March,---- 1995 SafetBaclic (left) and Don Wallace vie forthe lead at the 80kinpoint in "ThatDam Run" on the 31st December, 1994 in New Zealand. Don went on fora fine win in 6:44: 18 with Safetsecond in 7:01:3 I. Officialpublication of the Australian Ultra Runners' Association , Inc. (Incorporated in Victoria). Registeredoffice: 4 VictoryStreet, · Mitcham 3132 Aust Ph: (03)874 2501 AH CONTENTS FRONT COVER- "That Dam Run" New 2.ealand,December 1994 photo 1 EDITORIAL 3 ULTRA CALENDAR 4 - 6 TRIBUTETO CRAIG ROWE-Dave Taylor 7 AURAAGM -Call forNominations 8 LETIERS TOTHEEDITOR 9-12 RACE REPORTS: Bathurst 100km, NSW 13 - 14 Centenary Lakes50km & 6 Hour Track, Q'ld 14 -17 Australian6 Day Race, Colac, Vic 18 - 21 "That Dam Run" IAU 100kmRoad Champs,NZ 22 -27 AURABogong toHotham TrailRun, Vic 28 - 31 Toukley 12 Hour TrackRace, NSW 31 -32 Heritage Dusk toDawn Road Race, Q'ld 33- 34 Jagungal WildernessTrail Run , NSW 36 Mansfieldto Mt.Buller - 50km Road Race, Vic 37-38 100kmLiverpool Track Race, NSW 39 Six FootTrack Marathon Trail Run, NSW 40-42 CradleMountain TrailRun, Tas 43 Bunbury 6 & 12 Hour Track Race, WA 44-45 AURA Dam Trail50km. TrailRun, Vic 46-50 AURAGEAR OFFER 45 DONATIONSACKNOWLEDGEMENT 50 RACE ADVERTS: "Hell Over the Clouds II KamchatkaTrail Race 35 King & Queenof Mount Mee50 Road Race, Q'ld 51 Percy Cerutty Memorial12 Hour Track Race, Vic 52-53 Glasshouse Trail Runs, Q'ld 54-55 AURA 50 Mile TrackRace, Vic 56-57 Shepparton50 Km Road Run, Vic 58 Australian6 Day Track Race, Colac, Vic 59 AURA MEMBERSHIPState by state 53 ARTICLES: ElkhornMountains Heaven & Hell, USA- MaxBogenhuber 60-62 How I Becamean illtrarunner- Bill Peck 63 Articleon Bill Peck- Athlete,Poet 64 UltraPeople in Profile- Tony Rafferty 65 WasatchFront 100Mile MountainRace, USA 66 - 75 The Dog'sMead cross number puzzle Mike Maddock 75 Ultra.runningon Internet 76-78 YiannisKouros Articles & Profile 78-79 WORLDAGE GROUP RECORDS 80- 82 WORLDALL-TIME ULTRA BESTS 83 - 85 AUSTRALIAN 24 HOUR TRACK RANKINGS 86-93 AUSTRALIAN 24 HOURROAD RANKINGS 94 AURAMEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM 95 BACK COVER -1994 TelecomTasmania Run photograph 96 2. DearMembers, Our humble apologies areextended to friendsof Craig Rowe. We inadvertently omitted tomention his untimely deathin our previous issue (not only that, but we re-ranan advertisement forthe Sydney - Melbourne - Sydney Run which stillhad Craig's name on it as a starter.) The omission is correctedin this issue, in which we have anobituary to Craig, written by his mate,Dave Taylor. It is probably appropriateto mentionhere that as editors of this magazine,Dot andI are unable to always rememberto include everything that ought to beincluded in each issue. We tryvery hard not to miss anything. It is YOURmagazine, supported largely by materialyou send in. Please don't expectus to cover everythingyou want included - takethe responsibilityupon yourself to send informationand materialto us forpublication. Thanks! Our Annual General Meetingis to be held in July this year. Thereis a call fornomination s and items of general business in this issue. The notice of meetingwill be published in our next issue. I remind all runners aspiring to competefor Australia in the IAU 100kmWorld Challenge(to be held in Holland on 16th September, 1995) to register their interestwith TrevorJacobs, 7 Dovey Place, Latham ACT 2615, as soonas possible. Up to 6 men