24 - M A N C H ES TK H H K H A U ), Wcdnesdiiy. August 8, 1984 FASHION FORECAST U.S. archaeologists Lewis paces I open ancient tomb U.S. sweep H ... page 10 ... page 14 ■ h ■ Cloudy tonight; Manchester, Conn. f sunny Friday Th ursd a y, August 9, 1984 — See page 2 Single copy: 25C 7. M n m h t B t n H r r a l h X, 1 Feud sparks Administration Lawrence riot i. Mass. (U PI) — About 200 people hurled Molotov cocktails, set fires, looted stores and reiterates its wrecked cars today in a riot that started with a feud and left at least 12 injured — four from shotgun wounds, authorities said. All of the injured were civilians, police Capt. Samuel Aliano said. He said six people were arrested on charges ranging from assault and battery with a tax opposition marijuana possession. Three fires were set and one building was destroyed, Aliano said. He said the gasoline tanks By Elaine S. Povich were ripped from at least four cars to gel fuel for United Press International Molotov cocktails. Police said the feuding groups were white and W ASHINGTON — Attempting to m i n i Hispanic, but it appeared the conflict was not racially Misses’ Sweaters & Tops Jrs.’ Novelty Knit Tops clear the air. Treasury Secretary Ladies’ Turtlenecks Petites' Sweaters Jrs.’ Sweater Vests Misses’ Trimmed Blouses motivated. Donald Regan said today the adminis­ ^ ‘We know there were two factions feuding —• one tration has no plans fnr increasing white and one Hispanic,” Aliano said. ’’It started with ta xp in 1986, 1987 and 1988, and he told . * Our Reg 15 99 Our Reg. 12 99 Our Reg. 15.99 Our Reg. 13.99 Our Reg. 13.99 4 4 9 6.74 12.31 9 .9 7 12.31 10.77 10.49 a feud over a broken windshield, escalated from that an interviewer, “ Would vou like to try Our Reg. 5.99 to 8.99 Super-soft silk/angora blends. Oversize looks, novelty trims, Lace. Krinkles. ribbed knits and Casual & dress styles. S.M.L. 32-38. WOW Krinkle knits, wheat tiake point on, and pretty soon they were using bats and for 2000?” cottons, sweater knits, more' lOO'^o acrylic and more'S.M.L solids, stripes, more! S.M.L. more in colors galore! Sizes S.M.L. Solidsw/neckembroidery S.M.L Molotov cocktails.” In going farther than other adminis­ P -S .’^Gitano'^ Jeans Another police spokesman said there was a trations officials, including President Proportioned Pants Petites’ Fall Skirts Jrs.’ Novelty Pants Misses’ Striped Jeans Matching Gitano^’^ Jeans Caldor Reg. Price................... 18.99 longstanding disagreement between the two groups, Reagan, on the future tux situation, the Caldor Sale Price . .. .1 4 .6 2 but it did not involve racial issues and the disturance Trea.sury secretary indicated he was Mfr. Mail-in Rebate ........5.00 ‘ was sparked by that ongoing feud irked by news reports of his statement Our Reg. 14,99 Our Reg. 22.99 Our Reg. 20.99 11.24 13.85 Our Reg. 17.99 13.8 5 * 15.22 17.70 _ ” It was not racial,” the spokesman said. ”It just to Congress’s Joint Economic Commit­ Misses 10OP'o woven poly w/plealS Some tjelted styles, solids and Reg. 17.99 & 19.99 100% colton denim in baggy Exciting fashion colors, rivet trim, happens to be two factions that would make it appear tee Wednesday. & pockets Short S Average, 6-18 AFTER REBATE . patterns, flannels, more' 6-16 Parachutenylon, twills, more* 3-13 styles Single/double stripes 8-18 straight leg, sizes 3-13. 9.62 that it was racial. ... The feud had been going on for Most reports had Regan reiterating Misses’ 100% cotton, sizes 6-18. quite some time and went over the edge last night.” (* Look lor th« P S GiTiho coupon In Ih* Augutt the administration woujd not raise •Casual & Dressy Handbags •Jrs. Shirts w/Pocket Detail •Ladies' Blouses & Tunics •Full Figure P.S.’“ Gitano' Jeans S «venl*«n, Glamour. Coimopolitan A li t Me Two people were admitted to Lawrence General taxes in 1985 but that he he would not •Scarves and Belts magaiinee A mall In lor IS rebate. Coupona muat be Our Reg. 9.99 ........................... 7.49 Our Reg 5.99 . Ea 4.49 Our Reg 15.99 .................... 12.31 O u r Reg. 1 5 .9 9 ..................12.33 32-40, Our Reg. 20.99........ 