A Complete Bibliography of the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A family: 1860{1869 Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] (Internet) WWW URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/ 13 October 2017 Version 1.01 Title word cross-reference [89, 150, 190, 222, 251, 278, 307, 47, 119]. 4th [23, 78, 267]. 11th [78, 116, 267, 321]. 12 [116]. 13th 5th [273]. [208]. 14th [119]. 1506 [155]. 15th [89, 150, 190, 222, 251, 278, 307, 47, 177]. 6th [208, 321]. 16th [278, 320]. 1858 [50]. 1860 [19]. 1861.-Preliminary [62]. 1862 [116]. 1863 8th [106]. [138]. 1864 [177, 182, 168]. 1865 [190, 208]. 1866 [222, 239]. 1867 [267, 273]. 1868 A.D. [155]. Aberdeen [160]. Aboriginal [278, 296, 290]. 1869 [307, 321]. 1980 [23]. [35]. Abstract [75]. Abstracts [29]. 19th [296]. 1st [106]. Academical [146]. Accommodation [322]. Account [134, 69, 74]. Accounts [228]. 20th [82, 177]. 22nd [239]. 26th [296, 138]. Accumulations [70]. Acquired [203]. Act 27th [23]. 28th [19]. 29th [239, 273]. 2nd [16]. Action [224]. Address [15, 202, 290, [138]. 105, 182, 168, 262, 320, 312, 232, 19]. Administration [170]. Advancement 31st 1 2 [23, 78, 106, 138, 177, 202, 208, 239, 267, 296, Casualities [152, 200]. Casualties 290, 105, 168, 262, 312, 232]. Affected [113]. [212, 238, 294]. Catholics [158]. Cattle Africa [274]. After [235]. Age [84]. Agents [292]. Causes [52]. Census [286]. Agricultural [11, 62, 56, 186, 9, 322, 185, 68]. Central [282, 279, 304, 60, 102, 163, 123]. [145, 254]. Centuries [76]. Century [114]. Agriculture [235]. Alleged [186]. also Certain [151]. Chair [116]. Charitable [203]. Altered [72]. Ameliorations [3]. [264]. Chie [9]. Chief [170]. Chiefly [52]. Amendment [16]. America [281, 145, 113]. Children [40, 214]. China [83]. Christians Amongst [114, 176]. Analysis [192]. Cider [173]. Cider-Truck [173]. City [238, 254, 61, 275]. Ancients [53]. [160]. Civil [77, 258, 113, 187, 293, 303]. Anniversary Classification [282, 313]. Clearing [196]. [8, 89, 150, 190, 222, 251, 278, 307, 47, 119]. Climate [133]. Close [49]. Cloth [69]. Co Application [18]. Appointments [77]. [71]. Co-operative [71]. Coinage [295]. Approaching [54]. Approximate College [112]. Colonel [116]. Colonial [212, 200]. April [62, 56]. Arbitration [132]. Colonies [75, 49, 103, 183]. Colony [265]. Argument [51]. Arising [41]. [301]. Coloured [274]. Combinations Armies [55, 143]. Arms [204]. Army [244]. Commencement [235]. Commerce [133, 67]. Arranged [212, 200]. [31]. Commercial [52, 183, 145, 33]. Ascertained [50]. Ascertainment [18]. Commission [50, 254, 94]. Committee Aspect [294]. Association [238]. Communication [116]. Company [23, 78, 106, 138, 177, 202, 208, 239, 267, 296, [291]. Comparative [280, 68, 169, 55]. 290, 105, 182, 168, 262, 312, 232, 19]. Compared [133, 206, 170, 286, 323, 123]. Associations [71]. Attributed [52]. Comparison [143]. Competitive [77, 115]. August [138, 239, 296, 290, 312, 232]. Condition Australia [49, 171]. Australian [49]. [34, 295, 197, 320, 74, 72, 83, 233]. Austria [34, 254]. Autumnal [224]. Conditions [133, 244]. Congress Available [266]. [15, 24, 20, 135, 147, 273, 321, 39, 33]. Connected [137, 313]. Conscription [252]. Bank [224]. Banking [246]. Banks [73]. Consort [15]. Continental [235]. Bath [177, 168]. Baumhauer [136]. be Continuation [32]. Continuous [144]. [52, 203]. Bearings [95]. Been [94]. before Contributed [136]. Corn [54]. Cost [16]. being [76, 33]. Bellingham [134]. [303, 143, 216, 162]. Cotton [323, 113, 69]. Benefit [205]. Bengal [91, 245]. Berlin Council [11, 82, 89, 116, 150, 190, 222, 251, [135, 147, 10]. Between [42, 247]. 