ep Pottall Shop The Adsl Independent-Leader AdvtrtiMrt y Tp,ls All The Town** Offer Yea The Bett Yaka Succinctly, ent - leaber t. FoHowTlm.! XlII.-No. 6. N. ^FRIDAY, MAY2, 1941 '~~MCE FIVE CENTS Mrs. J. J/. Thayer Martin Christens Tells Of Expansion, New $27f000 Statelnspection Boat $1,000,OOODEVELOPMENT HERE Local Woman, Wife Of Tax Commissioner, Sends Hand- some Craft Down Ways At Cape May County WOODBRIDGE—Mrs. J. II. Thuyer.Martin, oC 585 IS PROJECTED BY SHELL OIL Rahway Avenjje, wife of State Tax Commissioner Martin, „„„» Of Shorter Shift christened "The Thayer Martin," New Jersey's new motor New Tanks, Buildings To fuel inspection boat, Saturday at Strathmere, Cape May Shell Employes Are Allowed fkw Increase In Wages [Tl Be Decided By V* County. Be Added To Plant Lo- November The new vessel, valued at $27,000, will replace the Effective Immediately; Contract Will Run 14 Months cated In Sewaren ^8-year-old "Nora" WhMi will be ters SEWAREN—-The Shell Employes' Association Monday, night, April 28, have been presented to de-commlssioned as sooii as tne the Shell management The proposals hafe been naw boat it ready for service, The f Scwaran hat rtuchud * new wage «|r«ement 0 MOVE MAIN OFFICE jpjSSIONER AGREES amicably received and accepted. Therefore the ntw state received a trade-in allowance Chinese Relief with officials of the oil plant. The new contract, of $2,500 for the "Nora", making which stipulates raises in salaries, became effective wage igreement, to be effective May 1st, 1941, has SOON FROM ELIZABETH [llHPBA ONPROGRAM been s'gaed and will be in force for a period of the cost'of "The Thayer Martin" yrUrrd»y and will run for * period of fourteen That's^ What Chaplie fourteen months." Neither sidn would indicate the $24,500. month*. The'new shij) was built by Al- Fong Wants After • • * . amount of the increases. 40 New Employes Already LceplHiKoOf Plan.IsNot * • « • fred May a,t Stratjimi-re and has Dispossess In making the announcement, Albert Barna, |pected Til Require Ad- been under construction since Nov- SCHOOL ATHLETES chairman of the aitociation, state: The pr-ncefal relation! which have been main- Added; Others To B« ember^ After an ei(?ht-hour trial WOQJ>r,RJDGE—Charlie Fong "It is gratifying 'to make public that the vari- tained since the location of the Shell plant in Se- run and transfer of equipment Hired Dnrinf Expansion ditional Personnel has bee-, dispossessed. ous proposals made by the Shell Employes' Asso- warenj thus will be aitured continued for another •from thp old boat,' "The Thayer In case you are a newcomer GUESTS AT DINNER ciation of Sewaren and discussed at a meeting held long period. Martin" will b'c put infye service, In WooiKbridRC Charlie t'ontf Is State ' Purchasing Commissioner the ChineKo J^undryman who SEWAREN — Within a few ,., i ;-i|>(;!•: -.Vftcr a series Winners Of Letter-Awards weeks the Shell Oil Plant at Se* Frederick A. Bro'dc'sser said. lhas conducted' a shop on Pearl ml conferences it Announced At Banquet waren will become the main depot , ..Profitable Street for the past 22 years. SAILORS IN BRAWL, 3-3-3 Blast Of Sim To Summon of tho Shell Oil Conspanr in New ihat the question Charlie, who Is all of four At Plainsboro t)ax department officials said, tfWwy and immediate st|ps -will bs) ihiy for members Teet, eight inches tall, prides thefpatrol of New Jersey watery in Home Defense Forces To Service taken for a general «*f*naiMi W himself on belnpt an American WOODBRHWK—Seventy-throe ONE GETSJTABBED 1'iwtment wfll be NNe w YVbrkk HHarbob r area hha s bbeen students of Woodbridge Hi(fh J cost in tho neighborhood (A % mil- citizen and always flew the Am- responsible for collection of hun lion dollars, erican flap in front of "his shop School, participating; in football, Red Cross, uAid Squad, Fire Companies, Police Co-Or inner Herbert B. dreds of thousands of dollars in Drink Bout Aboard Tank- on every legal holiday. baseball, archery, debating, band dinated To Act Immediately In Case Of Disaster Edward C. Wur,d«, geacnT ,I yesterday that gasoline taxes and has practically and cheer-kjadinit, were named Anyway yesterday afternoon er Docked In Sewaren sales manager, admitted yvttarday vs<'iitutive*-of the itoppe'd gasoline bootlegging. .JKittttfirs _()f lcttl?T...nwttfijs fnr t.hp | ^ Desk Senjreant Andru-v^ftrmflTweit" thai the engineering, wlea and red ni-volcnt Asjpcla- A bill of lading for a.11 fuel an( 1940-194 L year, at the annual lall- heard a noise. Poerintf over the estate departments of tf» SiteU Oil , ucck and it ¥?»