November 6, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2333 require Zach to travel more than 100,000 prohibit, property owners from modifying their tion of Bienville Square. Mr. Adams was a miles, visit approximately 40 states, and par- property to better prepare for wildfires. Our deacon and lifelong member of First Baptist ticipate in an international experience tour to misguided policies have placed special inter- Church of Mobile. In 1990, he was bestowed Japan. Zach will also be responsible for pro- ests above the all- important right and obliga- the honor of Mobilian of the Year. viding personal growth and leadership training tion of homeowners and property owners to There is no doubt—Mr. N. Q. Adams’ con- for students, setting policies that shape the fu- prepare themselves for natural disasters. We tributions to Mobile and the state of Alabama ture of the organization, and promoting agri- know intrusive and bloated government is al- will be long remembered. He loved life and cultural literacy. ways a problem, but in a fire emergency, it lived it to the fullest, and his passing marks a Currently, Zach attends school at the Uni- can be deadly and destructive. tremendous loss for all of south Alabama. He versity of Missouri in Columbia. There, he is My legislation, the Wildfire Prevention Act, will be deeply missed by many, most espe- involved in many student organizations includ- works by empowering citizens rather than bu- cially his wife of 54 years, Eran Jobe Adams; ing College of Agriculture Student Develop- reaucrats. The Wildfire Prevention Act makes his sister, Dora Lee Davidson; his son, Sam- ment board, MU Alumni Association Student it clear that no Federal law will prevent private uel Russell Adams; his daughter, Laura Aline Board, Agriculture Economics Club, Collegiate property owners, or local communities that Adams; his granddaughter; and his great- Farm Bureau, College of Agriculture Learning manage public land, from clearing brush or grandson; as well as countless friends he Improvement Committee, and the Missouri De- making other modifications to their property for leaves behind. partment of Education Preparatory Taskforce. the purpose of creating fire breaks in order to Our thoughts and prayers go with them all Zach has been very active as a member of protect their lives and their property. in this difficult time. FFA. Over the years, Zach has been involved Madam Speaker, this legislation is a step in he has participated in a Supervised Agricul- the right direction in providing property owners f tural Experience, which required producing with the resources they need to protect them- HONORING LARRY MCCARTHY and selling registered Angus seed stock bulls. selves. I am proud to introduce the Wildfire Zach was also selected as a state winner and Prevention Act and request my colleagues national semi-finalist in prepared speaking, give this important legislation their utmost con- HON. GEORGE RADANOVICH and was named State Star in Agricultural sideration. OF CALIFORNIA Placement. f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Madam Speaker, I proudly ask you to join Tuesday, November 6, 2007 me in commending Zach Kinne for his accom- HONORING THE MEMORY OF NON plishments with the Future Farmers of Amer- QUINCY ADAMS Mr. RADANOVICH. Madam Speaker, I rise ica and for his efforts put forth in achieving the today to honor a great Californian. Larry highest distinction of President for the 2007– HON. JO BONNER McCarthy has served as president of the Cali- 2008 calendar year. OF ALABAMA fornia Taxpayers’ Association since 1989, building the association into a powerful force f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for the taxpayers of the Golden State, and INTRODUCTION OF THE WILDFIRE Tuesday, November 6, 2007 conducting detailed policy research that has PREVENTION ACT Mr. BONNER. Madam Speaker, the city of helped shaped the laws of my great State. Mobile and indeed the entire state of Alabama Larry McCarthy has advocated on behalf of HON. DUNCAN HUNTER recently lost a dear friend. I rise today to taxpaying residents and entrepreneurs as OF CALIFORNIA honor him and pay tribute to memory of Mr. president of the California Tax Foundation and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Non Quincy Adams. as chairman of the National Taxpayers Con- A native and resident of Mobile, Mr. Adams ference, a nationwide organization of state Tuesday, November 6, 2007 graduated from Murphy High School and at- taxpayer associations. Larry also was the lead Mr. HUNTER. Madam Speaker, today I am tended Millsaps College in Jackson, Mis- advocate and strategist for two $300 million introducing legislation that will significantly en- sissippi. During World War II, he served in the unemployment insurance tax reductions in the hance the ability of the American people to U.S. Navy in the Pacific theater of operation early 1980s and a complete refinance of the protect their homes and property from dan- aboard the USS George Clymer and attained California unemployment insurance system in gerous wildfires. This crucial legislation will the rank of lieutenant junior grade. 