SECTION TWO OCTOBER 2 i. 1965 $1.25 THE WORLD UIF le it Í 1 r ( 1o+JMtil w1 ° c ,, Á _ . -, o ", .r ' a+%' . I . /!',_ '40 :naliArJ- - '7. 't... 7° '- Y Yc / I ` / ,,II,' - ',:-)' u 4 i u r `I ,11 ' . f b i o,..ol % I 1 I , ° 7 M f- J p P - ,. 'L , i w i'/ ^ 7 O-' Ars.. r .- ' ..J / 1, r. Ir e ),, J° °Z;p1y° A" r g - - .t - r;}.rx 1 , r i .. - iN , St7 .a ¡ ' l. r. - -2.- . 117?. ,, i d y j ' 1 r' r aw .r, 1Y . .. jT r 7%'G . Á . A .y r R :/ i " I. -I ' .i1,71r/ .e o / _,i;t`/- ,.r 1 , r u1i 7t 4. to p :. /~III ° , . I / _ ., , r _ r , .. e.% , : ti ' 7 - F w,' / -, _ 1112...-_-..., . p ' ' . , . s ' © i1. +: 1t1,` i 1. I'4- ,.w. / 1 .. - - l;, / . d:,. , n . - ., i0 4 o ,. r dAP . t a /f ,,y1.,.,_tiTV,o i ir ; ..0 ra' / `, /1) a', 1 a - - J +. er A t-! . 'I rr _ ,1 : :11-.1";:r. 1 hr.... -t ' -r1 '*'. «3'tir i e / a t G e ° t i call Pr!Pg8ti;r : y .. :}1 5, ' - JV 1.'3' 1 ),° y ' ;'Jr "1,10. 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TMBUY 'ESS FOUNDED 1952 f1:F'd A ,. `` .CM PATHFINDER LABEL IN + Ntmu*Mali 1 presents TJ r. fi] i . __._ ^_.,._ SLP 313 13.79 SlP 331 13:79 SIP 212 :11 * * y I ~VI f) -n)'[I nt;-.! THE =TV \EXhTON I, .,-111 . IiiILirl WO1LD if GOSPEL M] . fl .R o.l ..4. (JOUNTR` ^31 FIDELITY' WIN 1 MIG 301 it, $3.79 SIY'150 13.79 SU 255, * 10 358 THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF SACRED & GOSPEL 'MUSIC-4- RECORD SET (Over 60 Songs) Special $6.79 * SLP-360 THE COUNTRY SIDE OF THE OAK RIDGE BOYS * 359 CARL STORY SINGS THE GOSPEL WITH THE LEWIS FAMILY * SIP 2-355 GLORIOUS SOUND OF GOSPEL & SACRED MUSIC * 349 HAPPY NOME UP THEME-SUNSHINE BOYS 348 * THERE'S NOTHING ON EARTH THAT HEAVEN CAN'T CURE-CARL STORY * SLP-331 THE FIRST FAMILY OF GOSPEL MUSIC-THE LEWIS FAMILY * 332 GOLDEN GOSPEL GUITAR WITH JOE MAPHIS * 511-315 SACRED SONGS OF LIFE AND HEREAFTER-CARL STORY * 303 PREACHIN' PRAYIN' SINGIN'-FLATT & SCRUGGS AND VARIOUS ARTISTS * SLP-301 WALLY FOWLERS ALL NIGHT SINGING 299 DECK * OF CARDS &,OTHER SONGS OF FAITH-T. TEXAS TYLER & OTHERS 290 HE'S or THE WHOLE WORLD IN HIS HANDS-SUNSHINE BOYS * 289. SIÑGING IN MY SOUL-THE LEWIS FAMILY * 269 PRECIOUS MOMENTS WITH HE BLUE SKY BOYS * 219 MIGHTY CLOSE TO HEAVEN-CARL STORY SLP-212 BEYOND s * THE SUNSET --COWBOY COPAS * 203 THE SACRED SOUND'OF BLUEGRASS-RED ELLIS NOTE Premium and moil, order offers a iáotiolty. * 193 GOSPEL SPECIAL-THE LEWIS FAMILY Write .for deteiit.. * SLP-156 GOLDEN GOSPEL MILLION SELLERS-SUNSHINE BOYS Maíi Nit oidoi blank le yo,r Starday drstrlbutor/ 133COWBOY deolerwr direct le Srerday if ier.dce it not avatlohle. * COPAS-INSPIRATIONAL SONGS 122 * SACRED SONGS FROM THE 'HILLS -STANLEY BROTHERS ,Homo * 112 WALLY FOWLER'S ,ALL KITE SINGING CONCERT FROM ,NASHVILLE Addtosst (and many more at $3.79 and $1.89) city Store Zip for color Illustrated' catalog with titles and artist names (ON SPARTON RECORDS IN CANADA) send 10c to Starday, 11 i ó prc»ii 04¢4, of the key role SESAC has played, for more than 34 years; to promote `he inspirational, heartfelt spirit of sacred music, to represent the most renowned songs and. publisher=affiliates in the gospel singing. world, to continu'e to further the vital' growth of religious music throughout the world: SESAC INC. one of the world's foremost music licensing organizations SESAC INC. NEW YORK; 10 COLUMBUS CIRCLE NEW