PUBLIC I.IMM* 4B9 A© •* ADV. NATIONAL MUSIC WEEK THE WESTFIELD LEADER MAY 5-12 THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY Uotiond C]a»8 Postage Paid SEVENTY-EIGHTH YEAR—No. 38 at Weatfleld. N J. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1968 30 1'agcs—10 Cents College-Bound "Westfield Awake" 0 Seven Share CWC Funds Youth Eyes Needs Promotes 3-Phase The College Woman's Club of Westfield has awarded a four year A cross-sectional group of 80 to 100 aid to those persons and groups seek- scholarship and freshman grants West'field youth will participate in an ing to work with youth, It was also totaling $5,400 to seven Westfield all-day conference Saturday at Drew felt that youth and adults need to School Program High seniors. University in an effort to describe learn to diagnose problems and plan clearly the problems confronting Miss Diane Hauser, daughter of solutions together, A new 20-ciassroqm elementary' school," conversio'n of tho Elm Street youth in the Westfield commumnity. School-(also called Franklin. Annex) to include facilities for, the Board o£ Mr. anj Mrs, Robert Hauser of 761 The adult committee of the coun- A number of concerned adults will be Education and administrative offices, and /'eventual0' evacuation of the Summit Ave. received tJie $3,200 cil turned to, the youth committee. present to hear what is on the minds Student Rule rented home at 305 Elm St., now housing the school board, and "some of scholarship awarded annually on the which received the idea['.enthusiastic- of the young people. these offices, was advocated Tuesday night by Norman Morash.'j basis of academic scholarship, char- ally and accepted'responsibility for The purpose of the conference is acter, leadership and financial need. planning the conference. For Westfield Mr. Morash,.chairman,"of/the Elm to identify problem area* and to be- The.following persons have done Street School study committee which The funds which make this schol- gin to forge an adult-youth partner- arship possible are derived from most of the planning for "Westfield has been investigating the use'of the ship which might be utilized in the Next Tuesday 19 New Teachers former high school for more than A dues paid by the club members and Awake!" 'although many other future. The conference is not design- year, released the report at the the proceeds from the play which youths and adults have been con- ed for work on solutions to problems, Students from Westfield High regular meeting of the Board of the club produces biennially. The suited: Janet Alpaugh, Frederick Added to Staff, but many insights are expected to School and Holy Trinity High School Education held in the Elm Street support given by Westfield residents emerge. Banes Jr., Charles Barth, Dorothea will govern Westfield on "Student School auditorium. as well as the earnings obtained Government Day" on Tuesday. The idea for this conference grew Beane, Joseph Deombeleg, Nancy Transfers Noted A site proposal for a new Prospect from the Frances Stile's Memorial out of the March meeting of the Etordolisi, Elwood Green Jr., Paul Student counterparts to adminis- Fund, plus the year a grant pro- adult committee of the Mayor'* Ad- Hahsen, Kris Jones, James Locatelli, trative personnel will join depart- Nineteen new teachers were ap- . j , vided by Interested members, past visory Council on Services to Youth. Monica Relss, Ellen Shanazarian, ment heads in the day-long activity pointed to school positions for the „.,„ hllt and present, enables the club to give At this meeting It was felt that a Julie Wixson, James Cole, Milton freshman grants. comprehensive study of problems Faith, Roger Plantikow and Ed Freshmen grants have been facing youth should be made as an Smith. The Mayor and Town Council, who BSaHMS awarded to Mildred D'Addario, Su- are selected by the students, will t«ms were approved. seven transfers and five reagna- ,SchooRenovatio) tQ nprovj(j of thee current Blm Street zanne Hodeft, Sale Isbrecht, Mona spend the day with Mayor Robert t«mAppointmens were approvet includedd : Cambridge trative facilities is- estimated at Kenny, Mary Alice tee and Nancy H. Mulreany. The Mayor will brief G. Beckel Jr., senior high social $a)0,000i , and would be on the agenda Trimble. Swans Arritie Tomorrow the Student Council on the problems studies, $11,600; Miss Marcia S. Ber- following removal of current class- and funottrons of the Town Council. In accordance with the club's tra- goffen, elementary art, $6,640; Miss rooms there if voters approve the In the evening the students will meet dition, the scholarship chairman, Karin E, Beyerstedt, elementary new school, For Mindotvaskin Home with the 'Mayor and Town Council Mrs, Robert W. Seett, visited the art, $6,640; Miss Betsy E. Cohen, The report indicated that the Swans will again grace Mindowas-" of birdseed. All of