ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF BALTIMORE PASSED AT THE ANNUAL SESSION 2006-2007 VOLUME 1 Ordinances 06-357 to 07-551 Published by BALTIMORE CITY DEPARTMENT OF LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE Avery Aisenstark, Director Nancy Boyd Ray, Legislative Editor MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF BALTIMORE DEPARTMENT OF LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE Copyright © 2011 The Mayor and City Council of Baltimore Department of Legislative Reference EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLOGY CAPITALS indicate matter added to existing law. [Brackets] indicate matter deleted from existing law. Underlining indicates matter added to the bill by amendment. Strike out indicates matter stricken from the bill by amendment or deleted from existing law by amendment. Underlined italics indicate matter added to the bill by amendment after printing for third reading. ii ORDINANCES PASSED AT THE ANNUAL SESSION 2006-2007 CITY OF BALTIMORE ORDINANCE 06-357 (Council Bill 05-287) AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING Towing Services – License Fees FOR the purpose of modifying the application, license, and related fees for persons engaged in certain towing services; correcting, clarifying, and conforming certain language; providing for a special effective date; and generally relating to the licensing and regulation of towing services. BY repealing and reordaining, with amendments Article 15 - Licensing and Regulation Section(s) 22-5(a) and 22-6 Baltimore City Code (Edition 2000) SECTION 1. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF BALTIMORE, That the Laws of Baltimore City read as follows: Baltimore City Code Article 15. Licensing and Regulation Subtitle 22. Towing Services § 22-5. Applications. (a) In general. (1) Applications shall be made on forms [to be] furnished by the Board. (2) [The] WITH THE APPLICATION, THE applicant shall pay [to the Director of Finance a filing] A NON- REFUNDABLE APPLICATION fee of [$10] $100 [when the application is made]. (3) Before the examination, the applicant shall pay an additional NON-REFUNDABLE fee, to be set FROM TIME TO TIME by the Board of Estimates[, which shall be] IN an amount sufficient to cover the cost to the City of necessary background checks and investigations. ORD. 06-358 2006-2007 SESSION § 22-6. Issuance; fees. (a) In general. [Upon] ON approval BY THE BOARD of a license application [by the Board] AND PAYMENT OF THE APPLICABLE LICENSE FEE, the Director of Finance shall issue [a] THE license. (b) Annual fee. The annual license fee [shall be $25] IS $50 $100 [per] FOR EACH vehicle [utilized] TO BE USED by the licensee [to tow a motor vehicle] FOR TOWING under this subtitle. (c) Replacement fee. [In case of loss, mutilation, or destruction of] IF a license IS LOST, MUTILATED, OR DESTROYED, a duplicate shall be issued [at a cost of $2 per license] ON PAYMENT OF A REPLACEMENT FEE OF $10. SECTION 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, That the catchlines contained in this Ordinance are not law and may not be considered to have been enacted as a part of this or any prior Ordinance. SECTION 3. AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, That this Ordinance takes effect on the 30th day after the date it is enacted January 1, 2007. Approved December 8, 2006 MARTIN O’MALLEY, Mayor ________________________ CITY OF BALTIMORE ORDINANCE 06-358 (Council Bill 05-296) AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING Parking Fines – Penalties for Nonpayment FOR the purpose of setting a limit limits on the penalty imposed for nonpayment of a citation issued for certain parking, stopping, standing, and related offenses; and generally relating to fines, penalties, and procedures for certain offenses. BY repealing and reordaining, with amendments Article 31 - Transit and Traffic Section(s) 36-22 Baltimore City Code (Edition 2000) SECTION 1. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF BALTIMORE, That the Laws of Baltimore City read as follows: 2 2006-2007 SESSION ORD. 06-358 Baltimore City Code Article 31. Transit and Traffic Subtitle 36. Parking, etc., Fines, Penalties, and Procedures § 36-22. Imposition of penalties. (a) Notice to offender. If a person fails to pay the appropriate fine for a violation by the date specified in the citation and fails to file a notice of intention to stand trial for the offense, a formal notice of the violation shall be sent to the owner’s last known address. (b) Penalties if not paid. (1) If, within 15 days from the date of the notice, the citation has not been satisfied, the person who received the citation is liable for a penalty EQUAL TO THE LESSER of: (I) $16 for each month or part of a month the citation remains unsatisfied; AND (II)3 TIMES THE AMOUNT OF THE FINE IMPOSED FOR THE VIOLATION FOR WHICH THE CITATION WAS ISSUED. (2) IF THE PERSON WHO RECEIVED THE CITATION AGREES TO A PAYMENT SCHEDULE ACCEPTABLE TO THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE OR, IF THE MATTER HAS BEEN REFERRED TO A COLLECTION