and 6 women plus reserves can be endorsed by Athletics Australiato representou r country. Apartfrom being reasonably fast over 100km,aspirants must be Australiancitizens and have donean acceptableperformance over the last 18 months. Don Wallace won the That Dam Run race again forthe third consecutiveyear. Congratulations Don! SafetBadie was second, MaryMorgan and Linda Meadows were first and secondrespectively in the ladies' section. Well done to you both! Mary deserves specialcommendation because she alsoset an Australasianrecord a few monthsearlier inan Internationalrace in Canada. Both Mary and Linda have shown that they are capable of world class times, well under 8 hours. What of the future? We'll just have to wait and see. Speakingof 100km,it is time we had a 100kmNatio nal Championship with endorsementfrom Athletics Australia,so we arelooking fora good, reasonablyflat and fastcourse with a directorwho knowshow to lookafter a high profilerace, and who has access to sufficientvolunteers. Any takers? Committeemembers Mike Grayling is close to finalisingnew recordplaques for roadraces, so we expectto be able to issue these soon. Thanks foryour work, Mike! Ian Javes and Dave Holleran have both suggested an AustralianWtra Series Award. As thisis a good idea,the committeehas decidedto implement it immediatelyand seehow it performsover the current calendaryear. Tony Raffertyhas offeredto do a series of personality profilesfor the magazine, and these should appearover the next fourissues. Probably, Tony's new baby boy Kieran is keeping him up late at night, so he has nothing better to do with his enforcedsleeplessness, The administrationof the New ZealandUltrarunners Association has beenthrough an upheaval phase and is now settling down under the stewardshipof Dick Tout. We wish Dick and his committee well in galvanisingthe ultra-running community in New Zealand. The Queenslandershave formedtheir own Associationand have becomeincorporated. Well done! They even have their own 26 page newsletter. Obviously, they arethe strongestand most active state at the moment. Good luck foryour futureefforts. It is noteworthythat theyare the secondstate to forman incorporated association,Tasmania being the first. Most computer buffsmay already knowthat ultrarunningis on Internet. For thosethat don't, details of how to make contact arein this issue. Public Liabilityinsurance premiums aregoing throughthe roof and the committeewant toremain responsibleby continuing to hold such insurance. It has been decided thatAURA races gaining benefitfrom the insurance cover pay a nominal contributiontowards the premium,with AURA paying the balance. Not all new trailraces go offsmoothly the firsttime around. Yours truly put on what I thought was going to be a flawlesseffort around MaroondahDam, Victoria,but gremlins made sure it was flawed. Read allabout it in this issue. Regards, ;Jr?�� 3 GeoffHook 1995 ULTRA CALENDAR April22 BRISBANE WATERS BUSH BASH, NSW, 47km trail run. start at 6am at GosfordOlympic Pool, finishGosford Sailing Club, Time limit 9 hours, $30 entry, Entriesto Robert Carleton,51 The Rampart, Umina2257, Ph.(043) 418712 April ROSS TO RICHMONDROAD RACE, TAS. 100km, between the two oldest bridges in Australia,7am start, Needsupport ve hicle and helper, contactTallays Running Shop, phone (002) 34 9566 or Therese March(002) 391432 orAlan Rider, Dept of Tourism, Sport& Recreation,GPO Box 501, Hobart 7001. April 30 KING & QUEEN OF MT.MEE SOKM & 25KM, Q'LD, out and back course (twice for50km) on bitumen and dirt roads; 50km start 6.30am, 25km start7.30am. Sealed Handicap.