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One of the unique opportunities in our region is to take a drive to Lockport where pelicans make their home by the St. Andrews Lock and Dam. > everything you need to know in your locally owned and operated community newspaper 1-888-482-7552 417 Main Street, Selkirk WE KNOW OUR STUFF 2 The Selkirk Record Thursday, May 6, 2021 HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY Irresistibles Irresistibles Fresh Fine Foods $ 99 Cheesecake $ 99 Frozen Fruit $ 99 Strawberries $ 99 Ice Cream 86$ 8 $VVRUWHGJ 3 $VVRUWHGJ 2 ea 5 $VVRUWHG/ OE J HOT DEAL! MOTHER’SAVAILABLE DAY FLOWERS NOW While Supplies Last Visit us at HARRYSFOODS.CAWRYLHZRXUHQWLUHÀ\HU¿OOHGZLWK¶VRIRWKHULWHPVRQVDOHHDFKZHHN Kraft Salad Dressings $VVRUWHGP/ $199 Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Top Sirloin Medallion Romaine Hearts $ 79 Pork Side $ 29 Chicken $ 99 86$SN Drumsticks Grilling Steak 3 OE Ribs 2 OE 6 OE 3 NJ NJ NJ $299 PACK ea Delissio Thin Crispy Crust Smith’s Fresh Hot House or Singles Pizza Smokies Tomatoes $VVRUWHGJ 3RUN %HHIJ $ 99 &DQDGD $399 8 $ 49 1 OE NJ Coca-Cola Bugles Snacks Beverages $VVRUWHGJ $VVRUWHG[P/ Fresh Sunkist Old Dutch $ 39 Navel Oranges 4/$ Potato Chips 2/$ 1 OE 86$)DQF\ 10 $VVRUWHGJ 2/$ NJ Ridgies 3 10 $VVRUWHGJ Dairyland Kraft Kraft Singles Sour Cream BBQ Sauce 6OLFHVJ 0)P/ $VVRUWHGP/ $ 99 ¢ $ 99 Dairyland Yogurt 3 99 5 2/$ 6WLUUHG)DW)UHHRU 4 &ODVVLF9DQLOOD $VVRUWHGJ Store has the right to limit quantities and to add enviro and deposit where applicable. RRY A ’ 5571 Main St. (Hwy #9) St. Andrews S H Corner of Main Street & St. Andrews Road F Customer Service: 204-338-7538 I S Store Hours: Monday-Friday 8 am - 9:30 pm, N Phone: 204.504.5500 OUR COM D ERVING MUNI E FOO Fax: 204.504.5540 Saturday 8 am - 8 pm, Sunday & Holidays 10 am - 6 pm "S TY " 1 - Week 19_21 Harrys Foods PRICES IN EFFECT: THURSDAY, MAY 6 - WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 2021 The Selkirk Record Thursday, May 6, 2021 3 A poetic fi rst-place fi nish for Selkirk teen By Tyler Searle tions, and the award ceremony was A Selkirk high school student re- live-streamed. ceived substantial praise from critics “None of the fi nalists knew the re- and poets alike for her performance sults before anyone else,” Dignadice in a national poetry competition. said. Thierney Dignadice, 16, took fi rst Dignadice earned $3,250 for herself place in the Poetry In Voice recitation and a $1,000 contribution to the Lord competition, making herself—and her Selkirk Regional Comprehensive Sec- school—a few thousand dollars richer. ondary School (LSRCSS). “She had this really beautiful re- “She did an amazing job, and every- straint, where she didn’t yell, she one at the (school) is really proud of didn’t overplay it, she really just let her,” said LSRCSS teacher Noah Cain. the poem come through,” said judge Dignadice and Cain are now curat- Damian Rogers. ing a list of poetry books to buy for the Rogers is a fellow poet and the school. founding creative director behind Po- As for her prize money, Dignadice etry In Voice. This year, she was one plans to save it and put it towards her of three judges critiquing the English education. competitors. Dignadice hopes to continue per- Dignadice was confi dent, and her forming poetry in the future, and she delivery seemed effortless, Rogers is working on an original piece which said. she intends to submit to the Poetry In In a recitation competition, students Voice student journal. select a poem and perform it for a The deadline is coming up soon, but panel of judges. They earn points for I have something ready, she said. their articulation, physical presence, The poem is titled “Leaves of Envy,” and overall performance. and Dignadice wrote it during a po- For the fi nal round, Dignadice re- etry workshop on the day of the com- cited “Conversion” by Megan Fer- petition. nandes—a free-verse poem address- “It was heavily infl uenced by the ing themes of race and sexuality. other students in the workshop,” she “The poems that I choose, they all said. cover topics that I care about,” Digna- Working with her peers and fellow dice said. poets