FEATURES:Atlanta's Renaissance Festival, page 8 SPORTS: Corky Gordon is true leadel; uaae 16 - - Enrollment edrrinn- w u~wardI - A&R 'elated' over slight increase in JSU's slumping numbers Parents' Day r By Ben Cunningham News writer set for Saturday After three years of watching enrollment *VISITATION DAY, 9 a.m. -Noon drop, the Department of Admissions and Visitation Day headquarters and in- Records is pleased that enrollment is back formation booths will be in up, though the numbers are only slightly Stephenson Hall, adjacent to Jack- more than last year's total. sonville High School. The total number of students enrolled is *McDONALDIS HPER 5-K RUN, 8:30 7553,47 more than last year. According to a.m. Jerry Smith, Dean of Admissions and The Health, Physical Education and Records, that is an improvement given the Recreation Club will sponsor a 5-K recruiting challenges faced by colleges in run beginning at Pete Mathews Coli- seum. Registration begins at 8 a.m. the region. There is no registration fee. Number of prospects down *ACADEMIC BUILDING AND STU- "The number of high school students in DENT ORGANIZATION OPEN this region has been dropping like a subma- HOUSE, 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m. rine," Smith said. 8JSU BOOKSTORE, 8:36 a.m.-1:30 With JSU's tradition of being a regional p.m. university, having a smaller pool of stu- *CAMPUS TOURS, 9-11 a.m. dents to recruit from can have drastic ef- A camplrs tour begins every 30 min- fects on enrollment figures. utes at Stephenson Hall. *LIBRARY TOURS, 10 a.m.-noon See Enrollment Tours will include a view of the cam- page 2 pus and surrounding areas from the observation deck. *INTERNATIONAL HOUSE TOURS, Department of Defense grants $1.3 million to JSU 10 a.m.-noon, *COLLEGE OF NURSING, 10 a.m.- v By Scott Stansell in chemistry and a minor in environmental noon News Editor chemistry. The Jacksonville Association of Nurs- The Department of Defense announced This illustrates what can *Bachelor of Science degree with a major ing Students (JANS) will provide free on October 5 that it has awarded a'$1.3 happen when there's a part- in biology and concentration in cultural blood pressure and blood sugar million grant to JSU to lead a consortium and natural resource management. screening as well as tours of their nership between ... government and establish a model program in environ- *Master of Public Administration with a facilities in Wallace Hall. and educational institutions. mental education. concentration in environmental science *MUSICAL PERFORMANCE 10:30- -- Barry Cox 11:00 a.m. Approximately $950,000 of the grant management. Encore, the JSU show choir, a vocal will be set aside for scholarships or fellow- Barry Cox, chemistry professor and the group of 20 students, will present ships and the remainder will fund the imple- project director, said the program will be in choreographed productions ranging mentation of certification and degree pro- operation this January and applications will from show tunes to popular songs. grams. ment as a result of reductions in budgets, be accepted in the near future. The event will be held in Anders The grant may be renewed for an award completion of defense contracts or closure "Unlike graduates of traditional degree Roundhouse. totaling more than $3 million. or realignment of a military installation. programs, graduates of the programs will *JAZZ ENSEMBLE, 11-11 :30 a.m. The consortium's educational institutions The program is also open to low-income be able to contribute their skills and knowl- The 18-member Jazz Ensemble, un- includeTalladega College and Central Ala- students who lack funds to attend college. edge immediately upon graduation with- der the direction of Chris Culver, will Selected from large pool out the cosl and delay of on-the-job train- perform traditional and contempo- bama Community College in Childersburg. rary jazz compositions in Anders The program will give students different JSU, selected from a pool of 83 institu- ing by their initial employer," Cox said. Roundhouse. levels of training, ranging from basic certi- tions to receive the grant, will lead the way Cox cited the environmental offices at *COLLEGE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE fication to a master's degree in public ad- toward designing and implementing the Fort McClellan and the Anniston Army CRIME SCENE, 1-1:30 p.m. ministration. demonstration program which will award Depot, along with the Fort McClellan On the quad. Participants in the program will receive certificates, associate degrees, bachelors Chemical School for making the grant pos- *GAMECOCK FOOTBALL, 2 p.m. on-the-job environmental training at Fort and masters degrees. Participants will also sible. McClellan and