BOOK REVIEW MARIA INÁCIA REZOLA The double drama Ernesto Melo Antunes, of Ernesto Melo uma biografia * política. Antunes Lisbon, Âncora, 2012, 792 pp. António Reis ISBN 978 972 780 373 6 t the Colloquium on Freedom and Civic Coherence: A The Example of Ernesto Melo Antunes in Portuguese Contemporary History, which took place at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon in November 2009, I commented on the paper presented by Maria Inácia Rezola and noted that her excellent historiographic analy- sis of Melo Antunes’ role in the Portuguese Revolution was a prelude for a first rate biography and that it was high time such a biography was written. Three years later, the biography has been published by Editora Âncora; it is of course a political biography. The author did not know Melo Antunes personally and, in this case, the temporal and even affective dis- tance prove an asset as they permit a more objective analysis. The lack of a The author’s in-depth knowledge of the personal interview with Melo Antunes history of the 25th April Revolution, of has been overcome by drawing on the PREC and of the Revolutionary Council interviews he granted during his life- are, in fact, of greater importance than time; the following interviews stand out personal acquaintance, which the cir- in particular: with Maria Manuela Cru- cumstances of life never permitted. It is zeiro for the 25th April Documentation this knowledge that makes the author Centre; with Maria João Avilez for the particularly qualified for a work of such Público newspaper; and with Fátima dimension and scope, even though the Campos for RTP television. In addition, biography obviously spans the period the author had access to Melo Antunes’ from before 1974 and beyond 1976. personal archives which are deposited In fact, the historical biography is a his- in the Torre do Tombo and were made toriographic genre that has regained available by Fernando Melo Antunes. strength in the last twenty five years and RELAÇÕES INTERNACIONAIS SPECIAL ISSUE : 2018 [ pp. 107-113 ] https://doi.org/10.23906/ri2018.sibr04 become increasingly refined. It requires FROM MILTARY OFFICER, OPPOSITION a dialectical interaction between the con- MEMBER AND MAN OF CULTURE text of the era and the subject of the biog- TO MFA REVOLUTIONARY raphy and it cannot be reduced simply to The structure and content of the book are a chronological report of the facts of a of course based on the different dimen- life or limit itself to passively following sions of Ernesto Melo Antunes’ personality the subject’s narratives about him/herself and interventions and these are interwoven or those of his/her contemporaries, no throughout the biographical narrative. matter how important these are. The his- The first part of the book covers the period torian must complete these and even up to 25th April 1974 and focuses on the enhance them with new data and inter- military officer and member of the oppo- pretations collected from the different sition, man of culture and MFA revolution- sources: diverse archives, the press of the ary. Here, the author presents Melo era and interviews with relevant partici- Antunes, part of the 1960s generation, pants in the historical transformations in passionate about the authors and works which the subject of the biography played typically revered by this generation, a leading role. Moreover, when the biog- attracted by existentialists and by Gramsci rapher is constructing the narrative, at and Rocard Neo Marxism, a man who the formal level it is necessary to be able devoured novels and poetry, was in love to separate the essential from secondary with classical music and had a multiplicity information so as avoid going into exces- of cultural interests. This period starts sive details that hamper the desirable flu- with his time at the Army School, where ency. It is also necessary to articulate the Melo Antunes emerged as an avis rara com- chronological thread with the thematic pared to others at the school. But he is construction around the main dimen- also the Melo Antunes who, from a very sions of the subject’s interventions, which young age, sought to reconcile militant sometimes entails advancing and retreat- opposition to the regime with a full mili- ing in time. tary career because he also firmly believed In doing this, the biographer should from early on that the Army was key to the always strive to adopt a discursive style change required in Portuguese society. He that is both rigorous and communicative, expressed this clearly when he spoke to and this is no insignificant challenge. the Cooperative of Studies and Documen- Another such challenge is finding the right tation in 1970 at the invitation of Francisco balance between critical distance and Salgado Zenha, as reported by a PIDE/DGS empathetic intuition, else the biography agent. In fact, it is worth noting here that may take the shape of a hagiography... the