•ONEST NEWS HONEST VIEWS HONEST ADVERTISING SANmMONKAESENINGOUTLOOK EDITft. JT3FW5Y THE JEH S EstabUahed October IS, 1ST* and WMI LM Angelas Trihuaa ffacA day's paper better .Aa* (As last ot VOL U SANTA MONICA. CALIFORNIA. MONDAY, JUNE 28, 1926 NO. 147 m THE Pioneers of Mrs. Stephens Keeps Time Man Stabbed Gets Ideas for Hotel Irregularity Distinguished Public Men to Address Women's Re­ Architect Makes Tour of Great Hostelries of Atlantic fARrLUNG publican Club at Dinner at Edge- Coast and Eastern States; Pledges water Tonight City Gather In Dance Hall Coming in Well 1 lilNile Mrs. D. G. Stephens, president of the Santa Mon­ E. J. Baume, avcihtect of the Palisades hotel, has ica. Bay Woman's Republican elub, and Mrs. J. G. gathered a great many ideas for beautifying and making Braun, a past president of the Woman's elub, will tell the Palisades hotel one of the most modern hotels in the For Reunion state officials, judges and senators how long they can Altercation country, according to telegrams to Everett H. Seaver, talk this evening at a dinner the club will give for can­ a director of the hoi el project, received from Mr. Baume M By Robt. P. Holliday Builders of Santa Monica didates at 6:30 o'clock in tho Edgewater club. Mrs. I this morning. Mr. Baume has been making a tour and Recall Campaign Officials Several months ago, the Assemble at Bundy's Braun will hold in her hand a dicker, which hy direc­ j Group Appear at Police inspection of the great hotels of Atlantic City, New York Say 269 Valid Names people of Santa Monica laid f Canyon Ranch tion of Mrs. Stephens will be snapped when the can­ Headquarters to Re- and Chicago, wltn the view of working tbe latest hotel Thrown Out the foundation for a great didate has talked enough. Enough will be tan minutes I port Hold-up improvements into the $2,000,000 Palisades hotel which hotel on Ocean avenue. By a for all the candidates for state and national offices. is planned for Ocean and Marguerita avenues. Mr. _.' tremendous effort, two hun­ Son of Founder Candidates for governor, lieutenant governor, state Assailant and Seaver last week wired Mr. Baume to return and com­ Demand Recount dred and fifty thousand dol­ treasurer, the United States senate, house of represen­ plete the hotel plans in order that the building may be lars were subscribed for the Among Speakers tatives, state legislature and other offices, who are Girl Disappear started. For Petitioners purpose of buying stock in running on the Republican ticket, have accepted the Mr. Baume will leave Chicago today for Santa Mon­ the proposed Palisades Ho- E. J. Vawter, jr., Elected chance to tell voters why they should be elected. The Victim Says Girl Insulted; ica, he wired. Expect More Persons to z tel. The same amount was President of Society for guests will not be limited, however, eto members of the Fourteen Stitches Are Fred S, Wilson, campaign manager of the Palisades Call at Headquarters | to be subscribed by Messrs. Coming Year club or even to Republicans. Democrats and those of Taken in Back hotel project, this morning declared that every indication to Sign Papers Seaver, Baad, Woods and other persuasion will be present. points to work on the hotel being started immediately Hernan, the four men who Men and women who Mrs. A. A. Weber, in charge of the sending of in­ Severely stabbed ss s re­ after Mr. Baume returns and makes the final plans on Charging: irregularity In are* behind the movement. helped lay the foundations of Santa Monica as pioneers, vitations to candidates, reports acceptances that insure sult of his efforts to protect the building. the cheeking Of the petition The remainder of the financ­ made the moments speed a brilliant company of public men. s girl companion from insult "Subscriptions are coming in very satisfactorily," for the recall of Public Safety ing has been arranged. That yesterday with a reunion on on a Venice dance floor, early Mr. Wilson said this morning. "Subscribers are rapidly Commissioner J. C. Steele, in brief is what we engaged the Frank E. Bundy ranch in Sunday morning, B. H. paying in their pledges in full and one of the most satis­ Fred S. Wilson; recall cam­ ourselves to do to put this Santa Monica canyon. Three Meal Weather for Wells, 1348 121st street, Saw­ factory indications of the popularity of the move to paign! manager, this morning hotel over. The money has all hundred men, women and Open Bids Offered telle, lies today in St. Cath­ start construction on the hotel within 30 days is the fact declared that the great regis­ been subscribed and now it