* il being carried must be produced &porta dipnoi* lust, niirht at Walker When that number is sourded on the various alarrr enclosure around thi desjfc he SEWAREN—As the aftermath Campjuiy would be moved to Se- ,,'foi- the entire iy captains of tankers ,»nd othc Gordon * Farms restaurant in waren from £lizab«th hy *be mid- spied Charlie. • if a drinking party aboard tho systems throughout the Township it will mean that all the <• itilc Tlic quee- ships antering New Jersey. Vessels Plainsboro. dle of the month. "I've been locked out," Char- 'anker Swift Arrow tied up at the unity of the Home Defense Council are to report to thei ,w he put on thelacking these bills are required t Nearly 100 persons, including lie solemnly "tonnounccd in his Ihell Oil Company dock here Sat- 1 "Tho new nwve," he said,'"will make a-declaration of the fuel be members of the BoSrd of Educa- ;tations. This signal was agreed upon at a meeting of th .MTiit election in usual sing-son* manner, "I sleep irday night, William E. Salser, 37, moan but the faking of tan extm |i«ssc», it will not tore they enter any of the state': tion, principals, police and fire here -or* f looit" f Newell, W,est Virginia, seponu group held la§t night, t . , ' j people in the clerical forcej || \tn , ports. chiefs, coaching staff tand the press, until Jwnjary 1 f SeiKcaiit Simonsen'looked at ook,' is in the Perth Amboy Gen*- Reseat time. We haW *t*mif attended the affair.' William (Bill) Represented were the Red fcrosa, First Aid- Squad* Charge in askance but soon got iral Hospital being treated for re4 thirty or forty new emptoyw Denny, fooHball mentor at Sftuth veteran organizations, fii'e com- AII ways the o.ues- him to change his mind about .lab wounds in the stomach. panies and fire commissioners. The n. the past few weeks and as tt» 1 River High School, was the guest : , i I on the. ballot 'SHOULDER RIDERS Keeping accommodations. ChaT- Edward Otwo, 46, <rf 82 Ohest Margaret Kelly Is First xpension prggram is carried on npcake.. Board of Education will cooperate niny pi out and BC- lie shuffled out of headquarters nut Street; Ntw Brighton, Staten and in case of disaster all the nd jK'ai-a compKtion -added-mttV •Stephen K, Werlock, director of Defense Bond Buyer Here ,,l twenty per cent and at last reports he was at- island, a fh'ejnan, who ipolice say school buildjngs will bo opened for will be employed from time to NABBEDjIY POLICE athletics, announced 26 eligibles 'WOODBMDGE —Miss M"ar- me." . '^ ,,| voters oi|a peti- tempting to raise $257.17 for al- confessed to the stabbing, is in the relief and hospital purposes with for footiball letter awards, twelve 1 garet Kelly, money order clerk Mr. Wundcr also stated that tin •w uship.Colimittce most a year's back rcnt^among ounty jail awaiting the action .of the Red Cross in charge. • • luiinn to nave the liis friends in New York. Until in i baseball, eleven for cheer-lead- the grand jury on a complaint cf at the local post office and Paul mprovements would cost in I Twenty Arrests Made Over Leon E. McElroy, coordinator of thst wnount k f»id the patliock ing, nine for archery, six in debat- eighborh<KMl of a mUlioij.jioJJiut^ . tiiu bulkit- Weekend By Patrolmen \M 'Local' Defertro -Council, ex- !: II.' taken has not will not be opened. ing iiml nine for tand'work. The stabbing occurred when .chased the mrsit Defense Savings Wisibly more. It Is undwstood" The seventy-three letters will be iplained the fire companies' part and thah t new oflRoe buildings wUl be ;,. VI.'L. Seregant Cajrl Sund.quist was on, Bonds, W: Ouy Weaver, post- Peterson, Feiertag awarded lite following shortly be- Chief of Police George E. Keat- iiiiiiU'd out that al duty at the do,ck in accordanc master, announced. Miss Kelly constructed, present buildings will ll-.h;:- fore graduating exflfcises nex1 ing di?c«ssed the duties of the pro- be altered and new wings «ddwL ,:. towns and cities WOODBRIIXJE — Twenty, ar- with goyertiment regulations when- bought a $100 bond and Mr, Draft Board Lauded mon.th:., ' posed auxiliary (police. He urg<id AJ percentage f the appro- ill,-.. departments in rests were made aver the weekend ever "a boat.is in?" One of th 'Brunn a $25 (bond, o Football that each fire company and veter- priation will be pat iu new k i:. The Woodbridgcby Township police in » war seamen lushed down the . v In addition, the office sold over Goorge Gyenes, Nic^t DaWte", an organization recommend 15 and pipe lines. - ,il.. ten-hour shifts against motorists wbo use the By Army Commander plank; .^mi excitedly informed 40 savinya stamps in denomina- shoulder of the road to pass traf- John Dubay, Nick Scmak, William tions of ten cents, twenty-five members who -would b.e willing tv B Han '! !"i lunch.
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