• 9,1943 == Ration Calendar PROCESSED FOODS .reen atamp. D, E. r. Cbook 4' cxplre Jan. 20; MEAT brown stamJII L, Iji. N. P and Partly Cloudy Q ,book 3) expire Jan. I; SUGAR stamp 21 (book 4) expires Jan. 15; S~OE .tamp (book I) and alJplane I. I_a; Cleady &lid ~er. oh .... t (book 3) valid indefinIteLY. GASOLDfI: A-' coupons expire Jan. 21; fUEL OIL per. I COIIJM)IIJ THE DAILY IOWAN wi.aIb'. ex plre Jan. 3. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper \ ~ FIVE CENTS ,.a& AUOCIARD _us IOWA CITY. IOWA TUESDAY. DECEMBER 21.1943 VOLUME XIJV NUMBER 74 e 5 ear la LIFE BEGINS ANEW IN WAR·TORN ITALIAN TOWN 70 More Villages Fall Before = Fortresses Hit Bremen; Russian OHensive From Neyel Revdlt Seizes Bolivia i ' winter· trained First. B.I· Nazi U-Boat Center Feels Severe Blow Enemies ' Call By Fighter-Accompanied U. S. Bombers LONDO (AP)-U. S. Flying Fortt'esse and Libel'atol's, aitiru New Regime by AmcI·iclln alld allied ri~hterli , phl.'ter d the northwest GerUlaD pOl'llllld U-bolll crnj('I' ot Bremrn with explosives and ineendiarie 0" in da,l'li).:ht. ,vC'sH· I·t!ay, ~hooliJlg down 42 Gorman .fightors ut 11 (1)~1 or 2!i bomb ' I'S anu e i~ht right t'S. Anti·U. S. 'I'h!' lull'sl }\IIl!'l'icllll aeJ'ial blow coillcided willi Ull llxil;.rcpoJ'll.'(1 had sttuck eill I he' Bulg-ul'iun l'apital of • 'ofia at noon, und follow'd - ~llntlIlY's Amet'icun heavy bomber attack hom Meditcl'rlineall c . always ba~rs on two objectives, Aug~bul'g in 'outhern GCl'many and Inns . Dniep r riv r oppo it th city :i1e ad­ bl'uck, abovc tIte Bl'enner pass in Austrill. Series of Interallied !lp Y\l\\ & blackout of eonti[\\lntalr~di() I.Ita\1o)1s late la.·! night III '0 of Khen.on. Sugg ting an im. many indicated that RAF night raiders again were smashing at Gel'­ minent • \'i t ault on Kh r­ Military Conferences LA PAZ. Bolivia (AP)-A Na- roblems mnny, which the U. S. air commandet· in chief, en. H. H. Al'nold, on it It, on th w t ba nk, th ~t heat. said would be "bomb-groggy" before the allied land invusion Uonali3t revolutionary movement Berlin announcer ld "there i Appears Imminent I wishes ---- tb egil1~. led by a slight bespectacled liOCio)- lrisllnas no doubt wh.tsoever that the lon. " Akid Plying mOI'e than fOUl' miles oglst and de crlbed by Its enemies enemy plans to take dvanta&,e ot Silence Overhangs Be rI In c now e ges above the al'th tlll'ough temp r· as militantly anti-United States, AGAIN T A BACKGRO ND of hattered buJld.lnr, the relldent of Castel DI anno berlo the work atures 50 degrees below zero, the yesterday overthrew lhe govern- I of reblllldlnr their home after the Lown had been Uberated by the British Elrhth arm,.. The women In the lhls." Question of leader Gravity of Resistance American airmen found vlsibil- ment ot Gen. Enrique Pcnaranda i forel'round are spread In, wheat on the rroulld to dry. This DItOlo wa radioed fr m AI,lers. A midnight communique IUP­ )omb,', I plem nt broadcast by Moscow and Of Invasion Armies ity excellent over Bremen despite in a swift pre-dawn coup which recorded by the Soviet monitor Offered by Partisans German attempts to shroud the resulLed in some blOOdshed in the LONDON (AP)-By every slitl IIlances, big port behind a smokescreen. course of a four-hour battle. Heavy Bombers Id. Gen. I. C. Ba,ramlan's Flrot aries ot' interallied rnlllUiT)' !s. etc., Victor Paz Estenssoro, leader of Baltic army had wiped out 1.500 confer n wa In preparation Returning airmen said the city Germans attemptln, to hold n 1 Cuth. Nazis Claim Slav was battered both with explosives the coup, lnslalled him..eH 10 the Hit 59 Nazi Planes advantageow; tine south of Nevcl. last nl'hL concurrent with a las her­ and fire bombs. One entire squad­ presidenU<ll palace where Major German counter-attacks 10 the lence which fell on the questJ s! She's Casualties Total 5,668 ron cal'ried nothing but Incendl- Gualbel'lo VJlIIII'l'oel took over the In A1Jsfria, Germany Korosten sector wesl ot Kiev and o( who would be the commander. It Camp In East~rn Bosnia near Klrovo(l'ad In th DnIeper d when aries to Bremen. reins oC governm.enlas chIef or the in-chI C when th we tern front bend also were beat n down by is thrown Into ction. ugh nil/ LONDON (AP)-ln the third Lar"est Bar Since Emden l'cvolutionary junta. ALLIED HEADQUARTEHS, AI- Ru Ian armies, th bulletin said. It kilt'll week I)f ma)l)¥ {ighl.ing along