HOUSTON PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA APRIL 15, 2010 COUNCIL CHAMBER CITY HALL ANNEX 2:30 P.M. PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS Mark A. Kilkenny, Vice Chair Susan Alleman John W. H. Chiang David Collins J.D. Bartell Sonny Garza James R. Jard Linda Porras-Pirtle Robin Reed Richard A. Rice David Robinson Jeff Ross Lee Schlanger Algenita Scott Segars Talmadge Sharp, Sr. Paul R. Nelson Beth Wolff Shaukat Zakaria The Honorable Grady Prestage, P. E., Fort Bend County The Honorable Ed Emmett, Harris County The Honorable Ed Chance, Montgomery County ALTERNATE MEMBERS D. Jesse Hegemier, P. E., Fort Bend County Mark J. Mooney, P. E., Montgomery County Jackie L. Freeman, P. E., Harris County EXOFFICIO MEMBERS M. Marvin Katz Mike Marcotte, P.E. Dawn Ullrich Frank Wilson SECRETARY Marlene L. Gafrick Meeting Policies and Regulations that an issue has been sufficiently discussed and additional speakers are repetitive. Order of Agenda 11. The Commission reserves the right to stop Planning Commission may alter the order of the speakers who are unruly or abusive. agenda to consider variances first, followed by replats requiring a public hearing second and consent agenda Limitations on the Authority of the Planning last. Any contested consent item will be moved to the Commission end of the agenda. By law, the Commission is required to approve Public Participation subdivision and development plats that meet the requirements of Chapter 42 of the Code of Ordinances The public is encouraged to take an active interest in of the City of Houston. The Commission cannot matters that come before the Planning Commission. exercise discretion nor can it set conditions when Anyone wishing to speak before the Commission may granting approvals that are not specifically authorized do so. The Commission has adopted the following by law. If the Commission does not act upon a Sec. I procedural rules on public participation: agenda item within 30 days, the item is automatically approved. The Commission’s authority on platting 1. Anyone wishing to speak before the does not extend to land use. The Commission cannot Commission must sign-up on a designated disapprove a plat because it objects to the use of the form located at the entrance to the Council property. All plats approved by the Commission are Chamber. subject to compliance with applicable requirements, e.g., water, sewer, drainage, or other public agencies. 2. If the speaker wishes to discuss a specific item on the agenda of the Commission, it should be noted on the sign-up form. Contacting the Planning Commission Should you have materials or information that you 3. If the speaker wishes to discuss any subject would like for the Planning Commission members to not otherwise on the agenda of the have pertaining to a particular item on their agenda, Commission, time will be allowed after all contact staff at 713-837-7758. Staff can either agenda items have been completed and incorporate materials within the members Agenda “public comments” are taken. packets, or can forward to the members messages and information. 4. The applicant is given first opportunity to speak and is allowed two minutes for an opening presentation. The applicant is also Contacting the Planning Department allowed a rebuttal after all speakers have been The Planning and Development Department is located heard; two additional minutes will be allowed. at 611 Walker Street on the Sixth Floor. Code Enforcement is located at 3300 Main Street. 5. Speakers will be allowed two minutes for specially called hearing items, replats with The Departments mailing address is: notice, variances, and special exceptions. P.O. Box 1562 Houston, Texas 77251-1562 6. Speakers will be allowed 1 minute for all consent agenda items. The Departments website is: www.houstonplanning.com 7. Time limits will not apply to elected officials. E-mail us at: 8. No speaker is permitted to accumulate Planning and Development speaking time from another person. [email protected] 9. Time devoted to answering any questions DRC (Planning Commission Agenda) from the Commission is not charged against [email protected] allotted speaking time. 10. The Commission reserves the right to limit speakers if it is the Commission’s judgment Speakers Sign In Form Instructions: 1. So that the Commission’s Chairperson can call on those wishing to address the Commission, please provide the information below. Make sure the information is legible. If you have questions about the form or a particular item while filling out this form Planning and Development Department staff members are available at the front of the room to answer any questions. Hand the completed form to a staff member prior to the meeting’s Call to Order. 2. It is important to include your “position” so that the Chairperson can group the speakers by position. 