한국지역지리학회지 제20권 제3호(2014) 334-343 Influences of Human Residence and Environmental Factors on Malaria Incidence in Korea Park, Sunyurp* ・ Kim, Juhye** ・ Choi, Jinmu*** 우리나라 말라리아 발생에 미치는 주거와 환경 요인의 영향에 대한 연구 박선엽*・ 김주혜** ・ 최진무*** Abstract:The number of malaria cases has been undulating for the past 10 years in Korea since the reemergence of malaria in early 1990’s. Considering the spatial variations of malaria incidence across the northmost border areas near the demilitarized zone (DMZ), the occurrence of the disease seems to be influenced by the natural and human environment in the region. Malaria is an infectious disease that is transmitted to humans by the bites of vector-mosquitoes that carry malaria parasites, and its incidence rate depends on specific climatic and sociodemographic factors. This study found that the spatial characteristics of malaria incidence have varied depending on relative proportions of mosquito habitats, distance between mosquito habitats and human residence, the physical and sociodemographic environments of the city by urbanization, and local topography. Key Words:malaria, DMZ, local topography, mosquito habitat, human residence 요약:우리나라의 말라리아는 1990년대 초에 재 출현한 이후로 그 발병사례가 지난 10년 동안 증감을 거듭해오고 있 다. 말라리아의 주된 발병 지역이 비무장지대 인근의 남북한 경계를 따라 분포하고 있는 점을 고려할 때, 우리나라 말 라리아 발생은 이 지역의 자연과 거주 환경에 의해 영향을 받고 있는 듯하다. 말라리아는 말라리아 원충을 옮기는 모 기에 의해 감염되는 전염병이므로 이 질병의 발병율은 특정 기후 및 사회인구학적 인자들과 밀접한 연관성을 가지고 있다. 본 연구에서는 말라리아 발생의 공간적 특성이 모기 서식환경의 비율, 모기서식지와 주거지역 간의 거리, 도시 화에 따른 자연환경 및 사회인구적 환경, 그리고 해당 지역의 국지적 지형과 관련이 있음을 논의하였다. 주요어:말라리아, 비무장지대, 국지적 지형, 모기서식지, 주거지역 1. Introduction al., 2010). Malaria is transmitted by the bites of 1) female Anopheline mosquitoes that carry malaria The World Health Organization (WHO) parasites, such as Plasmodium vivax, which is estimated that 300 to 500 million people were endemic on the Korean peninsula for centuries infected with malaria by 2000, resulting in (Paik et al., 1988). Anopheles sinensis is known 2.5million deaths per year. The number of as the primary malaria vector in Korea. This malaria infections is concentrated mainly in zoophilic mosquito species typically breeds in Africa, but there are still large numbers of fresh, sunlit water including rice paddies (Ree et malaria infections in Asia. Due to the recent al., 1967). global warming, the habitat areas of the malaria High-risk areas of malaria have been signifi- vector, Anopheline mosquitoes, are expanding. cantly reduced for the past decade. However, the Especially, malaria-prone areas are expected to recent resurgence of malaria spreads into increase from the current 42% of land surface to highland areas, where climatic warming is taking 60% under an assumption of 2℃ increase in place (Gallup and Sachs, 2001; Hay et al., temperature over the next 50 years (Hidore et 2002). The spatial distribution and transmission *** Associate Professor, Department of Geography Education, Pusan National University([email protected]) *** Graduate, Department of Geography Education, Pusan National University([email protected]) *** Corresponding Author, Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Kyung Hee University([email protected]) - 334 - 한국지역지리학회지 제20권 제3호(2014) of malaria are a highly climate-sensitive and malaria incidence rates vary from county to difficult public health issue, and they are also county. High infection rates in these geographical associated with sociodemographic factors areas led to a hypothesis that malaria dispersion (Charlwood and Alecrim, 1998). Malaria infection in these border counties might be caused by is influenced not only by the distribution of north-origin malaria-bearing adult mosquitoes in surface water collections but also by the distance the demilitarized zone (DMZ)(Park et al., 2009). between the vector and humans. It is known The two Koreas, North and South Koreas, are that the vector’s mobility is limited in highly- divided by DMZ, and diverse natural wetlands populated urban areas, but it is much longer in are well maintained in DMZ. Study results based rural environment (Trape et al., 1992; Manga et on epidemiological and demographic analyses al., 1993; Robert et al., 1993; Charlwood and suggested that P. vivax malaria reemerged from Alecrim, 1998). Coexistence of anopheles vectors North Korea-origin infected mosquitoes, but it is and malaria parasites mosquitoes is primarily still yet to be confirmed with malaria data from influenced by rainfall and temperature conditions, North Korea (Park et al., 2003). It is also and land use and land cover are also important notable that a number of malaria cases occurred factors for the dispersal of the vectors and in urban areas of the northmost counties farther malaria patterns (Machault et al., 2011; Park, than 30 km south of DMZ. This phenomenon 2012). The structure and arrangement of land indicates that civilian P. vivax malaria cases uses play an important role, and human- were geographically expanded to cities and induced landscape changes tend to increase counties located away from the borderline mosquito populations (Wood et al., 1991; through local transmission of the disease (Yeom Overgaard et al., 2003; Norris, 