rf ■ . -f ■ / I. 'X'- X ( ^AGE THIRTY-TWO 'X .» WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 19W X. Hwalh 'jl^T^R^.'Dany Net Press Run ■'Fur •tiik'vSJ’eek Ended The Weather det^Uev>l$. I9S6 Foraeaat of D. 8. WeatiMr I Gradual Vlearing, little chasg* In temperatdr^ tonight. ^977.near k MenkteVv of the ' M. Fair and cool Friday, high Bureau (^.^Cirrulatioit ; S lit BIRTHDAY SALE ■ X*,- near To. _ ■ /■ "Manchenter^A City o f Village Charm > 01-. LXXVI, NO. 16 (TWENTfiiepUR PAGES—TWO SfitTlONSl)' FABRIC CLOVES MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1956 (Claulflad Advertiibif on Page $2) PRICE FIVE CENTS \ MANCHCfTER C0 NN*i Waahahle fsbric jfloVM in alip-on atylea with plain or tnm back. Double woven cotton or nylon. All white. Strikes Hit .'N.. THURSDAY - - FRIDAY - - SATURDAY Re,'. $2.00 N O W $ |* 5 9 p A iR Cited in Award P la n ts in East Reich SPECIAL SALE! U.S. Work in a Berlin, Oct. 18 {JP)— Labor unrest has erupted into slow­ Hand Mirrors Wa.shington, Oct. 18 (/P)— The former project manager'for down strikes in three Com- a $43 million expansion of a governpi^nt nickel plant testified niunist East German qities, a today that “ political pre.ssure” came into the 1954 award of West Berlin newspaper re­ the contract. Randall Cremer* who worked on the Nicaro, ported today. ' $ |.49 EACH Cuba, project as a vice president-^ ------------------------------------:------------- The Inde.iendent paper Der Tag ! of PYederick Share Co>-p., a con- SI Id 2,000 Red police had been Durite handle with mirror on stnirtion firm, told a House Gov­ ru.shed from East Beilin to the Nij^on in State both aides. Full size in clear twist ernment Opci ations subcoinmittee; 120 liipli Race city of Magdeburg'’, reported center handle. ''Political pre.ssure did get into' of the strikes. ■ Declares Adlai Accuses Stevenson this very early in the game and It Official soui'ces in West ]8 erlln was terrible.' Over Parkway said so far they had not,received The general picUire developed confirmation of Der Tag's report. ^Not Qualified’ In subsequent testimony from But the official Communist trade Of ‘Political Fables’ Ion Slip! 'Cremer was to the effMt that the Ends in Crash union paper Tribuene admitted share ftrrff had a reputation of be­ two days ago-lhat workers in four N«w Haven, Oct. 18 (/P)— Closeoiit of popular make. 40 denier ing a "New Deal" company, and big Magdeburg plants had .shown nylon slips with nylon Iar,i at top and New Canaan; Oct. 18 W Vice President -^Nixon toured Tacoma, Wash., Oct. 18 (JP)— President Eisienhower pledged that its officials had made efforts 1 ■‘dissatisfaclion"t.-u with,■ cxces.sive hem. moatlv white. Sizes 32 to 40., Reg. to assur e Repirblican N a t i o n a l ^O-yeai-oId Univer.srly of Bridge-, heavily Democratic, industrial today to work for a school-building prdgi'am geared to ‘‘thi» $5.95-»6.05-'S7.05. Chairman. Irconaid Hall and high P^rt junior who atlegedly ledi Coinplalnln •ltiKtlAf*d areas in New Enj^land today atomic age.” He did so after accusing Adlai Stevenson of officiais in the Eisenhower admin-'‘state. police on a 4-mile MerrittThe Red organ said the oom- nskinK voters to think of “the telling the American people “political fables” in the campaign. latiation that this was not ti*ue. Parkway cha.se at speed® 'ip were justifled and warned best man for the country In a speech prepared for delii’ery at a Citizens for Eisen­ * .Cromer testified that once while j 120 miles an hour, was arrested > J^ral union officials to take care SALE negotiations were underway h e, morning on charges of driv- ' Ihal in the future ‘,‘the ^interests rather than the party.” hower rally at the College of Puget Sound, the President, said %Lent to see Beinard Shanley, uf^der the-influence of liquor . not violated.” he would not go into reasons why there was no action on his i Norwich, Oct. 18 (/?•)—-Vice I'nderwear fiepartment— Street Floor assistant to President Eisenhower, evading responsibilitv after ! T^er Tag said Uie slowdown.