Kinsella, Trembly & Stamm Break Marks Hinsdale Tops High School All

Kinsella, Trembly & Stamm Break Marks Hinsdale Tops High School All

PEDLEY, MCBREEN,BRUCE, FURNISS TOP EVENTs ''~ .............. KINSELLA, TREMBLY & STAMM BREAK MARKS HINSDALE TOPS HIGH SCHOOL ALL AMERICAN Detroit, Mich. -- The 1969-1970 high school swimming The automatic All American selection times for next season has subsided, but the memory of one of the finest season are: Medley relay 1:41.2; 200 free 1:44.3; 200 IM interscholastic seasons ever was refreshed as the All 1:58.5; 50 free 21.7; 100 fly 52.3; 100 free 47.5; 100 back American selections were released by Ralph Deetz, 54.4; 400 free 3:44o7; 100 breast 1:01.8; 400 free relay Chairman, National Interscholastic Coaches Swimming 3:17.6. Association, selection committee. N.I.$.C.A. 1970 HIGh SCHOOL ALL AHERICA ~.%,'lrl"~,lN~ TE~'~ High school swimmers set one national record and three COMPILED BY: RALPHA. ~EETZ short course high school marks in their bid for All (NOTE: ALL NAMES LISTED AFTER AN ASTERISK (*) ARE HONORABLE ~ENTION.) American award recognition. 200 YD HEDLEY RELAY- UPPER ARLINGTON,OHIO (LEWI~,~IELY,~NO~,~cELROY) l:3l.~; HIN$OALE, The greatest assemblege of high school swimming talent iLL.(~URPHY,VERNER,KODAT,HAFFNER) 1:3B.7; ~ANTk CLkRB,CAL.{~CKINLEY,CONRkD,SM~RHAN, CUBREN) ~:40.I; SERRA,CAL.(DANCZkK,BRENNER,LONGINOTTI,LOvESET~) 1:40.3; ~ATE~KY, P~. in the last 10 years comprises this year's All American (N~SH,SEHLER,CREAGBN,GIHPSON) 1:40.5; ~$HINGTOi, IA.(~IcKAY,~ILDON, BELL,CARRITHER$) l:Zi.O; ~L$ON, WASH.(EDdARDS,~ILLIkMS.~OLD,HAN~ULA) 1:41.2; ST.XA¥1ER,~HIO (~CH[LTE, Team selections by the N.I.S.C.A. SCMROEOER,CROWLEY,RUST) 1:41.2; tOOl, C~L. {GIEBER,KOLHES,TUTT,CHRISTY) 1:41.3; ABINGYON, Pk.(ERICKSO~,WELCH,$NEBER~ER,DYSON) 1:41.4; ~ESTWOOD,~ESA,ARiZ.(SCOTT, Throughout the United States, swimming has increased FIGUERDA,~RIGG$,CDMBS) ~:41.4; ROCK ISLIND, ILL.(~OXMAN,GILLI~H,KOLINDHINSKY,LO~IR) 1:41.5; ~NAHEIH,CAL.(LASHBROON,FB~WLEY,ARTM,KOEHH) I:41oB; EENW;C~,ILL.(~IIC~,~DISON, so fast that only 10 states did not participate in competitive RAY,PECRIGI) 1:41.7; ~ESTSIDE, OHAMI,NEB.(LIMGOES,RUBBARD,GIB~O~,~RAR~M) t:4I.~; LYN- swimming in the 1969-1970 season. With this growth, BROOK,CAL.(JONES,RICER,VANDERPuRST,LETTIR£) [:4~.R; KEN~ORE,ToNIWAB:A,NY (LEWIN,ZIEE, SCHW~RZ,LINDERHkN) 1:42.0; ~EBSTER GROVES,~O.(~KER,BkVI$,KEUSITZ,DNkY i 1:42.1; ST. records will continue to fall and the United States will FRANCI~ DE~kLES,OHIO (JOHNSON,PEASE,~URTkDH,SLABK) 1:42.1; ALLEN PI~,YlCH. (~C~TZ, ~RIN~MAN,TARRI$,FON) 1:42.2. "°AMMERST,~Y (JuNG,IS~o,C~LDWELL,ZAEPPEL) 1:42.~; continue its supremacy in swimming. ~ESTFIELD.NJ (PERKOWSKI,RUOTOLO,~CMHITT,CLABK) 1:42.~; OAK PBRK,ILL.I~OEN,HOL~IST, HO~SER,FOLLETT) 1:42.G; ~NN ~RBOB FURON,~ICH.