FORDHAM COLLEGE, NEW YORK, JANUARY 12,1950 No. 11 Woods, Falconer Receive Nite Bite Opens Council Clears Coffee, milk and sandwiches will now be served every weekday eve- $500 Patterson Grants ning in Keating Hall until 10 p.m., it has been announced by the man- agement. Alternate The "Snack Bar" will be located Alternate NSA delegate Harry in the Mural Room (the sophomore Brauner, '51, was cleared of the im- dining hall). peachment charges against him on The opening of a campus lunch '50MaroonGoes Dec. 15, as the prosecution failed to room at night was requested in a obtain from the Student Council the petition started by Richard Leahy, two-thirds vote necessary for con- '51, and signed by a number of To All Studentsviction. boarders and day-hops. After the results of the secret bal- In a revolutionary change of pol- loting were announced, Bob Feterg, icy, it has been announced that the head of Fordham's delegation to the 1950 edition of the Maroon will be NSA and initiator of the impeach- Lecture Today distributed free of charge to all un- ment proceedings against Braunfer, dergraduates of ti»e college. declared: "On behalf of the delega- In announcing this decision, Edi- tion, I would like to welcome Harry ByFr. Walsh tor George Woods explained that it back into the NSA. We are very hap- was reached in an effort to broaden py concerning this outcome, for his Rev. Gerald G. Walsh, S.J., former the scope of this year's Maroon so sake." editor of Thought and renowned that it will reflect the progress not Dante scholar, will deliver an illus- only of the senior class, but of the Brauner responded by expressing trated lecture on "Florence" this aft- junior, sophomore, and freshman his appreciation for the Council's ernoon at 3 o'clock in the Chemistry classes as well. fairness in handling the case. "Re- Amphitheater. Instead of individual subscription, gardless of whether I'd won or lost," This talk is the first of a series to as was done in the past, the 1950he said, "I knew I was getting a be given on various shrines which edition will be financed by funds square shake." will be visited during Fordham's drawn from student tuitions, Woods Brauner also thanked Peters for Holy Year pilgrimage to Rome this explained. This will be augmented the way he had summer. All are invited to attend by revenues derived from the sale presented the Shown above receiving their awards from Rev. Thurston N. Davis, S.J., these lectures. of advertising space. prosecution. Dean of Fordham College, are senior George Woods and junior Arthur The Fordham pilgrimage will last Woods went on to explain that Impeachment Falconer, winnen of thia year's Patterson Memorial Scholarship for Jour- forty-eight days, and will include students from each of the four years proceedings nalism. tours of France and Italy. The climax will be expected to shoulder their against Brauner share of the responsibility in seeing were opened on This year's Joseph Medill Patter-' that the publication is a financial Oct. 31, when Pe- son Scholarships for outstanding success. A 10% commission on all ters first moved journalistic achievement have been Cash Prizes Offered proceeds is open to students who for his dismissal. awarded to George Woods, '50, and cooperate in the drive to sell adver- The alternate del- tising. egate was charged Arthur Falconer, '51. The grants, For Stories, Posters with malfeasance amounting to $500 each, are awarded Contracts for prospective buyers andnonfeasancein annually to two students in the An interracial justice short story may be obtained at the Maroon of- office for his fail- Journalism Division of the Univer- and poster contest has been an- fice in the basement of the Adminis- sity. ure to attend sev- nounced by the Interracial Justice eral NSA regional meetings and to Established in memory of the late answer important correspondence. founder of the New York Daily Commission of the NFCCS, which is News, the scholarships are now inlocated at Manhattanville College of Protestantism A challenging of the Council's their second year of existence, hav- the Sacred Heart. The students of all right to remove an alternate dele- ing been won last year by Joseph colleges affiliated with the NFCCS gate of an extramural activity pre- Is Subject of vented formal action on the dismis- Valerio, '49, and Frank G. M. Cor-are eligible to submit entries. bin, '50. sal motion at this meeting, and a Woods, who spent his childhood in The purpose of this contest is to History Talk committee was appointed to study Lake Placid, N. Y., and graduated stimulate interest among students in Rev.