WOMEN ARTISTS OF THE SURREALIST MOVEMENT LWNACARRINGTOl>I S.lf-tlorlT.ir. c. IQ~7 NOVEMBER 18, 1986 · JANUARY 10, 1987 THE FINE ARTS CENTER ART GALLERY STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK AT STONY BROOK ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 1-nt to tk.nk the e.. l'UCh College Gal~ ..nc:l The All .f ti.. "-rlirl< in ti.. pro<ent exhibit _,.. incf...J.J in mojo... lnrotute f"" R....... -rch in I-I i~ for o"!!"ni>ing c>nd in~fono l S.,,.,....f;rl exhibiti<x>t oF ti,. IQ30t .,,,J IQ40r. In Jewloping thi< exliibttion. I c>l<o ..;.I, to •>qrre<< my 9""ti­ ti.. porl tl,;.-i:~ ~,... l.o..w,., the "'°~ oF - S.,,.,....liru h.,, wde to gue.t c~tor 'Whitney OaJ...ick fo,. he,. ,..,..f~ b..n J.o..., in ti.. UniW St..te<. lJ,. .,;m of~;, exhibit it infonnc>tiw cc>t..logue em>y. Specic>I tk.nk< ..,.. c>lro Jue to inmJuce " no.. ge.,.,...t;on to ti.. ~ .f ~ oxm.o..Jino~ to K .. the,.;ne C.-um, Di..ecto,. of the B:m,ch College GIM:irlf. Galle.-y, fo,. moking lhi< exhibition c>voil.. ble to the W/e .,,.. S""teful to lJ,. l..titw For R• ...,,...,~ in Stony Brook community c>nJ f"" he-r continu<>I <upporl I-Ii~ .,,,J to guorl curc>to>', \Wl,;tne~ CJ,..J.;ck. J=o,. ti,.;,. c>nd <><<i<l<>nce tl..-oughout thi< project. potient ....i.t..nco ""' ~nk i;..1~ J.-of. D,.,,. z.,b.,.,.k; In ..JJition, I -nt to•"!"'"« my <>ppl'OCic>tion to .,,,J [).. p.,ul LeCl...c ond hi, .t..ff, etpecioll~ Kotl.enno Pete P<>nt..leo fo.,. in.t..lk.tion <>«i<l<>nce; J<>y Stnvey, Cu.-i:;., 1--1.. ttie $u..g..lo .,nJ A.toino Goupil. CJ,..rfotte Acting Technicc>I D"l'ector, Pne Art< Conte,., fo.,. Mo~ oF the J-Ff,..~ l--lolf.IJ GoO~. .,cteJ "' o ..,fuoblo exhibition lighting; Joyce Chen, K<>,.1 D'Amico, conruft..nt to the exhibit.ion, "' JiJ Mo~-A>ne Mortin o.J Qpl,.li .. Lopez, Solen<> ,.;ght, A-rt <;..lle.-y A<i<­ 'W St.pl.en M;ll.,.. l=;nolf'lo ... - tpt<iol thonkt to ti,. fencl.,.., ..l.o t..nt<; L<>u...... G,e'lfonJ, Su<on Motl.iren, Annemc>,.;e ~"" prowl.J expert;,. ond en~u<iorm "' ...If "' ~' oF ....t. McNom""", Al.Jo S..,.......o-l=eficiono, Galle.-y In­ tern<; ond Mo.-y BolJuf, <;..lle.-y Sec,...,t...-y, fo,. the;,. Kothe,.;ne B. C"l'Um help ..;tJ, the exhibition. '.Director, Eanclt &liege &;allery 81y U.Uversity of t!ew York (),.gonizeJ by The lnrotute for R... ""'h in 1--li.to.-y onJ 1""9mie,..J c>t BOl'UCh College Galle.-y, 1:35 f;..t '22nJ St-root, NYC 10010 (212) sos-2192, Octobe.. 3 - Novembe.. 7, IQ86. ~rl fo,. the 0"9<1nizotion of tl,i< exhibition -• proviJ.J by the New Yo~ St..te Council on the A-rt<, the Notionc>I bJowment fo,. the A-rt< c>nd (;,...n­ wooJ/Gunn Ronche.. I n 1929 a 'P""9 ~ f...... Pou,IJ.oopr;., N-Yori.. i.