the Anniston Army Depot. receive training in all areas of the Depart- "This illustrates what can happen when Events on the Quad, including lunch The program is aimed at attracting and ment of Defense's environmental program. there's a partnership between private in- at 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. will take place Degrees options include: dustry, government and educational insti- throughout Parents Day. recruiting people who have been termi- nated or laid off by the Defense Depart- *Bachelorof Science degree with a major tutions," Cox said. PAGE 2 0 THE CHANTICLEER I The- ~~ ~ followineare dates for the Colleee" BASE Examination. which is reouired I I for graduation. WASHINGTON, D.C. 5 p.m.-9 p.m. 7 Oct. 20 Room 218 Ayers Hall I 8:30 p.m.-12:30 p.m. Oct. 22 Room 20 Ayers Hall 5 p.m.-9 p.m. Oct. 24 JSU-Gadsden, Enzor Hall Aud. 5 p.m.-9'p.m. Oct. 25 JSU, Ft. McClellan; Room TBA Iraqi troops ordered withdraw 5 p.m.-9 p.m. Oct. 26 Room 218 Ayers Hall Iraqi troops that had begun massing along the near Basra, an Iraqi city north of the Kuwaiti 5 p.m.-9 p.m. Oct. 27 Room 218 Ayers Hall Students should plan on being in the test a minimum of two hours and 30 minutes. Kuwaiti border five days ago have been ordered to border. Registration for the College Base Exam is in the Office of Assesment, 216 Ayers leave the area, according to the Iraq Ambassador The closest Iraqi troops were about 12 miles Hall. Nizar Hamdoon. north of the U.N.-demarcated 130-mile frontier, Anaerobicpre-certification workshop will be held from 10a.m. to2 p.m. on Oct. The withdrawal comes as the first of 4,000 Ameri- according to U.S. officials. 22 at Stephenson Hall. This workshop is intended for those individuals who ave never taught aerobics before, but are interested in becoming an instructor. Cost for can troops landed in Kuwait and a U.S. aircraft The U.N. Security council met to discuss the the workshop is $25. carrier began patrolling the Red Sea on Tuesday. Iraqi military buildup as the Iraqi ambassador ad- Aerobicsclasses will also be held at Stephenson. For more information, call 782- "The Iraqi government has decided to move the dresses reporters Tuesday. President Clinton has troops from the Basra area to another area," Hamdoon ordered 54,000 troops into the Persian Gulf to Karen Ozley, a 19-year-old En- said. "The instructions have already been issued and protect Kuwait and another 15,000 soldiers are on glish major from Munford, the troops are already on the move." standby. Ala.,participatedin the WaltDisney No local units have been deployed yet. World College Program this past An estimated 64,000 Iraqi troops were stationed summer. Ozley worked at the Walt Disney Resort area. MOBILE, ALA. To earn a "Mousters" or "Ducktorate" degree, tin extensive interview process is required. Latest poll shows Folsom is ahead For more information, contact Pearl Williams at 782-5289 or in With less than four weeks until nominee for lieutenant governor have affected the governor's room 102 at TMB. theelection, GovernorJimFolsom continues to lead republican standing, according to USA poll- leads Republican challenger and CharlesGraddick46-29, although ster Sam Fisher. former governor Fob James by that lead has reduced from a 57- "Ethics is probably the weakest four points, according to the re- 23 advantage Siegleman held in link in the Folsom's armor and sults of a poll released Tuesday. August. that's probably where he can be 45 percent of voters polled by Incumbent Attorney Jimmy attacked," Fisher said. the Mobile Register and the Uni- Evans leads Mobile's Jeff Ses- A spokesman for James said the 010-11-94. Harassment and criminal mischief were reported in versity of South Alabama on Oc- sions by ten percent, 40-30, down voters have a great deal of mis- Crow Hall. tober 4-5 said they would vote for from a 16-point lead Evans held trust as to Folsom's integrity. *lo-10-94. Brenda Smith reported unlawful breaking and enter- Folsom. '41 percent said they in the previous Register-USApoll. "We clearly have the momen- ing of a vehicle in the Ayers Hall parking lot. would vote for James and 15 per- Reports that Folsom's family tum and we are closing in fast," -10-10-94. Karen Myers reported theft of property in Bibb cent were undecided. flew to the Cayman Islands, cour- Chris Bence said. Graves Hall. Don Siegleman, the Democratic tesy of a gambling magnate may *lo-10-94. Travores Wills reported breaking and entering of an automobile in the Crow Hall parking lot. Enrollment *lo-9-94. Christopher Benac reported theft of property in Rowan from page 1 Hall. In the last three years, enrollment dropped by students were allowed to pre-register for the fall *lo-8-94.
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