Tile Sp.tll,IIt VOL. X, NO. 40 OCTOBER 7; -1965 $1.00 PER YEAR 1O¢ A COPY 5 Homes in Open House Tour On Saturday, October 16th, furniture was made by the famed from 1 to 5 P. M., the Town of cabinetmaker, Hepplewhite. Bethlehem Historian Associa­ The early doctor's residence, tion is sponsoring an event of now the home of Mrs. John Bab­ widespread interest in our area, cock, at Becker's Corners, Sel­ an Open House Tour of five kirk, was built in 1840 by Dr. homes in the Hudson River area John Babcock, pioneer horse and of the town which have never buggy doctor of the Bethlehem before been open to the public. area, who served in the Civil The houses to be open are the War. It is a charming, red brick "Dutch cottage" of Mrs. Chauncey home filled with interesting and D. Hakes at Van Wie's Point, valuable old furnishings and has which is located on the river's never been out of the possession edge, for when the house was of the Babcock family. built this was the main artery The red-painted Victorian home of traffic. The kitchen wing is of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Essex of the oldest part of the house and Route 32, Glenmont, is a true was an original Van Wie proper­ "period piece" of the 1850's with ty. The area around the Point plenty of gingerbread architect­ takes its name from this old ure. The wood for this' house was Dutch family, who were among cut and seasoned on the property the first settlers of our area. and it was built for the daughter The yellow painted brick farm­ of the gentleman who lived on estate home of Mrs. Abraham the adjoining farm. Clapper and her daughter, Miss Tickets for the tour are $2.00 Meredity Clapper, at Cedar Hill per person and may be purchased was built in 1840 by Miss Clap­ at the headquarters of the His­ PA1"f; r,:r·l!nt. grandfather Abra­ luricul A:,;sociation, the Cedar ham Westervelt, who was a des­ Hill school building, on the day cendant of early Dutch settlers. of the tour, or from any member The house holds many antiques of the Association. Tickets are .and. cherished family mementos also available at the Thistle Shop and the large barn across the in belmar, Grover's Stationery road from the house testifies Store at the Delaware Plaza, to the fertility of the surround­ Darbecker's Store and Van Al­ ing fields. len Farm Store in Glenmont The farm-estate of Mrs. Mabel and Mari-Anne's Soda Shoppe Baker Thorne, also at Cedar in Selkirk. Proceeds from the Hill, is another home which bases tour will be used to further the its beauty and prosperity on t.hp. museum projoct of th0, hi.'1t.nrir1l1 good soil of our Hudson Valley. association. There will also be a It was built in 1791 by Joab Bak­ "Country Shop" selling antiques, er, gr~at lITandfat.hp.r of t,hp pr/,:,­ noxt to new article!), bak(ld sent owner. This farm was known goods, fruits and vegetables, to far and wide in the early 1900's be open at the Cedar Hiss school for "Baker melons" which were building on the day of the Tour. served on the tables of the finest Refreshments will also be served New York hotels, and Baker ap­ at the school. ples took prizes from Albany to The "Country Shop" committee St. Louis. The home is filled with chairmen and their assistants cherished antiques handed down are: Antiques - Mrs. John Mc­ FRONT ENTRANCE of the home of Mrs. John R. Babcock. Lasher Road. through generations of the family Ginley and Mr. Douglas Mac- South Bethlehem. and a portion _of the ·dining room (Continued on Page 2) . PAGE 2 - Oe'ob., 7, 1965 THE SPOTLIGHT TOUR (Continued) square foot expansion in the Allister; Next-to-New - Mrs. future. (It FRANK ADAMS Constance Loucks and Mrs. S. The area of the Plaza com­ Vint Vanderzee; Plants and Ar­ prises 6 1/2 acres of land. Park­ rangements - Mrs. Robert Lyon, ing will be provided for 400 cars Yes ... Your DIAMOND can be Mrs. Seeley Funk and Mrs. Mary in a paved and lighted area. Reset While You Wait Van Oostenbrugge; Foods - Mrs. The Wiggand Construction Richard Thayer, Mr. John Abell, Company is owner and developer OVER A THOUSAND SETTINGS TO SELECT FROM Mrs. Norma June. Refreshments of the land. The Wiggand family will be served by Mrs. Chester are life-long residents of the com­ Hawley, Mrs. Howard Geyer, munity. Miss Ruth Miner, and Mrs. Ar­ In addition to Grand Union, $20. to $2000. thur Main. Hostesses will be dir­ planned stores for the plaza will ected by Mrs. William Comstock, consist of Rheingold's Pharmacy Jr. of Albany. a department store, Members of the Association may a hardware store, barber shop Open Thurs. 