Goodbye '19 400 Students Hello '20 Next Year FOR A GREATER DAVIDSON Vol. VI. DAVIDSON COLLEGE. DAVIDSON. N. C. MAY 28. 1919. No. 28 Baccalaureate Sermon Delivered Before Gass of 'Nineteen Is Sent Forth Into the World Large Throng by West Virginia Divine As Alumni Layton Mauze, Huntington, W. Va., Speaks "Stability" Before Dr. J. of On j. Class of 1919 at Davidson— Church Filled to Hear Splendid Splendid Address is Heard-Dr. H. Sermon— Some Thoughts Advanced by Dr. Mauze. McCracken, President of LaFay- ette College, Delivers Com- theI Dr. Mau/e closed with an appeal to The Baccalaureate luMM wt mencement Class to Address class of i<)M> mpreached hy Rev. J. theSenior take the moral stand- nt as now to Students. Layton. Huntington, ards Christ their own that Mau/e. D.D.. of they were going (ien- out to face the tempta- Members ol Davidson's famous sol West Virginia. Dr. Mau/c chose tions of the world. Without them and dier class ot I'll') arenow alumni. esis as his text: "I'nstable as wa-"iHini a man cannot he a success in the 4<>:4 delivering of the graduation ter thou shalt not excel." .deepest meaning of the word. With the " todaj H. McCracken, "The desire to excel in some one orrI. tuUttm h\ Dr. J. many different things," he said, "is coin- president of l.al'ayettc College. Kaston, mon to all human beings. It is the Dr. Lilly Explains "God's Pa., the awarding of diplomas In Dr. he main spring of human progress." 1 T. \\ . Lingle, president ot the board purpose of the men who Da- MethodofGlorifyingLife" established (it trustee-, ami the delivery ol the \.ilc- vidson Collage was to help young men1 1 iluiuM li\ I. \. Woods, tirst honor man prepare themselves to excel. DavidsonHears Noted Winston Divine nt the class, the classof said that the words of 'm. considered Dr. Mau/.c -Y.M. C. A. Sermon Heard By as an integral part College might hetter he translated. of the student his text Large Crowd at Presbyte- liud\, passed into history. "Moiling OMT.M water thou shalt not he pre-eminent." These words were lirst rian Church at Davidson. Graduation exercises were ven -iin pie. due, no doubt, to the pretence in used of Reuben when the dying Jacob The Y. M. C. A. sermon of Sunday blessing his twelve sons, but they the graduating class of numbers nt men was afternoon was delivered hy Dr I).Clay wearing khaki, might be applied equally as well to who have been and who Lilly, of text was recently nt many men throughout the history of the Winston-Salem. Hi- bin dotted the uniform their world. Napoleon Bonaparte, probably chosen tiiim the Transliguration. and ("uutry to return for the cap and gown nt commencement day. the greatest military genius that this his subject was "God's Metho1 ot dlori- world has ever seen, is a noteworthy ex- fying Life." Diplomas were awarded to thirty- won brilliant nine young men, fifteen receiving the ample of instability. He Dr. Lilly's first lesson from this great victories over his enemies for fifteen degiee ot bachelor of science; twenty-one passage of Scripture was the reality of receiving years but because he lacked stability he the degree of bachelor uf arts was unable to stand three years of de- spiritual existence. This whole passive and three the degree of mastei ol art*. feat, and thereby lost his empire. On is the revelation of a scene ot uccp spir- In addition to these degrees, honorary miss 1:1.i/.abi:111 (;nn '(interred hand, the Great, reality, Christ, so degrees were on the follow- the cither Frederick itual with so much Sponsor for The Davulsoman. though he was a less brilliant leader, that all three Synoptic Ciospel Writers ing: Dr. J. P. Munroe. Charlotte, commanded smaller armies and was have recorded it. The Transfiguration Doctor ot Laws; Rev. B. R. Lacy, u( more often defeatel. vet won t!>e vie- scene is a >'ulininatien "' his djtcourw Atlanta, Doctor of Divii.in : Rev. D. I". McGcHchy, (it Decatur, (ia., torv over a more powerfulcoalition than to his disciples a week before about ilis Athletic Prospects For Doctoi that which opposed Napoleon. death. The theme had remained upper- ot Divinity; Rev. W. T.Thompson, of Kniiwille, The Roman idea, that a good man most in his mind during the week, and 1919-1920 Very Trim.. Doctor of Divinity. was one whoheld to a fixed course, was now, he had gone up on the mountain Favorable Proceedings were opened in the big dynamic which enabled them (iod. So, was Commencement Hall by an invocation the force to "talk it over" with it Football, Basketball