-J..J on ti.. Joo.. .. t ti.. P.,,.;, rluk of ~ R,.y ..J S U RREAL I ST MOVEMENT .......,.._1 ti.at .!.. W """'" to 1..1.;, rlucl.nt. L• MJl..--J ti.. ~ pa;nt..- -J ~~ v..i...t;.,. 1-1"90. """' met ti.. S.,...-ku ,.,..,..J 1928. ....... ti.. •«'9 rr-J of .... ~Vona! 9"""P of 'P""9 - ..tt-uJ to ..l.,t WO< tl..n ti.. morl -bl I~ -J m.& -·-·t in !;,.ope. Aki-ah-I-. .......i n..l a<tM ....ob. .. of S.,...-l;rl ~to tl..l""'f"'tJ..q. ti.. c~ oJ.~t;,,n foe- on ti..,. ..ho J;«.,_.J S,,.......l;,m p.io• to WoriJ W- JI -J ..ho cont.ibut.J wori. to ti.. ;nto-tK>nal S.,....al;rl exh;b;tion< of ti.. 19~0r an.I 1940r, Q I- ~ km~ B,.;Jg-1.o•• Leono~ Comngton. Ith.II Cokiuhoun. L~ !=;,.,;, Val.nt;ne l-lugo. j:,.;J., l(ahlo. Jac­ quel;ne L.....bo. L.. M;ll.,., M....t ()pp..J..im, Ala Rahon (P...,1.n), Val.ntine P., .. - . l("'f $.go, [)c.ootl- Tann;,,g, T"'I"". -J R~ v-. Committ...l to notl.;ng lo.. ti.an ti.. ~ ..-I.""" of ~...I- -J tJ.. o.Wot.og.cot-of QMOO_,. -J unc.on<­ ciour mental l"'""f, s.,......J;,m po-o...J ~ f;b.,,.i;o,, to poets ..J paint..-< of botlo <e-. ()..,,... µ.J tJ.. ~ w.ajnatio<>. S.. b.como a mo.I. of ..-tMt~ ..J lo... a '"""" of ~"9 tJ.. J....lity of tJ.. ,._,"bot- poetic emotion -J ~t;c pleof\n'O tJ.. J;ff.,.-. ;, only one of J.e-.'' ..-rote poet ,..,J 5.,,.....,l;rl l..J.,. AnJ,.. BNton ;n 19~2. No a~;rl;c "'°""'"'"t ,;nee Romanticirm b cel.b...to.J ti.. iJ... of 'OOm"n <>< pa«;on­ at.oly .,, J;J S.,.....,1;,m J.,..;ng ti.. 1 9~0r an.I 1940r, ""J no early t-nt;oth-c.nhn-y """"""'"t on;o.,..l ti.. pa~cipalio<> of <>< '°"9• -J adM a 9""'1' of _...... Yet ti.. rol. of ti.. '"°~ ~ in ti.. S.,....,.l;rl ...-t -• " conopl~toJ one. y °"'9 - of ti.. 19».....J ti..;. ~l..!Ne f· J, r 1 to P""'V' ~ m,;n;,,g -J ;, 1; I Jool "- OS muclo to ti.. """"°"' J.c.J.', J..-.1 r.,. rociol -J ......1 ........ ocipation ~ -- ... tl..y J;J to ti.. S,,.......1.n -......olvtion." ln.l..J. ti.. popvl.... Unoge of ti.. •~ - · .a< ti.at of a ~­ ....tonomou< be;ng """ w 1-f;toJ f...... ti.. tocial J....g.. ;n<t;atoJ b.i ti..-« .vff,...g.-an.l ti.. Fn-tt Wori.1 w- in 1929 B~ton J.f;n.J "tJ.. morl ma,....llou< an.I J;rl~ng ~l.m ;n all the ...,,,IJ a< ti.al of woman," he h;m..lf hav;ng NjoctoJ ti.. ;m"98 of tho "~woman" a• too wo~ly. too tougk too d0<0ly a«OC"'to.J .,;th tJ.. l;w.,~ e<tabl;.hment ogoinrl ..hicl. S.,....,.l;rm wa< in ,..,..It. 1 1-f, ....,lac.J it ..;th on ;.._ of mog;""J. .tJ..-1. -J J,;IJ!il,o womanha.J J.,.;....J f...,.,, rveh J;....... ro<n'O«"" Romont<: -J s,.,bol;.t lit..