Government of West Bengal Office of the Block Development Officer Berhampore :: Murshidabad. Phone No.: (03482) 252'656 E-Mail: bdoberhampore@gamil'com FAX: (03482) 252-656 DER II OTrcE I UVITING PRE.QUALI FI CATION.CU M.TEN (TWO COVER SYSTEM) NOTICE INVITING e-TENDER NO. 02/B,D.O,/Berhampore of 2015'16 sea-led For and on behalf of the Block Development officer,Berhampore Development Block invlt_es percentage Rate Tenders for following-work by two cover system up to 13 hours O8'O6'2O15'Pre- documents in ,. cover and bid document with Schedule rate in another cover eualification ""p*.L out in Pre- are to be submitted by the bonafide outsiders who satisfy the terms and conditions set alification document. Name of Work Estimate Cost C"*pT-l S1 of etion No d Cost (Rs.) T.F. Time Rs 60 Days Constructiou of Blach Top Road frorn Bonafide 12,61,1641- 1.2681- Pakuriya S.S.K. to Badarpur Primary Outsiders School , Ilolrza- Shibdanga Badarpur . Vlanindranagar G.P. under Berhampore Block. Frrnd- Art 215(i) & SCA to TSP, Vide IVIerno No- l 1 1 -TDD/l 2S-3 1/2014 dt.- 061 0212015.P.O.-CLrm-D.W.O.. B'C.W., Msd. ( Payment will he made as Per availability of fund & The fund will be I o,ryI"-ttqtrql - -[ rglgelg{"tgry Yq[ qo .r^,0 Construction of boundarY wall of Bonafide | 1,58,3461- 231611- 11sal- Ghasipur Natttnpara Graveyard at vill Outsiders I Gashipur , PO+ PS- Doulatbad , Doulatbad G.P. Dist. Murshidabad. Mouza- ChLrtipur. J,L-133 ,dag no- 1259, 1257 under Berhatnpore Blook.Part- A. Fund- M.A. ( Payment will be made as pgryrql a a_) _ _ it$_gl!y! - 20t 90 days Constructiou ol boundary wall TikTiki Bonafide 16,16.911l- t677 l Para ( Kabarsthan ) Graveyarcl- at ,dag Outsiders no- 31 49,3'7 5A 37 40,37 4 1 .31 42,4382, khatian no- 1449,1540,2190.321 & 1, mouza- Purbauarayanpr"rr,J.L. tto- J 4 village- Tik Tiki Para Dalishirr para r-urder Rajdharpara G.P. under I Murshidabad. Berhan-rpore Block. Dist. I I ,Part- A. Fund- M.A. ( PaYment will n l tr_*e! 9:!rs4y?,,8!!j!" of fu d I Intending bidders may download tender documents f,rom e-procurement portal of our website http://wbtenders"ggv.ln from 25.O5.15 at 17.00 hours to Oat0,6/ 15 up to 13.00 hours.The pre-qualilication and bid documents du11y filled in ail respect should be submitted through On-line only to the block development officer ,Berhampore dev. Block Murshidabad up to 13.00 Hours (as per server clock) O8/O6115 Block Dev officer /E.O BERHAMPORE does not take any responsibility for the delay caused due to non availability of internet connection or traffic Jam etc. Cost of tender papers and earnest money may be remitted through demand draft / pay order issued from any nationalized bank in favour of B.D.O. Berhampore , Murshidabad and aiso to be documented through e- filing .The NIT NO,seriel no and/or UTR NO should be clearly mention on the deposite cha11an. Payment made Otherwise will be rejected. The pre-qualification documents alone will be opened on 09.O6.15 at 14.00 hours,by the Berhampore Block development officer ,Murshidabad BDO in presence of bidder . The financial bid documents of the technically qualified bidders will be opened for evolution and selection Of qualified bidders on L6lQl6l2O15 at 14 hours and the other bid documents will be unopened .no separate intimation will be given for this ,unless the the above date is changed .In case of change of date ,due intimation will be given in News dailies ' No individual intimation wi11be given .Name of the qualified bidders will be displayed in the office notice board. The Block Development Officer, Berhampore Block reserves the right reject or cancel any or all pre- qualification documents and bid document without assigning any reason whatsoever. THE eligibility criteria are given below:- l.)Achieved in any one year during last five years in the same name and style ( excluding current year ) a minimurn Financial turnover at least 5O% (similar nature of work ) of the estimated arnount put to tender . The turn over will be indexed at the rate of 87o for a completed year. Audited Balance sheet of last live financial years (authenticated by a chartered Accoutant)should be submitted for establishing average Annual Turnover in contractual business. 2)The credential should be submitted /uploaded at least 5O % of the amount put to Ttender supported by Final payment Certificate and completion Certificate with in the last 5 years in the same nature /sty1e ol Single work & completed the work successfully. 