John Carroll University Carroll Collected The aC rroll News Student 12-15-1961 The aC rroll News- Vol. 44, No. 6 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "The aC rroll News- Vol. 44, No. 6" (1961). The Carroll News. 216. http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews/216 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aC rroll News by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The l;arroll Union ·establishes new committees Road report Weather conditions appear To establish or not to establish, that was the question to be favorable for westbound NEWS confronting the Student Union at it last two meetings with Representing John Ca,oll University vacationists. The roads to Chi· regard to new committees on pre-registration, publicity, and cago and all points ~'est are University Heights 18, Ohio Alumni introduction. clear. However, snow flurries will probably cover the roads Vol. XLIV, No. 6 Friday, December IS, 1961 :Michael Fegen, Union vice-pres- One other committee was set up to the east with a slippery lay. ident, proposed three constitutional by the Union to assist the faculty er especially in the Rochester amendments advanced from the in planning a pre-registration Union Review ComrnittM, of which system. Charles Salem proposed and Syracuse area. Most roads only one waor; accepted by the nee- this motion which was supported to t he south will be clearing in JCU loses $500,000 the afternoon. essary margin of t wo-thirds of all (Turn to Page 5, Col 1) voting membeJ"S of the Uniort. The,.--_::..:_::._:::_~~~~::.:_~~-.:_::============:=::! first amendment., the successful through will verdict one, sets up a Union committee to A minor legal point may cost John Carroll University introduce Carroll seniors to t he New freshman officers Alumni Association and its llctivi­ $500,000. Akron Probate Judge Vincent Zurz handed a de­ ties. cision thi!'l week which voided the will of Mr. Charles His second amendment attempt­ McDermott. ed to relieve the vice-president of ask class cooperation lltcDermolt's will lefL 50 per­ manufacturer of playground equip. the responsib11ity of 'Gnion public By KEVIN STROH cent of one million doUars LO Car­ ment. relat;ons. Fegen claimed that he The race for freshman class officers came right down roll; hut since the will was drawn b'lcDermott was given an honor­ was ah·eady bogged down with to a photo-finish this week as two of the class offices were up less than one year before his other investigations. This amend­ aJ·y doctor of laws degree in 1960 ment failed to receive a majority. decided by the slim margin of 11 votes or less. Sixty-three death, it wa!\ voided. 'l'he Ohio law ft•om John Carroll. His third amendment was to percent of the total class voted as compared to 59 percent in pertains only to charitable and edu­ Final court determination wilJ be give a ll activities to the Review the primaries. · cational bequests. held later; but in the event that Committee which are not assign­ Richard Cermak is leading the while the president is an off-cam~ A wealthy Akron industrialist, the decision sLands, the money will ed by the Union president t<1 any freshman foursome as president, pus sturent. McDermott died on Thurday, Dec. f.!O to his two adopted sons, Richard other special committee. It was assisted by Douglas Palmenter as Cermak who is going to major in McDe1•mott and Robert :McDermott. opposed mainly on the basis that government administration lives 7. The will was drawn up on Jan. sons of his previouly deceased vice-president; William Goyette, G of this year. He was pre$idcnt of Fegen had already said that he brother. McDermott, himself, was a could not handle t he publicity job, Blazon Inc., the wot·ld's la1•gest bachelor. · and therefore most U nion mem­ bers felt that he should not be forced to shoulder any other re­ sponsibilities. After confusion t·esulted over an amendment to Lhe amendment by Fegen, he withdrew his mo­ tion. NEW FRESHMAN OFFlCERS dtscuss future p .ans ror tr1e c.u.. :. ur 1965. They are Cleft to right) Bamabei, treasurer; Palmenter, vice-president; Cermak, president; and Goyette, secretary. secretary; and Fredrick Barnabei, in Erie, Pa. At Cathedral Prep, treasurer. he took part jn the student council, Dolan }{all was represented at the the school newspaper, and the de­ polls with 88.4 percent of its resi- bate club, aU of which primed him dents casting their votes. Three of for his activities at Carroll on The the new officers reside in Dolan, (Tum to Page 5, Col. 5) Page 2 THE CARROLL NEWS Friday, December 15, 1961 If we win, it must be by a nanow margin late in the game. or else we have to go all Checkpoint Sportsmanship out and double the score. But if the game You don't have to believe it if you don't should be dull. the team m1ght just as well want to, but a college editorial writer really forget about any support from the stands. The political mean does find it difficult to criticize his class­ If we arc to belie,·e each other, apparent­ mates or slap their hand:; for booing at ly the only alternatives are to either follow by James Wagner games, or for not supporting university edu­ tradition or become coeducational. An edi­ cational or cultural programs. torial can't do it, so for those who object to Conservative right-wing political groups are multiplying both alternati\'es, it's time to break a tra­ all across the country today wherever Lwo conservatives But this time we think we have a bone dition. gather together. Left-wing extremists have sometimes found to chew-sportsmanship. The altitude of the themselves on the defensive Can·oll student nt athletic contests has been in the face of the growing op­ ity, the illogic of the extreme right traditionally very poor. We are speaking position from the right, but and left, is the path of the mean, specifically of the real disre::;pect shown to­ It could be you they too have lately been at­ the middle-of-road. When he is ward our opponents' teams, coaches, and fans As this day slowly passes and you are tracting a greater following. faced with a particular political at football nnd basketball contests. counting the hours until the end of your last issue. the man who moves above We Aeem to have become alarmingly ac­ The ascend- class, tension m1d anxiety begin to mount. ancy o£ the poli­ the cxll·emes of party politics stud­ customed to the type of behavior which Everyone is in a hurry to get away from tical extremists :cs all that is involved in bot.h the civilized Mcieties have never tolerated. This the campus as soon as possible t.o begin t he on either s i d e problem ilself and in eV'ery possible has been accom­ has been so much the ca!'le that. when aston­ holiday festivities. solution which can be devised for ished members of the faculty or our guests panied by t h e But will you arrive home at all? If you flock of support­ it. He makes use of what is best question the catcall~. name-calling, and boo­ are traveling by car you will probably shrug ing newspapers in th<• philosophies of the right anJ ing of injured players or losing teams we your shoulders and say that accidents always and news letters Lhc left. generally excuse ourselves by replying, "Oh, happen to "the othe1· guy." However, "the which have been H<•re lies the importance of the the Canoll guys h:we always done that," or, other guy" is today saying the same thing; stuffed in t b e duty of every man who concerns nation's m a i !­ h:mself with politics to be familiar "It'~'~ a boys' school; what else can you ex­ but to him, "the other guy" is you! boxes. T h e s e with its problems and the possible pect?" But don't let dO\\ n on .\our guard against rad;cal groups Wagner :;olutions. Lacking thh> familiarity, Sure, we'll HUpporl the team-if we're accidents even after you ha\·e arrived home have become more mfluential and he is incapable of actinK rationally. winning. Rut when we do win, it's not so safely. Don't mar the holidays for yourself have increased their numbers at :\Ian's duty in regard to the b n s ; c constitution of the state .rouch the team or the school which wins, and for your family <tnd friends. They may the e).1)ense of the cente1·, "here American political power ha~ tra­ should be his ~u i de to the solution out "me." What ever happened to the spirit care, even if you don't. ditionally resiced . of the problems of the state. That .Jf the game as a game? \\'e seem to go OYer We of The Carroll News staff extend to duty is not ::;imply to e,;tabli~h a The avera~te citizen, as a rc· state which seeks the good of the (O the field or the gym in order to be enter­ you our best wishes for a Blessed and a s uit.
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