September 22, 2019 Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time PARISH PRIESTS AND DEACONS Rev. James Bachner………………...………….Pastor Rev. Gary Oehmler…………………………...…..Senior Parochial Vicar Rev. Fernando Torres…………………………..Parochial Vicar Mr. Mark S. Bibro…………………………..Deacon Mr. Thomas O’Neill………………………Deacon Mr. Gustavo Rodrigues-Perez…………Deacon (Diocese of Metuchen NJ) Our Website: www.stteresakolkatapgh.org Parish Office 1810 Belasco Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15216 Parish Ministry/Office……..412-531-2135 Parish Fax ……….…............412-531-8543 Parish E-Mail ……….…[email protected] Faith Formation Offices and Program Sites Nancy Spinneweber, Director of Faith Formation for Children English Programs (CGS/CCD) [email protected] St. Catherine Site / 412-531-2135 ext. 20 1810 Belasco Ave, Pgh, PA 15216 St. Pius X Site / 412-563-0858 2690 Waddington Ave, Pgh, PA 15226 Marina Osthoff, Director of Faith Formation for Children Spanish Program (CGS) [email protected] Working Together to Live St. Catherine of Siena Site / 412-531-2135 ext. 23 the Gospel Message Patty Schwerin– (English) Director of Evangelization, Adult Faith Diocesan Victim Assistance Formation and Protecting God’s Children [email protected] Hotline: 1-888-808-1235 412-563-1588 Coordinator: 412-456-3093 Chelo Cruz-Martinez– (Spanish) Director of Evangelization and Child Abuse Hotline Adult Faith Formation 412-531-2135 ext 22 1-800-932-0313 Page Two Horario de Misas en Español St. Teresa of Kolkata Parish 1810 Belasco Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15216 Beechview Domingo, a la 12:30pm Centro Parroquial:………………….412-531-2135 Fax:………………….…….…………412-531-8543 Horario de Misas en Ingles: Oficina de Formación de Fe Hispana: 412-531-21-35 Ext. 23 Vigilia del Sábado: 4:00 pm Domingo: 10:30 am Personal de la Parroquia Misa los Lunes, Miércoles, Viernes: 8:30am Pastor— Padre James Bachner Días Santos: Día: 7:00PM Vicario Parroquial — Padre Fernando Torres Vicario Parroquial — Padre Gary Oehmler Diácono — Rev. Sr. Thomas O’Neill VIRGEN PEREGRINA: Si desean que nuestra virgen los Diácono— Rev. Sr. Mark Bibro acompañe a su casa por una semana para orar con ella, favor de anotar su nombre y numero de telefono en una hoja que se Ministerio Hispano 412.531.2135 encuentra a la entrada de la iglesia. Padre Fernando Torres MISAS MARIANAS EN EL MES DE SEPTIEMBRE: Consuelo Cruz-Martinez-Directora de Evangelización & Celebraremos la misa mariana de: Directora de Formación de Fe Hispana 412.531.2135 ext. 22 *Nuestra Señora de la Merced (Perú) el 22 de Septiembre Marina Osthoff- Directora del Programa de Formación de SANTO ROSARIO- Estaremos rezando el Santo Rsario Fe para Niños en Español. 412.531.2135 ext. 23 todos los domingos a las 11:40 am en la iglesia. Nota: los domingos en los que hay bautizo en la Iglesia, el rosario se Bill Scott-Director de Música Latina rezará en el edificio de catequesis (oficina de la entrada). Latino web-page: https://www.stteresakolkatapgh.org/ española-amp-port MATRIMONIO- Si está planeando casarse debe presentar documentación 6 meses antes de la boda. Por favor hablar con el Padre Fernando para coordinar su boda. ¿Qué es alfa? Alpha es una oportunidad para explorar la vida y la fe cristiana en un ambiente amigable, abierto e MISA EN PORTUGUES - Todos están invitados a la misa informal. Comemos juntos, vemos un video y luego nos en portugués la cual se celebra el tercer domingo de cada mes reunimos en pequeños grupos para discutir. a las 6:00PM en nuestra iglesia. ¿Para quién es Alpha? Alpha es para todos. La belleza de Alpha es que no hay preguntas que sean agresivas, dema- INSCRIPCION DE IGLESIA, SACRAMENTO O QUIN- siado tontas o demasiado simples. Alpha no tiene requisitos CEAÑERA - Si desea inscribirse en la iglesia o si tiene ne- previos en absoluto. Nos juntamos como somos, libres para cesidad de un bautizo, quinceañero u otro sacramento por ser nosotros mismos. Comenzamos a partir del 10 de octu- favor contacte a Chelo Cruz al 412-531-2135, ext. 22. bre a las 6:30 PM en el Salón Social de la Iglesia de Santa Catalina de Siena 1915 Broadway Avenue, Pittsburgh PA CONVERTIRSE EN CATÓLICO: Tenemos un programa 15216. Para obtener más información, envíe un correo elec- de formacion en la Fe para aquellos que estén interesados en trónico a [email protected] o llame a la convertirse en católicos. RICA (Rito de Iniciación Cristiana rectoría de Santa.Teresa of Kolkata al 412-531-2135. para Adultos). Por favor, quien este interesado, póngase en contacto con Chelo Cruz al 412-531-2135 ext. 22. Tenemos estacionamiento gratuito y mucha comida delici- osa! CENA GRATIS: Proporcionada por la organizacion LOS ESPERAMOS!!! “Living Stones” (Piedras Vivas): Septiembre 22, Ocubre 