p pf-j SAMS liSitifiMlS^^iit ! — '"PO the chic Americaines the smart Parisiennes would send this message: ‘‘In Paris ’ At the Long the toilette must possess a champs races one gracious harmony. Each aid may mingle with Princes, Dukes to beauty must breathe the and Duchesses the elite of world same French fragrance.’’ With society. what confidence, then, will Madame turn to Djer-Kiss — my perfume masterpiece. With its odeur captivante have I gifted each of my specialites— the rouges, the talc, the face powder, the sachet, the soap, the creams, the toilet water. For charme Parisien, do pur- chase and employ them, Madame. r /> aa Djer-Kiss Lip Rouge! Approved of fashion and fragranced with Parfum Djer fCiss. Djer-Kiss Compacts! Let them nestle always in your handbag. Djer - Kiss Face Powder So soft, so gently adher- ent. Indeed, a fairy aid to beauty. Djer-Kiss Cold Cream — 8HUBERT THBATU PBOGKAM PALAIS Import DirMt f ORIENTAL RUGS f v f if Sells direct to you — Wholesale prices — Large and complete selection of all sizes and colorings. Courteous service. »»***»» 390 BOYLSTON STREET ft ALWAYS THE HERRICK BEST SEATS PHONES: 3328, 2329, 2330, 2331, BACK BAY ff f f i Crepe de Chine HANDKERCHIEFS in gay colors SOc hese Crepe de Chine Handkerchiefs are just right for Twearing in your outside pocket. They are made of an ex- cellent quality crepe de chine, soft and fine. One-inch hem- stitched hems. They come in plain colors that are bright light blue, pink, orange, mais, coral. An excellent value, each SOc Mail and Phone Orders Promptly Filled D. R. EMERSON CO. 35 TEMPLE PLACE, BOSTON ‘f For Those Latest Dance Records ARIETY of assortment and popular, up-to-the-; Vminute records are most desired when selecting dance numbers — and this is just one reason why so many people select their dance records at Harvey’s. Our library of VICTOR EDISON and BRUNSWICK records is one of the largest in New England — the “hard-to-get” records are always “easy-to-get” at “The Music Center of Boston”. Enjoy the selection of your next dance numbers at Harvey’s. CCHarvey® 144 BOYLSTON STREET BOSTON ' v’ v SaUBMMT nKATKB PBOGSAM s t w Th« New Sam S. Vv s Keep Your Hair Combed v Shubert Theatre v s Tremoot aod HoUis Streets, Boeton Without Oil or Grease s ^ t f. f Ancica*s ile^el PUyhe"— Abseliitelf Firepreef f' *v Shubert Holding Co., Lessees vyv MESSRS. LEE and J. J. SHUBERT # v Msiisgins Directon 's Arthur J. Sheldon vr General Manefer Shubert Theetree in BosUm 's "f EXECUTIVE STAFF rv John W. Lttoe .< Gen. Prera Representative Before After .w A. B. Crai^ .*..... Master Meohanio v ;v Dr. James B. Tliorntcm House Physician v Ed. W. Fuller Auditor v. v' f To arranee for benefit or special theatre parties, v address E.W. FuUer.auditor, at the Shubert Theatre v v The telephone number oi this theatre is Beach f 4S20.4S21. or 4522. (Reg. U. S. Patent Office) Tteket office open from 9 A.M. until 10 P.M. f A TITTTQ T Moisten your hau f * with Slikum before* ^ The admission of children under five years of age curling. It makes the curl last. ;? is optional with the management. yT KEEPS HAIR IN PLACE T T . Parties finding loot articles in any part of the No Stain No Color v theatre will please leave them at the ticket office. — v articles t The management is not responsible for lost At barbers or drug stores f unless they are checked. " . Noonan Sons Co., Boston w & f The management does not tolerate inattention t or lack of courtesy on the part of the employees. s y Should either be manifested please notify Arthur J. v Sheldon, General Manager, Shubert Boston v. Theatres, 265 Tremont Street, Boston. f PACKING MOVING ? v Mail orders will at all times receive prompt at- f tention if they are accompanied by certified ^edi, y f postal or express ordw. If party desires tickets f mailed, self-addressed return envelope should ac- company order, thus avoidin|r possibility of error. STORING SHIPPING Spemal attention will at all times be given to out- EXPERT PACKERS of CHINA, CUT GLASS, of-town orders. Tickets will be selects as near the SILVERWARE and WEDDING PRESENTS V desired location as possible at the time the orders AND PACKERS OF FINE FURNITURE yf are received. PAINTINGS AND WORKS OF ART » f Get our rates lo New York* Philadelphia V Not responsible for personal property unless Baltimore and Washington checked. See our service on back cover of your Perfect sanitary conditions are maintained in telephone book thia theatre by the use of CN and the Protection Deodorising Appliances ef