'til 9 Charge or BUdget) bring their contributions to the and other related merchants. school building on October 9 from Negotiations are under-way at 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. and on Oct­ the present time to establish ober 15 from 1 to 4 P. M. a banking center at the plaza. The site of the new shopping center has been chosen in con 4 junction with the intense econ­ Copitol District's Lorgest Diomond~Setting Speclolist New Plaza omic development in the area. .... ,,,.,•••• AII The Grand Union Company 58 N 0, Pear I St., Cor. Steu b en, Albany Park 6' Shop Lon It will help satisfy the growing recently announced that a lease merchandise needs of the modern for construction of a 12,000 square consumer with its many and var­ foot supermarket in the Glenmont ied places of business. the Plaza Shopping Center has been The new Glenmont Plaza Grand Carriage Stop signed. Union will be serviced by the ANOTHER fij Located at the intersection Waterford, New York, Distri­ MAIN-CARE SERVICE of Routes 9W and 32, on the bution Center. This is the com­ 339 D~laware Avenue _ 439-2430 - - Delmar Northeast Corner in Glenmont, pany's largest single operating in the Town of Bethlehem, the unit. Its 122 stores stretch from Grand Union will be one of 12 the Canadian border on the north FREE proposed stores in the new shop­ down through the north country ping center. The building will into Vermont and through· the AUTOMATIC BLANKET be of modern design and is being· Hudson Valley to Poughkeepsie constructed to allow for a 6,000 in the South to Cobleskill in the How? Get any new GE Automatic Dryer • 3 Heat Selection for any fabric • Va ria b I e time dry control - allows selection of drying time. A.v Evening by Appointment GRAND UNION COMPANY Vice President and General Manager, Ralph O. Lytle. is pictured signing the lease for construction of a 12,000 square Hovrsl foot supermarket at the new Glenmont Plaza Shopping Center. Shown with .to. Mr. Lytle (standing - left to right) is Stuart A. Guiles, Real Estate Manager MondClY thru ....... ov for Grand Union Company who negotiated the lease, and Donald C. and Robert J. Wiggand who represented J. Wiggand and Sons, General Con- '-___-loa II Beryl Hicks for Personalized Service-:-_--:-:-:";--,t~r::.ac::.t::o=r=s ::.o_f ..:G=le~n~m-=o=n=t::.. =W~h..:o:,.a=:r;.e_o=w~n~er-=s-=a-=n;.d-=d::.e=v,:e=lo~p~e::.r~s,:O-;:f,:t=he-::.:-P-=Ia~z~a~. -=-_,-­ THE SPOTLIGHT is published every Thursday by Spotlight, Inc., 154 Delaware Avenue, Delmar, N.Y., ROBERT G. KING, PUBLISHER. Dead. line for news is Thursday afternoon, one week preceding publication; deadline for display adv~rtisements is Friday afternoon. THE SPOTLIGHT October 7, 1965 - PAGE 3 West and Greenfield in the East. Each store is unique and like the new Glenmont Grand Union, DID YOU KNOW? Bonded Wool serves a particular community. Nationally, at the present time, Grand Union is operating 521 WE HAYE A NEW PRESCRIPTION SYSTEM! Sheath Supermarkets and Grand-Way Department Stores. Ground will be broken in April EACH FAMILY HAS A CARD FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR. of 1966 and complete occupancy WHEN A PRESCRIPTION IS FILLED FOR A MEMBER of the 35.000 square foot Glen· mont Plaza is expected to be com­ OF THE FAMILY, THE CARD IS PULLED $18.00 pleted by November 1966. AND DATA RECORDED. WE, IN THIS WAY, ARE PREPARING A COMPLETE RECORD OF ALL MEDICATION DISPENSED DURING EACH YEAR. If you're the girl with high Bulb Sale fashion taste ... with a low THIS IS CONVENIENT TO: The Bethlehem Lions Club DOCTORS budget ... Black·line trim is now conducting its annual 'IMMEDIATE REVIEW OF ALL MEDICINE boldly adorns this simple drive for funds through the sale shift dress with a hint of of light bulbs to the community's PATIENT soft s hap i n g . residents. Beginning last Sat­ *INSURANCE OR TAX VERI FICA TION urday, the drive will be continued *REFILLING A NUMBER YOU'VE LOST through the next two Saturdays, Alabaster (bone) and red. October 9 and 16. Lions members This service is more time-consuming for our pharmacists, will be selling the $2.00 package Sizes 8 to 16 but we think you will appreciate the extra effort ..••. of 9 Sylvania light bulbs (two 60·watt bulbs. two 75·watt bulbs, and the bonus 150·watt bulb.) For those ,not acquainted with Lions' projects, the welfare funds of the Bethlehem Lions are used L.l.
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