Government of West Bengal Office of the District Magistrate, Burdwan (Food Section) ORDER Out of balance amount of Rs.79,84,642=00 (Rupees Seventy Nine lakh Eighty Four thousand Six hundred and Forty Two only) sanctioned vide G.O.No.707(Sanc)/ES(CMDMP)/GENL-32/2011 dt.14/12/2011 & 293(Sanc)ES(CMDMP)/Genl-32/2011 dt.14/06/2012, a sum of Rs.15,24,391=00 (Rupees Fifteen lakh Twenty Four thousand Three hundred and Ninety One only) is hereby sub-allotted to the all Block Development Officers of Burdwan district for their respective blocks and to all Sub-Division Officers of Burdwan district for the Municipalities and/or Municipal Corporations under their jurisdiction to meet up the cost of Transportation for carrying of food grains in connection with Mid-day-Meal Programme for Upper Primary Stage for the period July 2012 to August 2012 as per statement enclosed through Bank Advice System. All S.D.O.s and B.D.O.s are requested to pay the amount on the basis of the Govt. order No.633/ES/PLNG/O/MDM-21/2010 dt.01/11/11 of School Education Department, Kolkata-91. Previous Unspent fund including this allotment, if any, can be utilized for the following months for the same purpose. Income Tax should be deducted as per rule and deposited under proper head of A/c. at the time of passing bill. They are requested to submit Utilization Certificate in respect of the fund sanctioned here in should invariably be sent to this end in proper format proforma along with statement of expenditure by the last working day of the following month. Sd/- Additional District Magistrate (Dev) Burdwan Memo No.:661(48)/FS/V-3/2012 Date:04/09/2012 Copy forwarded for information and taking necessary action to the:- 1-6) Sub divisional Officer, Sadar(North) / Sadar (South), Burdwan, Asansol / Durgapur / Kalna / Katwa. 7-8) Mayor, Asansol / Durgapur Municipal Corporation. 9-39) Block Development Officer, Burdwan-I / Burdwan-II / Ausgram-I / Ausgram-II / Bhatar / Galsi-II / Memari-I / Memari-II / Raina-I / Raina-II / Jamalpur / Khandaghosh / Katwa-I / Katwa-II / Ketugram-I / Ketugram-II / Mongalkote / Kalna-I / Kalna-II / Purbasthali-I / Purbasthali-II / Monteswar / Andal / Pandaveswar / Kanksha / Galsi-I / Durgapur- Faridpur / Barabani / Salanpur / Jamuria / Raniganj Development Block. 40-48) Chairman, Burdwan / Gushkara / Memari / Kalna / Katwa / Dainhat / Kulti / Jamuria / Raniganj Municipality. Sd/- Additional District Magistrate (Dev) Burdwan Memo No.:661(48)/FS/V-3/2012 Date:04/09/2012 Copy forwarded for information to the:- 1) Project Director (MDM) School Education Department Mid-Day Meal Section Acharya Profullo Chandra Bhavan (4th Floor) Plot 7/1, Block – DK, Salt Lake, Sector – II Karunamoyee. 2) C.A. to Sabhadhipati, Zilla Parishad, Burdwan. 3) C.A. to District Magistrate, Burdwan. 