(SHERMAN,POTTER,~cL~uGLIN,BTEINI~Y) Over 200 schools were honored this year with All 1:42.7; LOYOLA,ILL. (R~NSEN,~UM~R,KOLF,FO~D) I:~2.7; E¥~NSTON,ILL.(BTE'"LE,COLSREN, American selections. Four states received their first All ~ITCHURCH,S~ITR) 1:42.7; hlGHLANB,N.H.(~ASSEY,PRkTy,~ILNE,~GNER) 1:43.C; CA~ POLIRCO, HOBAGk,C~L.(RART,PETTIBONE,OL$ON,BELFANTI) I:~3.C; HAMCEN,CONN.(JOHNSON,ROOGIERO,J~N- American awards: North Dakota, Kentucky, Utah, and SON,TMOHBNN) 1:43.0; YG~ClO VALLEY,C~L.(LowRY,GRIHE$,EHHKE,PLkTT) 1:4~.I; THORNRIUGE, Tennessee. ILL. (NuRHI.MORGAB,~EHRENS,ENRIGNT) 1:43.1. 200 YD FREESTYLE - To~ HCBREEN, SERRA,C~L.I:41.2; KI~ TOTY,LosICAL.I:41.6; H~RR LAM- The team power has shifted from Santa Clara, California, BERT, HINSOALE,ILL.I:42.6; ~OUG ~INDES, S~NTA CLARA,CAL.I:42.7; JOHN KINSELLA,HINSOALE, High School, to Hinsdale Central, Illinois, High School. ILL.]:43.2; TOM DEYER, THORNRIOGE,ILL.I:44.0; DEAN ANDERSON, HIGMLAND$,CAL.I:44.2; DAN HANNULA,WIL$ON,W~$H.I:44.3; ~OB HAC~ONALC,DOUGLkS,ORE.I:44.4; KURT KNIPER,~ILSON,~ASM. Team balance was so competitive this year that only three 1:44.4; FRED HITCBELL,PALO ALTO,CAt.I:44.7; TOM LUTZ,HERE£Y,PA.I:44.~; RICHARC COON, SANTA CLARA,CAt. I:45.3; TIH HCSONNELL,~OOOSlDE,CAL.I:45.S; JAHES SCMLIESTETT, SO. selections separated the top three teams: Hinsdale Central HECKLENBURG,N.C.I:45.9; LEE ENOSTRAND,COLLEGE,BI~TLESVILLE,OKLI.I:45.9; C~RTI$ R~YDE~, PASADENA,CAt. I:46.0: TOH HICKCOX,~ASHINGTON,PHOENIX,ARIZ.I:46.0; RICK ROBERTS, KOKZHO with 16; Wilson, Washington, High School, with 14; and IND.I:46.1; JOHN RALLACAY,N.ToRR~NCE,CAL.I:4~.2; ED ~GLESKY,B~BTA CL~k,CAL. 1:4E.2. Santa Clara with 13. Following them was Upper Arlington, • °~TEVE L~SHBROOK,ANkHEIHeCAL.I:4~.4; DAYS CABRITHEB$, ~ASHINOTON,IO~4 1:4B.~; BTENE FUFNIS$, FOOTHILL,CAL.I:4G.~; JACK SEPPE, BLOOMINCTON,INC.I:4R.5; TE~N~ ~TKINSON, Ohio, High School, with eight; and Serra, California, High FOOTHILL,SACRAHBNTO,GAL.I:4~.G; FRANK LICHTNER, COUNCIL ROCK,PA. I;4B.7; KEITM ~ILLI~, ROCK IS.,ILL.I:45.B; PETER ~ALY, ANN ARBOR NUROB,~ICH.I:47.1; KURT KR~HPHOLZ, CORONB School, and Westfield, New Jersey, High School, both with UEL HAP, CAL. I:47.2; TOH BLANK, ~T. PRANCIS DESALE$,TDLEO0,O.l:47.3. six All Americans. 200 YD INDIVIBUAL MEDLFY - ~TEVE FURNIS~,FOOTHIIL,CAL.I:§7.2; HIKE STA~,CR~WFOR:,~AN Led by such outstanding All American swimmers as ~G~';-~CkL-~.[~ b'~'~INDE$, SANTA CLARA,CAL.I:~T.~; [D KCCL£SKEY,~ANTA CLA~A,C~L. l:5~.I; TOH BRUCE, PETER$ON,SUNNYVALE,CAL.I:BB.2; JOHN KIN~ELLA,hlN~C~LE,ILL.I:~.4; Mark Lambert and John Kinsella of Hinsdale Central; Mike BILL ~EIS$, COLLEGE,GBEELEY,COLO.i:~.5; JEFF LE~I$,UPPER ARLIBGTON,CCLUM~US,O.I:~.3; JOHN DEROEST,DOUGLAS,ORE.