-at....o. r., J;"" ~an.I~ ~Im.. Mal. S..-~rt.-.U .......... hauntoJ b.i on imago of - -J~ ,tl,.,..,I an.I yet ~of ~;,;,,g ~',-.CJ..,_, ~ling l.;m o.to a -bl ~y ti.at ccJJ l.b....t. l.m f....,. ti.. bonJ. of,......... -J log;c. Women ....t;rlf <>«OciatoJ ...th ti.. ___.t m-uggl.J .,;th tJ.. often ""'""'1"'41. rol.. of mu<e on.I ....t;,t_ They con­ frontoJ tJ.. Jiff;cult~ of t.-f.,...,;ng ti.. imago of woman from objoet to rub;ect th"""9h ....t;ttic conwnfon< e<tabl;,h.J oc~;ng DOROT'"GA TANNING 'R... J. '""" IQ44 to male ~;tion<, an.I tho f,.u<t...,tion of -oncil;ng ti..;. o'"' rociol orJ ,.,.,.,1 .....,nc;pofon ..rJ ti.. J..,,.,,J, of mow,.. cNot;v. eloboTOt.. oxtuming, MJ exotic je...el"l - eoexid ,,;t~ o """°"" ity .,.;th ti.. c,.;pp1;"9 ;""'99 of tl.e ,..,..,._..,.f... 1 o• womon-<h;IJ. p.ivoto. often l...m.tic ;J..,t;~cot;.,., of tho f'-1. boJ~ ...;th · s.... 1.on·.,;,;.., of u.. ·t--1 ..Jo...J" _...,;, _..·t .....c1. h.lp ~ J......, f.om not.,,... fo,. ti.. __, P"'nte., CJq.J,.,..,., lot.. commenteJ.? Qt!­ Relmco on tl..motoc orJ iconog~;c moto.-.ol J..,_ "'"''°" .,..,.. eqvoll4 ombivolent obovt the bve ploce of..._.., ;n ti.. f.om noture become onothe,. wo ~ of Mf.....bng "WOmen'f c.loim lo S,,.......lort vn'-<e. Pn; ,..fur.J lo join ti.. ,.,.,....,,...,t off;c;.,I~ <>rp0<u of .,.,._,.. thot ~ b.l;...J loy ..,t,;J. .otionol onJ -I .J..n.t lo 8....t.on'r ~ ..lt!-gh J.. .,J,;b;t.J ...th ti.. m<>reJ.,. conbool. No-ho,.. on S,,.......l,.m or not.,,.. mo..._.,-. 9"""P Jun..g ti.. 10!>0. .,,J 1040.: K..hlo oft.n ,.,;J thot fully ,....l;,.J <>< o motoph.,• fo,. p<lj<h;c ...,l;ty thon ;n ti.. po;nti"(l< e.. 1on """ h;, ci.-cl. "thought J ...... " $....... 1 ;.t, bvt I wom't."~ of K..tJo. ~ orJ T..,.n. Tho po.-cl..J orJ c...ck.J ,.,.ti, R~ f.om ti.. fo..mulot;.,., of s.,.......t.n tl..o"l­ ..........n4 ,.fl.ctr K..IJo« ~la'!- ti.. cool. rlot.J k· nnf.,... 4 -' ~ -I mot'O ;ne,.,...-.J ti.on ti.... mole"""-""'· orJ ~ .,,J,.toctonK =ffok/;"9' of ~'r .ori. c""te" ~ Cll"tirlf ~lfi, mc:J• vniqvt <MJ vitol cont....ibut:.00-r to '9nfe of ploce ot once J..olote orJ ch..~ ...;1h un<pecif;.J poet;c ti:. -t. Rejecting ti.. i-ao of ...-on"" Qt!-. onJ ...;th .._,,"9· ..1,;1. th. 1,.,._ .,rJ J.fol;.,t.J 1...,Jbp.. of T°"°"" it ti.. I.. 9 •JO of ~ viol.nc. -' hofluc.nolonj JU~ ~of ti.. !..to 10!>0<-I~ IQ40tt...t.f.,1otl......l.u.non~ J......oc-..;rt<c of ti.. .ori. of mole S,,.......l;rtr, mony t~ lo of o _.,,IJ o! "'""· b-en M,11_., the -mon ,.l,o.
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