MU| THEFORDHAM RAM 44-No. 7 Fordham College, New York 58 N~Y TI,.,«J TZ ,„ ,„,, " "_________ _ 3 ' fT-— Thursday, February 14, 1963 .-•;'• '-., 401 Twelve Pages oph Class Officers Ready Publication For irst Issue of 'States' Will Evaluate 9 idestep USC Action New lampus Mag Fordham 'Self Study The apr. ;arance on campus of new m gazine called Inquiry By CHARLES P. NASTRO was a n r o u n c e d this week RAM Edilor-in-Chiei by the edi |.or, College sophomore Gerry Boe: :aard. The purpose of Fr. Vincent T. O'Keefe, executive vice-president of Ford- the maga, |ine. as stated in its ham University, recently announced the completion of the constitutioi , is: "the presentation University's "Self Study" program. Since 1960 the committee, of commerjtaries on current top- headed by Dr. Francis Donahue, has evaluated the problems th students and pro- that the University is and will be confronted with. iople. Father O'Keefe pointed out that the study was conducted In his statement to The RAM, in conjunction with the Middle • made it clear that In- States Association of College and quiry wou]|d not be covering the Secondary Schools' Commission of interest as the on Institutions of Higher Educa- ie felt that the new tion. ould be filling a need Father further noted that the for a mon complete involvement usual procedure is for a univer- of student) in the issues of the' Ky to be accredited every ten day, from the theater and music years by the Association. Our la-,t to world el: fairs. accreditation was in 1950. Instead HAM photo by Tim Masterstm To be published three times a C JUSTING: Gerry McLaughlin, SG president and college repre- of the usual accreditation proce s year, Inqi liry will present the in 1900, the University and the As- [lallve ID USC, and Ed Piazza, Boarder Council representative, views of " mtstanding protession- discuss issue at hand. sociation agreed on an appraisal al people m topics of interest to of Fordham's "Self Study" and, if A motion to censure and fine the sophomore class officerscollege stu lents," as well as arti- necessary, suggest other solutions cles by sti dents themselves, both to Fordham's problems. Jt a calendar violation was declared unconstitutional by the from Fore ham and from other According to Father O'Keeie 1 llversity Student Council at an emergency meeting held colleges. P . Donald Campion, as- the acceptance of this proposal Inday night. Mike Eaegen, Business School delegate-at- sociate ed tor of "America," has shows the "active confidence" Fr. Vincent T. O'Keefe been advising the magazine's that the Association has in Ford- i;e, cast the sole dissenting vote. will send a team of 12 members staff, currmtly composed of stu- ham. He noted that the question The motion was discarded and the USC adjourned im- to criticize and discuss these prob- dents in tl e College. of accreditation is not the diffi- ediately after the vote was taken. The question of whether lems. culty, for the University is a "well- attire Articles The three problems are: "Should !sophomores actually violated s>- established" institution. "This rel- cause when a third member school As an sample of the maga- Fordharrt Univerity seek to re- I University calendar by chang- atively new idea enables the As- ratifies any amendment, it be- zine's co jtent, Boosgaard cited main in its dynamics of opera- ; iheir scheduled dance to sociation to depart from a sheer comes effective immediately. The several a: cles from the first is- tion, a relatively loose federation |ond Kingston Trio concert on policing organization to a serv- third school to ratify McLaugh- sue, due i campus Mar. 6, Fea- of autonomous schools and col- urday Feb. 10, was left unre- ice organization," he continued. lin's amendment did so on Dec. 5. tured wil be an exclusive inter- leges or can it best achieve its al. Three Problems Jit the outset of Monday night's McLaughlin asserted that Gra- view witl: dramatic soprano Ei- objectives by increased centraliza- feting, Gerry Mclaughlin, Col- vel's motion was unconstitutional leen Farn ., in which she express- In the "Self Study" three prob- tion? What equivalent total en- |i S.G, president, asked that because when a third member es her vi 's on her.profession as lems were selected for the consid- -ollment should Fordham Univer- e motion of Education Student (Continued on Page 9) (Co: inued on Page 2) eration of the Association which sity, under the pressure of college- l president Lou Gravel he age population anticipated in 19G4 (dared unconstitutional. His and thereafter, seek to accommo- m was that it did not con- Subject »/ USC Debate: date? In what