278, 307, 47, 119]. Counties [265]. Birmingham [202, 208, 217, 206, 205, 218]. Countries [52, 42, 95, 121]. Country [196]. Births [185, 225]. Body [84, 275]. Books Course [5, 44]. Courts [258]. Crime [76]. Borough [217, 84]. Brazil [154]. [206, 286, 308, 257, 104, 161, 171]. Criminal Britain [40]. British [23, 55, 75, 78, 106, [29, 308]. Cultivation [302]. Currency 138, 177, 202, 208, 239, 267, 296, 290, 105, [193, 295]. 67, 168, 302, 262, 145, 312, 232, 19, 123, 4]. Budgets [228, 53]. Building [205]. Date [76]. Deaths [253, 225]. Debts [95]. Decade [111]. December [116, 82, 89, 150, Cambridge [106, 105, 128, 112, 272]. 190, 222, 251, 278, 307, 47, 119]. Decimal Canada [291]. Carried [31]. Cases [308]. [53]. Decline [314]. Decrease [163]. 3 Defects [151]. Deficiencies [185]. Factories [323]. Facts [31, 76]. Fallacy Definitions [191]. Delegates [135, 147]. [51]. Families [114]. Favour [51]. February Delivered [320]. Department [182, 10]. [32, 275]. Fellowships [112]. Female [247]. Dependencies [183]. Destitute [40]. Few [10, 152]. Fields [103]. Fifth Detail [143]. Developing [266]. [202, 208, 307]. Finances [281, 34]. Development [59]. Dietaries [126]. Direct Financial [89, 150, 190, 222, 251, 278, 307, [41]. Discipline [91, 245]. Discordancy 47, 119, 122, 127]. First [78, 190, 111]. [52]. Discovery [49]. Distressed [97]. Fiscal [191]. Florence [273]. following Distribution [3]. Districts [2, 145]. down [116]. Force [41]. Foreign [42]. Foreigners [9]. Dr. [136]. Dundee [267, 262]. Durham [175]. Form [272]. Founded [9, 29]. Fourth [146]. During [15, 278, 168, 39, 33, 177]. France [114, 111, 323, 66, 44, 121, 5, 76]. Dutch [54, 228, 252, 275]. Frederick [136]. Free [136]. [246]. Freehold [205]. French [55, 133, 143, 216, 225]. Frequent [224]. Earnings [60, 102]. Economic [202, 290, Friday [82, 251, 47]. Front [110]. 105, 168, 262, 315, 197, 66, 312, 232, 19, 233]. Functions [203]. Funds [266]. Future Economical [95]. Economy [182]. Edibles [302, 86]. [155]. Education [50, 128, 112, 86, 266, 248, 50]. Educational Gaol [84]. General [40, 184, 272, 264]. Effect [42]. Effects [56, 98, 164, 207, 219, 237, 151, 185]. Gentry [77, 67, 41, 70]. Efficiency [20]. Eighteen [264]. Geographical [212, 200]. Germany [84]. Eighth [89, 296, 290]. Elementary [12]. Given [264]. Gold [137, 42, 49]. [248]. Embroidered [72]. Emigration Government [40, 272]. Governors [75]. [103]. Empire [59, 275]. Employed [76, 41]. Great [40]. Greece [285]. Growth [84]. Employment [291]. Ended Guy [61]. [89, 150, 222, 278, 307, 47, 119, 190, 251]. Endowed [112]. Endowments [146]. Hague [321]. Health [67, 291]. Height [84]. England [291, 50, 56, 135, 147, 235, 282, 29, Held [82, 89, 138, 150, 267, 278, 296, 307, 47, 228, 170, 257, 224, 175, 158, 86, 322, 60, 97, 273, 321, 39, 23, 78, 106, 116, 177, 190, 208, 85, 163, 76, 266, 173, 68, 83, 313]. English 222, 239, 251, 182, 33, 119]. Help [40]. [258, 16, 185, 143, 216]. Enjoyments [48]. Hendriks [136]. Highlands [197, 233]. Enterprise [12]. Especial [41]. Especially History [235]. Hosiery [234, 265]. [21]. Esq [116]. Esq. [19]. Eurasians [159]. Hospital [61]. Hospitals Europe [214, 215]. European [133, 280]. [98, 164, 207, 219, 237, 253]. House [322]. Europeans [176]. Examinations [115]. Household [76]. Human [84]. Exchanges [42]. Exercised [94]. Exeter [312]. Exhaustive [18]. Existing [323]. if [203]. II [212]. Illegitimacy [92]. Expenditure [217, 43, 132]. Expenses Illustrated [282, 84]. Illustrative [31]. [128]. Extension [236, 146, 184]. Extent Impots [48]. Improvements [162]. [71, 97]. Extinction [192]. Extract [82]. Improving [20]. Inaccuracies [186]. Extracted [212, 200]. Extracts [10]. Inaugural [320]. Incidentally [253]. Inclosure [94]. Inclusive [238]. Income F [202, 290, 105, 168, 262, 312, 232, 19]. [30, 53, 191, 51, 96, 123]. Inconsistencies F.R.S [116]. F.R.S. [116]. Fabric [76]. [185]. Increase [192]. Increases [286]. 4 India [75, 77, 133, 176, 302, 187, 264, 4]. [225]. Massachusetts [21]. Material [286]. Indians [291]. Indicating [52]. Indirect Matter [110]. Matters [115]. Meaning [41]. Indiscriminating [51]. Industrial [203]. Measure [67]. Meeting [23, 8, 78, 82, [137]. Infant [186]. Infants [215]. 89, 106, 116, 135, 138, 150, 147, 177, 202, Inferences [29]. Information 190, 208, 222, 239, 251, 267, 278, 296, 307, [1, 28, 38, 65, 81, 101, 109, 131, 142, 167, 181, 47, 290, 105, 182, 168, 262, 312, 119, 232, 19]. 201, 213, 231, 243, 261, 271, 289, 300, 319, 10]. Memorandum [52, 32, 41]. Metallic [295]. Inhabitants [35]. Inquiry [20, 294, 320]. Method [18]. Methods [115, 33]. Insanity [308]. Institutions [253, 184, 264]. Metropolis [253]. Metropolitan Instruction [263]. Insufficient [126]. [164, 207, 219, 237]. Midland [265]. International Military [252]. Mining [137]. Minster [76]. [295, 15, 24, 20, 135, 147, 273, 321, 39, 33]. Minutes [82]. Miscellanea Investigation [33]. Ireland [6, 13, 26, 36, 45, 57, 63, 79, 87, 99, 107, 117, [62, 170, 102, 85, 72]. Irregularity [49]. 124, 129, 140, 148, 156, 165, 179, 188, 194, Islands [197]. Issued [238]. Italy [223]. IX 198, 210, 220, 226, 229, 241, 249, 255, 259, [33]. 269, 276, 283, 287, 298, 305, 310, 317, 324]. Modern [184]. Modes [41]. Monday Jame [190, 222]. James [82, 89, 116, 150, [278, 307]. Money [224]. Moral [286]. 251, 278, 307, 47, 320, 119, 235]. January Mortality [238]. Jouissances [48]. Judicial [257]. [114, 176, 67, 186, 214, 253, 159, 169]. Mr. July [23, 39, 33]. June [23, 19]. [74]. Municipal [217]. Muslin [72]. Kauyageh [291]. Kingdom Nassau [19]. Natal [301]. National [285, 183, 223, 309, 279, 304, 323, 172, 295, [95, 182]. Native [264]. Nature [203]. 42, 3, 43, 5, 41, 44, 132]. Navies [216]. Navigation [111]. Navy [153]. Neglected [40]. Netherlands Labour [244]. Labourers [60, 102]. Lace [309, 136]. Newcastle [138]. [234]. Lake [145]. Lancashire [2, 97]. Land Newcastle-Upon-Tyne [138]. Newmarch [205]. Large [206, 218]. Last [116]. Nine [76]. Nineteenth [114]. Ninth [66, 61, 68, 121]. Law [258, 170, 111, 16]. [312, 119]. Norfolk [292]. North [97]. Laws [54, 120]. Legislative [275]. Life Northumberland [134]. Norwich [136]. Like [133]. List [212, 200, 238]. Live [296, 290]. Notes [301, 83]. Nottingham [172]. Liverpool [84]. Lloyd [212, 200, 238]. [239, 234, 232]. November [320].
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