General Electric lighting special-Ialia- ts dow and. fasten each strand to I' i point out that following Uie floor. Secret of its i architectural lines of your house Is effect is a pair of tt pink co- u::day set root tc::ou placipg " illujtatcd one good guide to follow in lor' reflector bulbs In holders on r aPiSS-M- 4:23-i- ; 10':d Aeta W:M-8- 1. "--"' 108:8-1- ; ; Matthew 6:9 John l;trEoJ"r: ; Pwlm halah vvr indoor .Christmas lights. When the the floor beneath i the tree. Place lights are few and far between, na- the holders in the middle of each turally the effect will be leas spec half 'section of the tree and aim Cclcrcd Limits tacular. than' when they are placed the bulbs Upward. Holders are com. closer together. "''4 . v.' pletely wired and can. be plugged.' Host of us would say, on first Just as no cake lotoka festive with, into the nearest .electrical outlet thought that most houses put their out decorations,' lighted plastic out- For another, Interesting effect, en- best foot forward, during the sunv door, lamp posts extend ah twine strings of Christmas 'lights ' mer when grass Is green and flow? greeting at the; doorway. into the tinsel strands for 'a lighted era .blooming, but there's no time Ap outdoor weatherproof spotlight tree, effect' Of course, you can al- - of year 'when your house can look concealed in shrubbery .adds high- ways use your regular Christmas prettier than , when it's .lighted up lights and shadows to the doorway. tree In the center of the window. I ' for the holidays. , " A Jolly illuminated walking San- ' Actually, no one '. would really ta completed with toy pack adds his InC: 1939 the. Navy had only choose between summer beauty and own merry touch to the setting. destroyers SO in the Atlantic and . holiday festivity, but, the summer Today are .As pretty as' it is practical is the 50. in the Pacific.' there on Mara hill, in Athens; and picture does offer a practical light 125 destroyers In. the Pacific alone. Jesus went up Into a mountain and Hi Sitting by a well in Samaria, Jesus Paul stood tinsel tree in a picture window. "Lift up your eyes on high, and behold ing suggestion.; Use snapshot, ot ? 1941, U S. asked Him ' talked to a woman of the country., She preached to the people about "the Un- a On December 7th, the who hath created these things, that disciples came to Him. They to .you pray, and answered,.;, asked Him where men should worship. known God" to whom they had raised your house help guide In Pretty from outdoors as well as had 54 destroyers In the Pacific brtng-et- out host, by number Ha how they ahould He - their an altar. He told them of God and HH putting' up- Christmas decorations. indoors this "flat up against the leei. loaay were are calleth them all by name ny Uie great "After this manner , therefore pray ye: anq ho answered, is a epinmna f worship Son, Jesus Christ, our Saviour.' Look' over the wide variety of ready, space Navy hunter-kill-er . He is atrongv Our Father which art m Heaven. Hal. they , that worship Him must window" tree saves precious A unit con.' nessof for that MEMORY VERSE John 4:24.; J made lighted decorations and, as you , powir.S-Isa- Thy name. 8:9. Him In spirit and in truth." in the living room,. Simply" string iah 40:28. lowed be Wojw n ' j study ;.your house, visualize he strands of colored tinsel over a planes to seek out enemy subma- - . '. .From a table tree in the living items in your setting, Jt's much more hook at the center top of the win rlnes, and destroyers to Sink tbem.' Woman's Auxiliary room, Mrs. Wallace acted as Santa comfortable than standing outdoors Claus, remembering each of her while you gaze at your abode, t';.; -- 'v guest with a special gift Along with 4'"' Vk , 6 I , 4 , J Ices Christmas If r r' ft -- the gifts for each other as they ing moulded with the ejniamvMJle Pearsall's Chapel motif, coffee, cake and most attrac Mews bad drawn names for their annual tive miniature 'Christmas' tree nut Auxiliary tree treat. The Woman's of Pear. ,y cups filled with nuts, mints jand top. Chapel W. B. Church met icirrMfN ELERY P. GUTHRIE, Society Editor - Phone 2122 sail's F. Mrs. Vance Gavin and Mrs. J. O. ped with : a snow man as favors Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Carl ' Stokes assisted the hostess in serv- - for the guest, , day. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Powell, with thirteen members Personals Mrs. Robert Hollingsworth and Johnson. present. Mrs. O. R. Blizzard pre- Mrs. Leo Jackson shopped in Gold-sbor- o Miss Millie Burch, Womans sided over the meeting and gave ses- Mrs. A, J. Patterson , and daughter Thursday. College, Greensboro, Mips Sallie the devotional. A short business Yvonne- and Miss Carol Faye Bur- Cpl. Jimmie Johnson of Fort Newton, Francis Patterson, Sarah sion was held. Officers for the gess shopped in Kinston Wednes Eustice, Va. spent sometime with West Outlaw sot Meridith College; coming year were elected. Brinson Vestal, Timmie Outlaw, Mrs. Willard Brown was in charge Steve Gooding of State College of the program. The subject for this looooeooooooooooooooooooo Kaleigh; Ventress Daughtry, Ray month was: His Command My Bell, Jimmy Bowden of East Car- Task To Love. Those taking olina, Greenville; Miss Jene Quinn, part in the program were Mrs. D. , Red Springs; Flora McDonald F. Chambers, Miss Cora Wells, Mrs. ADD TO MANY GOOD Jessie Hall, Campbell, Buise Creek; Thay Blizzard and Mrs. Carl Pow- OUR MANY, fi are home for the holidays with their ell. respective parents. During the social hour each mem- WISHES OF PAST YEARS, A MILLION 8 Mrs. Lloyd Farrell and Mrs. ber received a gift fn?m her "twin Sallie Aldridge shoped in Goldsboro sister." The hostess served sandwich- MORE GOOD WISHES AND YOU HAVE Wednesday. es, cookies, Christmas candy and - B. J- visited ENCORE; A MERRY, MERRY CHRIST- Mrs. Rivenbark her drinks. .Jl-'AL- husband who is a patient in the THAT WE CAN. WISH FOR VOU Veterans Hospital, Fayetteville. THIS VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS. Cadet Earl Martin of McCallie Baptist Church OF DAY g ar- MAS. MAY THE JOYS THE j 1 School, Chatanooga, Tenessee ffi 0 All rived Thursday to spend the holi- and Mr. LUBY Jf days with his aunt uncle, Entertains League BE YOURS TODAY AND ALWAYS. f BELL MOTOR C0. r and Mrs. C. B. Guthrie. Mrs. J. O. Stokes and Mrs. C. B. The Women of the Baptist Church Guthrie shopped in Goldsboro, were hostesses on Saturday eve- S MT. OLIVE, N. C. ft Wednesday. ning at the Woman's Club build- Mrs. Florence Currie shopped in ing to the members of the League, Wallace Tuesday afternoon. their leaders and college boys and Mrs. Wiley Booth shopped in Wil- girls who are home for the holidays. WHITE'S STORES, INC. ' mington Thursday. Holly, Magnolia leaves and candles 1 Bill Martin, Renselear Polenvtee were used throughout the room. J Institute, Troy, New York Is spend- Miss Mae Hager led the group in ing the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. many games and contests. Music by MT. OLIVE, N. C. C. B. Guthrie. recordings was enjoyed also. tit!' Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wallace had Mrs. Amos Brinson assisted by as their guest Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Stokes and Mrs. Jack Mrs. Norman McKenzie and son Brinson served punch, nuts, holi- Pete, Mrs. Robert McKenzie and day cookies and candy. o o daughter, Kathy and Mr. and Mrs. Marine of Wilmington. BANK OF MT. OLIVE g Mr. and Mrs. Ed Simpson and Lanefield HDC Has o son Burke are spending the holi- o days with their parents in Roanoke IV o "Make Our Bank Your Bank" Rapids. Christmas Party q q Mrs. J. O. Stokes and Mrs. J. B. ,JkJ..sdJ1' O O Wallace shopped in Wallace Friday The Lanefield Home Demonstra- qMT. OLIVE CALYPSO O afternoon. tion Club held its annual Christmas 5 r Mr. Amos Q. Brinson and Mr. Ed- party at the home of Mrs. Henry o die Qninn were ushers in the wed- Middleton o nThursday evening. eoooooooooooooooooooooooi ding of Hal Quinn, spent Friday and Berries, greenery and a beautiful Saturday as Hal's guests in More-hea- d tree gave Christmas cheer to the City. Mrs. Amos Brinson. Mrs. home. David Williamson and Robert Mrs. Clarence Murphy led the Franklin Williamson attended the group in singingv Carols, telling the wedding on Saturday afternoon. story of music and how it should be encouraged in the homes and com- munities. Various contests suggest- 1954 Mrs. Gavin Hostess ive of Christmas were enjoyed by the guests, with Mrs. Harriet Phil- To all our friends, lips and Mrs. Jim Fulford winning Circle 2 For Dinner the prize. ' 'Ma Mrs .Annie Mae Quinn gave an " r3 A both old and new. 157. I The members of Circle No. 2 interesting reading on family home I QA I were guest of Mrs. Vance Gavin at lie. Mrs. Henry Middleton had the a turkey dinner on Monday even- devotions, reading the collect as a ing at the Kenansville Cafe. benediction. The tables were most attractive Santa Claus cai'rte hi person and POWELLS DRESS SHOP 1 with napkins and decorations carry, gave each guest a gift tinder the ing out the Christmas motif. An tree.
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