YORK, .NEW YORK 1001.7 212.5863430 CABLE. SESACOM NASHVILLE::BOO 164 AVENUE, SOUTH NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE 37203 615.254.3703 Billboard The World of Rollglous,Mulle 3 r rilL7 i4S*: 1-(wlifr ats4, is ,om neAvcre Lt 14r. 1'1 The most trusted) name in,.sound HERE !PI 12 OF _THE IM WY GREAT SACRED ALBUMS. IN THE RCI CATALOG fT1Rs0 ,' r,r¡ Jim r4Mnw i d GEORGE BEVERLY 9IEA wrc yoU ! ~ c,ó "us, ICHET AT1(IN` h> } 1.111.1"u f - I elaee .:BYlMN3YE PERRY COMO "t;: ` ' i ^ "ti G1 n ` J ,1 _ LPM/LSP-1172 LPNIASP-1187 LPM/LSP-1950 LPMiASP-2601 THE BEST OP ' *s >e ir . /wale* run.? THE BILTYGRAHAM : THE BLACKWOOD BROTHERS GEORGE BEVERLY SUBA EDDY* RMOLID ' LOS ÁMGP.IES CRUSADE CHOIR .......a.....1,.. MI, .,... QUARTER? r:-- - " I ,i, A C1 J. - lMP/LSP-2629 LPM/LSP=2188 LPrtN /LSP-2931 LPM/LSP-2932 74. 8lt,lavaa 8,redEEca An Delft Concert 913:, it tut cr 1.k THE,STATESR1Er1 QUARTET TONY FOMTANE ¡r] sorE#Ilirtc ol0 autumn Joy I t ! e 11 1 4Éri 44.,_ 1 +b M 11, i l lPM/dSP-193:+ LPM/LSP-29891 LPM/LSP-3334 LPM/LSP-3383 4 lh World of Relifltous Mult Billboard Religious Music Part of THE WORLD. OF RELIGIOUS MUSIC U. S. Cultural Heritage Contents In this first annual issue of The World of Religious Gospel Quartets on-Bus. ..ti,,,;, 10 Music-and in future annuals-Billboard seeks to document the all-pervading influence of religious All' Night Sing 20 music in the total music.industry. As will be apparent IMational Quartet Convention from the many articles, religious musk ini its various 26 forms represents one of the cultural highlights of the Gospel Breakthrough 32 music and record. industries; and it is part of the fabric Fathers of (Modem , of America's cultural and spiritual heritage. Gospel.... , 34 Too, its influence has spilled over fromthe purely Spreading the Word...,.. 38 religious sphere, so that it is a dominant force in the mainstream of the pop music of America and the Gospel Combines _...., 42 world'. Statesmen Skyrocket 48 These various aspects of, the total religious field will be amplified and illustrated by the many articles.by Oak Ridge Boys..... .. .....,..., 50 and about such personalities as Darol Rice, Tim.Spen- Gospel and Politics cer, Jerry Wexler, the many gospel quartets, Mahalia 52 Jackson, The Staple Singers, Zunas Sears .and the The LeFevres 54 literally dozens of names who are incorporated in this Happy , issue. Goodmans ... ... 56 It is impossible, in one'issue, to present the entire Blackwood Brothers .. 58 story and the .entire scene. That is why this issue is Gospel Vol'utne .l. We feel that Volume 1 will give the reader a Musk Association ..... 66 good idea of the scope, importance and flavor of the Negro Gospel field; of its part in the history Musical Americana. 71 Future issúés óf this annual will add to this lore. "We Shall Overcome" 74 Meanwhile, we thank the many people in the Staple, Singers...... religious field-artists, record executives, producers, - 75 radio personalities and the many others who 'have TV Show - - 76 helped us.makethis first issuea success. Herman Lubinsky .., . 78 Zenas Seals - 79 Subscriptioh Fulfilment Sendlform 3579 to Gospel Nightclubs , 80 iI1board 2160 Patterson St., Cinclr.noti, Ohio 45514 Published Weekly by fulfillment Manager .
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