The Bridgep resentsCanada opens S.H.O.U.T.! Week queer conference with talk on education reform queer people in the way that they f[ram's focus was to dissolve vio- the United States has become the B Y MEGAN LASHER want to be portrayed... they're B Y LIBBY EKMAN ence and illegal activity among world leader in incarceration of Asst. News Editor all personas. Staff Writer Harlem youth. people per capita. The govern- The theme of the conference "Huge numbers of children ment pays large sums of money This past Saturday, March "was also inspired by a media- This past Thursday evening, are out of the game before to keep these individuals in jail. 1, the Brid ge hosted a daylong focused class that Hollis Grif- Feb. 27. students, staff and com- they even begin , while if they had conference that was open to fin taught two years ago." Kang munity members crowded into Canada claimed, had a better educa- the entire student body as well said. Griffin, Assistant Profes- Lorimer Chapel to hear this year's in reference to tion to begin with, as the Waterville community sor of Media Studies at Deni- Speaking, Hearing, Opening Up the educational Eerhaps they would and students from surround- son University, was previously Together! (S.H.O.U.T.! ) Keynote systems in ar- ave jobs, be mak- ing areas. The day focused on a Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in speaker, Geoffrey Canada, speak eas like Harlem. ing money and the media's representation of Gender and Sexuality Studies at about education reform. "The odds are so contributing to so- queer issues. Students, faculty, the College. He opened the con- Canada is a graduate of Bow stacked against ciety. "This educa- and visitors all gave presen- ference with a lecture on mobile doin College and later earned them." He went tion system," Cana- tations on the topic, ranging media apps. a Master 's Degree at Harvard on to explain that da said, raising his from talks like "Perpetuation "He reall y gave a nice, very Graduate School of Education. for a long time, voice, "is designed of Gender Identity and Sexu- real portrayal of the fact that j He grew up in Harlem, NY, and. he thought it was to destroy these ality in Music Videos," "LG- when you're in a new city, some- upon graduating from Harvard , just Harlem that kids before they BTQ Athletes in the Media ** times going on Grindr or other returned to Harlem and became had so many flaws have a chance!" and "Double Marginalization: apps is a way to learn your envi- President and CEO of the Har- in its educational Mr. Canada went Queer and of Color." ronment... it 's difficult to meet lem Children's Zone. "All I ever system, but that in on to explain the And y Kang "15 and Sonja fay people," said Kang. "[Grif- wanted to do was to learn to be reality, the prob- societal neglect Hagemeiei ' 15. both members in) viewed it from an anthro- a great educator," Canada said lem proved much he has witnessed of The Bridge's student Steering pological lens: he wasn't writ- in his opening remarks. He went more expansive. against children in Committee, put the conference ing off the idea of Grindr and into education with the purpose Other areas of the US. He stated together with the help of Direc- its pertinence. He brought a of returning to Harlem and help- the country, he that 75 percent tor of the Gender and Sexual nice, real element to it , realiz- ing the struggling community in discovered, had of young people Diversity Program and Associ- ing the popularity of these apps which he grew up. problems even in America aren't ate Director of the Pugh Center, and looking into the reason for The Harlem Children's Zone larger than the ones plaguing qualified to enter the military. Emily Schursterbauer. "We were their popularity." is dedicated to aiding the un- Harlem. Making up that high population trying to think of relevant top- The other big lecture of the derprivileged, at-risk children of Canada later described this are 30 percent of the country's ics , and the media is enormous day was the keynote eiven by Harlem and helping them to suc- "miseducation issue." He laid it high school graduates who have now, especially for queer issues," Jack Halberstam, Professor of ceed in and outside of school. It out very simply: if a child doesn't had "such an inferior education, Kang said. "Media is something American Studies and Ethnicity, began in 1970 as a truancy pre- have a good education, he or she they can't pass the entrance exam that we, as consumers, digest, but Gender Studies and Compara- vention program that has since doesn't get a job. When these into