CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE FORTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. FIRST SESSION. IN SENATE. days are swift as arrows; that our work will quickly cease; that the sunset will be upon us ere ever we come to know it. MoNDAY, December 6, 1875. 0, Lord our God, we thank Thee for the kindness shown to these Thy servants, in that Thou hast brought them t-o~ether here from The first Monday of December being the day prescribed by the many distant points in health and safety. Rememoer them still for Constitution of the Unitecl. States for the annual meeting of Congress, good. Bless Thy servant the President of the United States, ancl all the first session of the Forty-fourth Congress commenced t.his day, in authority over us. Bless the Congress now convened to enter upon the Senators a embled in the Senate Chamber at the Capitol, in the their labors. Bless this whole nation with the presence and the power city of Washington. of Thy Holy Spirit, and with a deeper faith in Thee, through Jesus SENATORS PRESENT. Christ. Amen. The following Sena.tors "!"ere present: from the State of­ CREDENTIALS. Maine-Hannibal Hamlin and Lot M. Morrill. Mr. COOPER presented the credentials of David :M. Key, appointed New Hampshire-Bainbridge Wadleigh. by the governor of the State of Tennessee a Senator from that State, · Vennont-George F. Edmunds and Justin S. Morrill. to fill, until the next meeting of the Legislature thereof, the vacancy Mo,ssachttsetts-George S. Boutwell and Henry L. Dawes. caused by the death of Andrew Johnson. Rlwde Jsland-Henry B. Anthony and Ambrose E. Burnside. The cr~dentials were read; and the oaths prescribed by law having Connccticttt-William W. Eaton. been administered to Mr. KEY, he took his seat in the Senate. llew York-Roscoe Conkling and Francis Kernan. NOTIFICATION TO THE HOUSE. New Jersey-Frederick T. Frelinghuysen and Theodore F. Randolph. Pennsylvania-Simon Cameron and William A. Wallace. On motion of Mr. ANTHONY, it was De.lawa1·e-Thomas F. Bayard and Eli Saulsbury. Ordered, That the Secretary inform the Honse of Represenmtivesthat aquot:nm Maryland-George R. Dennis and William Pinkney Whyte. of the Senate has assembled, and that the Senate is ready to proceed to business. Vi rginia-John W. John ton and Robert E. Withers. HOUR OF MEETING. North Ca1·oUna-Matthew W. Ransom. On motion of Mr. HAMLIN, it was South Carolina-John J. Patterson and Thomas J. Robertson. Ordered, That the hour of the daily meeting of the Senate be twelve o'clock m., Georg~J ohn B. Gordon. until otherwise ordered. Florida-Simon B. Conover and Charles W. Jones. Alabama-George E, Spencer. NOTIFICA.TION TO THE PRESIDE..""'T. M"!.B&usippi-Blanche K. Bruce. Mr. ANTHONY offerecl the following resolution; which was consid­ · Louisiana-J. R. West. • ered by unanimous consent, and agreed to : Texas-Morgan C. Hamilton and Samuel B. Maxey. Resolved, That a committee consisting of two members be appointetl, to jl)in .Lb·kansas-Powell Clayton. such committee as may be appointed by the House of .Representatives, to wait Missotwi-Lewis V. Bogy and Francis M. Cockrell. upon the President of the UDit.ed States and inform him that a quorum of each House has a.'4Sembled, and that Congress is ready to receive any communication he Teunessee-Henry Cooper. may be pleased to make. Kentucky-Thomas C.l\fcCreery and John W. Stevenson. West Virginia-Allen T. Caperton and Henry G. Davis. By unanimous consent, the President pro tempore was authorized to Ohio-John Sherman and Allen G. Thurman. appoint the· committee; and Messrs. ANTHONY and THURMAN were Indiana-Joseph E. McDonald and Oliver P. Morton. appointed. DZinoU-Richard J. Oglesby. RECESS. Michigan-Isaac P. Chri, tiahcy and Thomas W. Ferry. Mr. ROBERTSOlT, (at twelve o'clock and twelve minutes p.m.) I Wisconsi~.A.ngus Cameron and Timothy 0. Howe. move that the Senate take a recess for thirty minutes. Iowa-William B. Allison and George G. Wright. The motion was agreed to; and at the expiration of the recess (at Minnesota-Samuel J. R. McMillan and William Windom. twelve o'clock and forty-two minutes p.m.) the Senate reassembled. Kansas-James M. Harvey and John J. Ingalls. WITHDRA. W AL OF PA.PERS. Nebraska-Phineas W. Hitchcock and .A.l~ernon S. Paddock. Californ~Newton Booth and Aaron A. ;:;ar~~nt. 1\Ir. STEVENSON. 