Common Statistical Packages AccuCon DOS/Windows software for calculating Accurate Confidence intervals for measures of test performance (e.g. sensitivity, specificity, false positive rate, false negative rate, correct classification rate, misclassification rate, etc) Producer: Accumetric Corporation AccuROC DOS/Windows software for nonparametric Receiver Operating Characteristic analysis Producer: Accumetric Corporation ActivStats An introductory statistics course on CD-ROM (for PC and Mac) using a range of multimedia to help students to learn and understand introductory statistics concepts Producer: Data Description Distributor: Interactive Learning Europe (Addison Wesley Interactive outside Europe) AD Model Builder PC software for the development and fitting of nonlinear statistical models; includes support for Bayesian models including Markov chain Monte Carlo calculations and profile likelihood calculations for parameters of interest. Producer: Otter Research Ltd AMOS Structural modelling program for Windows Producer: SmallWaters Corporation Analyse-It An add-in for Microsoft Excel, providing better data analysis (this replaces the previous add-in, Astute) Producer: Analyse-It Software Ltd. Anima-LP Free Macintosh and Java application for teaching non-technical students linear programming Arcus Quickstat (Biomedical) PC software offering advice on experimental design, analysis and interpretation for the novice, and a statistical toolbox of commonly used methods for the more experienced statistician Producer: CamCode Distributor: Research Solutions AssiStat Designed to perform secondary kinds of specialised analysis usually unavailable in standard packages without additional programming. Developed to complement other primary data analysis packages. Producer: MicroMetrix Distributor: MicroMetrix Developer: John Haymaker Autobox Windows and DOS forecasting software Producer: Automatic Forecasting Systems Axum for Windows Technical graphics and data analysis Producer: MathSoft Distributors: Adept Scientific, Clecom [B/D] - The Bayes Linear Programming Language Free interactive programming language for Windows, allowinga priori and diagnostic analyses of Bayes linear statisticalproblems BKD - Bayesian Knowledge Discoverer Free Mac/Unix software able to learn Bayesian Belief Networks (BBNs) from(possibly incomplete) databases, based on the 'Bound and Collapse' estimation method. BMDP PC software with a comprehensive library of over 40 statistical routines Producer: SPSS Inc Distributors: Statistical Solutions Ltd, Clecom BUGS Bayesian inference Using Gibbs Sampling; UNIX, DOS and Windows, freely downloadable on the Web C-FIT Windows software for fitting probability distributions to data; free demo downloadable ConStatS Windows software for conceptualizing statistics, covering introductory topics. Producer: Curricular Software Studio Supplier: Prentice Hall CrashCourse in Statistics Interactive multimedia CD-ROM for Windows, providing a self-teaching statistics tool. Includes a limited version of SigmaStat Distributor: Clecom, SPSS Science CrossGraphs Multidimensional data visualization and graphical reporting software Producer: Belmont Research C-Stat Windows software for medical and scientific research, and as an introduction to statistical analysis with no previous experience needed Distributor: Cherwell Scientific Publishing CycDesigN Windows software for the generation of optimal or near-optimal experimental designs, linked closely to the book "Cyclic and Computer GeneratedDesigns" by J.A. John and E.R. Williams and able to generate the majority of thedesign classes discussed there Data Desk An interactive data analysis and statistics package for the Mac and PC, emphasizing visual, interactive tools for finding patterns, trends, subgroups and outliers Producer: Data Description Distributors: Interactive Learning Europe DBMS/COPY A data conversion tool for moving data between software packages Producer: Conceptual Software, Inc. DISCUS A set of Excel spreadsheets for teaching DOE Windows/Mac software for design of experiments Producer: Stat-Ease Corporation EasyPlot Windows program for plotting scientific data Producer: Spiral Software Distributor: Cherwell Scientific Publishing EDGAR - Experimental Design Generator And Randomiser On-line software to randomise simple experimental designs EESEE Electronic Encyclopedia of Statistical Examples and Exercises, for Windows/Mac An Electronic Companion to Statistics Windows/Mac CD-ROM package with accompanying book, which aims to provide students with the numerical skills and basic concepts necessary for statistical thinking; there are also versions for Business Statistics and Biostatistics Producer: Cogito Learning Media Distributor: Oxford University Press ENVI - Environment for Visualizing