archives of the political police are a I finished reading Maria Inácia Rezola’s valuable source to accompany his activity book with the feeling that she was indeed for the opposition in the Azores where his up to the many difficult challenges that candidacy for the Democratic Electoral face the historian-biographer. Commission (CDE) in the 1969 elections RELAÇÕES INTERNACIONAIS SPECIAL ISSUE : 2018 108 was rejected by the military hierarchy in lution in the scope of the MFA/Coordinat- what was blatant discrimination against the ing Commission; as Minister without military candidates of the National Union. Portfolio in the II Provisional Government But this is also the period of the three com- after Spínola opposed his appointment as missions Melo Antunes served in Angola Prime Minister; and in the III Provisional between 1963 and 1973, where he earned Government when he stood out for his the praise and deep admiration of the men presentation of the Economic and Social under his command. António Lobo Antunes Policy Programme (PPES). In this period, testifies to this in the splendid preface he it is important to stress his reservations wrote for this book: “Contrary to what about the MFA/Parties Pact, which he many believed, Ernesto was not a uni- accepted as “the lesser of evils”, and the formed civilian: he was deeply military... in defence of the elections for the Constituent the sense of servitude, camaraderie and Assembly, opposing the blank vote. loyalty. In Angola, Melo Antunes was loved After the elections for the Constituent and respected.” Also for the extreme cour- Assembly (25th April 1975), he expressed age he demonstrated on the front lines of similar reservations about MFA’s Political combat in particularly dangerous areas. Action Plan (PAP), in which it is defined This does not mean that he did not experi- as a “movement for the liberation of the ence and confess to the trauma of feeling Portuguese people” (“I had nothing to do he was fighting on the wrong side, a trauma with the PAP», p. 299). This was followed that was only overcome by the above-men- by the drafting of the Document of the tioned conviction that the revolution origi- Nine (see below the Socialist ideologue nates from within … model), the approximation to PS and the Ernesto Melo Antunes made his cautious question of leadership of the resistance to approximation to the Movement of Cap- Gonçalvism: who created the conditions for tains step by step. It was only in mid Febru- the leadership of whom? He accused Mário ary 1974 that he set his doubts aside and Soares of believing “he and PS were became fully engaged; he made a point of responsible for everything of importance transmitting this decision to me and Sot- that had happened” and did not hesitate tomayor Cardia at a meeting he requested in saying that “what happened in summer at the editorial office of the Seara Nova 1975 was driven by the so-called Group of journal. This was when he became involved Nine much more than by anyone else” in the drafting of the MFA programme (opinion also expressed in the Silva Lopes (inspiration of the opposition experience), interview). At this point, the biographer after the Cascais document (5th March assumes a critical distance and notes the 1974). importance of putting Mário Soares’ and After 25th April 1974, Melo Antunes’ inter- Melo Antunes’ interpretations into per- vention as an MFA revolutionary and polit- spective: “more than attributing a cause- ical strategist intensified. Firstly, in the effect relationship to these two processes immediate aftermath of the 25 April revo- («Socialist challenge-rupture of the nine) The double drama of Ernesto Melo Antunes António Reis 109 one should refer to the development of two standing role was acknowledged from mutually reinforcing parallel projects” various quarters), special advisor to the (p. 327). President of the Republic, Ramalho Eanes, Also of note in this period we find Melo within the CR, and an attentive and critical Antunes’ confrontation with Vasco Gon- voice on the progress of Portugal’s young çalves at the Tancos Assembly; his role in democracy. This was the time of his the attempt to form the Fabian Govern- involvement in the institutional warfare ment; his opposition to the appointment between the Presidency of the Republic of Pinheiro de Azevedo as Prime Minister, and the AD Government but also when he but also his role as mediator (together with took his position on the 1982 constitu- Mário Soares) in the formation of the VI tional revision, minimising the removal of Provisional Government; the return to the the word socialism from Article 2 of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (see foreign Constitution, and welcoming the creation policy below); and, finally, the events of of the Constitutional Court and the Coun- 25th November (opposing a retreat to the cil of State.
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