Surplus Biodiesel Capacity in Germany and the EU

Surplus Biodiesel Capacity in Germany and the EU

inform February 2010 Volume 21 (2) 61–124 Volume International News on Fats, Oils, and Related Materials Surplus biodiesel capacity in Germany and the EU ALSO INSIDE: Q&A with Bill Christie Preview of the 101st AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo Giants of the Past: Hermann Pardun C2 inform February 2010, Vol. 21 (2) &EBRUARY6OLUME n Departments Surplus biodiesel capacity and Information in Germany and the 62 Index to Advertisers 62 Calendar %UROPEAN5NION !SACOMPANIONPIECETOHIS$ECEMBERinform article, Dieter Bockey examines new sales markets and actual research and Marketplace: DEVELOPMENTPROJECTSFOR'ERMANAND%UROPEANBIODIESEL 77 News & Noteworthy Q&A with Bill Christie 81 Biofuels News inform!SSOCIATE%DITOR#ATHERINE7ATKINSRECENTLYPOSEDASERIESOF QUESTIONSTOTHECREATOROF4HE,IPID,IBRARY 7ILLIAM7#HRISTIE 85 Health & Nutrition following his donation of the resource to AOCS. News Preview: 101st AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo 88 Biotechnology News #ATHERINE7ATKINSTAKESUSSTEPBYSTEPTHROUGHWHATTOEXPECTAT 91 Surfactants, Detergents, THEST!/#3!NNUAL-EETING%XPO TOBEHELD-AYn & Personal Care News in Phoenix, Arizona. 93 Student Page 2010–2011 AOCS Governing Board Candidates 94 People News/ Giants of the Past: Hermann Pardun (1908–2009) Inside AOCS 7HOWASTHIS'ERMANOILANDLECITHINPIONEER ANDHOWDIDHIS INVENTIONSCHANGETHELECITHINWORLD7ILLEMVAN.IEUWENHUYZEN who studied with Pardun in his youth, reports. Publications: 101 Book Review 64th Annual Convention & International Conference on Oils, Fats, Fuels & Surfactants 102 Patents (ICOFFS) 107 Extracts & Distillates /RGANIZEDBYTHE/IL4ECHNOLOGISTS!SSOCIATIONOF)NDIA/4!) .ORTHERN:ONE )#/&&3WASHELD$ECEMBERn ATTHE(OTEL #ROWNE0LAZA .EW$ELHI!SHWANI+3HARMAOFFERSANOVERVIEWOF 111 Classified Advertising the three-day program. Food Ingredients Europe 2009 7ILLEMVAN.IEUWENHUYZENREPORTSONTHEMEETING HELD.OVEMBER n IN&RANKFURT 'ERMANY AOCS Mission Statement To be a global forum to promote the exchange of ideas, information, and experience, to enhance personal excel- lence, and to provide high standards of quality among those with a professional interest in the science and technology of fats, oils, surfactants, and related materials. informs)NTERNATIONAL.EWSON&ATS /ILS and Related Materials )33. )&2-%# n 62 inform February 2010, Vol. 21 (2) Editor-in-Chief Emeritus: James B.M. Rattray Bold type new listing For details on these and other upcoming Calendar meetings, visit Contributing Editors: Rajiv Arora +ESHUN,IU %NERGYFROM7ASTEAND"IOMASS "REMEN 7%!RTZ Mark Messina March 'ERMANY)NFORMATIONWWWWTE EXPO Scott Bloomer Robert Moreau com. %DUARDO$UBINSKY D.J. Murphy -ARCHn $EUEL#ONFERENCEON 7ALTER%&ARR 7ILLEMVAN ,IPIDS ,AGUNA#LIFFS2ESORT3PA $ANA March 7–12, 2010. 