1838 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY VOLUME 32 Interaction between the Indonesian Seas and the Indian Ocean in Observations and Numerical Models* JAMES T. P OTEMRA1 AND SUSAN L. HAUTALA School of Oceanography, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington JANET SPRINTALL Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California WAHYU PANDOE# Department of Oceanography, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas (Manuscript received 11 January 2001, in ®nal form 2 November 2001) ABSTRACT Recent measurements from six bottom-mounted gauges are used with numerical model results to study the exchange of water between the Indonesian seas and the Indian Ocean via the Lesser Sunda Islands known collectively as Nusa Tengarra. The observations are approximately three years in length, from late 1995 to early 1999, and include measurements of bottom pressure, temperature, and salinity. The locations of the gauges are at the boundaries of three straits connecting the southern Indonesian seas with the eastern Indian Ocean: the Lombok Strait, the Ombai Strait, and the Timor Passage. The magnitude of intraseasonal variations in the pressure data dominates over that of the seasonal cycle. Intraseasonal variability appears most frequently and largest in magnitude at the westernmost strait (Lombok) and decreases along the coastline to the Timor Passage. Comparison to wind data shows these intraseasonal variations to be due to Kelvin wave activity in the Indian Ocean, forced by two distinct wind variations: semiannual monsoon reversals and Madden±Julian oscillation (MJO) activity. Sea level variations from both forcing mechanisms are then adjusted by local, alongshore winds. Longer-duration model results show the observation period (1996 through early 1999) to be a time of increased ENSO-related interannual variability and of suppressed annual cycle. MJO activity is also increased during this time. These factors explain the dominance of the higher frequency signals in the pressure data and the relative lack of a distinct annual cycle. An optimal ®t of model sea level variations to model through-strait transport variations is used to estimate transport variability from the observed pressure records. At each strait the optimal ®t is consistent with a cross-strait geostrophic balance for transport variations in the upper 250 m. 1. Introduction region. One previous measurement was made in the Lombok Strait (Murray and Arief 1988) using current For a variety of reasons, estimates of Paci®c to Indian meters deployed for one year. Similar observations were Ocean exchange, particularly at the out¯ow straits in made for one year in the Ombai Strait (Molcard et al. Nusa Tengarra, is very challenging. Aside from the 2001) and for two other years in the Timor Passage Shallow Pressure Gauge Array (SPGA) program that (Molcard et al. 1994, 1996). Several hydrographic sur- was responsible for the data used in the present study veys were made as part of the Java Australia Dynamics and a repeat XBT line from Australia to Java (Meyers Experiment (JADE) and World Ocean Circulation Ex- et al. 1995), there are few long term observations in the periment (WOCE) programs as well, but these provide only single time measurements. A complete review of measurements is given in Lukas et al. (1996). * School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology Publication 5956 and International Paci®c Research Center Publication 129. More recently, bottom mounted gauges that measure 1 Current af®liation: SOEST/IPRC, University of Hawaii, Hon- pressure, temperature, and salinity were placed at nine olulu, Hawaii. locations in Nusa Tengarra (see Fig. 1) to study the # Additional af®liation: BPPT, Jakarta, Indonesia. exchange of water between the Indonesian seas and the Indian Ocean (via the geostrophic relationship between Corresponding author address: Dr. James T. Potemra, SOEST/ cross-strait sea level differences and shallow ¯ow). The IPRC, University of Hawaii, 2525 Correa Road, Honolulu, HI 96822. gauges were initially deployed in December of 1995, E-mail: [email protected] and the data records terminate in early 1999. These q 2002 American Meteorological Society Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/28/21 06:11 PM UTC JUNE 2002 POTEMRA ET AL. 1839 FIG. 1. The pressure gauges span ®ve straits and are indicated with a star. Land is shaded and the 1000-m and 100-m isobaths are drawn. observations now provide more than three years of con- from the pressure data alone. Hautala et al. (2001) use tinuous measurements in the region. a geostrophic approximation and ADCP data to level Tides were removed using a least squared ®t of 15 the cross-strait pressure gradient. Here, results from a harmonics, and long-term changes due to anchor settling large-scale, 2½-layer reduced gravity model with real- were identi®ed and removed. Data processing and pre- istic coastlines are used to determine a relationship be- liminary presentation of the ®rst two years of data is tween sea level variations (that are observed) and var- given in Chong et al. (2000). Further analysis, including iations in through-strait transport. This relationship is leveling the pressure variations with acoustic Doppler then applied to the observed pressure signal to provide current pro®ler (ADCP) data taken during cross-strait estimates of transport variability based on the obser- transects is reported in Hautala et al. (2001). Here, the vations. pressure signals at the three main out¯ow straits (Lom- bok, Ombai, and Timor) are examined in greater detail. 