16.16 accompemed by required attachmenta Eapirea8/31/S4 Hospital, one suffering from numerous buckshot rule out increases in the 1986-88 period. wounds and one with a broken leg, a hospital "As for 1986 we haven't even come to spokeswoman said. She said at least nine men and one grips with that budget yet. let alone woman were treated for cuts, multiple fractures, 1987 or 1988,” he told the congressional ' knife wounds, and bruises and released. hearing. DONALD REGAN Listed in good condition with buckshot wounds was Pressed today on NBC’s ’’Today " . joins no-tax fray Paul Borrelli, 32, of Lawrence. In good condition with program, Regan said, "Let’s get the a broken leg was David Vasquez, 15, also of Lawrence. record straight then. We have no plans increase taxes if elected, insists Aliano said 13 people were taken to Lawrence now for tax increases in 1986, ’87, ’88. Reagan has a “ .secret plan” to raise General, Including three with apparently serious Would you like to try for 2000?” taxes to cope with burgeoning budget injuries. The hospital spokeswoman said some of Asked if the administration had plans deficits. those injured in the disturbance may have refused for a contlnsency tax lithe defliHt does Under conttnuous questtonlng, Re­ treatment. not come down, Regan said, ” We tried gan repeated the president's pledge not The injured were taken in by ambulance, police, that in 1983 and it didn't go over. We to raise taxes next year. At one point he and private citizens, the spokeswoman said. have no such plans for contingency told the hearing that "as .secretary of All Slipcoversipci Petteruto’s Package Store was set ablaze by taxes either.” the treasury, I should be aware of any MONTICEaO. and Throw Covers Molotov cocktails and looted by rioters who grabbed Regan said tax reform recommenda­ plans for tax increases. This adminis­ X' O ann o n . 1 1 cases of beer and bottles of liquor, fought over the loot tions would be given to President tration has no plans fur a tax increase ei^lH a|i|pr L ii I 10.39to31.95 ».wtS39.99 in the street and smashed bottles onto the pavement, a Reagan by a December deadline set by in 198.5.” Agoodtimetofreshenupthe living room.Chotoe witness said. the president, and added, ” I can’t see Regan said the recent $63 billion White Luxury Percale Sheets ‘‘Highlights’ Terry Towels Seeded Voile Ruffled of fabrics at money-saving pricesi Cozy’s Cafe, located across the street from any way that we can possibly” have it "down payment” package of taxes and Priscilla Curtains (NOTmnivEfaioe) Petteruto's, also was looted, police said. TWIN (Flat or Fitted) A Q 7 St. Mary’s ‘Performer’ BATH j C 0 7 finished before the election. spending euts enacted last month has Reg. 6.99.................................“T a ^ f Lawrence Police Chief Joseph Tylus met late this By 1989, Regan said, the nation's brought the deficit down to a level 100% Acrylic Blanket Our Reg. 7 .9 9 ....................a 96x63* •Full, Flat or Fitted, Reg. 8.99..........6.71 It’s the sofest towel you’ll ever buy and it’s Our Rag. 14.99 ___ 1 1 .4 4 ^ Caldor’s Cresian morning at City Hail with Mayor John J. Buckley Jr., deficit would be "much less than $150 where spending curbs can produce and the city’s chief law enforcement official, billion,” a figure far below the $263 further reductions. •Queen, Flat or Fitted, Reg. 13.99 . .9.66 70x90' “7 A A fashioned by dependable St. Mary's. Enjoy the sheer beauty of voile curtains and Acrylic Yam Our Reg. 9 .9 9 ......................f ■■'I ■'! give your window a new look! Choice of Alderman of Public Safety Raymond Johnson, about billion projected by the Congressional The $63 billion package - $50 billion •King, Flat or Fitted, Reg. 15.99 . 11.78 the disturbance. ‘Performs’ at peak efficiency by providing Snowy Whiteor Rose, machine washable. Budget Office. in taxes and $13 billion in spending cuts 8ur»S","i. ....:89* ” No police fired any shots,” Tylus said in an •King Casea, 2-Pk. Reg. 7.99 ............5.97 warmth without weight! Machine •Hand Towel, Our Reg. 5.49.............4.11 •96x72', Our Rag. 15.99................11.88 Regan also was asked if he expects — will take effect over three years. 4 oz., 4 ply worsted weight In alt interview just before the meeting. •Standard Casas, 2-Pk., Reg. 6.99... 5.26 washable and dryable in Blue or Beige. •Washcloth, Our Reg. 2.39...............1.72 OActen’ lAAtrMlAmarftofOupimt your favorite colors. the strong rally on the stock market to During that lime, the Congressional continue. Budget Office projects deficits will rise ” I don't this is a flash in the pan.” by about $590 billion. Regan said. ” I think it will continue "The down payment reduces the with ups and downs, of course, and then remaining budget problem to levels Inside Today it goes straight up.” ' which can be handled by reasonable YOUR CHOICE SURMOUNTDC Herald photo by Tarquinio THE CRISES OF OFF Regan told congressmen Wednesday spending re.straint on the part of Our .
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