: {inals. m. lo"'an Pbolo) of their shots went astray. there Iowa had 8 cold .325 field goal "Enjoy your wine with . .. "Leave out lhe words enjoy Thousands of students, faculty THE HAWKS !l0 behind early in the first half, never to ..,et ahead again, and four Iowa fans suffer with was always $.10 Russell to extend pereen~ie. The Dons hit .402 per macaroni." Across the spout oC your wine with ... macaroni." and townspeople huddled about th ~ m in the Union TV loun~e. his hands far above the rim and cent' of their shots. • ---------------,----------- their television sets Friday night, tip the shot in. Russell collected 27 rebounds (or leaving Iowa City streets deserted. or chance to return to lhe class B.·lly Graham Gets Pakl"stan Becomes The Dons tightened their de· San Francisco and tumed in defen. Iowa City AHorney The Weather , Proud of Hawks .work. Babe Hawthorne. Scheuer. fense In the second haIr and Iowa sive play which could not be equal· They were denated by the great man and Schoof will leave Iowa W kl NBC Sh was not able to penetrate instde led by any other player. play of San Francisco's all·Amer· City by airplane tonight for Tue· ee y OW Moslem Republl"c tbe free throw zone with the ease For Iowa, Logan collected IS and Seeks State Office Cloudy jean cenler Bill Russell but proud son, Ariz., where they will help they had in the opening minutes of Cain' 12 rebounds. o( an Iowa team that refused to the Hawkeye baseball team open NEW YORK IA'l-Evangelist Billy the tilt. W. H. Bartley. Iowa City attor· quit ev\)n after defeat was cerlain. its season against Arizona. Graham and his evangelical group KARACHI, Pakistan IA'l-Pakis· No Runell Ar.abs Ask Delay ney. Friday entered the race for and About l,()()() persons watched the The pressure ended Friday night will appear on the NBC radio net· tan. a stout Asian ally o[ lhe Unit· Long set shots by BUI Seaberg lhe Democralic nomination for game over four TV sets at the for all Hawks save one - reserve work as a sponsored program be. d S t d B 'ta' F'd "A and Sharm Scbeuerman kept the In Peace Meet.·ng lieutenant governor in the June 4 Union, . most oC tMm sLaying and center Bob George. e ta es an rl tn, rJ ay u.;' Hawkeyes within a respectable dis.
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