.._ Ht*»LO. PA6t >»A Food prices in British Weft Indies are 41 per cent above 1918 Army Order Found City Making Actual 'Test 200 Breakfast 1939 levels. In Clip of V.F.W. Gun Of Traffic Striping Paint with Selectees Ill A scrap of paper, lost for Five days before the armis­ Those seven strips of white paint, seven feet long' by s ICABRILLO nearly 23 years, was found re­ tice General Vanderbllt wrote, Inches wide, on the pavement of Cravens ave. In" front of ban Pedro Phone 4949 cently In a gun clip when Lo- "Brigade-Headquarters, U. S. city hall don't mean anything to motorists but they do In Auditorium mlta Post, V. F. W., sold the Army Field the city purchasing department. A crowd of more than '. LAST TWO DAVI (k, gun to one of the members. "Sctitriesi seven different kinds of traffic'pain The rifles were bought by the They are made by answered the oil of their ala JIANiTTf McDONALD - SSIAN AMEIk Allow all fialson agents or compose the first actual' clocks Tuesday morning to a post about ten years or more runners through your line and ago. test ever made here of tend the patriotic breakfast when you are sure they an terlal for which the clty,pays the Torrance Civic Audltorlu "SMILIN' THROUGH" The paper was an order friendly troops." (IN TECHNICOLOR) approximately $500 a year to In honor of the young men YfAl signed by General Cornelius The little flip of paper takes guide traffic. the 18th Selective Service co SUPREME COMEDY HIT OF THI Vanderbllt and Kenneth Smith, Its place with the other souv­ Under direction of City En­ tlngent who left Torrance Ir "MOON OVER HER aide. It was written In pencil enirs Norman Gardlner keeps gineer Glcnn M. Jain, the city mediately after the program SHOULDER" on the regular form isfucd to under the large glasa on his painter carefully brushed in the begin their army training. LYNN SARI JOHN SUTTOM runners and was dated Nov. glass-topped desk. These are morning. 6,1918. The fact that the mes­ en strips Tuesday In the gathering were larj pictures and clippings that tell He carefully cleaned his brush HOME EC. The Hoi delegations from the Torran sage was found, with no re­ much to the boys who went after every strip and used- a Economics Club originated man ceipt of delivery, would Indi­ Rotary and KIwaniy blubs, othe overseas. fresh can of paint supplied by years ago and has become on civic leaders an FOXES" cate that the runner to whom of the greatest of nation buslnens and "THE LITTLE It was given, had died on the the Bet friends and relatives of the AND The best teacher One who for the test. youth 'organizations, lectees. The Torrance hlghscho "All-American Co-Ed" battlefield. makes you want to learn. "The city buys about 200 gaj- Lamp being Its symbol. Its pu friendsh band, dressed In colorful un lon of 'traffic paint a year to pose Is to foster forms, was on hand to play maintain Its cross walks,. park- among girls and £6 improve one Each ye group of numbers. Short talk Ing marki' and center stripes," self and/ community. rere addressed to the selectet Lomita Theatre Jain said as he watched, the a national convention Is held by Mayor Tom P. McQulre painting. "We have learned that last year's was. In Chicago, will be he Deputy City Clerk Jack Hallan some paint wears out within a district convention ger, and Corrinlander Larry La few weeks after being applied. Nov. 16 at Huritlngton Park hlg THURS.. PHI,, SAT. NOV. 6-)>-S In additional to puttln ava of the local American Leg Other paint discolors easily and school. Ion post, under whose auspice JOAN BENNETT HENRY FOND*. INFORMATION so we are making this test. on fashion shows and entertain "WILD GEESE ing other schools, a Foreign Fe the affair was held. "In a month or two we'll be Breakfast In typical CALLING" able to see Just what kind lowshlp Fund Is maintained b in the U. S. This clu (cafeteria) style was served b AND stand's up the longest and all clubs . Robert Montgomery, shown here tootin RUTH HUSKY _ MELVYN DOUOIA* of Mi members of the Legion Auxl BEST ROLE PLEASE we'll buy accordingly," Jain said. Is under the sponsorship latest picture, has his best role to date i "OUR WIFE" iary. Carl Steele, chairman Ms own hornrfori his Traffic stripes are four inches Ruth Lockrtdge, clothing teach CARTOON "HECKLING HAM" . Selective Sjrvlce Board No. 28C "Here Comes Mr.' Jordan" one of the year's most unusual photo wide while the cross walks at In­ the 'Instructions to th tonight (.Thursday) at the Grand theatre. Als SATURDAY MATINEE range frorn eight to read plays, which opens tersections