* 5-year school program at the last session of the Democratic- and said Shartle.v in effect told him Ameiican-piade spqrla have spread to sections of fac- Pre.sident Richard NMxon be- controlled 84th Congre.ss. But he promised: the company's effort to g fl th e; p„jg n ,e ' I*"''®* o»'cr cities Erfurt Kan a c a. ni p a i if n swing “ I shall again call upon the Congress to act at the beginning corrtract worrid noL be blocked b y , Canaan gas-station on the Karl-Marx-Stadt, through Connecticut today BIRTHDAY SALE politics. , parkway. *• "The— main reason for the i-cfusal of the next session. I shall support ihis request with all the He quoterl Shanley as saying: FINE QUALITY TRICOT KMT Frank A. Christensen, of Gar- to work.” the West BeiUn jraper by telling a police-estimated force at my command. “ If you find that any polrticnl cur­ ; den City. L. I.. New’ York, whose .said, •'lies in the fact that man­ open air audience of 5,000, The House last July ,5 killed a rents are rttnning against you, I : father is the president of the agement has raised work quotas including alrout 2,000 high bill that would have authorized Rayon Underwear think we can eliminate them.” I board of a National Insur ance without granting s\iltable wage in- $1,600,000,000 in federal aid to the Milton Cooley $t Million Fee Spilt- ■ Company, was taken into ciistoclrr dreasps,” .school students, that “ good .states for school construction. It fn the end, the work was divid­ I b.v State Policeman Roy Carlberg. Almost the same circumstances intentions ai'e not enough”^ to did ao often adopting an amend­ All white briefs al.so hand and^ tiara ed between the Sriare firm and G ets Life for j Policeman Carlberg gave this touched off the blopdy East Ger­ insuie peace and prosperity ment that would' have denied iprhent of lejt style pantle.s. ALL WITH ELASTIC Merritt-Chapman & .Scott. Each man workers' rebcllidn of .lune 17, money to areas which did not WAIST. received a half-ntilllon-dollar fee account of the incident. for the United States. ■'While prq<teedlng west on the 19.53. This uprising - - which began Nixon came here from Provi­ comply with the Supreme Court's under the cost-plus contract. in -East Berlin and spread like decision outlawing segregation of Fatal Shooting Cremer, who has appeared be­ parkway in Noi'walk, near the dence, R. I., and was about 1.5 39c Ela'itic or Band Leg Route 7 exit, the car driven by wildfire' to other East German Negro and-white pupils. fore the sirbcommrttee before, has minutes beliinci his schedule when Eisenhower calllied it Briefs .................. 3 for $ 1.00 Christensen passed me on the,.right cities finally wa.s put,down with ^ essential AvaiuuicixzvtMiddletown, 11^' vOct. /v -li AO18 v(JB—Milton rr“~'iY U H O fl Angora and Knit contended ■ his firm shoirld have the aid' of Soviet tanks and he. started bis 20-niinutc addre.ss had the entire job. He has now at a high rate of speed and 'forced in v.liich he rlei-laied; •'^o“‘ be'skUled today pleaded 49c Ranger Site my police car onto the esplatihde. soldiers; and accomplished retired from the firm. The East German pr’ess made "The most important i.ssue be­ citizens —- able to graSp the great guilty to, .second degree murder B riefs.....................2 for $ 1.00 Today's hearings got »nder\\;^y A .short time later, the sports car, fore .the people^ at the polls this while being pursued, sideswiped mention today of the strikes. levers, turn the giant wheels, of and Judge^Charles S,.House of Su­ 69c BancTor Flare Leg with cries of "politics” exchanged Der Tag noted the Tribuene re­ yoai is to find the candidate Irest this new atomic age as nature perior Court quickly sentenced him at long range between the subcom- another westbound auto without qualiffed by experience, judgment Panties ....... 2 for $ 1.00 •Stopping. I continued the cha.se port and claimed unrest was much Anally .surrenders to men so many, to state prison for life. ’ mittcc Democrats and Republi­ greater than the Communists ad­ and ba'kpi-ound to keep the ■ V if .iaa.', M..,,,, of Its colossal secrets." Cooley, with hia brother, Ever­ * * cans. and clocked the auto at 120 miles mitted. peace." an hoiir for a distance of four The President, in the third, day ett, 24, New Haven, waa-accused Three. Repirblican members Not In Same I.eague Picture-Pate Politicking of a West Coaat vote-seeking tour, of fatally shooting John Davis, 22, ‘SPECIAL SALE! Pfotested in a -lelegram to Clrair- miles.” Adlai .Stevenson, the Democrat­ State Police aaid the chase ended (Continued on Page Two) TheajB gents have their favorite preaidentlal candidates on spoke here after spending the Durham, in a bungled holdup at­ nran Jack Brooks (D-Texi against ic candidate for Piesidcnt, he as­ night it), suburban Taconria. tempt last July 28. , LADIES’ KENTON reopening of the committee in­ at the gas station where the serted "is just not In the .same their minds, thanks'.to the ikilllul brush . of caricaturiiit Sally Zlppert. The Adlai Stevenaon supporter, left, is Dr. Maurice It was in an address last night Everett, adjudged ' insane and T O S E L L F O R » | 9» quiry so soon before Election Da.v Christensen car knocked down leaeiie wi.lli Dwight D.
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