LIFE MEMBERS OF THE INDIAN BOTANICAL SOCIETY (Updated upto 15.08.2021) S.No. Year Name Details 1. 1977 A, Balasubramanian, Ph.D., F. B. S., Principal, K. C. S. Kasi Nadar College of Arts & Science, Chennai-600 021, Plant Anatomy, Ecology, Exp. Botany, (July 9, 1939) 2. 2016 Abdali, Abhia Dept. of Botany, Ranchi University, Ranchi, Jharkhand-834008 Research Scholar, Res.: M. Ali Lane, Near Urdu School Ground, Tharpakhana, Ranchi Cytogenetics; Ph.: +919334212691 3. 2007 A. Gangaprasad Lecturer, Department of Botany, University of Kerala, Kariavattam, Thiruvananthapuram.-695562 Plant Biotechnology, Conservation Biology(July 26,1962) Ph.: +919447552783, Email: [email protected] 4. 2008 A, Lalithamba, Lecturer, Plant Physiology, D.K. Government degree Coll. Nellore, Res: Elat-26, Vijaya Sai Apartments, 15/981 Verkatrana puran Street, Nellore, (January 1, 1955) Ph.: 0861-2342337, 0861-2327568; Email: [email protected] 5. 2014 A, .Radhaiah, SVA Government College (M), Srikaiahasti-517644, Email: [email protected] 6. 1995 A, Sadanandan,. UGC-BSR Faculty Fellow, Department of Biotechnology, Kakatia University, Warangal-506 009 Ph.: +919849146811, Email: [email protected] 7. 1977 A. V. Govindaraj M. Phil., Lecturer, Deptt. of Botany, Pachaiyappas College, Chennai-600 030, Algology, (Sep. 25, 1942) 8. Abbas, Zaffar Associate Professor, Department of Botany, G.F. College, Shahjahanpur (U.P.) 9. 2015 Abrar, Syed Dept. of P.G. Studies and Research in Applied Botany, Kuvempu University, Shankaragatta-577451, Shimoga Karnataka 10. 2019 Acharya Krishnendu Ph.D ;Professor, FICN,Molecular and Applied Mycology and Plant Pathology Laboratory,Centre of Advanced Study,Department of Botany 35, Ballygunge Circular Road,University of Calcutta,Kolkata- 700019, Mycology and Plant Pathology; (Dec.16,1969), Ph.: +9180131167310; Email: [email protected] 11. 1978 Acharya, Ushabhen P Ph.D., Department of Botany, University School of Life Sciences, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad- 380 009 (Gujarat); Email: 12. 2013 Addholeya, Alok Director, Indian Habitat Centre, Darbari Seth Blok, Lodhi Road Delhi- 1110003; Email: [email protected] 13. 1998 Adhikari, Dolly C/o Principal‟s Residency, Burdhwan Raj College Campus, Aftab House, Burdhwan-713 104 (W.B.) 14. 1979 Adhikary, Siba Ph.D., D.Sc., F.B.S., FNAAS, Former Professor, of Botany, Utkal Prasad University, Bhubaneshwar(Jan.2002-June 2009), Former Professor, of Biotechnology, Visva Bharati, Santiniketan, (WB)( July2009- April 2019); Former Vice Chancellor FM University, Balasore, Odisha( May 2014-July2017) Res.: 200B, Blue-Green, BDA Duplex Colony, Baramunda, Bhubneswar-751003, Odisha; Microbiology , Phycology& Biotechnology (April 2, 1954); Ph.: +9439431600; Email: [email protected] 15. 2007 Adholiya, Tanima R. M.Phil, Ph.D, Assis. Prof. Boston College of Professinol Studies, Gwalior Datta – 447 011, Aerobiology, Pollution Ecology and Microbiology (Jan 15, 1964) Ph.: +919425115535, +919425309235; Email: [email protected] 16. 1976 Aery, Naresh Ph. D., Professor, Department of Botany, University College of Sciences, Chander M. L. Sukhadia University, Udaipur-313 002, Geobotany, Biochemistry, Floristics, Physiology (July 5, 1952) Ph.: 0294-2411146, Email: [email protected] 17. 