ATTENDANCE ... for th group of selectees just before on th| program 'is' Sidney' Toler in "Charlie Chan in Rio." "Captain Marvel" No. 9 10 inches wide." time on record, Torran first they left on a bus for the In KENO SAT. and WED. WELCOMES tias taken second place on th duction station In Los Angele TORRANCE attendance record for the firs As a parting token of his re Famed Piano Duo SUN., HON.. TUES. NOV. 9-10-11 of school. Hamilton nig New Residents This Week month spect, J. G. I^och, proprietor ARMISTICE DAY NOV. II These Tax-Deed Lot was first with 97.26. Torranc :he Star Furniture Company At L.B.Nov. 14 All-Star Cast in Op«l 4:45, Show Slot!, 3 P.M. MRS. ELWOOD JOHNSON, 2014 Torrance Blvd., Apt. 107 was second with ; 96.80. The presented each of the your TWO COMPLETE SHOWS PAUL L. CRAW6HAW. 721 Sartori Ave., Apt. C 'ere many other schools whlc nen with a souvenir pocki GIIEII - CARSON _ WALT(« PIOOEON JE8SE W. HOLMES, Jr., 927 Arlington Ave., Apt. 7 Sale Resumed came quite close to .Torrance knife and bottle opener. Comedy Drama "BLOSSOMS IN W. E. SEVIER, 1021 Cravene Ave., Apt. 4 record. THE DUST" Re-sale of five tax-deeded lots Three men who were sched Joan Crawford, Robert Taylor (TECHNICOLOR) » con by the city to four purchasers EMERGENCY Vlerlln uled to leave with the 18th Greer parson and Herbert Mar ALSO I ilngent Tuesday morning faile who had previously offered to Kersey, superintendent of school shall come to the screen as IUDY VAILEE ANN MIIUH buy them was effected by the who just returned from Wash :o appear. They were Lewis A notable all-star cast In Metro OUT FOR SERVICE ship's crew messma "TIME AUTO ELECTRICAL city council Tuesday night. The ington where he served on th ba, 26, Goldwyn-Mayer's "When Ladle RHYTHM" IGNITION, CARBURETION, BRAKES. MOTOR TUNING, auction sale was Interrupted a National Committee for the Pro hose home address Is 1228 W Meet," ' opening Sunday at th month ago when the title com­ tection of School Children, sal 256th St., Harbor City; Ralp Plaza theatre in Hawthorne STARTING WEDNESDAY, NOV. 12 ELECTRICAL SERVICE GENE & ED'S AUTOMOTIVE pany declared-the advertising of Slzo Ascenclo, 25, laborer, 2035 'Based on Rachel Crothers' stag "Sun Valley Serenade" 1729 Carton St.. Phona. Torrance 239.____________________ st., Torrancc, and Rob the proceedings did not comply ial training in this emergenc; Spencer play, one of the big successe AND with regulations. that they need more self-disci ert Stirling Smith, 22, milk con of Broadway, It Is a lilting com "Pirates on Horseback" The tax-deed sale was denser, Box 195, Morrtstown edy of tangled loves and bewild BARBECUE cordingly re-advertised and no* emergency that arises. Ind. ered lovers, directed by Rober BOOTH'S the auction for 21 lots has been Alba's ship was due to ar Z. Leonard. :rled Chicken Dinner* Real Barbecued Span Riba resumed. The council approved SHORTS Wednesday th rive In San Francisco Tuesda Miss 'Crawford plays a sent! ichei. Dancing and Floor Show Every Night. We epeci- student body enjoyed an aud W. T. Booth, Prop. 22309 So. Main St., sealed bids this week and and Smith was reported to ha1 mental woman novelist, loved bj Mixed Drinki. four call. The Bachelorettes club gav NITE nington 8704-J. will conduct the sale at each enlisted back east. Ascencio Taylor. She "falls' for Herbert : GIANT CASH now being sought by police fo EVERY MONDAY AND ' Marshall, her publisher. Th ' : properties are disposed of. a technicolor picture titled "OI questioning In regard to hi jealous Taylor gets an idea an WEDNESDAY Hickory" was shown . Thurs IN ALL THEATRES Previous purchasers who re- ion-compliance with Selcctiv arranges for Miss Crawford an Plua CONSOLATION KENO day another peppy r«lly was Service induction orders. Miss Oarson, who plays Mar GIANT KENO EVERY CHIROPRACTOR-Phone 1090 entered their bids this week week they get'big your health. held. Each Leader of the contingent was shall's wife, to meet. .Not know FRIDAY It's amart to eave money, but not at) the expenie of were Edward G. Zwashcka, $350 Q. A. A Your health ia worth laving. I am eur» with my help and knowl­ for Lot 16, Block 89; Ellis Earl ger and better . The Carl Nell Ridenour, 21, multi "The best loved piano duet ing they are love rivals, the two edge of advanced methodi I can effect a cure. Quickly and eaaily. is looking forward to the Ban pie winder, living at, 2500 Lo ists in the world," is the ver Chiro- Clayton, $350 for Lot 18, Block women become great friends.
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