1985. Larry also played a major role in augment our fire emergency preparedness by After the war, he received degrees in busi- strengthening the economy, helping busi- eliminating burdensome government rules and ness and law from the University of Alabama. nesses prosper and creating new employment regulations rather than creating new ones. Starting his career as a teenager with First opportunities for Californians. More and bigger government is not the solu- National Bank in 1940, he returned to Mobile As research director of Cal-Tax, he super- tion to the challenges we face and my legisla- after college to practice law. Over the years, vised extensive research projects on local tion gives the American people the opportunity he held positions in the trust and commercial government finance in California, winning a to take the initiative in protecting themselves areas. During the 1970s, Mr. Adams rose national award for research on the use of ben- and their property. through the ranks to become a member of the efit assessments in California after passage of We have all witnessed the destruction and board of directors. Later, he became president Proposition 13. Early in his career in California devastation wrought by the recent fires in and in just 4 years, chief executive in 1982. and in Washington State, Larry McCarthy au- southern California. According to the latest re- After the bank merged with AmSouth Bank, he thored publications called Citizens Guide to ports, 518,021 acres have burned and over was named chairman of AmSouth’s Southern Local Government Budgeting to help individ- 3,500 structures have been damaged or de- region. uals become involved in the complicated stroyed. Thousands of families are now left In 1974, he was elected to the board of di- budget processes of cities, counties and homeless and hundreds of thousands more rectors of Loyal American Life Insurance Co., school districts. were forced to evacuate their homes as the and he later became the chairman and chief Larry’s success as the leader of Cal-Tax is fires threatened. While our brave first respond- executive officer of the Modern Banking Asso- reflected by the dedication and devotion of his ers performed as outstandingly in this crisis as ciation of Alabama. In 1988, Mr. Adams ran staff, the majority of whom have served with we have come to expect, these events have for a seat on the Mobile County school board him for more than 20 years. He has also dis- made it increasingly clear that our government and served a term as the District 2 commis- tinguished himself as a strong family man, has not been providing citizens with the tools sioner. He also served as a director of both dedicated to his wife, Sandy, and their three necessary to protect themselves and has re- the Industrial Development Board of the city of children, Steven, Michelle and Christine. lied excessively on a large and unresponsive Mobile and the Business Council of Alabama. Madam Speaker, Larry McCarthy is fighting bureaucracy. Along with his business associations, Mr. valiantly against cancer, maintaining his sense I am sad to report that current laws and reg- Adams served as director of the Mobile Area of humor and drawing upon his strong faith in ulations make it difficult, if not altogether im- Council of Boy Scouts and was a trustee of God to battle the disease. The people of Cali- possible, for private property owners to clear the YMCA. He also served as the director of fornia have been blessed to have Larry brush and create fire breaks that might save the Exploreum and was chairman of the Keep McCarthy on their side; we salute him for his their homes in the event of a wildfire. Intrusive Mobile Beautiful Commission. During the dedication to improving California and our Na- federal regulations, such as the Endangered 1980s, he was significantly involved with the tion, and for his achievements on behalf of the Species Act, discourage, and in some cases tree preservation, beautification and revitaliza- hard-working taxpayers of California. VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:10 Nov 07, 2007 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A06NO8.030 E06NOPT1 ccoleman on PROD1PC69 with REMARKS E2334 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 6, 2007 Madam Speaker, I hope you will join me in agencies to ensure the safety and support of RECOGNIZING CAROL GORDY ON extending heartfelt thanks to Larry McCarthy children of incarcerated parents (including THE COMPLETION OF A SUC- for his tremendous contributions to our State those in foster care and kinship care), and CESSFUL YEAR AS 2007 BCA and wish him strength during this difficult time.
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