1977 Afifi, Ahmed Fouad Ph.D., Professor, Botany Department, Faculty of Educational, Heliopolis 1 LIFE MEMBERS OF THE INDIAN BOTANICAL SOCIETY (Updated upto 15.08.2021) Cairo, EGYPT, Microbiology (Sept. 28, 1934) 18. 1986 Agarwal, A. K Ph.D., F. B. S., F. F. S. I., Reader, Principal (Retired) B.S.A. College, Mathura; 387 Prema Sadan, Radhika Vihar, Mathura-281 004; Ph.: +919412661868; Email:[email protected] 19. 1986 Agarwal, Hari Om M. S. (USA), D. Sc. (Holland), FNASC, F.P.S.I., F. A. Sc., F. B. S., Assoc. I. A. R. I., F. I. V. S., Formerly Professor, Head & Dean Biotechnology, H. P. University, Summer Hill, Shimla-171 005, UGC Emeritus Scientist, Environ. Sci., Resi.: Sri Laxman Bhawan, 20/2, Indira Nagar, Lucknow- 226 016 (U.P.) Plant Virology, Microbiology, Biotechnology (July 1, 1936); Ph.: 0522-2341586 20. 1988 Agarwal, K. C Ph.D., Botany, Prof. of Botany & Retd. Director Research, M.D.S. University, Azmer 6-B-5, Pawanpuri South Extension, Bikaner-334 003; Ph.: 0151-2543261, 21. 1984 Agarwal, Kailash Ph.D., F. B. S., I-B,F.P.S.I,23,Bajaj Nagar enclave, Near Gandhi nagar railway station, , Jaipur-302 015, Microbiology, Seed Pathology and Plant Pathology, (July 14, 1958) Ph.: +919414306665, Email: [email protected] 22. 2009 Agarwal, Kalpana Ph.D., Asstt. Prof., International College for Girls, Mansarovar, Jaipur. Res.: 270, Ranisati Nagar, Nirman Nagar, Jaipur-302019. Plant Physiology 23. 1984 Agarwal, Madhoolika Ph.D., Professor, Department of Botany, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221 005, Ecology, Environmental Biology, Toxicology, (May 1, 1958), Ph.: 0542-2368156, +919415628573; Email: [email protected] 24. 2008 Agarwal, Mala Ph.D., Lecturer in Botany, Govt. PG College, Chimanpura (Raj.) Plant Physiology, Biochemistry and Biotechnology,(Sept.27, 1968), Ph.: +919414075180;Email: [email protected] 25. 1978 Agarwal, N. K Ph.D., F. B. S., Lecturer, Botany Department, D. S. College, Aligarh-202 001, Mycology, Plant Pathology, Res.43,CUTHBERT, Street Buleen, Victoria 3105, AUSTRALIA (Nov. 5, 1941) 26. 1966 Agarwal, R. P F. B. S., F. I. A., H. P. S., Mohalla Bangalgarh, P. O. Darbhanga-846 004, Bihar, Cytogenetics, Plant Breeding, Physiology, Ecology (Oct. 10, 1940) 27. 1987 Agarwal, Rajiv M.phil, Ph.D., F. B. S., Professor, School of Studies in Botany, Jiwaji Mohan University, Gwalior-474 011 (M.P.), Morphology, Stress Physiology, (Sep. 20, 1952), Ph.: 0751-2342466 (R), 0751-4016734(o); Email: [email protected] 28. 2008 Agarwal, Rashmi Ph.D., Reader, Dept. of Forestry, Guru Ghasi Das University, Koni, Bilaspur – 495009, (Jan. 10, 1958), Ph.: +919893237172; Email: [email protected] 29. 2003 Agarwal, Shashi Ph.D., Professor, Deptt. of Botany, B.H.U., Varanasi-221 005, Bhushan Environmental Biology, Cytogenetics (June 26, 1956), Ph.: +915422368156; Email: [email protected] 30. 1986 Agarwal, Surendra Department of Botany, M.S. College, Saharanpur-247001 (U.P.) (Aug 1, Kumar 1949) 31. 2010 Agarwal Tripti Ph.D, S.B.N Boys P.G college, Jaipur; .Res.: C-44,R.P.A road, Nehru nagar panipech Jaipur Pin:302016 Rajasthan; Ph:+91982892147. Email. [email protected] 32. 