2004). Since it et al., 2005; Yeom et al., 2007). has been known that the density of anopheles The purpose of this study is to determine the mosquitoes is positively correlated with water- influences of geospatial variables on malaria related landscape components, spatial relationships occurrence. The variables include local climatic between the vector’s habitat preference and conditions, relative proportions of mosquito human residence need to be understood for habitats, distance from mosquito habitats to effective controls of the disease (Zhou et al., human residence, urbanization, and topography 2012). in the high-risk area. Correlations between these In 1984, eradication of endemic malaria was geospatial variables and malaria incidence are declared in Korea, but reemergence of malaria compared in order to identify the influence of was reported in 1993. The annual number of each variable on malaria incidence in study area. malaria cases has been changing since it reached the peak(>4,000) in 2000 (Park et al., 2003; 2. Materials and Methods Yeom et al., 2005; Yeom et al., 2007; Jun et al., 2009; Park, 2010). Knowing that a 1) Study area significant number of malaria incidence remains as a continuing health threat to the public, the Ten study units near DMZ in Korea were epidemiological management of the disease needs selected as study area. The areas include one careful monitoring. Geographically, northmost city and nine counties, which have been the counties in South Korea are the leading ones in hotspot of the disease for the past decade terms of the number of malaria cases, but (Figure 1). While the reoccurrence of the disease - 335 - Influences of Human Residence and Environmental Factors on Malaria Incidence in Korea Figure 1. Study area. 1-Ganghwa County, 2-Kimpo County, 3-Goyang City, 4-Paju County, 5-Yeoncheon County, 6-Cheolwon County, 7-Hwacheon County, 8-Yanggu County, 9-Inje County, 10-Goseong County has been concentrated near DMZ, malaria collected from the Korean Meteorological incidence rates varied from county to county. Agency. Since malaria infection in Korea mainly Considering the spatial variations of malaria occurs between June and September, mean incidence rates across the study area that has temperature and precipitation were computed been classified as a high-rick area for the past during the same months from 2001 to 2010. 10 years, it is likely that the occurrence of the Ground weather stations within the study area disease is influenced by the natural and human are located in four difference counties, including environments in the region. Malaria occurrence Cheolwon County, Paju County, Ganghwa County, data were obtained from the Centers for Disease and Goseong County. Correlation analyses were Control and Prevention (http://stat.cdc.go.kr/). conducted between climatic factors and malaria Malaria incidence rates are defined as the incidence in order to determine how these number of malaria cases per 100,000 people. variables were correlated to each other. 2) Climatic data analyses 3) Population distribution and urbanization Daily temperature and precipitation data were Land use and land cover data were used to - 336 - 한국지역지리학회지 제20권 제3호(2014) determine physical environments favorable for typically increase as residential and commercial mosquito breeding, including rice paddies, water areas rapidly expand. bodies, and wetlands (Figure 2). Current land 4) Elevation effects use maps were obtained from the Ministry of Environment (http://egis.me.go.kr). These maps Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of Korea was are 30-meter resolution raster data and projected constructed by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, to the Transverse Mercator system for Korea. and Transport and the Ministry of Environment. Water-related features, residential areas, and DEM data with 30-meter resolution were commercial areas were extracted from the land downloaded from a GIS database portal site use maps and analyzed in detail using three (http://www.biz-gis.com/GISDB/). Descriptive DEM primary approaches. Firstly, proportions of statistics of residential areas and rice paddies water-related environments were computed for for each study unit were computed and their each data enumeration unit and compared relationships with malaria incidence rates were with malaria occurrence. Secondly, spatial calculated. For each study unit, the elevation buffers around rice paddies were created from statistics of residential areas and rice paddies 50 meters to 200 meters with 50-meter were computed with vertical intervals of 50 intervals. Human residence areas within each meters. Since rice paddies are commonly buffer were correlated with malaria incidence distributed along floodplains near stream rates to show the impact of distance on channels, elevation information about vector malaria occurrence. Finally, the impact of habitats and residential areas should be used to urbanization on malaria cases was evaluated evaluate the effect of a topographic factor on knowing that human activities at nighttime malaria occurrence.
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