and Baseball Will All Have Excellent to subdue the world. The man who has a time of great spiritual crisis with SchedulesNext ottered by Dr. C. M. Richards, pastoi college a fixed purpose will rise above the Christ. To us, too, Dr. Lilly explained, Year— In Spiteof ManyDrawbacks the Wildcats Made of the church. Dr. T. \V. I.in- masses; the man who has not can be no come the needs often for a little talking aFavorable Showing ThisSeason. gle, who presided over the exercises, in highher than the animals. it over w'ith (iod— a need for the real- the absence of Dr. Win. J. Martin, is always interesting to prophecy ai and exception or one or two president Dr. Mauze then pointed out four ity of spiritual existence. It with the of the college, made .1 slum little and when things look as favorableI everything went off smoothly. talk, introducing Dr. who things in which a man should be stead- Such a solution of problems, spiritual McCrackcn. First, present job. delivered the literary address ot the da\. fast. he should be steadfast in and mental and physical, always meets as they do at this is an easy I'withalI. should not end Dr. McCrai ken, president ot LaFay- study, a man's studying the Father's approval;and that it meets In football Coach Fet/.er is planning for Although football was slightly Inn receiving diploma but ette College, at Kaston, Pa., delivered with the of his it in an increased call to service, (iod the biggest season we haVe ever had.' hy his life. dered lack of time for practice, and oneof the best commencement addresses should be continued throughout not only gave the Son the desired com- ' Most of last year's team willhe on hand the limits put on trips, the season at Da- ever heard at Two temptations will come to him in munion, the wanted answer that he Davidson. Scholarly, and other heroes of past years will be1 was exceptionally satisfactory. erudite, polislu-d. and yet tilled with reference to the books which he reads. s(.ught. He .ilso sent His testimony of vidson reading back from the army and on the job. hard facts and the straight rs*en«e of One of these is to confine bis to Dr.me approval of His Son and his ac- At the lirst practice only four ot the subject and so to narrow instead of (iod The schedule is as hard as that of am good old common sense. Dr. McCrack one tions. And in like manner glori- South, part'year's huskies answered to the roll broaden his outlook. The other is to today. glori- college or university in the in- en's address was one to hold the closest fic- in approval life He cluding Washington Lee, call. One of these was soon sent to of let his profession interfere with all Him times and South attention scholar and layman alike: fies all who look toward in Carolina, V. M. I., Georgia Tech, A. camp and the three remaining formed The speaker is forceful- study. He cautioned the graduatingof spiritual crisis. But Dr. Lilly said one of those & of N. C Iniversity of North the for the new team. Around looking, dynamic men, pair class to be on their guard against these that when (iod glorilies a man and ex- E. nucleus with a ol Carolina. Presbyterian College of South Spann. in the hack field, and Crouch humorous lips persist temptations. pands his vision and increases his great that in smiling friendship Carolina. Furnian, (luilford. and Wake and MiMaster on the line. Coach Fct- even during the expression of his must Again, in and love the powers nt mind and soul, He also sends necessity. Forest. There is no doubt that a man /er began to build his machine. Of the serious thoughts, and with a face and same stability is a No true an enlarged amount of work, moM that makes next year's team will see and previous year's scrubs, Fischel, Hrady. chin denoting the character and stiength friendship can ever come about unless pii'hlems, and greater tasks to be ac- have a part in the best college games in Kohson. Masscy, Mi Alister, and White of purpose that him ;it one there is a permanent affection between complished. In fact, he declared, tliese made time this section of the country. showed up well and made a place on the youngest college president the persons involved. Dr. Mauze em- increasing tasks are evidence to us that in the the squad. Douglass and of States, not phasized the fact that love had been (iod is sending His approval. Th.'n Four basketball men are sure to be Johnston United if in thr world. made too much of a joke.
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