the military." Another 30 most of the time we think of it grown into a program providing children don't get jobs, the major- as entertainment and not neces- cont d:' see Halberstam. p. 2 educational and other support ity of them resort to illegal ways cont d:' see Canada, p. 3 sarily as informational and in- services to over 10,000 children or making money, specifically fluential. It 's not a very feminist and 7,400 adults. With Canada drugs. As a result , the state ends industry and it doesnt portray in charge, a large area of the pro up arresting so many people that Sports: Women's Ice Features:: Mr. & Ms. Features: Profile on A&E: Colb News: Hockey qualifies for y alum hits COC Celebrates March PCB's Juliette Chan '14 the big screen 100 years play-offs p. 5 p.4 p. 8 p. 12 p. 2 Colby Outing Club celebratesFaculty hosts panel to close Black History Month centennial anniversary and equipment on loan from the B Y IAN BOLLAG-M ILLFR club was prepared by Special Col- Staff Writer lections to provide students with a broader understanding of the One of the great things about at- COC. Dhonau also said the club is tending a school with a long and "trying to have 100 trips led over stoned history is the opportunity to the course of the year" to com- celebrate incredible milestones. Last memorate the 100 years of the year, the College celebrated one such clubs existence. milestone in its bicentennial anniver- With 100 years of history, tradi- sary. Now. almost exactly one year tion , and experience behind it , the later, the Colby Outing Club (COC) COC now looks optimistically to- hit the centennial mark. ward the future. The hiring of Ryan On Feb. 26. 1914, the club was Linehan, the College's new Direc- chartered with the intent to cre- tor of Outdoor Education , signals ate a student-led organization to a continued commitment to expan- facilitate interaction with and ap- sion and progress. preciation of the beautiful Maine The club also looks to explore scenery that surrounds the campus. new type of excursions that it has 100 years later, the COC still holds not previously offered. "I want to those same values. Every weekend, move into new areas—mountain- the club offers students the oppor- eering, winter camping and more tunity to participate in a multitude Whitewater—and keep up the awe- of outdoor activities and helps stu- some work that everyones been do- dents plan and execute their own ing this semester to form a stron- excursions. With a membership of ger outdoor community at Colby," well over 300 students, the COC is said trip leader John Bengston '15. the largest organization on campus, Dhonau added,"We're always try- giving it much to celebrate. ing to grow our program and serve Festivities commemorating this the Colby community by offering a historic anniversary kicked off over greater variety of trips " Halberstam compares queer lived the weekend when the Outing Club This increased trip variety will pai red up with the Student Pro- hopefully attract an even wider gramming Board (SPB), to provide range of students to participate. snowshoe race , kayak sledding, ob- Sara LoTemplio ' 16. trip guide and experience to computer codes stacle courses, and hot cocoa to any Officer of Publicity, noted , "We're student who wanted to participate. working on trying to reach out to people become different players, way to think about it, encour- On Feb. 26. the club's official more students. We want the Outing often depending on who they are aging us to keep creating and Charter Day. events continued with Club to offer something for every- cont 'd from Queer conference, p. I with ," he said. keep writing a new code for birthday cake and refreshments one on campus, whether you like to Halberstam made the talk your identity. Everyone [at the handed out to students in Pulver kayak class 5 rapids, or have never more accessible to the college conference] was talking about Pavilion. Ibis was a great reminder stepped outside before." tive Literature at the University age group by relating many of his representational topics of how that the club exists not onl y to serve The largest student organiza- of Southern California. The key- points to recent events in enter- queers are portrayed , but not itsel f and its members, but also to tion on campus is and has been a note was entitled "The Art of the tainment. For instance, he refut- thinking about video games as provide its services and opportu- unifying force at the College. It 's Glitch: Gay Video Games, Fail- ed Lady Gaga's "Born This Way " media..
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