Ger­ The bag of 42 German fighters, {Dispat.chcs from Buenos Aire. glers {AP)-Reachlng Cor H urllnl a regiment ot 3,000 men . eDtiOf hlp permUted the ell - ~ ... many's Balkan flank, the Yugo­ two of which were downed by said the Movimicnto NacionaJista heart of Nazi Gcrmany from new and 100 tanks against Soviet. deae clo ure that Adm. Harold R. back to slav partisan army cut heavily . tark, /\merlean navy com­ with a RAF and dominion airmen carry- Rcvolucionario - MNR-has often Medit rranean bases, greal l1c~!.!t line' near Klrovograd, the Ger­ Inla the German forces last night, mans were declared to have 10 t nandinl ing o~t. diversionary sweeps, was been accuscd oC aWlialion with of American heavy bombers threw m&nder lor tb theater, hAd re- and 'a Berlin communique for the 1,200 more men and 39 lanks. So­ I room' to WaahiDc1o_bvl­ !irs! time frankly charactel'ized the largest since the f38 toll taken Germanic elements In land-locked an aerial gauntlet into the face viel IIlrm n also knocked out 20 to sluJ~ the action as "grim battles" in durfng the raid on Emden Dec. 11. BOlivia, Ule tr t glc nler of 1-1 e r m' n n G()('rin' L\ICtw Nazi 1ao]( . ou Iy for mv Ion d1IcaII1oas--.. ar<l ~ wbicb 5,668 fn:sh Yugoslav casual­ and there w na '11 to eXPeCt she has But the American bomber losses South America. One of It,; chiN Sund y, e nil' down or ovlet adv n:e ,uard were be­ ties were claimed in eastern Bos­ progt'ams Is "s ographlc re(.'on- dtlmaglng 59 Germon fight rs Heved to be about 30 or 35 mile. lIew.nd ~n1floant talk. amGJ16 r.rled In of 25 were the heaviest since 27 nia alone. from Vlteb k on the north. Ru alan, BrIU h and American I R~~ The German high command, failed to return from the attack on strucUon"-a phrase meanIng an twin blows lit Augsburlf ill Get·­ ry II M SOlingen, Dec. 1. aggressive demand [Ot' an outiet many and Inn bruck In Austria. otflcers to be connce'- wUh which persistently had sought lo Russia Will Discard meeUnr. 1.0 1'0 on in Washlnl'- int, but present the weighty resistance The big !our-engined planes lo the sea, possibly at the expense The raids, with tlleir omen of prlvale of Chile or Peru. of ~Iarshal Josip Broz's (TUo's) winged through some 01 Ger­ The Internationale Lon. {PIIZ Estenssoro wa¥ al'l'e~Lect in Ift'catel' Iltt~lck ' to come, coinCided forces as mere rO\obble-sruplng, many's hottest anti-aircl'aft flak LONDON (AP)-SovleL Ru ' lJ But th re w nothln&, to sug- to pound Bremen in an arca which connection with a Nazi putsch In wilh local gllln· by the allied Is goln" to replace the Interna- gest here that th ,rand action look a whoUy chan,ed lone of • may be elCpccted lor some months has been attacked four times 1n 1941, but. was soon released be­ FlCth army In Italy, which push.d rravUy In asserting that more cause or his immunity as a deputy Uon.le with the mUll lind words and there 'was much to 8U"est thin 3,000 partisans had been the last nine days by units of the of a new national anth m whIch the reve1'lle. uns and Eighth air force bomber command. in parliament me lor killed and 2,668 ta~en prisoner (Dispatches from San t. i ago, In the we ·t-central IIrea, and th,' better expre the "a~~a11st con- Reports from the United States In lile flghUng. Presumably the Americans were e n eans Chile, said the cxtreme nationaU~m Eighth ilrmy. which wus busHy text ot t!t Soviet ,tat • the Mos- that Ule American chlef of sta(!, In Cairo, meanwhile, high Uni­ working closely with allied air-sea nelhing of Paz EstenbSOI'O'S movement. engugcd In chopping to pieces Cor cow radlo announced III t night. Gen. Geor,o C. Ma1'llhall, would ted States and British staff oW­ patrols and navies seeking to The prescnt anthem bellns: not a ume command ot the allied II\'S 10 could hardly fall to affect the war the' becond Ume its old oppon lit eel'S have re;;lched "full agree­ stamp out the Germans' remaining production ot tin, upon which "ArIse, ye prisoners of starvation, invasion forces got a reaction ur pep the 90th Ponzer Grenadier divl- n Ume. ment" with officers of Drug Tito submarine resources in order to Britain and the United States are arh,e ye wretched or the earth," among the American officers here be the on plans for a military campaign open the sea lanes to unmolested largely dependent) biun, neor th Adriatlc coast.
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