5556 THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBEK 18, 1864. the Company, and the rates, tolls, and duties North Staffordshire Railway. payable in respect thereof as may he specified in the (Potteries Loop Line.) (Powers for North Staffordshire Railway Company To confer upon the Company further powers for to make and maintain a loop line of railway the collection and recovery of rates, tolls, and in connection \vith their railway through the duties, and for the prevention of evasion of pay- Staffordshire Potteries; to divert certain autho- ment of tolls, and for the prevention of frauds, and rized railway ; to use and maintain rail- for regulating the use of the canals or any part way at Longton, and to construct tramway at thereof, and for the prevention of damage to and Fen ton ; increase of capital; repeal and altera- obstructions in or upon the canals, towing paths, tion of provisions relating to mines and minerals feeders, wharves, works, and lands of the Company, lying under and near the Trent and Mersey or to the use of the easements, or the exercise of Canal; Amendment of Acts.) the rights of the Company for preventing the waste OTICE is hereby given, that application is of water, for regulating the use and repairs of N intended to be made to Parliament in the basins and wharves of or communicating with the ensuing Session for an Act to authorize the North canals of the Company, for securing the supply of Staffordshire Railway Company (hereinafter called water to which the Company are entitled, for " the Company,") to make and maintain the fol- obtaining without previous treaty a supply of lowing railway, with all necessary and proper materials in case of sudden damage to the canals or sidings, stations, approaches, works, and conve- works of the Company, for the making of bye-laws niences connected therewith (that is to say :) and the imposition of penalties for offences against A railway commencing in the parish of Stoke- the Act and bye-laws, and for making applicable to npon-Trent, and county of Stafford by a the said canals the powers and provisions in force junction with the Hanley branch of the and which can be exercised by other canal com- North Staffordshire Railway, at or near a panies, in or near the district traversed by the canals point about one forlong west of the book- of the Company. ing-office of the passenger station of that To abolish the Commissioners constituted by the branch at Hanley, and terminating in the first recited Act, and to repeal all or any of the parish of Audley and county of Stafford by a provisions of the said Act relating to the powers junction with the Pottery line of the North and duties of the Commissioners, and to vest in the Staffordshire Railway, at a point at or about Company any documents or effects of the Commis- one furlong north of the station-master's house sioners. at the Harecastle station of that line of rail- To incorporate with the Bill <c The Lands Clauses way, and which said railway will pass Consolidation Act, 1845," "The Companies Clauses from, through, or into the several parishes, Consolidation Act, 1845," •' The Companies townships, and extra-parochial and other Clauses Act, 1863," or any of such Acts, and to places following, or some of them (that is to make the provisions of the Lands Clauses Conso- say): Stoke-upon-Trent, Hanley, Shelton, lidation Act applicable to some of the objects and Rushton Grange,, Sneyd, Cobridge, Abbey purposes for which the Commissioners were con- Hulton, Burslem, Smalltborn, Norton-in-the- stituted. Moors, Tunstall, Great Chell, Little Chell, To enable the Company to acquire by way of Chell, Wolstanton, Golden Hill, Kidsgrove, purchase or lease additional lands, easements, or Oldcote, Ranscliff, Thursfield, Briery hurst, supplies of water, and to grant leases of wharves New Chapel, Wedgwood, Audley, and Talk, and lands; and to sell surplus lands, and to erect or otherwise Talk-o'-the-Hill, in the county of contribute to the erection of basins, wharves, ware- Stafford : houses, buildings, weighing machines, and cranes, Also to abandon so much of the rail way authorised and other machinery connected with the canals of to be made by the " North Staffordshire Railway the Company; and to repeal any restrictions in the New Works Act, 1864," and therein numbered 1, said Acts in relation thereto. as lies between the point in the parish of Audley To enable the Company, compulsorily or by and county of Stafford, marked 6 miles 1 furlong agreement, and subject to such terms as may be on the deposited plans of such railway, and the prescribed in the Bill, to buy up or redeem rent- termination thereof, as shown on the said plans, in charges and other payments, heretofore paid, or the parish of Barthomley and county of Chester, which may become payable, in respect of any of the and to make and maintain in lieu thereof a new canals, feeders, works, lands, easements, or rights of line of railway, to commence at the said point the Company. marked 6 miles 1 furlong, and to terminate in the • To make further provision for the maintenance, said parish of Barthomley and county of Chester alteration, or improvement of any of the works of by a junction with the Crewe branch of the North the Company ; and to authorize or confirm arrange- Staffordshire Railway, at or about one furlong ments, or agreements, with any company or person, west of the point where the said branch crosses with reference to the use, management, or mainte- the turnpike road from Newcastle-under-Lyme to nance of any of the canals, wharves, basins, feeders, Sandbach, and which said new line of railway will or works of the Company, or of the canals, basins, pass in, through, or into the several parishes, or wharves communicating with the canals of the townships, and extra-parochial and other places, Company, or with reference to the use of the ease- or some of them, of Audley, Bignall End, Talk, ments, or exercise of the rights of the Company. otherwise Talk-o'-the-Hill, Barthomley, and Bal- The Bill will vary and extinguish all rights and terley, in the county of Stafford ; and Alsager and privileges which will interfere with its objects, and Barthomley, in the county of Chester : will confer other rights and privileges. Also to make and maintain a train way, commenc- Printed copies of the intended Bill will, on or ing in the parish of Stoke-upon-Trent, in the county before the 23rd day of December next, be de- of Stafford, by a junction with the Canal Tram- posited in the Private Bill Office of the House of way, leading from Stoke-wpou-Trent to Longton, Commons. called the Lane End Railway in the Acts relating Dated this 10th day of November, 1864. to the Trent and Mersey navigation, in or near a Harvard and Shepherd, Stourbridge, So- field in the township of Great Fenton belonging licitors for the Bill. to the curate of Lane End Chapel, and in the Dyson and Company, 24, Parliament-street, occupation of William Baker and Edward Chal- 'Westminster, Parliamentary Agents. linor, Esqrs., and terminating in the said parish.
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