1 Candid Campus THE CAMPUS OF ALLEGHENY COLLEGE NYE— Not enough can 'be said in commen-, MEADVILLE, PENNSYLVANIA FEBRUARY 28, 1940 dation of the Philo-Franklin Union's; Vol. LVIII., No. 15 action in bringing Senator Gerald P Nye to the campus Monday night. GRAY GORDON There has been some criticism this SCHOLARSHIP • year in regard to the type of lecturers, SECURED FOR and concert artists scheduled for ap- AWARD GIVEN pearanoe here. The contention has been TO KAPPAS JUNIOR PROM NOTED ADVISER that the fine arts have been empha- sized to the exclusion of speakers on PHI DELTA THETA FRIDAY, MARCH 15 national life--politics, for example. We HEAD FRATERNITIES SET AS DATE; HELD are inclined to agree with this criti- IN SCHOLARSHIP AT BALIZET'S BALLROOM WILL LECTURE cism.. Lt should not be inferred that such prominent . men as -Robert Frost, Kappa Kappa Gamma and Phi Delta Announcement of the selection of the Guest of Women Douglas Beattie, and Grant Wood have Theta fraternities headed the first se- music of Gray Gordon and his famous 'GATORS PLAY band for the Junior Prom was made Students From not been instrumental in promoting mester scholarship standings released Sunday by David Robertson, '41, chair- interest in the cultural side of life STRONG W & J March 4 to 8 Monday by Dean C. F. Ross. man of the committee in charge of ar- which they represent; we feel that Ed. note: The complete results are rangements for the affair. FIVE TONIGHT such men will always be worthwhile Aims At Fundamentals printed elsewhere in this issue. ' The band has just completed a re- addition to a college lecture series. We In recognition of the achievement Large Crowd to Attend Of Posture, Grooming cord-breaking stay at the Arcade ball- And Voice of Women do maintain, however, that college on! Kappa Kappa Gamma will receive the room in New York City. Phonograph Long Awaited Game; W & J ganizations should plan also to bring silver tea service awarded the winner records by the unit are best sellers for Has Lost Last Three Games Coming from North Western univer- speakers versed, in current political by Pan-Hellenic board. It was held Victor-Bluebird. last semester by Alpha Chi Omega. sity where she will have completed a topics of national interest. The prom, an annual affair, will be Tonight, according t,o Coach K. J. Phi Delta Theta continues in posses- week of "The Impression We Leave", There has been this month an at- held Friday, March 15, this year in Lawrence, "the 'best team we will sion of the scholarship trophy donated Mrs. Elizabeth MacDonald Osborne is tempt to bring such speakers to the I Balizet's Ballr000m downtown from 9 meet all season" will step out on the scheduled to appear on the Allegheny campus. Louis Adamic was the first; by now-defunct 0.D.K., national honor- ary activities fraternity. to 12 p. m. Dress will be formal. Montgomery floor to battle with our campus March 4 through 8. Nye, the second. Selection of a name band for the Kappa Kappa Gamma held better fast stepping 'Gator.s. Mrs. Osborne is an adviser-lecturer No more fitting way to celebrate the prom establishes a precedent which than a two-point margin over .the clos- The game promises to be another from New York city who has spent the one hundredth anniversary of its - hope will be perpetuated. est contender, but only 38/100's of a observers last six years counselling with college founding could the Philo-Franklin Un-1 Naming of the Gorden band is an "Rochester" affair. " W & J," again percent served to separate the four women. She doesn't advertise herself ion devise than to bring a speaker of abrupt departure from the former quoting Coach Lawrence, 'has a well nearest groups, Alpha Chi Omega, sec- as a charm or beauty specialist 'but practice of booking such organizations balanced, fast, tall, and heavy team." such quality as this North Dakota ond, Theta Upsilon, third, Kappa Al- aims to correct such fundamentals as as Barney Rapp and Isham Jones. There can be no doubt of the truth in Senator. That he was the type of pha Theta, fourth, and Alpha Xi Delta, posture, grooming and voice in order Other m,embers of the committee are that statement. It isn't any conserva- speaker Allegheny wants was evi- fifth. Alpha Gamma Delta gained for college women to make the most of Florence Sells, Donna Oclisenhirt, tive, pre-game pessimism. W & J's de'nced by the ovation he received.! sixth position. their individual possibilities. Ruth-Ellen Blake, George Evert, Gail season record bears that our. They Whether or not his policies were in Schools where her work has 'been In the men's division, following Phi Burkett, Allan