2. Out¯ow observations Wind data from the European Centre for Medium- Range Forecasts (ECMWF) along with numerical model Gauges at Bali and Lombok measure ¯ow in the Lom- results are used to address the following questions. First, bok Strait that connects the Java Sea to the Indian what are the pressure variations at the out¯ow straits Ocean. The strait is very narrow, and the gauges are and how do they compare to each other? What forcing located to the north (upstream) of a 225-m sill [from mechanisms are responsible for the measured pressure Smith and Sandwell (1997); see Fig. 2]. The mean depth variations? Are the variations during the observed pe- across the strait between the two gauges is 700 m. riod (1996 through 1998) typical of longer term vari- The center passage is Ombai Strait between Timor ations? Finally, what inferences can be made to trans- (South Ombai gauge) and Alor (North Ombai gauge) port? Implications for heat and freshwater budgets is a Islands. This strait is the deepest of the three, reaching key issue but will be addressed in a subsequent study. a maximum of 2700 m between the two gauges, al- In the following section, pressure data from Lombok though to the north there is a sill of about 1900 m. Water Strait, Ombai Strait, and Timor Passage are presented passing from the Banda Sea between the two gauges and described. Next, the pressure data are analyzed in comes from either west or south of Wetar, an island that comparison with ECMWF wind stress. Finally, an es- lies to the east of Alor. timation of transport variations is made using the ob- The southernmost observed strait is Timor Passage, served pressure. It is dif®cult to get absolute transport measured by gauges at Roti Island (southwest of Timor) Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/28/21 06:11 PM UTC 1840 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY VOLUME 32 FIG. 2. The three principle out¯ow straits are shown in the left panels. Approximate pressure gauge locations are indicated by asterisks. Bathymetry along a section between the two gauges at each strait (from Smith and Sandwell 1997) is shown in the right panels. Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/28/21 06:11 PM UTC JUNE 2002 POTEMRA ET AL. 1841 TABLE 1. Station locations and strait depths. Lat Lon Width Avg depth Station ID Location Strait (8S) (8E) (m) (m) BAL Bali Lombok 8.4 115.7 36 484 708 LBK Lombok 8.4 116.0 ROT Roti Timor 10.8 122.7 136 235 816 ASH Ashmore 12.2 123.0 NOM N. Ombai Ombai 8.4 125.1 35 005 1689 SOM S. Ombai 8.7 125.1 and Ashmore Reef (northwestern reef of Australia). This covered in 1999, so there are no data at these sites for passage is broad, about 136 km, but very shallow on early 1998 to early 1999. both sides. The maximum depth between the two gauges Pressure variations at the straits can be caused by a is about 1700 m. The present analysis is limited to the variety of mechanisms including thermodynamic ef- ¯ow between the shelf and Timor, but there could be fects, tides, and wind. For this study only the direct, ¯ow on the shallow Australian shelf (e.g., Cresswell et wind-driven effect will be considered (tides were re- al. 1993) to the south of the Ashmore gauge that cannot moved from the pressure data as described in Chong et be addressed here. al. 2000). Both local (alongshore) and remote (Paci®c The precise locations of the gauges are given in Table and Indian Oceans) winds can have an affect on sea 1. The South Ombai and Ashmore gauges were not re- level (and therefore bottom pressure) along the coast. FIG. 3. Three-day surface wind stress from ECMWF at two locations are given: zonal mean in the central Indian Ocean (38Sto38N, 608 to 808E) with the dashed line and zonal mean along the south shore of Java with shading. For each, positive values indicate downwelling favorable, westerly winds. Each was ®t with a 60-day running-mean ®lter, given by the heavy dashed line for the equatorial winds and the heavy solid line for the S. Java winds. Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/28/21 06:11 PM UTC 1842 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY VOLUME 32 Local alongshore wind stress along the southern coast annual and higher frequency changes.
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