2012 Agrawal, Veena Department of Botany, University of Delhi,Delhi-110007; Res. : Bugalow No. 20, Cavalry Lines, University of Delhi, (North Campus), Delhi- 110007, Ph. : +91 9868513900, Email: [email protected] 2 LIFE MEMBERS OF THE INDIAN BOTANICAL SOCIETY (Updated upto 15.08.2021) 33. 2013 Agashe, Seema Department of Botany, Dombivili Shikshan Prasarak Mandal's K.V. Milind Pendharkar College, Dombivili East – 421203, Email: [email protected] 34. 2006 Aggarwal, Ashok M.Phil, Ph.D Botany Department, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra 136 119 (Haryana) (January 17, 1959) , Ph.: +919896248039; Email: [email protected] 35. 2005 Agnihotri, D. K M. Phil., Ph.D., S/o Sri S. K. Agnihotri (Retd. Post Master), Near Rashi Marry Home, Station Road, Chandausi, Distt. Moradabad-202 412 (U.P.), Email: [email protected] 36. 2017 Agnihotri, Nikhil Ph.D, Department of Botany, DAV College , Kanpur, Res.: 115/3A, Gautam Vihar, Kalyanpur Khurd, Kanpur-208017, Plant Physiology, Taxonomy & Ethnobotany, ( Aug.10,1981) Ph.: +919839214760; Email: [email protected] 37. 2013 Agnihotri, Priyanka CSIR, NBRI Rana Pratap marg Lucknow-226001, Taxonomy, Email: [email protected] 38. 2011 Agnihotri, Rajneesh Ph.D. Assistant Professor Deptt. Of Botany, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Kumar University, Khandri Campus, Agra 282002, Res. : B-1, Gopal Kunj, Bagh Muzaffar Khan, Agra -282002, Ph.: +919412045450; Email: [email protected], [email protected] 39. 2018 Agral, Surendra Street No. 04, Infront of Solanki Petrol Pump, Gadoura ka pura, Morena, MP 476001, Ph.: +919039378304; Email: [email protected] 40. 2016 Ahirrao, Yogesh Athania 20 Shahunagar Deopur, Dhule (M.S.) 424002 Atmaram S 41. 2020 Ramesh Kumar Ph.D, Dept. of Botany, Guru Ghasidas Vishvavidhyalya(A Central Univesity), Koni, Bilaspur-495009 Chattisgarh; Res. : # 32 Mahamaya Residency, Badi Koni,Sendri, Bilaspur-495009, Chattisgarh, ( July 7,1981) Ph.:+919424702112, +917000939013: Email: [email protected] 42. 1977 Ahluwalia, Amrik Ph.D., F. B. S., F.S.P.R., Professor, Botany Department, Punjab Singh University, Chandigarh, 160 014. Phycology, Nitrogen Fixation, Cyanobacterial Physiology, Pollution, Azolla Biology (Feb. 1, 1955), Ph.: +919815984489; Email: [email protected] 43. 1977 Ahmad, A. M Ph.D., F. B. S., Associate Professor Biology Department, Faculty of Education, King Abdul Aziz University, MACCA (Saudi Arabia), Plant Physiology (March 5, 1935) 44. 1984 Ahmad, Aftab Ph.D., 2 Sharif colony, Patna-800 006 (Bihar), Plant Pathology, Genetics and Environmental, Ethnobotany, (March 29, 1949) 45. 2004 Ahmed, Altaf, Ph. D., Deptt. of Botany, Jamia Hamdard University, New Delhi-110 062 46. 2018 Ahmad, Faheem Ph.D; Assistant Professor; Dept of Botany, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh-202002, Plant Pathology, Nematology/ Mass spectroscopy (june 10,1981)Ph.: +919455051145; Email: [email protected] 47. 2007 Ahmad, Masood Department of Botany, T. M. Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur-812 007 (Bihar) 48. 2005 Ahmad, Md. Sahab FPSI, Department of Botany, T.M. Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur- 812007 (Bihar) (Jan 1, 1958). Email:
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