~:5~.B; KEITH GILLIA~,ROCK IS.,ILL.I:5~.R; ~ERNIE STE~SON, Stamm of Crawford High School, California; Tom Bruce of DE~ALLE,CoNcoRD,C4L.2:DO.2; DEAN ANDERSON, HIGHLAND,CAL.2:DB.B; BRUCE NOODLE, REOLAND$1 CAL.2:0].O; DIVlD ~AHLEB,BENSON POLYTECH,ORE.2:01.1; TOM SZUBA, DEARBORN,MIOH.2:0!.4; Peterson High School, California; Doug Windes and Ed PAUL GILBERT, SANOUSKY,O.2:01.4; KIN TUTT, LODI,G~L.2:OI.B; HARK ~UAR, LOVELANS,CoLo. McCleskey, Santa Clara; John Trembly of Shaker High 2:01o7; ~ARR COMB~, WESTWOOD,~ESA,ARIZ.2:OI.O. "'BILL ~AGNU$ON,THO=NRIOGE,ILL.2:D2.C; TOM ~LLEN,COLLEGE,OKLA.2:02.0; DUNCAN SCOTT, WE~TWOOD,~ESA,ARIZ.2:C2.2; BTUART ISAAC, School, New York, the only double first place All AMeE~ST,NY 2:02.4 T TOM OUKE, GLENOALE,WlS.2:~2.5; ~TTHEW ORL~NO. NOVA,FT.L~uB.FL~. 2:03.D; LEE ENGSTRIND,COLLEGE,BA~TLESVlLLE,CNLA.2:C3.0;JIM G~IFFIT~, ~ANITEE,BRICENTON American; Keith Gilliam, of Rock Island High School, FL~.2:C3.4; BTEVE SCHHITT, WESTFIELO,~J 2:C3°5; ~ALCOMB HO~IRU, JEFFER$o~,V~.2:C3.S. Illinois; and Kurt Knipher of Wilson; the high school 50 YD FREESTYLE - JO,N TREHBLEY,$H~KER,~Y 23.7; @~R~Y TOwN~EN~,~.PB,SI~ERSFIEL:,CIL. swimmers have established even lower qualifications for All 21.{: R~Y INCE,~kCARTHUR,BAN ANTONIO,TEN.21.2; CRBI~ PHILLIPS,LkKE~fCD,~E~TTLE,~ISM. 2~.3; HART~N PEDLEY.GUNN,PALO ~LTO,CAL.21.4; ~IC~K~D REECER,~Tk~O,~T:CKTON,CAL.2i.~; American selection next year. J*MsS HAFFNER,hlNSOALE,ILL.2{.S; GORDON CL*RN,~ESTFIELD,~J 21.7; PHIL KICO,~O=MIN,CKLk 21.7; JOE BOTTOHoSANTR CLRRA,CAL.2].7; JIM GRIFFITR,~IN~TEE,BR~EBTO~,FLA.2I.~;J:N The assualt on the records this season produced three PEBKOWSKI,WESTFIrLD,~J21.9; BOB KCDONILC,DOUGLA$,POrTLANo,CgE.21.B; ~AV£ FAIRE~NK, ~Io AHERTC~NO,SACRAHENTO,GAL.22.~; BTEVE ~HIPPE~,WEST,BAVEBPORT,IOWk 22.C; TO~ HIEKCO/, short course records. John Trembly of Shaker, set a 50 yard ~kSHINGTON,A~IZ.22.0; BILL HEISS, SOLLEGE,GREELE~,COLO.22.D; ERIC TEST, P~:E"ECT,SIRA- freestyle mark of 20.7, clipping five tenths off the old TOc~,CBL.22.1; To~ SANDVlN,FARGO No.,N.D. 22.1; TONY GIOCHETTI,COTT~E CROVE,~RE.22.1; FRED HUBBELL, ~EST,KNOXVILLE,TENB.22.1; KDRT KNIPER,~ILSDN,TAoc'A,~$H.22.1; ''JEFF mark. Mike Stamm of Crawford, notched a 100 yard LEWIS, U=PER ARLIBGTON,O.,22.2; FeED SCHAUT, GU~N,PaLO ALTO,CAt.22.2; KEITH GILLI~M, ROCN IS.,ILL.22.2; DAVID CUHHfNG$,~AUNESKA,~IS.22.2; ART CAOY, ~D.ToNaWANTA,NY 22.2; backstroke record of 51.9 (setting an American record at ~TENE B~IRD, NEW TRIED, ILL.22.2; ~TEVE ~REITHAUPT,~ACARTHUR,SkGIN~W,~ICH.22.2; ROGER WOODS, BICHWOODS,PEoRIA,ILL.22.3; ~ICM LYNCH, ST. VIkTOR,~LINGTON HTS,;LL.22.3; HA~K the A.A.U. Nationals of 51.3), which chopped 1.2 off the LAHBERT,RINSORLE,ILL.22.3; TOH HCELROY,UPPER A~LINGTON,O.22.3; STEVE NORSE, L~KEVlEW, BATTLE CREEK,HIGH.22.3; CHIRLE$ NORELLI,EMH~us,PA.22.3; BRUCE KOCSlS,REDLANOS,CAL.22.3; old mark. John Kinsella of Hinsdale Central, broke the 400 RICHARD BkLDWIN,SDON£R,B~RTLES¥1LLE,@KLA.22.3; ~ILLI~M P~ITC~C, HASSlLLOR,O.

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