3)The credential should be in the name & style of the intending tenderer on1y, and not in the name and/or Style of any of the partner. Piease note that , final payment certificate and completion certificate along rvith work order will only be Entertained as CREDENTIAL 4)Income tax return should be submitted /uploaded for the last 3 financial years with the technical bid. 5) Professional Tax receipt challan for the year 2Ol5-2016, latest vat registration certificate , Latest VAT return, Pan card. 6)4. prospective bidder shall be allowed to participate 1n the work either in the capacity of individual or as A partner of affirm .If found to have applied severally in a single work, all his application will be rejected For the work. 7)Each bidder shall submit/upload only one bid in each NIT.A bidder who submits/upload more than One bids for one NIT wili cause the proposal with the bidder's participation to be disqualified' 8)The partnership firm shall upload the registered partnership deep and thy company sha11 furnish the Art'ic1e of Association Memorandurn . 9)lntending labour co-operative societies & un employed Engg. Co- op society should enclose the documents in proof ol their registration & validity To participate in this Tender during the period of deposition of the Tender. 1g)Receipt copy of deposit (cost of tender paper & Earnest money ) challan should be submitted /uploaded with the tender documents. 11)Copies of original documents definlng constitution or legal status. place olregistration , principle of business; Written power of attorney of the signatory ol the bid to commit the bidder. 12)411 the documents in proof of their eligibility IN ORIGINAL need to prodricecl as on 10.O6.15 to 12.06.15 during oflice hour. 13)Information regarding any litigation or arbitration during the last five years in which the bidder is involved , the pat'ties Concerned ,disputed amount ,and the matter. i4)To qualify lor a work of contracts made up of this and other contractors for rvhich bids are invited in the Notice of Inviting Tender ,the bidder must demonstrati having experience and resources sufficient to meet the aggregate The qualifying criteria for the individual contracts. 15)The scope of sub contracting ls not allowed strictly by anyway. Action may be taken if theY have: and attachments submitted in proof (i) Made misleading orfalse representations in the forms, statements, affiCavits false/fake documents(s) of the qualification requirements; and/or record of submission of any completing the contract,inordinate delays in completion litigation (ii)Record of poor performance such as abandoning the works , not properly ' History or financial failure etc' high or low bid prices and could not furnish rational (iii) participated in the previous bidding for the same work and had quoted unreasonably justification for to the employer . the bidding documents by issuing addenda ' 17) Before the dead line for submission of bids,the Employer may modify sBD) theamountof earnestmoneyis2%oftheestimatedcostof 18) AffidavitattestedbyNotarypublicshouldbesubmitted/uploadedwiththe w.B building and tender documents (format enclosed other each work .All duties, taxes Royalties, cess, (including l-% cess under construction for leaves payable by the ments & condition of services ) Act 1996) toll taxes, and other construction for each workers .(regulation of employ- price be included in the rates ,Prices and total bid contract to the state /central Government for any other cause ,shall contractor under the condition of seruice ) other construction workers (Regulation of Emplovments & submitted by the bidder. 1% cess under w.B Buildinq and bills' Welfare cess Act, 1996 will be deducted from the runnins rgl or"*ing of work available in this Office during Office hour' will not be ordinarily entertained. zoi nny rate above 5% of the schedule rate of work about judge local condition form all corners and plea/complain tender the contractor must visit the work site to the 21) Before submiSsion of the position of the work site' presumed that the agency offered the tender after reviewing entire the site will be entertained afterwards. lt will be cost and supplied by the successful tenderer at his own plants and implement required for the work are to be arranged ' 22) All working tools and Rules' 1972 as will be provisions of west Bengal contrac't labour (Regulation and Abolition) 23) The successfultenderer will have to abide by the produced by the contractor payment will liable to be with hel' force form time to time. lf no labour License is obtained and of work by the own cost of Agency' 24) A Signboard should be hanged in the work site with details of the proposed work before quoting their rates' The intending bidders are requested to inspect the work site alignmeni Technical proPosal- following further two covers (folders) The technical proposal should contain scanned copies of the A-1. Statutory cover containing pad must be submitted'( see -B' form-1) i) Pre qualification APPlication in owned letter Head ( format enclose with SBD marked as ii) Affidavit should be submitted with the tender document annexed- Y) ,Fr ,^\ - - ^-^-^-it^A .
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