Images Unix, Windows and Mac software for analysing spatial data and remote sensing imagery; free viewer available to download EnvironmentalStats for S-Plus Windows/Unix add-on module to S-Plus for performing graphical and statistical analyses of environmental data Producer: Probability, Statistics & Information (PSI) Epi Info Free word-processing, database and statistics PC software aimed at public health professionals Related: Brixton Books Epi-Info site ESS Emacs Speaks Statistics - a programming and inferior mode package for (X)Emacs intended for interacting with statistical software packages(primarily S(plus), R, XLisp-Stat, and SAS), for data analysis and statistical software development Excel spreadsheet package for Windows Producer: Microsoft Article: May 1996 Related: Unofficial Excel Page, Analyse-It, DISCUS, Unistat, xlSTAT, XLSTATS Execustat a DOS-based statistical package designed for use by individuals with a limitedamount of statistical training (aimed at managers); covers summary statistics, tabulation, model-building, quality control and forecasting Producer: Statistical Graphics Corporation FigP for Windows Graphical software for the analysis and presentation of data; free demo available First Bayes Free Windows package for teaching elementary Bayesian Statistics GASP - Globally Accessible Statistical Procedures Statistical routines available directly over the Web Genstat GENeral STATistical system for Windows, Unix and VMS, with a high-level programming language and library of user-written procedures, plus a menu system Distributor: NAg (Numerical Algorithms Group) Ltd Related: StatLib's Genstat archive -UK site, US site GLIM Generalised Linear Interactive Modelling Distributor: NAg (Numerical Algorithms Group) Ltd Related: StatLib's GLIM archive -UK site, US site Hyperstat Combined data analysis, hypertext book and interactive simulation/data analysis exercises, for the Mac IDL Interactive Data Language (IDL) for Unix, Windows and Mac; software for data analysis, visualization and application development, which includes advanced image processing, interactive 2D and 3D graphics, volume visualization, a high-level programming language, integrated mathematics and statistics, flexible data I/O, a cross-platform GUI toolkit, and program linking tools. Producer: Research Systems InStat DOS and Mac analysis software for laboratory or clinical scientists analyzing small datasets Producer: GraphPad Software INSTAT Downloadable shareware DOS package for interactive dataanalysis in teaching and research: has many facilities for analysing climatic data Supplier: Statistical Services Centre, University of Reading Java Applets in Statistics Links to on-line routines for various statistical techniques. JMP Interactive exploratory data analysis software for Mac and Windows Producer: SAS Institute Article: The Magic of Wizards Kwikstat DOS software for data analysis and graphs Producer: TexaSoft Distributors: ElectronArt Design LernSTATS A learning program for statistics A german link to on-line learning approaches to concepts in statistics Lisp-Stat Free Lisp-based software for Mac, UNIX and Windows, for data analysis, statistical instruction and research, with emphasis on dynamic graphical methods Related: StatLib's XlispStat archive -UK site, US site MacAnova Free interactive program for statistical analysis and matrix algebra, from the University of Minnesota; Mac, DOS and UNIX versions Related: StatLib's MacAnova archive -UK site, US site MANET Interactive graphical analysis of statistical data, with special regard to missing values; free beta version available, for the Mac Mathematica Programming language system for numerical, symbolic, and graphical computations andvisualization; available for Windows, DOS Mac, Unix (Student Edition too) Producer: Wolfram Research Distributors: Timberlake Consultants, Rapid Data MATLAB A language for technical computing that combines numeric computation, basic statistics, advanced graphics and visualization, and a high-level programming language (PC, Mac, Unix). Producer: MathWorks Minitab Easy to use, comprehensive software for analyzing, reporting, and presenting data Producer: Minitab Inc Student Edition: Addison Wesley Longman Related: Minitab Multivariate Macro Library Related: StatLib's Minitab macro archive -UK site, US site MLP Maximum Likelihood Program Distributor: NAg (Numerical Algorithms Group) Ltd MLwiN A visual interface for multilevel modelling; the Windows version of MLn ModelMaker Windows simulation modelling package Distributor: Cherwell Scientific Publishing MODSTAT Low-cost DOS/Windows analysis software offering over 180 statistical tests and routines. MVSP Multivariate statistical package for the PC that performs a variety
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