this was pack- at a conference session and then Wgb school Tuesday morning to in- Edison French, $6,850; Miss Mary property is 305 Elm St., now used by kin Lake at S p.m. tomorrow, when aged - in Mrs. Templeton's garage, will take over as council to conduct form the recipient of their awards Ann Dominic, elementary vocal the Board of Education and situated Mayor Robert H. Mulreany, in lake- five pound packages. the affairs of the Town at the reg- and to Invtte them and their parents music, $7,140. in a reI,ted home across the street side, ceremonies, will 'accept a Research was done by club mem- ularly scheduled council meeting at to the meeting that evening so that "paired pair" on behalf of the town bers 00 swats and it was found that 8:30 p.m. Also Mrs. Sally M. Gilbert, Edi- from the Elm Street School is "In- they might be presented, to the club from Mrs. Charles R. Mayer, presi- a swan will take only one mate in a son social studies, $7,400; Mrs. Bari adequate, overcrowded, and ... a membership- Accompanying Mrs. dent of the Rake and Hoe Club. lifetime, that it is a native of Eu- Wayne Berning of Holy Trinity L. Gordon, Edison English, $6,850; definite fire hazard. Moreover," Scott were: Mrs. Walter E. Ecfchart, .At one time Mindowaskln Park rope,'Asia and Africa. In the water, High School has been selected as Mlns. Eileen B. Grigg, Wilson third the report added, "no space is avail- outgoing president, and Mrs. Ash- was the home of many swans, but the swan is considered one of the student mayor. Elected to serve on grade, $9,400; Miss Linda L. Grogg, able for the additional staff man- ton C. Cucfcler, the newly elected some have met accidental death* or most graceful and beautiful of birds. the Town Council were: . primary unassigned, $6,600; Miss dated by the Beadleston Act and for died mysteriously until none re- It is especially noted for its arched John Pasternak, Holy Trinity High Helen Grygiel, Franklin second the installation of data processing WM«aaeer * a member of the mained. ' and flexible neck, the elevated wings School; Howard Gladstone, Westfield grade, $6,850; Miss Carol V. Jami- equipment for performing routine son, Roosevelt mathematics, $8,- business functions." Notional Honor *>dety. She has been About a year ago, the Rake * H«e, and its buoyancy and skill in turn- High School; Charles Wolf, WHS; 600; Miss Dorothy J. Jaremki, in- The committee report cited that, an • member"of the Student Council for GardenClub agreed that bringing ing and gliding. Unlike the. furry Elizabeth Miller, WHS; Dorothea termediate uneasigned, $6,600. updated review of the school popu- hmr years, serving as vice president swans hack to Mindowaskln wi>»$l ducks and geese, the swan possesses Beane, WHS; Neil Sharkey. HTHS; bat year, the is a member of All be a worthwhile community: project a calmness and' dignity which has Victor Bonic, WHS and Howard Bot- Also Mrs. Joan M. Kara, Lincoln lation in the FrankUn School area iUta - Chorus,' «* fchoir, French and hunted for a way to mi* at 'caused it to be eked In poetic liter-: winick, WHS. final grade, $10,000; Mrs. Carol A. has indicated a steady growth bum MAftY AUCK LEE Club, Xalor and £ntor Literary DALE ttMCCHt money. Members found that *wa*i if***- •:'' '•• -.',- \:':-. •'• Serving as administrative person- Motota, Edison French, $7,400; MJn 1962 and that projected enrollment nel lor the day are: -• ,-•• Anne M. Sfcrdiaot, FranUin read- figures reveal that the growth will are espeneive and In order to raiae A paired pair of swans make [their 1 ." . i.-creneu,:' one had lobe os*.in the spriitg. buHdiog R on the Town engineer, Jgeeph Rek*arot, ing ceater teacher (T*lc I), H>»; continue. It adds that the HTHS; town aittfiaiislur, Chartai Miss IMen B. Stephana, Edtoon population In the _ KlIMlBBOT-Of the have(a"pen" (femalel ' : Council on Services to mathematics, W.tM. ' ' esceeds the svemge fan to aa*koraiee*i,* ^aVU~.<{ by. afceut hv« atulaKei per ^aam .!• sreer In asjMch.iMiia^), ; MiN PAddarlo, daughter « Mrs. \Tuttb D'Addario and the Me Hr: b^, [WHS; W<*«t Andrew John M. Tnguagjlato; Street School, partially used now for ' D'Addario' «i''» Edgar Rd, is vice rtolo. WHS;-;;town-treo«wer, Meupda sixth, grade; ;Mw. ,Butt> P. Mosanto, overflow from. Franklin School oa president of die Art Out). She was Law, WHS;' police chief, Jeffrey RmseveK guidance; Jerome J.. Sl- Prospect St., according to the" re-": chairman of the poster committee Owen, WHS; town eJerk> Virginia katis, Jefferson sixth .grade; Jan.; port, would provide , the required/ for Hie [Senior Play.) She k also a Zobel, WHS; welfare director, Elisa- (Continued on page 2) (Continued on page i) member ef 'tr* -Philosophy Club, beth MoHkcjorm, WHS and fire pre- German Club and Senior LMerary vention officer, John Grossmen, Club.
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