3. If you are a part of an organized group of speakers and want to address the Commission in a particular order please let a staff member know prior to the beginning of the meeting. 4. The Chairperson will call each speaker’s name when it is his or her turn to speak. The Chairperson will also call out the speaker to follow. 5. As the called speaker you should move forward to the podium, state your name for the record, and then deliver your comments. 6. If you have materials to distribute to the Commission hand them to a staff member at the beginning of your presentation. Staff will distribute the information to Commission members on both sides of the table as you begin your comments. Agenda Item Number: Agenda Item Name: Your Name (speaker): How Can We Contact You? (optional): Your Position Regarding the Item (supportive, opposed, undecided): Speakers Sign In Form Instructions: 1. So that the Commission’s Chairperson can call on those wishing to address the Commission, please provide the information below. Make sure the information is legible. If you have questions about the form or a particular item while filling out this form Planning and Development Department staff members are available at the front of the room to answer any questions. Hand the completed form to a staff member prior to the meeting’s Call to Order. 2. It is important to include your “position” so that the Chairperson can group the speakers by position. 3. If you are a part of an organized group of speakers and want to address the Commission in a particular order please let a staff member know prior to the beginning of the meeting. 4. The Chairperson will call each speaker’s name when it is his or her turn to speak. The Chairperson will also call out the speaker to follow. 5. As the called speaker you should move forward to the podium, state your name for the record, and then deliver your comments. 6. If you have materials to distribute to the Commission hand them to a staff member at the beginning of your presentation. Staff will distribute the information to Commission members on both sides of the table as you begin your comments. Agenda Item Number: Agenda Item Name: Your Name (speaker): How Can We Contact You? (optional): Your Position Regarding the Item (supportive, opposed, undecided): This online document is preliminary and not official. It may not contain all the relevant materials and information that the Planning Commission will consider at its meeting. The official agenda is posted at City Hall 72 hours prior to the Planning Commission meeting. Final detailed packets are available at the Planning Commission meeting. Houston Planning Commission AGENDA April 15, 2010 Meeting to be held in Council Chamber, City Hall Annex 2:30 p. m. Call to Order Director’s Report Announcement Regarding Upcoming Activates or Schedule Approval of the April 1, 2010 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes I. Platting Activity (subdivision and development plats) a. Consent Subdivision Plats (Tenesia Mathews) b. Replats (Tenesia Mathews) c. Replats Requiring Public Hearings with Notification (Suvidha Bandi, Kimberly Bowie, Dorianne Powe-Phlegm) d. Subdivision Plats with Variance Requests (Brian Crimmins, Muxian Fang, Jesse Givens) e. Subdivision Plats with Special Exception Requests f. Reconsiderations of Requirement g. Administrative h. Development Plats with Variance Requests (Brian Crimmins) i. Certificates of Compliance (Mikalla Hodges) j. Extension of Approvals and Name Changes (Mikalla Hodges) II. Establish a public hearing date of May 13, 2010 for: a. Cinco Ranch Southwest Sec 33 partial replat no 2 b. United Park at Twenty Second Street Subdivision c. West Oaks No 2 partial replat no 1 III. Public Hearing and Consideration of Historic District Application initiated by a majority of the property owners for First Montrose Commons Historic District IV. Public Hearing and Consideration of Landmark Designation Application initiated by the owner: Playhouse Theater – 4816 Main Street V. Public Hearing and Consideration of Landmark and Protected Landmark Designation Application initiated by the owner: St John Missionary Baptist Church – 2702 Dowling Street VI. Public Comment VII. Adjournment Platting Activity Houston Planning Commission PC Date: April 15, 2010 Item No Plat Name Class Staff Recommendation A-Consent 1 Bavaria Sec 1 C3P 2 Campanile on Eldridge Subdivision C3F 3 Contact Center Subdivision (2DEF) C2 4 Cypress Pointe Commercial Subdivision C2 5 Dominique Gardens Subdivision (DEF) C2 6 Eagle Springs Sec 40 C3P 7 Eagle Springs Sec 43 C3P 8 Fort Bend County Senior Center Subdivision C2 9 Hannover Commercial Park Subdivision C3P 10 HCMUD no 71 Water Well no 4 Subdivision C2 11 Kargar Subdivision
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