14th Annual Prac- !NU(OPIA .IEUWENHUYZEN 0OINT #ALIFORNIA 53!)NFORMATIONWWW tical Short Course on Snack Foods 9 36IC (UANG Brent Sørensen Processing, Texas A&M University, 30+OCHHAR T. Thiagarajan College Station, Texas, USA. Infor- Gary List -ARCHn TH)NTERNATIONAL3YM- mation: phone: +1-979-845-2774; POSIUMON$IETARY&ATTY!CIDSAND(EALTH email: [email protected]; www. &RANKFURT 'ERMANY)NFORMATIONWWW Editorial Advisory Board: EUROFEDLIPIDORGMEETINGS -ICHAEL%SKIN (ANS.IEUWENHUIS -ARCHn .UTRACON (ILTON -ICHAEL(AAS &EREIDOON3HAHIDI -ARCHn 3.!80/ &ORT !NAHEIM !NAHEIM #ALIFORNIA 53!)NFOR- !RNIS+UKSIS "ERNARD3ZUHAJ 7ORTH#ONVENTION#ENTER &ORT7ORTH MATIONWWWNUTRACONFERENCECOM Robert Moreau 4EXAS 53!)NFORMATIONWWWSNAXPO com. -ARCHn 3OYFOODS AOCS Officers: !NAHEIM #ALIFORNIA 53!3PONSOREDBY -ARCHn RD3INGAPORE,IPID3YM- President )AN0URTLE #ARGILL -INNEAPOLIS 3OYATECH)NFORMATIONPHONE POSIUM .ATIONAL5NIVERSITYOF3INGAPORE -INNESOTA 53! HTTPEVENTSSOYATECHCOM )NFORMATIONWWWLIPIDPROlLESCOM Vice President*+EITH'RIME *+' CONFERENCES3&HTM #ONSULTING #INCINNATI /HIO 53! -ARCHn 6ICTAM;!NIMAL Secretary3TEVEN%(ILL +RAFT&OODS -ARCHn .ATIONAL)NSTITUTEOF &EED 0ETFOOD !QUATIC&EED4ECHNOL- 'LENVIEW )LLINOIS 53! /ILSEED0RODUCTS *7-ARRIOTT$ESERT OGY= 1UEEN3IRIKIT.ATIONAL#ONVENTION Treasurer4IMOTHY+EMPER $ESMET 3PRINGS2ESORT3PA 0ALM3PRINGS #ALI- #ENTRE "ANKGKOK 4HAILAND)NFORMATION "ALLESTRA.ORTH!MERICA )NC -ARIETTA FORNIA 53!)NFORMATIONWWWOILSEED 'EORGIA 53! org. Executive Vice President *EAN7ILLS(INTON -ARCHn #OMMODITY#LASSIC !/#3 5RBANA )LLINOIS 53! -ARCHn RD7ORKSHOPON SPONSOREDBYTHE!MERICAN3OYBEAN &ATSAND/ILSAS2ENEWABLE&EEDSTOCKFOR !SSOCIATION .ATIONAL#ORN'ROWERS THE#HEMICAL)NDUSTRY %MDEN 'ERMANY AOCS Staff: !SSOCIATION .ATIONAL!SSOCIATIONOF )NFORMATIONWWWABIOSUSORGEMDEN Area Manager, 7HEAT'ROWERS AND.ATIONAL3ORGHUM WORKSHOP HTML 0UBLICATIONS *ACK7OLOWIEC 0RODUCERS !NAHEIM#ONVENTION#ENTER -ANAGING%DITOR *EREMY#OULTER !NAHEIM #ALIFORNIA 53!)NFORMATION -ARCHn .!#%#ORROSION !SSOCIATE%DITOR #ATHERINE7ATKINS #ONFERENCE%XPO 3AN!NTONIO Technical 4EXAS 53!)NFORMATIONHTTPEVENTS 0ROJECTS%DITOR -ARGUERITE4ORREY -ARCHn WASTETOENERGY)NTER- NACEORGCONFERENCESCCASP $ESIGN,AYOUT 'RETCHEN7IESHUBER NATIONAL%XHIBITIONAND#ONFERENCEFOR -ARCHn 7ORLD"IOFUELS -ARKETS 2!)#ONGRESS#ENTRE !MSTER- DAM THE.ETHERLANDS)NFORMATIONWWW )NDEXTOADVERTISERS !NDERSON)NTERNATIONAL#ORP /XFORD)NSTRUMENTS-OLECULAR -ARCHn #ANOLA#OUNCILOF - "IOTOOLS,TD #ANADA#ONFERENCE &AIRMONT3AN&RAN "LACKMER!$OVER#OMPANY CISCO 3AN&RANCISCO #ALIFORNIA 53! 2OSKAMP#HAMPION # - #ROWN)RON7ORKS#OMPANY )NFORMATIONWWWCANOLACOUNCILORGCON 3AF4EST$IVISIONOF-0"IOMEDICAL # VENTIONDEFAULTASPX $ESMET"ALLESTRA'ROUP.6 # 3HARPLEX&ILTERS)NDIA 064,4$ -ARCHn TH!MER- ICAN#HEMICAL3OCIETY.ATIONAL *Corporate member of AOCS who supports the Society through corporate membership dues. -EETINGAND%XPOSITION 3AN&RAN- inform February 2010, Vol. 21 (2) 63 AOCS Meeting Watch -AYn *ULYn /CTOBERn ST TH TH 3OUTH"OULDER$RIVE AOCS )NTERNA- 7ORLD 0/"OX Annual tional Sym- Conference 5RBANA ), 53! 