was an inspiring and construc- Rogers has seen many recitations tive experience for Dignadice, and and said each one is unique. The stu- she credits Poetry In Voice for making dents almost always select poems that it possible. are signifi cant to them, and their de- The last time she had an opportu- livery changes based on which words nity to work on poetry with a group of RECORD PHOTO SUBMITTED they choose to accentuate, she said. like-minded people was during a po- Thierney Dignadice’s combined passion for poetry and activism earned “She (Dignadice) really brought her etry class in the ninth grade, she said. her $3,250 and a fi rst place fi nish in this years Poetry In Voice recitation own understanding of what an expe- “It doesn’t happen often, but it’s competition. rience like that might feel like and nice when it does.” today, and I just think the more those competition annually. All Canadian really communicated that to the audi- Fostering those connections is what connections can be amplifi ed, the students between Grades 9-12 are eli- ence.” Poetry In Voice is about, and Rogers richer these students’ lives get,” she gible to compete. Poetry In Voice is traditionally held hopes the students will publish their said. More information can be found on- in-person, but this year the competi- own work. Dignadice’s advice for anybody in- line at: https://www.poetryinvoice. tion pivoted to a digital format. The “There are so many great young po- terested in poetry is to go for it. com students pre-recorded their recita- ets writing about what it is to be alive Poetry In Voice hosts their recitation Remembering Your Mom 439 MAIN ST., SELKIRK HOURS MON - SAT 10-6 North of Manitoba Ave. FFRI 10-9 SUN 12-5 BiG DOLLAR 4 The Selkirk Record Thursday, May 6, 2021 Selkirk hosts fi nancial plan hearing Following the money shows infrastructure projects a priority for municipality By Katelyn Boulanger 9.73 per cent compared to 2020. A little over a year after the CO- In addition to telling people how VID-19 pandemic threw a wrench in much they will be paying this year many of our personal plans, the city of the fi nancial plan goes into detail Selkirk held a public hearing regard- about what the city will be spending ing the 2021 fi nancial plan on April 27. that money on. Some expenses such “I’m really proud of the work that’s as building maintenance and repair, gone into this year’s fi nancial plan, and keeping up the park, recreation both by administration and by coun- and cultural facilities in the commu- cil. We’ve seen the improvements to nity must be accounted for every year, the city, especially infrastructure, but however, there are some new projects not only in pipes in the ground we’ve on the books for 2021 many of which also seen it in building, we’ve seen have to do with improving infrastruc- improvements to the water treatment ture. plant, and, of course, our brand new “The largest capital project that the beautiful wastewater treatment plant, city’s undergone, will be completed which is going to be a real boon for this year, which is the new wastewa- this whole area,” said Mayor Larry Jo- ter treatment plant. Most of the in- hannson. crease in the water supply expenses Of course, the fi rst thing that the city [will] cover the cost to provide those had to take into consideration when services,” said Johannson. completing this plan was the impact This year will also be the fi nal year of of the pandemic on the community rate increases for the new wastewater and how they could balance the in- treatment plant, which has been in- creased spending that it will cause creasing gradually since 2019. with the need to keep to their budget. In addition to the wastewater plant, With that in mind the municipal mill the city will be undertaking the instal- rate, which was previously at 21.843, lation of utility services for phase two RECORD PHOTO SUBMITTED has now increased by 1.5 per cent to of the business park as well as the res- Mayor Larry Johannson talks Selkirk’s 2021 fi nancial plan. 22.171. School taxes, which had a rate toration of the water tower.
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