5570 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. APR~ 15, 1\fr. FLETCHER. Mr. Presid nt, the crulendar will be called Mr. CURTIS. It state t11e exact number of cattle. There on 1\londay, and I presurn~ the bills refei'Ted to by the Senator was a clerieal error in the number. from .r Jew l\IeYico will be reach~d then. So very likely they Mr. FLETCHER. I understand the claim grows out of the may be taken care of when they are reached in the regular negligence of the agents of the Government? order, and it will not be neces ary to set them for a special Mr. CURTIS. It does. time. Mr. FLETCHER. It has been reported on fa '\'"Orably by the Mr. BURSU:\:I. I desil'e to bring them up by agreement or department? by motion for the reason that they are nearly always objected Mr. CURTIS. It ha . to on a call of the calen€1 r, when the understanding generally Mr. HEFLIN. Does the Department of Acrricultru·e recom­ is to take up only such bills as are not objec~ed to.- ']herefo-re, mend it? I desire to give notice that I shall move to take up the bills to 1\fr. CURTIS. It is recommended by the department. which I have refer ·ed immediately after the disposal of the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The substitute reported by the unfinished business now before the Senate. Committee on Claims having been agreed to, it "ill be neces­ INCOME TAX ON FOREIGN VISITORS. sary to recon ider the vote by which the amendment was agreed to. Without objection that vote will be reconsidered and the l\lr. DIAL. Mr. President I have just noticed a very remark­ amendment to the amendment will be stated. able statement in the New York Times of to-day. I ee where The READING CLERK. On page 4, line 13, trike out "forty­ Mr. Ralph D. Blumenfeld, who is a part owner of Town and eight " and insert in lieu " four thousand two hundred and Country, published in London, and chairman of the boa:rd and thirty-one," so as to read: editor of the London Daily Expre s, recently paid our country For losses and damages sustained by them through the negligence­ a visit and spent about three weeks in the United States. While of the veterinary inspectors employed , by the Bureau of Animal In­ dustry, Depa:r:tm nt of Agriculture, in their failure to pl'operly dip he wa here he purchased · somewheTe between $220,000 and 4,231 bead of Texas cattle, et c. $225,000 worth of' machinery. When he attempted to return home, before he could get his sailing pap~rs, he was asked by The amendment to the amendment was agreed to. an official in New York his occupation, his business, and how The amendment as amended was agreed to. he spent his time in the United Stat~. The con-ver ation pro­ The bill was reported to the Senate as amended and the ceeded and the official then desired to know the salary that he amendment was coneurred in. drew. He said that he was on no salary, and thereupon the The bill was ordered to be engro ·ed for a third reading, read official arbitrarily put him down as worth $17,000 salary and the third time, and pa ed. a e sed him '93.50 income tax for the pleasure of visiting the 1\-tr. CURTIS. I move that the Senate adjourn. United States and the further pleasure of purchasing some The motion was agreed to; and (at 2 o'clock and 10 minut $225,000 worth of ma.ehinery to be shipped out of the United p. m..) the Senate adjourned until l\Ionday April17, 102.2, at 12 State . o'clock meridian. It seems to me, 1\lr. President, that if such is the law it slwuld not be continued, and if such is not the law the official , should not so disturb people who come to om· country to spend their HOUSE OF REPRESErTTATIVE money. If we expect to build up trade in this country by building a tariff wall around us so high that no goods can come SATURDAY Ap il15, 192'/J. in, and then in addition to that when people visit here to spend The House met at 12 o'clock noon, and wa · calletl to order their money if we are going to tax them before we let them by the Speaker. go home, it seems to me we will. dry up the industries of our The Chaplain, Rev. Jame hera Montgomery, D. D., offcre country. the following prayer : l\1r. KING. Mr. President-- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Does the Senator- from South Ow.. Father in heaven, the height and