27, Noviembre 24 y Diciembre 22 de 2 a 6:30pm. CASA SAN JOSE Monica Ruiz-Directora de la Casa San José Localizado: La Sociedad de San Vicente DePaul: Dentro de los límites de nuestra parroquia, hay muchas per- 2116 Broadway Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15216 sonas necesitadas. Esta Sociedad anima a los que pueden [email protected] aportar económicamente, en la segunda colección, el primer Tel- 412-343-3111 Fax- 412-343-3210 domingo de cada mes para ayudar a los necesitados. Para Horario: Lunes a Viernes de 10 am a 5 pm aquellos que quieran ser voluntarios de ayuda o para aquellos en necesidad de alimentos o ayuda financiera por favor lla- men al: 412-370-8936. COMBINED INFORMATION PAGE Page Three Sacrament of Baptism: St. Vincent dePaul Society: Our parish has an active St. Catherine—1st and 3rd Sunday of St. Vincent de Paul Society that helps those in need. the month at 11:30am Please call 412-342-8836 or 412-370-8936 if you Resurrection—2nd, 4th and 5th Sunday of the Month at 12:30pm need assistance. We also need volunteers; please A Baptism preparation session is required for first time contact the Parish Office. baptisms. Please call 412-531-2135 to make arrangements. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Sacrament of Marriage: The Sacrament of Matrimony Monday: Ezr 1:1-6; Ps 126:1b-6; Lk 8:16-18 requires a time of spiritual preparation. Arrangements Tuesday: Ezr 6:7-8, 12b, 14-20; Ps 122:1-5; should be made at least six months before the date by Lk 8:19-21 meeting with the priest and before any social plans are Wednesday: Ezr 9:5-9; Tb:13:2, 3-4abefghn, 7-8; made. Lk 9:1-6 Thursday: Hg 1:1-8; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lk 9:7-9 Sacrament of Reconciliation (CONFESSIONS): Friday: Hg 2:1-9; Ps 43:1-4; Lk 9:18-22 Monday at Resurrection 8:15-8:45am Saturday: Zec 2:5-9, 14-15a; Jer 31:10-12ab, 13; Wednesday at St. Pius X 6:15-6:45pm Lk 9:43b-45 Saturday at St. Catherine’s Noon-12:30pm Sunday: Am 6:1a, 4-7; Ps 146:7-10; 1 Tm 6:11-16; Lk 16:19-31 Becoming a Catholic: We do have a program to instruct those who are interested in becoming Catholic. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) Please contact Patty at 412-563-1588, or email [email protected]. GOD IS ON THE SIDE OF THE POOR Two of today’s readings make it quite clear that God Religious Education: Children of the parish are expected is on the side of the poor. Amos describes in detail the to receive Religious Education in a Catholic school or exploitation of the poor and needy. The psalm repeats that Faith Formation program. For information or to register, God acts to benefit the poor and please contact Nancy in the Faith Formation Office at 412- lowly. But Luke turns things up- 531-2135 / ext. 20, or email [email protected]. side down, telling a tale of a con- flicted steward, about to be fired, Hospitalized Parishioners and Shut-Ins: Please call the who demonstrates his cleverness Parish office if someone in your family is hospitalized or a and is rewarded. Like the commu- shut-in. If a parishioner is not able to attend Mass, the nity to whom Paul writes in Timo- priest and/or Eucharistic Ministers can bring Communion thy, these readings are personal, to the home. directed to believers, members of the Jewish and Chris- tian communities, who struggle to deal with personal Parish Registration: New parishioners are asked to register as choices about how to conduct their lives. They offer an are newlyweds and single young adults even if registered before outline for how God wishes us to live in a world as com- with their families. A registration form can be found on page 6 of plicated and as confusing as our own.Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. this bulletin. FOOD PANTRY: Food pantries serve certain boundaries: -The Brookline Food Pantry is located at 1036 Brookline SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Blvd. 2nd Saturday of Month 9:00-11:00am. Monday: St. Pius of Pietrelcina (Padre Pio); -The St. Catherine Food Pantry is located in the St. Autumn begins Catherine’s School Building on the corner of Crosby and Thursday: Ss. Cosmas and Damian Pauline Avenues. 2nd, and 4th Saturdays 9:30am-11:00am. Friday: St. Vincent de Paul -The St. Pamphilus Food Pantry location is lower back Saturday: St. Wenceslaus; Blessed Virgin Mary level of Church Building 3rd Saturdays 10:00-11:00am. St. Lawrence Ruiz and Companions Beechview Manor: Manager can be reached at 412-571- 2999 or 1926 Pauline Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15216. 300 CLUB WINNERS Creedmoor Court: Manager can be reached at 412-344- 1540 or 1050 Creedmoor Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15226.
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