Brandt, and James Gil- have boiled over such well-known carried on number colleges, universi- accordance with the views of the lis- Delta Theta, came Sigma Alpha Ep- more, all of the junior class. quintets as Penn State, Geneva, Car- ties and training schools in all sections tener, there could be no doubt as to silon, Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Gamma, Del- negie Tech, Westminster, Waynesburg, of the country. Included among these ta, Delta Tau Delta, Alpha Chi Rho, his sincerity and ability to present his and Navy. They have won 12 out of are such outstanding institutions as and Beta Kappa fraternities. side of the case. SENATOR NYE the 16 games played thus far this sea- Wellesley, Swarthmore, Oberlin, Duke That America is following the path son. university, Connecticut college for Wo- to war step by step, even as in 1914, LECTURED ON U. S. Tidrick Outstanding men, Goucher, Middlebury and Mount was vividly presented by the famed TREASURE ROOM ISOLATION POLICY Our boys 'will da well" to watch Holyoke. Mrs. Osborne is a graduate isolationist. The necessity 'for us to OF LIBRARY SOON their junior forward, "H,owy" Tidrick. of Mount Holyoke.. keeP our own house in order instead WILL BE FINISHED Finds Causes of First This geatleman has made for himself The Tarbell suite will be given over of minding other people's business 'was War Lost; Stop Drifting quite a name in district circles. Coach to Mrs. Osborne during her stay here. good advice, indeed. When he spoke European Borderlines Lawrence ranks him "as one of the Plans for the week will begin with a Exhibits to Include chapel talk to the usual co-ed audience of a constitutional amendment requir- best players I 'have ever seen." Tid- Astronomical Books Monday, March 4. The next mass ing a national referendum in case of We are "seeing how near we can get rick, early in the season ran up 28 And Materials points, and on the night they defeated group conference has been scheduled lkar, he drew much applause, especially to the fire withoout being 'burned", were the wards of Senator Gerald P. Waynesburg, he hit for 25. According for the Wednesday afternoon in the when he advocated that young men 17 Miss Irene Renehan of New York Nye, in his lecture Monday night in to the latest figures he leads the dis- playshop where women students only to 21 should be included in the vote. City, decorator in charge of furnish- Ford Memorial chapel, "Uncle Sam, trict in scoring. 'will be received. These general dis- This brings to mind a recent chapel ing the 'Treasure room, spent Saturday Watch Your Step." W & J's impressive season record is !.cussions are to be followed by smaller in Reis library arranging the furni- prograta on "M" Day. Senator. Nye, a staunch Isolationist, all the mare remarkable when you !group meetings of six or eight girls, ture. Then, too, Senator Nye's presence 1-speaki•g with sincerity and conviction, consider that there is -but one -senior LHelen Ochsenhirt announced. Indivi- on the hill is timely because of the This memorial room to the late Ar- stated that we Americans are in dan- on the team He is Sam Elias, a for- dual counselling will have a part in coming mock convention scheduled in thur Webster Thompson, given by his ger of sacrificing the things we love ward. Other probable starters are these smaller meetings. Each section May. Although he has declared his wife, has been under planning and at home to satisfy our hates abroad. Big Chuck Reynolds, their junior cen- will convene for an hour. Intention to support Michigan's Sena- construction during the past year. A In many instances he used an ironic ter; Al Reece, a 6-foot 2 sophomore In order to include all women stu- dents ,in Mrs. Osborne's five-day tor Vandenberg, he .himself has been probable dedication date will be set humor to stress his points. guard ; and Wally Kettlewell, another ,pro sometime in May, Miss Edith M. Row- gram, students should sign up prior mentioned as a possible presidential The Senator opened his lecture by husky sophomore guard. You will ley announced. averring that his subject is more time- probably see a lot of Hall Giessler, too. to the group meetings. Representas candidate. Whatever may be his role, I tives from each dormitory have been 't is ta• he will play a prominent The woodwork in the Thompson ly and crucial today than at any other He is a junior guard. 'But, above all, room which is hand carved butternut time in the history of the United watch Tidrick. appointed to arrange schedules so part in politics of the future. was done by E.
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