the depth, the l.engtll Carolina yield to the Senator from Utah? and the breadth of Thy love are beyontl our Jruowletige. We Ur. DIAL. I yield. prai e Thee, fot· Thou art the King of Love "vilOS o·oofule ~ s l\lr. KING. I would like to. .ask the Senator from South Caro­ faileth never. As· we ' it in the: foreuJow of the reat Ett t r lina if we pur ue a course of that character what effect it day, there come to us the sublim truthr "Greater love hath no man than this." It n-Iorifie -all there i in· earth and ky would have upon Americans who might. gO' abroad,.aml buy or and places supTeme value on the worth of man. Be with us sell there? \Vould they not be subjected to some sort of re­ taliatory legislation? this day, and as the light of the morrow breaks upon u · may. our hearts respond to tlte heavenly strain that eel brate the lllr. DIAL. In the same manner, I should thinkf and we world's redemption. 0 Son of God, ri e upon all tlarkened would then soon have our home products dried up almost.abso­ lands and touch an. tbincr , and bring them forth into beaucy lutely, except a far as we ourselves could u ·e them. It would We would accept the eternal law of achievement, namely, tle­ stop the encomagement of trade with the people of the world. feat of conquest through acrifice. May no one in all th worlll This is one of the mo t remarkable instance I have ever known be- big enough to make us little enough to. .hate:. 'Throu h Chri t. It i , howeYer, ju t about what could be expected at the pFesent Amen, time when we remember the way in which we enact our laws and the: defective execution of the. laws. The .Tournai of the proceeding of yesterday wa -read and l\lr. KING It eems to me if the present law permits that,. approved. it ought to be promptly amended, because that is such an op~ ME AGE FROM THE SEJ.~ATE. pre sive thing that it will appeal to everyone as being injurious A message from the Senate, by Mr. Craven, its Chief Clerkt to the American people. announced that the Senate bad passed bill a.nd joint re iOlu­ Mr. DIAL. I agree with the Senator. I am satisfied that tions of the following titles, in which the concurrence of the it will driYe away millions of dollars' worth of foreign trad€. House of Represent tives was requested: J. B. GLANVILLE AND OTHERS. S. 3317. An act to authorize the State of 1\I:inne. ota to con­ struct a bridge across the l\Iis issippi Ri>er between Ca s -Lake l\Ir. CURTIS. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent for and Bemidji, in <Jr ab()u.t section 25, township 146 north, rancre the immediate consideration of the bill (S. 854) to reimburse 32 west, Beltrami County, :Uinn.; J. B. Glanville and other for los e and damages sustained by S. 2919. An act to extend for the p riod of two years the them through the negligent dipping of tick-infested ca:ttle by provi ions of title 2 of the food control and the Di trict of the- Burea11 of Animal Industry, Department of Agriculture. Columbia rents act, approved October 22, 1919, as amended; Th bill wa read and con idered the last time the calendar S. J. Res. 190. Joint resolution to authorize the presentation was called and it went over upon the objection of the Senator of a tablet to the officers of the National Society of the Daugh­ from Florida [l\Ir: FLETCHER], to whom ·! have spoken and who ters of the American Revolution. ha no further objection to urge. · There being no objection, the Senate, as in Committee of the SENATE BILL REPERlmD. Whole, re tuned the consideration-of the bill. Under clause 2, Rnle XXIV, Senate bill of tb following title l\Ir. CUR'l'IS. On page 4 there is· a clerical error which I was taken from the Speaker's table and referred to its appro- wish to correct by an amendment. In the amendment reported priate committee, as indicated below: • by the Committee on Claims, line 13, page 4, I move to strike S. 2919. An act to extend for- the period of two years the pro­ out "forty-eight " and to insert in lieu " four thousand two visions of title 2 of the food control and the District of Colum­ hundred and thirty-one." bia rents act, approved October 22, 1919, as amended; to the l\fr. FLETCHER. What does that change? Committee on the District of Columbia.
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