0HONE 2010 PHOENIX Meeting posium on ON$ETERGENTS 101st AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo &AX AND%XPO Plant Lipids, .EW3TRATEGIESIN % MAILPUBLICATIONS AOCSORG Phoenix Convention Cairns Convention Centre, A$YNAMIC'LOBAL%CONOMY Center, Phoenix, Arizona, #AIRNS !USTRALIA)NFORMA- -ONTREUX-USIC#ONVEN- Advertising Instructions and Deadlines: 53!)NFORMATIONPHONE TIONWWWISPLORG tion Centre, Montreux, #LOSINGDATEISAPPROXIMATELYTHElRSTOFTHEMONTH PRECEDINGDATEOFISSUE)NSERTIONORDERSRECEIVEDAFTER FAX 3WITZERLAND)NFORMATION closing will be subject to acceptance at advertiser’s E MAIL WWWAOCSORGMEETINGS RISK.OCANCELLATIONSACCEPTEDAFTERCLOSINGDATE!D MEETINGS AOCSORGHTTP montreux. MATERIALSMUSTBEINlNALFORMFORPRESSUPONMATE- rials’ closing date. Materials received after deadline or requiring changes will be published at advertisers’ risk. Send insertion orders and mechanical materials For in-depth details on these and other upcoming meetings, TOADVERTISINGOFlCESATTHEADDRESSLISTEDABOVE ./4%!/#3RESERVESTHERIGHTTOREJECTADVER- visit tising copy that in its opinion is unethical, misleading, unfair, or otherwise inappropriate or incompatible with the character of inform. Advertisers and advertis- CISCO #ALIFORNIA 53!)NFORMATION )NFORMATIONE MAIL!TLANTA NSFORG INGAGENCIESASSUMELIABILITYFORALLCONTENTINCLUDING HTTPPORTALACSORGPORTALACSCORG WWWFSISUSDAGOV!TLANTA TEXT REPRESENTATION ANDILLUSTRATIONS OFADVERTISE- CONTENT?NFPBTRUE?PAGE,ABEL00? ments printed and also assume responsibility for any claims arising therefrom made against the publisher. 42!.3)4)/.-!).NODE? -ARCHn 7ELLNESS )NTER- IDUSE?SECFALSESEC?URL? #ONTINENTAL#HICAGO/(ARE 2OSEMONT AOCS Advertising6ALORIE$EICHMAN VARREGION??UUIDBDC EF )LLINOIS 53!)NFORMATIONWWWIFTORG 0HONE &AX % MAILVALORIED AOCSORG CF BA DC CMSPID #OPYRIGHT¥BY!/#30RESS March 21–25, 2010. 2010 AIChE -ARCHn 3USTAINABLE#OSMET- &ORMERLYPUBLISHEDASChemists’ Section, Cotton Oil Press nJournal of the Oil and Fat Industries, Spring Meeting & 6th Global Con- ICS3UMMIT .EW9ORK#ITY .EW9ORK nOil & Soap nNEWSPORTIONOF gress on Process Safety, Grand Hyatt 53!)NFORMATIONWWWSUSTAINABLECOS- JAOCS n4HE!MERICAN/IL#HEMISTS3OCIETY Hotel, San Antonio, Texas, USA. assumes no responsibility for statements or opinions of contributors to its columns. Information: inform)33. ISPUBLISHEDMONTHLYBY ences/SpringMeeting/index.aspx. !/#30RESS 3OUTH"OULDER$RIVE 5RBANA ), April 53!0HONE 0ERIODI- CALS0OSTAGEPAIDAT5RBANA ), ANDADDITIONALMAILING March 22–25, 2010. American Fil- OFlCES0/34-!34%23ENDADDRESSCHANGESTOinform, tration and Separations Society !PRILn #%$!NNUAL-EETING 0/"OX 5RBANA ), 53! 23rd Annual Technical Conference ;#OMITÏ%SPA×OLDELA$ETERGENCIA 4EN- Subscriptions to inform for members of the American Oil Chemists’ Society are included in the annual dues. & Exhibition, Grand Hyatt Hotel, sioactivos y Afines], Barcelona, Spain. An individual subscription to informIS/UTSIDETHE San Antonio, Texas, USA. Informa- )NFORMATIONWWWCEDMEETINGCOM 53 ADDFORSURFACEMAIL ORADDFORAIRMAIL tion on meeting: www.afssociety. )NSTITUTIONALSUBSCRIPTIONSTOTHEJournal of the Ameri- can Oil Chemists’ Society and inform combined are now org/spring2010; information on short !PRILn /ILS&ATS)NTERNATIONAL BEINGHANDLEDBY3PRINGER6ERLAG0RICELISTINFORMATION courses: 4URKEY (ILTON(OTELAND#ONVEN- ISAVAILABLEATWWWSPRINGERCOMPRICELIST#LAIMSFOR course. TION#ENTRE )STANBUL 4URKEY)NFORMA- COPIESLOSTINTHEMAILMUSTBERECEIVEDWITHINDAYS DAYSOUTSIDETHE53 OFTHEDATEOFISSUE.OTICE TIONWWWOILSANDFATSINTERNATIONALCOM of change of address must be received two weeks -ARCHn

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