AGENCY, ACCEPTABLE TO THAT AGENCY, THE MONTHLY PENALTY IMPOSED UNDER PARAGRAPH (1) OF THIS SUBSECTION DOES NOT ACCRUE WHILE THE PERSON IS MAKING TIMELY PAYMENTS IN ACCORD WITH THE AGREED-TO SCHEDULE. (3) (2) If the City has requested the State Motor Vehicle Administration to refuse registration or transfer of registration of the subject vehicle until the charge has been satisfied, a further penalty of $25 is imposed. (4) (3) These penalties are in addition to and may be collected in the same manner as the fines imposed by this subtitle. SECTION 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, That the catchlines contained in this Ordinance are not law and may not be considered to have been enacted as a part of this or any prior Ordinance. SECTION 3. AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, That this Ordinance takes effect on the 30th day after the date it is enacted. Approved December 8, 2006 MARTIN O’MALLEY, Mayor ________________________ 3 ORD. 06-359 2006-2007 SESSION CITY OF BALTIMORE ORDINANCE 06-359 (Council Bill 06-358) AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING Baltimore City Commission for Women – Reconstitution FOR the purpose of reviving and reconstituting the Baltimore City Commission for Women; providing for the appointment and term of members; providing for staff to the Commission; restating the Commission’s powers and duties; correcting, clarifying, and conforming certain language; and providing for a special effective date. BY repealing and reordaining, with amendments Article 1 - Mayor, City Council, and Municipal Agencies Section(s) 20-1 through 20-5, inclusive Baltimore City Code (Edition 2000) SECTION 1. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF BALTIMORE, That the Laws of Baltimore City read as follows: Baltimore City Code Article 1. Mayor, City Council, and Municipal Agencies Subtitle 20. Baltimore City Commission for Women § 20-1. [Establishment; composition] COMMISSION ESTABLISHED. (a) In general. There is a Baltimore City Commission for Women[,]. (B) COMPOSITION. [which shall consist of 25 members who are residents of Baltimore City] THE COMMISSION COMPRISES THE FOLLOWING 19 MEMBERS: (1) 14 MEMBERS, 1 TO BE APPOINTED BY EACH OF THE 14 DISTRICT MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL; (2) 2 MEMBERS, TO BE APPOINTED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE CITY COUNCIL; AND (3) 3 MEMBERS, TO BE appointed by the Mayor in accordance with Article IV, § 6 of the City Charter. (c) [(b)] Appointment without regard to political affiliation. [Members shall be appointed] THE APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS MUST BE MADE without regard to political affiliation. 4 2006-2007 SESSION ORD. 06-359 § 20-2. Terms, compensation, vacancies. (a) Terms of office. (1) [Commissioners] MEMBERS serve for a term of 4 years, concurrent with the [Mayor’s term] TERMS of [office] THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL. (2) AT THE END OF A TERM, A MEMBER CONTINUES TO SERVE UNTIL A SUCCESSOR IS APPOINTED AND QUALIFIES. (b) Compensation; EXPENSES. Members OF THE COMMISSION: (1) [shall receive no] ARE NOT ENTITLED TO compensation for their services; BUT (2) ARE ENTITLED TO REIMBURSEMENT FOR EXPENSES INCURRED, AS PROVIDED IN THE ORDINANCE OF ESTIMATES. (c) Vacancies. [(1) Any vacancy in the membership of the Commission shall be filled by the Mayor pursuant to Article IV, § 6 of the City Charter. (2) A member serves until his or her successor is appointed and qualifies. (3)] A member appointed to fill a vacancy in an unexpired term or to succeed a member who is holding over serves only for the remainder of that term. § 20-3. [Organization; meetings] OFFICERS; COMMITTEES. (a) Officers. (1) The MAYOR SHALL DESIGNATE A MEMBER OF THE COMMISSION TO SERVE AS ITS [Chairperson] CHAIR [of the Commission shall be appointed by the Mayor from a list of candidates who are Commission members submitted to him by the Commission]. (2) Members of the Commission may select any other officers they [deem] CONSIDER necessary OR APPROPRIATE. (b) Committees. [(1) The Chairperson of the Commission may, with the approval of the majority of the Commission members, appoint committees to assist in carrying out any of the functions and duties of the Commission. Any committees thus appointed shall consist of not less than 3 members. (2) The Chairperson may also appoint advisory committees of citizens and at least 1 Commission member. (3) Regular or advisory committee actions shall not be deemed to be the action of the Commission unless expressly ratified.] 5 ORD. 06-359 2006-2007 SESSION THE CHAIR MAY APPOINT COMMITTEES TO ASSIST THE COMMISSION IN CARRYING OUT ITS FUNCTIONS AND DUTIES. § 20-4. MEETINGS; QUORUM. (A) [(c) Meetings; quorum] IN GENERAL. (1) The Commission shall meet at the call of the [Chairperson] CHAIR as frequently as required to perform its duties[, but not less than once each month]. (2) A majority of the members of the Commission [shall constitute] CONSTITUTES a quorum for the transaction of business.
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