areas of graduate to an amendment which studies are Fordham's resources |ws USC the power to declare and obligations such that it can the profits of calendar and should maintain programs at tors. Comes to Fordham the master's and/or doctoral lev- Kingston Trio el?" Risk Profit Loss When the Association's repre- By VINCENT PERKEIXA sentatives arrive on Feb. 24, they |The amendment in question was will meet with an executive com- ]oposcd by McLaughUn and pass- Despite recent complications -••:•' '' mittee comprised of Father ' by USC on Nov. 20 "to give between the sophomore class and ;•; O'Keefe, Fr. William J. Mulcahy, |i constitution some teeth." It the University Student Council, ; ' .' vice-president for business and fi- •»*s that all organizations nance, and Doctor Donohue, and violate the University cnl- the Kingston Trio will appear at o , the "Self Study" advisory com- in holding a social function the University Gym tomorrow . ;: mittee. forfeiting the profits to the night for the first of their two Frank Discussion p-Presldent of Student Per- concerts to be sponsored by the Other members of the Admin- > who in turn would forward :lass of '65. The controversial v ; > istration and faculty will also be 1 to the Jesuit missions. econd concert, will take place on .«'-:il":•'••" invited to attend these sessions. Ora rel asse . '-ted that he did not Saturday night. Feb. 10, also in Father O'Keefe said: "It will be b- nis motion on Mclaughlin's a frank discussion of the prob- the University Gymnasium. • •• ;. 1•Mment, He hcW that Ulis lems of Fordham University." itlmcnt, if applied to the nl- Furthermore, he noted: "The stu- Accordim: to John Conahan, 1 violation, would have been dents should know of this acade- diiector ot ticket sales, all signs .';•• Post facto," since an amend- mic activity of Fordham," which .seem to point to a sell-out, or ;•'•; P docs not become effective the second has been conducted for the past H notice of the necessary rati- n near .sell-out, for three years. 1 s concert, though. final returns of STOX TltlO: John Stcn.ut, Nick lionolds snil I5<il> Sli.-iiir n';' ™ been-recorded in USC rHE On tire final day of their visit, sales are not yet in. Tickets have «• An amcndmei cki, concert chairman, the Bamskeller, and a society Feb. 27. the Association's repre- can pass .leen distributed to contacts at Bob Bo! ei tllroe group will be playhu; in the Cafe- sentatives will present a general .rs?,: ;, °f the live me various colleges throughout the t ted th. the Trio was orlgi- School's l,ave ratified it. s tt report to Fordham. The final re- incliKlinp Queen's College, ipear at Carnegie Hall teria. This will be the first time |.Coilcgc Do ily. nally to n port from the Association will not :'im George McMahon that the dining hall has been used tlie St. ' John's, Good Counsel, New on Saturd| y night, Feb. 10, but, he completed until the end of the second Kingston Trio Koelielle. and C.C.N.Y. due to he newspaper strike for a dance. semester. Father O'Keefe pointed , Jan. ;>4. in New irk, that concert was u vcl The Trio was contacted short- Not A Mixer out that the findings of the Asso- "wild in. ,™ "Kliciited that, 10 y before Thanksgiving through postponed ntil March. The soph- nition "are not binding" on the io,, On , T' '">ve based his nio- omores w •e, therefore, able to At the last USC meeting, Fr. University. Father stated that «ce ii, ''•''"'Shim's amenclinont •United Talent Management." Victor YanifeJIi, vice-president oi Thev have been guaranteed $6,000 obtain the i for a second nppear- Fordham will ask the Association ' '"'cessary ratification student personnel, made it clear for their opinion on the solutions "Wi'ded in the minutes )!• i;o percent of the gross for ance. that the dance lu'ecedim: the Fri- Llie first concert, whichever is _ip, consisting of Nick that "Self Study" has proposed. I The grc day night concert would not in- Aside from the three problems, nce h liliher, and $5,000 or 60 percent Reynolds, Bob Shane and John "UnconsHtuliinml" terfere with the Student Calen- the "Self Study" made, many rec- Js jior , >f the second concert, on the Stewart, ill arrive on campus dar, which did not call for :t mix- 1 U; ommendation : in other fields. ^'! Fob 5C decided by u vote sumo terms. Friday afi unoon to take care of er to be held on that niiiht. he- w Eleven eon/mittecs were formed. l»ilGr , >th two abstentions the techn al details' of the con- cause Oils dance was technically s I'rofits to Needy Clubs t ; motion should luive cert and to rehearse for that not a mixer.
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