1\Ir. President, I offer the following order: Oregon-James K. Kelly arid John H. Mitchell. Ordered, That the petition and papers ofT. T. Garrard and others, of Kentucky. The PRESIDENT pro tempore (THO:\IA.S W. FERRY, of .Michigan) be taken from the files of the Senate and referred to the Committee on Claims. called the Senate to order at twelve o'clock m., there being a quorum The PRESIDENT pro tem,pore. The Chair will suggest to the Sena­ of Senators present. · tor that no committees have yet been appointed. PRA.YER. Mr. STEVENSON. Let the order lie ou the table, then, for the present. Rev. BYRON SUNDERLAND, D. D., Chaplain to the Senate, offered The PRESIDENT pro ternpore. The order will lie on the table until t he follo-wing prayer: the committees are appointed. Almighty and everlasting God, we adore Thee as the Supreme ICing. May we believe and trust in Thee as our Father .in heaven, DEA.TH OF THE VICE-PRESIDE~\'T. t i.J.e Author of every bles ing. As we come into this place, yet dark Mr. BOUTWELL. I ri e to announce in the Senate the death of with the shadow of national be.reavement, as Thy servants a em­ the Vice-President of the United States, and to say that at an early bled together here, and some who were wit.h them last shall come no rlay resolutions relating to his life, character, and public services will more: help us to realize the truth that we too are mortal; that our be proposed for the cou~idemtion of the Senate. 166 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. DEOEMBER 6, ADJOURNMENT. SOUTH CAROLINA. :Mr . .ANTHONY. I suppose that there no probability of receiv­ Joseph H. Rainey. Alexander S. Wallace. is Edmund W . M . .Mackey. Robert Smal18. ing a message from the House until very late, if at all, to-day, and I Solomon L. Hoge. see no impropriety in the Senate adjourning. GEORGIA. Mr. CONKLING and others. Let us adjourn. Milton A. Candler. lli. If {v~!mHJEs~~ James H. Blount. .ANTHONY. there be no objection, I will make that motion. Philip Cook. William H. Felton. I mov-e that the Senate do now adjourn. Henry R. Ranis. Bel\iamin H. Hill. The motion was agreed to; and (at twelve o'clock and forty-five ALABAMA. minutes p. m.) the Senate a~ourned. _ Jere Haralson. John H. Caldwell. Jeremiah N. Williams. Goldsmith W. Hewitt. Ta.nl Bradford. Burwell B. Lewis. Charles Hays. William H. Forney. MISSISSIPPI. Lucius Q. C. Lamar. G. Wiley Wells. HOUSE OF REP RESENTATIVES. Hernando D. Money. Randall L. Gibson. William M. Levy. MoNDAY, Decembet' 6, 1875. E. John Ellis. Chester B. Darrall. 6h:~:r~_rW~sh. This being the day prescribed by the Constitution for the meeting omo. of Congress, the members-elect of the House of Representatives for Milton Sayler. John L. Vance. the Forty-fourth C_ongress assembled in their Hall, and at twelve Henry B. Banning. o'clock m. were called to order by Hon. EowARD McPIIERsoN, Clerk ~~n~.~~~d. ~~~ i.~~~~on. Jacob P. Cowan. of the last House of Representatives. Americus V. Rice. Nelson H. Van Vorhes. The CLERK. The hour for the meeting of t.he Forty-fourth Con­ Frank H . Hurd. Lorenzo Danford. gress of the United States has arrived, a.nd tho Clerk of the Honse Lawrence T. Neal. Laurin D. Woodworth. of Representatives of the Forty-third Congress will proceed, in con­ William Lawrence. James Monroe. Earley F. Poppleton. James A. Garfield. formity with law, to call the roll of Representatives-elect. Gentlemen Charles Foster. Henry B. Payne. will please answer as their names are c:tlled. KENTUCKY. The roll wa then called, and the follo,ving members answered to Andrew R. Boone. Thomas L. Jones. their names: John Young Brown. Joseph C. S. Blackburn. .MAINE. Charles W. Milliken. Milton J. Durham. Joh:ll H. Burleigh. Han-is M. Plaisted. J . Proctor Knott. John D. White, W illi1m1 P. Frye. Eugene Hille. Edward T. ParsoJ\8. John B. Clarke. J&m68 G. Blaine. TENNESSEE. NEW HAMPSHIRE. William McFarland. Washington C. Whitthorne. Jacob M. Thornburgh. John D. C. Atkins. Frank Jones. Henry W. Blair. George G. Dibrell. William P. Caldwell. Samuel N. BelL John M. Bright. H. Casey Young. VERMONT. John F. HotU!e. Charles H. Joyce. ~rge W . Hendee. INDIANA. Dudley C. Denison. Benoni S. Fuller. Morton C. Hunter. MASSACHUSETTS. James D. Williams. Thomas J. Cason. William W. Crapo. John K. Tarbox. Michael C. Kerr. William S. Haymond. Benjamin W. Harris. William Wirt Warren. James L. Evans. Henry L. Pierce. George F . Hoar. ~Yt~~~Ds.~:~an. Andrew H. Hamilton. Rufus S. Frost. · J ulius H. Seelye. Milton S. Robinson. John H . Baker. Nath:miel P. Banks. Chester W. Chapin. Franklin Landers. Charles P. Thompson. ILLINOIS. RHODE ISLAND. Bernard G. Caulfield. Scott Wike. Benjamin T. Eames. Latimer W. Ballou. Carter H. H."l.l'rison. William M. Springer. Charles B. Farwell. Adlai E. Stevenson. CONNECTICUT. Stephen A. Hurlbut. Joseph G. Cannon. George M. Landers. Henry H . Starkweather. Horatio C. Burchard. John R. Eden. James Phelps. William H. Barnum. Thomas J. Henderson. W. A. J . Sparks.
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