is children were present. Com­ Intercollegiate* at erine's hospital. that the subscribers who took the largest portions of ter of Los Angeles county was time to collect. The hard missioner Steele, as preai­ Famous Regatta Wells, according* to s po­ stock are making their payments first." not up to date at the time the job seems to be ahead of us. dent of the society, presided at On Issue of Bonds lice report, was in the com­ petition was checked by Fl-' speech-making; formalities front the pany of a girl believed to be Evu nane Commissioner Wank A. Mel­ That there is a need for pavilion at the north end of the REGATTA COURSE, Pot>gh- Perot, 411 Hill street, Ocean Park, keepeie, N. Y, June 28.—Under lon. Mr. Wilson further charges the Palisades Hotel, no one ranch. He was at hi. beat In story- Security Bank and National nsar the cloae of' the Saturday that 2S8 valid signatures wars e biasing hot sun thet beet Sewn night dancing at a pier ballroom Eight Automobiles | Youth Dies While will deny. That Ssnta Mon­ telling and talk of the day. of early thrown out. en the almost unrippl.d surfses Company Appear to when she, was accosted by an un­ development, and drew frequent ap­ He stated that theae persona ica will be immensely bene­ ef th* Hudson rivsr, crowd, pour­ known man. Wells demanded an plause from hi. audience. Be Ahead whose names were thrown out were fitted both by the Palisades ed inta- Poughkespsis todsy fsr apology and wa. attacked without registered but their namas ward and the new Miramar cannot Roy Jones, son of the founder of ths intsreollegists ehsmpienship warning. He sustained three sevdre Stolen in One Day j Plunge Swimming not on the great register, because be denied. This is essential­ Santa Montca, tho late United rsgstts with every prospset that CHECK IS ORDERED knife wounds In the back, ono of all registration books of th* Santa States Senator John P. Jones, W. I. eteee to 100,000 spectator, would which ssvsral an artery and re­ Monioa precincts had not been filed ly a resort and residential Hull, Charlss A. Tegner. A. K. jam ship., .here, end ebssrvs- sulted In the loss ut s large amount Thieves Set Record for Physician Blames Heart At­ community. We have some Provide for Expansion of with the county registrar. Jackson, H. J. Engelbrecht, Frank tien trsin. stent the cour.. by Of blood. Wells, bleeding pro­ Activity in Santa tack for Death of tf. K. Kerr, county registrar, In of the finest homes in the E. Bundy. B. J. Vawtsr, Jr., Claude the tims th. first reee ss csll.d Library and City fusely, made jn is way to a nearby s telephone conversation with tha world, but we have been lack­ W. Rogers, H. X. Ooety, A. W. at 4.15 p. m. Airport Ocean Park pool room, where he Monica Young Man Keening Outlook, today said that ing in hotels. Now by a lit­ MePherson and Judge J. P. Conrey Ideal. conditions prevailed fer waa found in a serious condition neithsr he nor Commissioner Hats of the appellate court, wert among the rsas, soms time later*. He wa. removed MINOR ACCIDENTS WORKFOR HOUR ton hsd bsen Irregular tn the. da* tle co-operation it is going to the speaker*. Judge Conrey -was Cclumbis frs.hm.n Isd frem the The Securtty Trust and Savinga to- St. Catherine', hospital In a tails which accompanied the checka be possible to start the hotel a special-gueet of the association, stsrt ef the flret raee end wen bank and the National City com­ Todd and Leslie ambulance, where lng of the petition. He declared He 1. a resident of Santa Monica with eaae, but e real battle aama pany apparently, wees the highest Dr. Oeorge K. Daissy found tt Runaway Truck Crashed Autopsy Scheduled to Fix that it was not Mr. Melton'a duty ball rolling. bidder, when sealed proposals on canyon, and has lived on the Pacific between Syracu. and Califernie, necessary to take fourteen stitches Into Small Tree; Does Cause of Sudden to notify him in advance that the The money that was sub­ coast 43 years. He paid hight tri­ tha twe wa.t.rn.r. .parting in tbe Clover Field and Library bond In hi. wounda. Both Wells' taaa.1- petition waa to be checked. Neither, scribed a few months ago is bute to the pioneer a. a man of th. laet half mile te take second Issue, were opened In the city coun­ ant and tbe girt tor whom he In­ No Damage Illness he declared, was It hls own duty rugged character and .table quali­ pleee by elmeet a full length. cil this morning. terceded disappeared Immediately to see that all registration booka hot being turned in as rapid- ties to which the human race 1.
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