the West Disinfecting MOTOR TRUCK 28 Bromfield St. Co., Boston. SERVICE Tel., Main 4771 The lighting fixtures for the Shubert Theatre were especially designed and manufactured by Bigelow, Kennvd & Go., 511 Washington Street. Furniture and Piano Moving The decoration draperies and wall haniringa Long Diataneo for the Shubert Tneatre were furnished by Pen- Trucking aell, Gibbs & Quiring Company. The drinking water served to the theatre patrons is purified by the system of the Boston Filter Co. The Eleetrie lighting Fixtures and Fireplace Goods used on stage settings are from The Lewis Eleetrioal Co., 117 Federal Street. Griffin-Smith, Inc., pnbishers of the Shubert, Maiestic, Wilbur, Plymouth, Park Square Theatre 343 Green St. and Boatoo Opera House program^ 604 and 406 Bigvlow, Kesmiard Bldg., 12 West ot.. Telephone Cambridge, Mass. Tel. Uni. 69S0 BMch 8260. u Q) x w z X o K_ ^ >< »3 Z ® Q w 5< ^ " <J M W 0 Cvj &. o ^ Ot^toS 11 5 > '“N ^ ^ < V. 3 W H l5 k X C Q Q) H iz; w « k Ss u H-] (/) I 2? 0 o w HH to pti to to w tKk ^ O §3 PQ Z H to **• v5> 1 o Q C/5 D § OQ W ^ s ~i« < N a 2 B o S to bo Is ^ ^ o H to . s ^ '^S c/5 o ^ O U K H ^.s t> B iC < o QO :«! is4 g CO «-> '^ ^ Co k ^ o-§ ! y Child y y y Portraiture <yy yy Long a specialty with the Bachrach studios, but at the present time v yT of unusual interest due to a New yy with artists y Department devoted i i particularly to the subject of chil- i 'f dren only and with prices at f — i f f A |io, and the dozen t A ^15 ^20 AA4 yBf Pactiraci) y Establishbd 1868 yyy Photographs Disiinction 0/ ^ y 647 Boylston Street y Back Bax ^55 y^T'y’Bwp' y yr 'Ctjk.rt Sometkinff y A The Whole Town's Talking About AA.A.AAAAA ;'*fromthelroualu^ . Seeds! l^alters; Your own effort with proper tools, our tested seeds — Incomparable Ice and Nature will insure the finish Satisfy your love for fresh flowers, your Creams and Sodas liking for fresh vegetables. Select your After the Theatre favorites from our supply of living seeds every variety, including grass seed for Most Delightful Waffles and a luxuriant lawn. Creamed Chicken Whatever else you need - good tools A A Weeders, Hose, Sprinklers, Fertiliz- AND REAL SERVICE ers, Insecticides, Sprayers - you gwill find here. At Coolidge Cor. At Upham’s Cor. Practice the magic of making things grow! BROOKLINE DORCHESTER 1364 Beacon Street 553 Columbia Road Chandl er 4 Barber Co. Open till Midnight Hardware Summer St. — Doston -y-y . Gettin’ Readyfor Spring Fishin’? V vvv SPECIAL OFFER f Very superior Split-Bamboo Pocket Rod, when folded 16", when jointed 7J^ feet $6.50 Rubber-Capped Reel with metal safety band. .. 2.50 50 yards of Osceola Mottled Silk Line 1.50 doz. English “Model Perfect" Hooks on gut .70 Value $11.20 T W TT *9’® y SPECIAL COMBINATION PRICE y ^ We have a complete line of Rods, Reels, Lines, Flies, Bait Boxes, Minnow Parts, W Rubber Boots, Oil Skins, etc. rVER JOHNSON SPORTING GOODS COMPANY 177 TREMONT ST. 155 WASHINGTON ST. y Adjoining Tremont Theatxo Cor. Cornhill at Adams Sq. ^ ^ ^ V TOURS OF THE BETTER GRADE t ANNUAL EUROPEAN TOURS Under Personal Pscort JUNE and JULY wy 12 ipost comprehenr.ivc —37 to 7.3 d.nys—nt prfeos from $475 to $900— XuUy described In our Europoan bool; let. Send for copy. EDUCATIONAL TOUR ^ CALIFORNIA T Under Personal Eseort JUNE 30 V Party leaves June 30—Grand Canyon, nil of California, Vosemite, Yellow- Stone, Colorado or Mt. Rainier, including Canadian Rockies, Banff, Lake Louise. lIooU eurly. Send for booklet. VV T W ALASKA PACIFIC NORTHWEST w Dawson—.Ytlen Lakes A'ancouver—Seattle r (Dep.'irlure June 28) (Departure July 8) Doth Parties po«ier persona! escort, including Cabadi.TU Rockies, Mt. Rainier, Yellowstone, Colorado or California and Canyon. Send for y Grand booklet ^ BERMUDA—RESERVE NOW Le^ us urrungre .vour tickets untl hotel accommodations. Dost of service. 'IT 281 WASMIMCTpM IT. BOliTON VO ^p'^o^To®°cf. T w W TVT'V VTTTTVVf U f VS Mansion ^TTT'TTT^ A A Inn A. A A. COCHITUATE A.A.A.A. MASS. A TelefDhone NATICK 8146 A.A.^^AAAA.A.A.A.A TTT y A A A A.^A.A. DINING and DANCING A. ACCOMMODATING PARTIES OF 2 TO 1000 PERSONS A. ^ ^ Jetticoxil^ ^ A. ^ ^AJLTy^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Caaid ^59 Siiiri^ ^ II ^ f ^ ^ ^shingtonStJnkl^HH ^ rr’T^ ^ f M. T Saturn Woldid SurStorxtgc cind5^>air^ Treniovt Street—Fourth Shop South from West Street I'oirct Twill — navy, Hairline checked or New BlackKasha strict- Black or navy twill, >atin faced revers.
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