$20 entryfor both events. Entriesclose 16th April, 1995. Presentations andlight lunch at Mt.MeeHall afterrace at 1.30pm. Contact: Gary Parsons P.O. Box 462, Caboolture 4510, Ph. (074) 957208 AURA 12 HOUR TRACK RACE, KNOX, VIC. (formerly at Tootgarook) May 7 new 400mtrack, $25 entry, Percy Cerutty Memorial Race, 7am start, Race Director: Dot Browne. 4 Victory Street Mitcham 3132, phone (03) 874 2501 (H) or FAX (03)873-3223 forentry form. BANANA COAST ULTRA MARATHON, NSW. 85km. Grafton to Coffs May7 Harbour 6am start,Entry fee $5, contactSteel Beveridge, 2 LakesideDrive, North Sapphire 2450, NSW, phone(066) 536831 May 27/28 TAMWORTII 24 HOUR CHARITY RUN, NSW, Viaduct Park, Tamworth, 10am start. $35 entry, 10am starton Saturday, ContactDallas Earsman,143 Bridge Street.Tamworth 2340, Ph. 657216 (H) or 653511 (W) June 1-3 AUSTRALIAN 48 HOUR & QUEENSLAND 24 HOUR TRACK CHAMPIONSHIPS, QLD. 400m grass track,Lota Park , TheEsplanade, Lota. 3pm start forboth events. Entryfee : $50 for48 Hour, $40 for24 Hour, both include Tee-shirts. Closing dateFriday 19th May, 1995. Contact Dave Holleran (07) 3934007or Ray Chatterton P.O. Box 589 Toowong,4066 Qld, Ph. (07)376 2548 (H) or(07) 271 8645 0N) June 18 SHOALHAVEN 4SKM & 32KM KING OF THE MOUNTAIN, NSW, Start Cambewarra Public School,finish Kangaroo Valley Showground,32km start 9am, 45km start 8am, Entries$15 to P.O. Box 258 Nowra NSW 2541, Enquiries for 32km event Kevyn Davis(044)218811 (W) or(044) 478309(H) or 45km event Rick Foster(044) 215339 June 18 GLASSHOUSE TRAIL RUN, QW (33km,55km, 80km) Caboolture, Q'ld, Startand finishat the lookout.80k (if 10 entries)6.00am start, 55k - 6.00am,35k - 7.30am, 20k - 8.30am start. Contact Ian Javes, 25 Fortune Esplanade, Caboolture, Q'ld 4510 . Ph. (074) 95-4334. July 29 AURA 50 MILE TRACK RACE, VIC. (Australian Championship) at East Burwood(Bill Sewart Athletic Track), Burwood Highway, EastBurwood, 400m track,8am start, $26 entry(AURA members),$30 others; contact GeoffHook, 42 SwayfieldRoad, Mt.Waverley, 3149 or phone (03) 808-9739. Aug 6 TAMBORINE TREK, GOLD COAST, 68kms. Road Race, Contact Ian Cornelius(075) 922349 Aug TASMANIA RUN - STAGED ROAD RACE - 700KM IN 7 DAYS (with 2 rest days built in!) Fastest timesand handicap placings all attractsubstantial prize money. For furtherinformation, contact Alan Rider, Deptof TourismSport & Recreation,G.P.O. Box 501, Hobart 7001 , Ph. (61) 02 308142 or Fax (61) 02 23 4. 8936 1995 ULT A CALENDAR Sep 4 • 8 FIVE DAY STAGED FO9T RACE, Q'LD (Start & finish at Nanango,South Burnett,18 0km north of Bnsbane), approx. 330km with 66km 96 an average daily distance of per day, handicap start. Contact Ron Grant, Brisbane Street' Nanango 4615 Q'ld. Ph (071) 63-1645 Sept 16 lOOKM ROAD RACE, NSW. Bathurst, 6am. start at the Courthouse ' Russell Street,Bathurst, time limit 11 hours. Contact Big Chris Stephenson,GPo Box 1041 Sydney, 2001, phone (02) 259 3981 (W) Sept 17 S�EPPARTON RUNNERS' CLUB S0KM ROAD RACE, start & finish at Violet Town.footballground, $15 entry, goodroad surface, every km marked,shady course, and little traffic, 7am start,contact Brian Gawne ' 11 Morrish Street' Shepparton3 630 Ph.
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