4) D.P.O., S.S.M., Burdwan. Sd/- Additional District Magistrate (Dev) Burdwan Enclosed to Memo No.: 661(48)/FS/V-3/2012 Date: 04-09-2012 Sub allotment of funds for Transportation Cost for the Period July 2012 @ Rs.75/- per Qtl. [Upper Primary] Sl. To Whom Name of Payee No. Sub-alloted (Rs.) allotted Grand Total (Rs.) (Qtls.) (This office (@Rs.75/- per Qtl.) Memo:465(45)/FS/V- 1/2012 dt.15/06/2012) Previous Adjustments 2012 as per FCI report Transportation Cost Sub- Food grains Lifted in July 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 S.D.O., Burdwan Sadar North Chairman, Burdwan Municipality 7.53 565 0 565 2 S.D.O., Burdwan Sadar North Chairman, Gushkara Municipality 7.80 585 0 585 3 B.D.O., Aushgram-I B.D.O., Aushgram-I 187.38 14,054 0 14,054 4 B.D.O., Aushgram-II B.D.O., Aushgram-II 284.15 21,311 0 21,311 5 B.D.O., Burdwan-I B.D.O., Burdwan-I 327.78 24,584 0 24,584 6 B.D.O., Burdwan-II B.D.O., Burdwan-II 167.70 12,577 0 12,577 7 B.D.O., Bhatar B.D.O., Bhatar 460.66 34,550 0 34,550 8 B.D.O., Galsi-II B.D.O., Galsi-II 259.14 19,436 0 19,436 9 S.D.O., Burdwan Sadar South Chairman, Memari Municipality 86.20 6,465 0 6,465 10 B.D.O., Memari-I B.D.O., Memari-I 362.38 27,179 0 27,179 11 B.D.O., Memari-II B.D.O., Memari-II 290.17 21,763 0 21,763 12 B.D.O., Raina-I B.D.O., Raina-I 371.03 27,828 0 27,828 13 B.D.O., Raina-II B.D.O., Raina-II 286.68 21,501 0 21,501 14 B.D.O., Jamalpur B.D.O., Jamalpur 441.06 33,080 0 33,080 15 B.D.O., Khandoghosh B.D.O., Khandoghosh 334.26 25,070 0 25,070 16 S.D.O., Kalna Chairman, Kalna Municipality 81.61 6,121 0 6,121 17 B.D.O., Kalna-I B.D.O., Kalna-I 318.99 23,924 0 23,924 18 B.D.O., Kalna-II B.D.O., Kalna-II 256.50 19,238 0 19,238 19 B.D.O., Purbasthali-I B.D.O., Purbasthali-I 355.18 26,639 0 26,639 20 B.D.O., Purbasthali-II B.D.O., Purbasthali-II 447.01 33,526 0 33,526 21 B.D.O., Monteswar B.D.O., Monteswar 476.75 35,756 0 35,756 22 S.D.O., Katwa Chairman, Katwa Municipality 0.00 0 0 0 23 S.D.O., Katwa Chairman, Dainhat Municipality 61.60 4,620 0 4,620 24 B.D.O., Katwa-I B.D.O., Katwa-I 255.62 19,172 0 19,172 25 B.D.O., Katwa-II B.D.O., Katwa-II 153.48 11,511 0 11,511 26 B.D.O., Ketugram-I B.D.O., Ketugram-I 315.83 23,687 0 23,687 27 B.D.O., Ketugram-II B.D.O., Ketugram-II 75.76 5,682 0 5,682 28 B.D.O., Mongalkote B.D.O., Mongalkote 448.58 33,644 0 33,644 29 S.D.O., Durgapur Mayor, Durgapur Municipal Corporation 61.24 4,593 0 4,593 30 B.D.O., Pandabeswar B.D.O., Pandabeswar 65.94 4,946 0 4,946 31 B.D.O., Andal B.D.O., Andal 360.22 27,017 0 27,017 32 B.D.O., Durgapur-Faridpur B.D.O., Durgapur-Faridpur 192.47 14,435 0 14,435 33 B.D.O., Kanksa B.D.O., Kanksa 274.58 20,594 0 20,594 34 B.D.O., Galsi-I B.D.O., Galsi-I 40.39 3,029 0 3,029 35 S.D.O., Asansol Mayor, Asansol Municipal Corporation 246.29 18,472 0 18,472 36 S.D.O., Asansol Chairman, Kulti Municipality 107.48 8,061 0 8,061 37 S.D.O., Asansol Chairman, Raniganj Municipality 258.24 19,368 0 19,368 38 S.D.O., Asansol Chairman, Jamuria Municipality 229.56 17,217 0 17,217 39 B.D.O., Salanpur B.D.O., Salanpur 116.60 8,745 0 8,745 40 B.D.O., Barabani B.D.O., Barabani 124.08 9,306 0 9,306 41 B.D.O., Raniganj B.D.O., Raniganj 129.67 9,725 0 9,725 42 B.D.O., Jamuria B.D.O., Jamuria 163.22 12,241 0 12,241 TOTAL 9,490.81 7,11,817 0 7,11,817 Sd/- Additional District Magistrate (Dev) Burdwan H:\Mid-Day Meal\Sub-Allotment\2012-2013\Sub-allotment of Transport Charge (UP)\Sub-Allotment Detail of Transportation Cost (Upper Primary) 2012- 2013.xls Page 1 of 1 Enclosed to Memo No.: 661(48)/FS/V-3/2012 Date: 04-09-2012 Sub allotment of funds for Transportation Cost for the Period August 2012 @ Rs.75/- per Qtl. [Upper Primary] Sl. To Whom Name of Payee No. Sub-alloted (Rs.) allotted Grand Total (Rs.) (@Rs.75/- per Qtl.) Memo:465(45)/FS/V- Food grains Lifted in 1/2012 dt.15/06/2012) Previous Adjustments August 2012 as per FCI Transportation Cost Sub- report (Qtls.) (This office 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 S.D.O., Burdwan Sadar North Chairman, Burdwan Municipality 132.74 9,956 0 9,956 2 S.D.O., Burdwan Sadar North Chairman, Gushkara Municipality 7.80 585 0 585 3 B.D.O., Aushgram-I B.D.O., Aushgram-I 187.38 14,054 0 14,054 4 B.D.O., Aushgram-II B.D.O., Aushgram-II 284.15 21,311 0 21,311 5 B.D.O., Burdwan-I B.D.O., Burdwan-I 327.78 24,584 0 24,584 6 B.D.O., Burdwan-II B.D.O., Burdwan-II 259.67 19,475 0 19,475 7 B.D.O., Bhatar B.D.O., Bhatar 460.66 34,550 0 34,550 8 B.D.O., Galsi-II B.D.O., Galsi-II 265.21 19,891 0 19,891 9 S.D.O., Burdwan Sadar South Chairman, Memari Municipality 86.20 6,465 0 6,465 10 B.D.O., Memari-I B.D.O., Memari-I 362.38 27,179 0 27,179 11 B.D.O., Memari-II B.D.O., Memari-II 295.60 22,170 0 22,170 12 B.D.O., Raina-I B.D.O., Raina-I 378.40 28,380 0 28,380 13 B.D.O., Raina-II B.D.O., Raina-II 311.40 23,355 0 23,355 14 B.D.O., Jamalpur B.D.O., Jamalpur 472.00 35,400 0 35,400 15 B.D.O., Khandoghosh B.D.O., Khandoghosh 334.26 25,070 0 25,070 16 S.D.O., Kalna Chairman, Kalna Municipality 163.72 12,279 0 12,279 17 B.D.O., Kalna-I B.D.O., Kalna-I 377.82 28,337 0 28,337 18 B.D.O., Kalna-II B.D.O., Kalna-II 256.50 19,238 0 19,238 19 B.D.O., Purbasthali-I B.D.O., Purbasthali-I 355.18 26,639 0 26,639 20 B.D.O., Purbasthali-II B.D.O., Purbasthali-II 447.01 33,526 0 33,526 21 B.D.O., Monteswar B.D.O., Monteswar 476.75 35,756 0 35,756 22 S.D.O., Katwa Chairman, Katwa Municipality 0.00 0 0 0 23 S.D.O., Katwa Chairman, Dainhat Municipality 61.60 4,620 0 4,620 24 B.D.O., Katwa-I B.D.O., Katwa-I 268.24 20,118 0 20,118 25 B.D.O., Katwa-II B.D.O., Katwa-II 248.65 18,649 0 18,649 26 B.D.O., Ketugram-I B.D.O., Ketugram-I 315.83 23,687 0 23,687 27 B.D.O., Ketugram-II B.D.O., Ketugram-II 208.30 15,623 0 15,623 28 B.D.O., Mongalkote B.D.O., Mongalkote 448.60 33,645 0 33,645 29 S.D.O., Durgapur Mayor, Durgapur Municipal Corporation 239.62 17,972 0 17,972 30 B.D.O., Pandabeswar B.D.O., Pandabeswar 191.09 14,332 0 14,332 31 B.D.O., Andal B.D.O., Andal 360.22 27,017 0 27,017 32 B.D.O., Durgapur-Faridpur B.D.O., Durgapur-Faridpur 197.93 14,845 0 14,845 33 B.D.O., Kanksa B.D.O., Kanksa 274.58 20,594 0 20,594 34 B.D.O., Galsi-I B.D.O., Galsi-I 299.23 22,442 0 22,442 35 S.D.O., Asansol Mayor, Asansol Municipal Corporation 246.29 18,472 0 18,472 36 S.D.O., Asansol Chairman, Kulti Municipality 107.48 8,061 0 8,061 37 S.D.O., Asansol Chairman, Raniganj Municipality 258.24 19,368 0 19,368 38 S.D.O., Asansol Chairman, Jamuria Municipality 229.56 17,217 0 17,217 39 B.D.O., Salanpur B.D.O., Salanpur 149.65 11,224 0 11,224 40 B.D.O., Barabani B.D.O., Barabani 193.61 14,521 0 14,521 41 B.D.O., Raniganj B.D.O., Raniganj 129.67 9,725 0 9,725 42 B.D.O., Jamuria B.D.O., Jamuria 163.22 12,242 0 12,242 TOTAL 10,834.22 8,12,574 0 8,12,574 Sd/- Additional District Magistrate (Dev) Burdwan H:\Mid-Day Meal\Sub-Allotment\2012-2013\Sub-allotment of Transport Charge (UP)\Sub-Allotment Detail of Transportation Cost (Upper Primary) 2012- 2013.xls Page 1 of 1.
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