- Florence Cohalan, son of the the constitutionality of such action. from high school there, is now a res- the promotion of understanding be- noted judge and a professor of his- At the meeting on Nov. 17, the ident of the Bronx. committee reported that the Coun- tween races. tory at Cathedral College, will de- cil did have jurisdiction in Brauner's An Army veteran with two years' The first prize in the short story liver a lecture on "The Protestant service in India to his credit, Woods contest will be an award of one hun- case. Council president Lou Mauro is married and the father of two dred dollars. The second prize will Revolution and its Effects" to the accepted this ruling, and the Coun- children. At present, he is the editor be fifty dollars. In the poster contest Fordham History Club this after- cil adopted Peters' motion for im- of the 1950 Maroon and also acts as noon. The talk will take place in the peachment. A committee composed the first prize will be fifty dollars, the FR. GERALD WALSH of Joseph Ciampa, Arthur Oates and campus correspondent for the Newsecond prize twenty-five. Bishops' Lounge at three o'clock. York Times. Edward Karst was then appointed to The entries must deal with some will be an audience with the Pope in Father Cohalan has been giving a investigate and report on the facts Falconer is a native New Yorker aspect of interracial justice. The con- Rome. in the case. whose home is now in Manchester, test closes February 11, 1950. The Sailing date from New York is series of lectures on the Protestant New Hampshire. He is a graduate of rules of tho contest and additional June 21. Total price for the trip is revolution for the Newman Institute. Evidence for both sides was pre- St. Joseph's High School, Manches- information can be secured from $973, all fees included. Arrange- He is known for his ability to blend sented on Dec. 5. Brauner defended ter, and spent a year at St. Anselm's James Ward, '51, Fordham delegate ments are backed by the Cook Tour himself by explaining that lack of anecdotal humor with the substance time and a summer job had inter- College in that city before interrupt- to the NFCCS. Agency, and all details will toe han-of his talks and provide perceptive ing his education for 19 months of The judges will be outstanding dled by an expert guide. fered with an efficient execution of Army service. representatives of various fields of Further information concerning the and interesting lectures. his duties in the past, but added that art and literature. The winners will pilgrimage may be obtained from lie received his masters' degree he would be able to fulfill the de- While overseas, Falconer served as mands of his position in the future. editor of two regimental publica- be announced during "Interracial the Rev. Eugene Culhane, S.J., direc- from Georgetown University and Week," March 5-11. tor of accommodations. The investigating committee also tions. After his discharge, he came did post graduate work at Harvard. reported their findings at this meet- to Fordham as a freshman and is now He has written articles for various associate editor of the Fordham ing. The committee stated that the Monthly and a reporter for The Catholic publications. prosecution's charges were valid This is the fifth in a series of talks and substantial, and recommended HAM. Scully Joins Red Barber that the impeachment proceedings Woods and Falconer were selected on "Revolutions" being sponsored be carried through to a conclusion. for the awards by a faculty commit- by the History Club. The French At the final meeting on Dec. 15, tee composed of the Rev. Alfred Bar- In the Old Catbird Seat Revolution, The Civil War, Chris- there was no further discussion of rett, S.J., Chairman of the Journal- By JOHN FARLEY During his two years on WFUV, tian Revolution and Anthropological the evidence. Before the balloting, ism Division; David Marshall, Pat- however, the Council president had terson Professor of Journalism, and Last week was just the beginning Vin broadcasted all the Ram foot- Revolution have been discussed thus of another year to a lot of people, ball, baseball and basketball games. to make another constitutional rul- Edward A. Walsh, Instructor in far with Dr. Paul Levack, Mr. Sam- ing. Acting on the recommendation Journalism. but for Vin Scully, a June '49 grad- He always has been interested in uel Telfair, Dr. Robert Pollock and of the constitutional committee, he Annual prizes of two hundred and uate of Fordham College, it was a sports, especially baseball and be-the Rev. J. Franklin Ewing, S.J., red lettered week indeed, for the fore he began his radio work, he declared that in the case of impeach- fifty and one hundred dollars each, leading the discussions in those ment a two-thirds vote of all mem- donated by the Federal Court Press news was released that he had been was a letter man on.
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