UK £2 Issue 246, Year 5 March 1, 2020 EU €2.50 www.thearabweekly.com The threat Israeli The passing of the rar right elections of Hosni Mubarak Pages 7,19 Pages 2,15 Page 11 Arab world braces for effects of coronavirus outbreak Much of the wariness was spurred by the seemingly uncontrolled situation in Iran, one of the epicentres of the global crisis. Mahmud el-Shafey and a deputy health minister have tested positive for the virus. The BBC’s Farsi service reported a death London toll of 210, much higher than the of- ficial toll of 34. ith the coronavirus epi- Harith Hasan, a senior fellow at demic spreading quick- the Carnegie Middle East Centre, ly outside China, many said there is a region-wide prob- countries in the Middle lem of readiness to cope with the Questions about Iran. Worshippers wearing masks sit in the courtyard of the shrine of Imam Ali in W (AFP) East and North Africa braced for the outbreak. “In most countries of the the Iraqi central city of Najaf. effects of the outbreak within their region, you have the problem of own borders. Much of the wariness states functionality. In some coun- the risk of broad contamination said: “We still need time in order to Experts said the outbreak would was spurred by the seemingly un- tries, it is failed states and inability than Saudi Arabia’s decision to sus- assess the magnitude of this shock.” add pressure on the sorely tested controlled situation in Iran, one of to provide societies with a consid- pend the umrah. It is not known “The economic situation in most medical infrastructure of the re- the epicentres of the global crisis. erable degree of governance, com- what decision Riyadh will take on of the region’s countries has been gion. They warned that wars and Several Middle Eastern countries, petence and performance,” he said. the annual haj, which is the sin- worsening in the last few years,” upheaval in many parts of the re- including Oman, Iraq, Kuwait, Leb- Elie Abouaoun, director of the gle largest gathering of humanity. Hasan said, adding that govern- gion could adversely affect its abili- anon, Bahrain and Algeria, report- MENA Programme at the United This year’s haj is scheduled for July ments in Lebanon, Iraq and Yemen ty to cope with the global epidemic. ed cases of coronavirus infection, States Institute of Peace, described 28-August 2. could face particular problems. Although he acknowledged that most involving people who had the general response across the Restrictions are having a major ef- Fears over how an outbreak would “in some cases, ongoing military travelled from Iran. region as “relatively poor,” due fect on everyday life in the region. affect tourism revenues were ris- conflicts can hinder contingency Despite Iranian officials’ attempts to “lack of preparedness.” He ac- Iraq and Lebanon announced the ing. The World Travel and Tourism planning efforts,” Abouaoun said to downplay the seriousness of the knowledged that problems of gov- closure of schools for at least a week. Council estimated that the epidem- there is a need for “concerted in- health crisis in the country, the epi- ernance faced by many regional There is concern in the region ic would cost global tourism $22 bil- teragency response that includes demic was spreading there; with at countries “are certainly more seri- about the likely economic effects lion. The effect of travel disruptions awareness, data-driven public least two senior officials infected ous in Iran.” of the outbreak. China has strong will be especially felt by MENA communication, more effective and a mortality rate much higher States in the region instituted trade, energy and business ties to economies, such as Saudi Arabia, border and travellers management than in other countries. travel restrictions to slow the the region. As more flight bans are Tunisia, Morocco and Egypt, that and providing quick and effective Tehran has faced criticism for its spread of the outbreak. Measures announced and economic uncer- rely on travel and tourism. health care to patients.” handling of the outbreak. Iranian included stopping flights and re- tainty increases, the price of oil is In Saudi Arabia, haj and umrah MP Ahmad Farahani publicly ac- stricting travel, especially from Iran also forecast to tumble. visitors provide an estimated $12 Mahmud el-Shafey is an cused the country’s Health Minis- and China. Jihad Azour, director of the Inter- billion a year of income to the Saudi Arab Weekly correspondent try of covering up the true number However, nothing illustrated national Monetary Fund’s Middle GDP, around 20% of the kingdom’s in London. of cases. An Iranian vice-president more the alarm in the region about East and Central Asia Department, non-oil GDP and 7% total. P3,6,14,17 Turkish impasse in showdown with Russia over Syria endgame Thomas Seibert in the conflict, signalled its readi- Mike Pompeo said Washington was NATO’s support remains lim- Assad’s troops were withdrawing ness instead to drive a wedge be- “reviewing options to assist Turkey ited. Asli Aydintasbas, a senior fel- from Idlib after Erdogan warned of tween Turkey and Russia and to against this aggression as we seek low with the European Council on major military action by Turkey af- Istanbul extract concessions from Ankara. to prevent further Assad regime Foreign Relations, said the alliance ter he set a deadline of February 29 US Ambassador to NATO Kay Bai- and Russian brutality and allevi- might offer Ankara “plenty of moral for such a Syrian forces retreat. urkey is scrambling to find ley Hutchison said: “I hope that ate the humanitarian suffering in support” but “no one wants to get In a nod to Russia’s key role in a way out of the strategic President Erdogan will see that we Idlib.” militarily entangled with Russia.” Syria, Erdogan consulted with Pu- dead end that it thrust it- are the ally of their past and their However, a US State Department This, she added, meant that “Er- tin by phone and agreed to travel to T self into in Syria with little future and they need to drop the official explained that Washington dogan will have to fix this with Pu- Moscow in the coming days. tangible support from the West and S-400.” was looking urgently to support An- tin.” coming near a direct confrontation Following a telephone call be- kara in Idlib with information-shar- In a move showing its low expec- with Russia. tween US President Donald Trump ing and equipment. Any assistance tations from Europe, Turkey threat- There is little sign that Ankara has relied on Russia to and Turkish President Recep Tayy- would not involve military action ened to go back on a deal with the Moscow is willing to secure core goals, such as ending ip Erdogan, US Secretary of State by American units. European Union and open the accommodate Turkish Kurdish self-rule in northern Syria, floodgates of refugees. calls for a ceasefire and a but finds itself in a deadly show- Ankara is looking for ways to deal no-fly zone. down with Russia-backed forces of with the critical fracture with Rus- Syrian President Bashar Assad in sia over the endgame. Burhanettin Fighting in Idlib continued to Idlib province. There is little sign Duran, a member of Erdogan’s for- inflict losses on Turkey. Another that Moscow is willing to accom- eign policy advisory council, said Turkish soldier was killed and two modate Turkish calls for a ceasefire Russia appeared no longer interest- were wounded in shelling by Syrian and a no-fly zone. ed in working with Turkey in Idlib government forces, the Turkish De- Moscow controls the airspace or other regions in northern Syria fence Ministry said. over Idlib, denying Turkish and occupied by Turkey. “It is becoming clear that Turkey anti-Assad rebels in the province “Moscow’s escalation suggests cannot save itself from this self- much-needed air support. Russian that it does not want Turkey to play inflicted crisis in Syria,” Huseyin President Vladimir Putin cooper- a role in Syria’s political transition,” Cicek, a political scientist and ex- ated with Turkey in Syria in recent Duran wrote in a column for the pert on religion and politics at the years but is now apparently keen to pro-government Daily Sabah news- Department of Islamic-Theological end the war with a victory by Assad paper. “It seems that Russia wants Studies at Austria’s Vienna Univer- in Idlib, the last rebel stronghold, a withdrawal of Turkish troops sity, said by e-mail. “Even though which would seal a major foreign from the remaining safe zones that Russia has been targeting Turkish policy triumph for Russia. Ankara liberated from terrorist troops and its partners, Turkey is Shocked by the death of more groups.” going out of its way not to provoke than 50 of its soldiers in Idlib in less Turkish officials blamed Syrian Russia too much. than a month, Turkey turned to Eu- forces — and not Russian fighter rope and the United States for help. jets — for the death of Turkish sol- Thomas Seibert is an Arab Weekly Washington, clearly not inter- Dead end. Turkish troops patrol in the town of Atareb in the diers. Despite belligerent rhetoric correspondent. ested in getting directly involved rebel-held western countryside of Syria’s Aleppo province. (AFP) from Ankara, there was no sign that P2,10,16 2 March 1, 2020 Top news As strategy in Syria founders, Israelis prepare to vote after campaign courted settlers, Turkey uses refugee card provoked Arab minority to pressure the West The Arab Weekly staff paign.
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