Halloween 7/8/2021 Title Author Call # Llama Llama Trick or Treat Dewdney, Anna BB Dewd Ollie's Halloween Dunrea, Olivier BB Dunr It's Pumpkin Day, Mouse! Numeroff, Laura BB Nume Bunnies!!! Atteberry, Kevan E Atte I Love You More Than the Smell of Swamp Gas Atteberry, Kevan E Atte Puddles!!! Atteberry, Kevan E Atte Monsters Love Colors Austin, Mike E Aust Monsters Love School Austin, Mike E Aust Ready, Steady, Ghost! Baguley, Elizabeth E Bagu Mind Your Monsters Bailey, Catherine E Bail No Such Thing Bailey, Ella E Bail Mary Who Wrote Frankenstein Bailey, Linda E Bail Hampire Bardhan-Quallen, SudiptaE Bard Which Witch is Which? Barrett, Judi E Barr This Monster Cannot Wait Barton, Bethany E Bart This Monster Needs a Haircut Barton, Bethany E Bart Hush Baby Ghostling Beaty, Andrea E Beat Frightful Ride of Michael McMichael Becker, Bonny E Beck Vampire Baby Bennett, Kelly E Benn Happy Halloween Berenstain, Stan E Bere Boo-La-La Witch Spa Berger, Samantha E Berg Monster's New Undies Berger, Samantha E Berg I Don't Want to be a Pea Bonwill, Ann E Bonw Frankenstella and the Video Store Monster Brennan, Herbie E Bren He's Been a Monster All Day Brennan-Nelson, Denise E Bren Glow-In-The-Dark Halloween Thompson, Bros E Brid Under the Bed Bright, Paul E Brig Octavius Bloom and the House of Doom Brooks, Erik E Broo Arthur's Halloween Brown, Marc E Brow Shy Mama's Halloween Broyles, Anne E Broy Bad Kitty Scaredy Cat Bruel, Nick E Brue Snowmen at Halloween Buehner, Carolyn E Bueh Bones of Fred McFee Bunting, Eve E Bunt Watch Out! A Giant! Carle, Eric E Carl Spooky and the Wizard's Bats Carlson, Natalie E Carl What a Scare, Jesse Bear Carlstrom, Nancy E Carl Lu and the Swamp Ghost Carville, James E Carv Monster Mash Catrow, David E Catr Five Little Monkeys Trick or Treat Christelow, Eileen E Chri Boo Who? Clanton, Ben E Clan Dear Vampa Collins, Ross E Coll Go to Sleep Monster! Cornell, Kevin E Corn Here They Come! Costello, David E Cost Don't Push the Button Cotter, Bill E Cott Haunted House, Haunted Mouse Cox, Judy E Cox Click, Clack, Boo! A Tricky Treat Cronin, Doreen E Cron Bonaparte Falls Apart Cuyler, Margery E Cuyl Bonaparte Plays Ball Cuyler, Margery E Cuyl Skeleton Hiccups Cuyler, Margery E Cuyl Monster Needs a Party Czajak, Paul E Czaj Monster Needs Your Vote Czajak, Paul E Czaj Page 1 Halloween 7/8/2021 Title Author Call # Another Mouth to Feed Dahl, Michael E Dahl Cold Feet Dahl, Michael E Dahl In One Ear, Out the Other Dahl, Michael E Dahl Two Heads are Better Than One Dahl, Michael E Dahl Pete the cat Five Little Pumpkins Dean, James E Dean Monster Trucks Denise, Anika E Deni How to Potty Train Your Monster DiPucchio, Kelly E Dipu Zombie in Love DiPucchio, Kelly E Dipu Zombie in Love 2+1 DiPucchio, Kelly E Dipu Maurice the Unbeastly Dixon, Amy E Dixo Gruffalo Donaldson, Julia E Dona Room on the Broom Donaldson, Julia E Dona Pomegranate Witch Doyen, Denise E Doye Hungry! Hungry! Hungry! Doyle, Malachy E Doyl Ollie's Halloween Dunrea, Olivier E Dunr Three Bears' Halloween Duval, Kathy E Duva Sleepless Little Vampire Egielski, Richard E Egie Go Away Big Green Monster Emberley, Ed E Embe If You're a Monster and You Know It Emberley, Ed E Embe Ten Little Beasties Emberley, Rebecca E Embe Beware the Monster Escoffier, Michael E Esco Manny Loses His Fangs Ferri, Giuliano E Ferr Pumpkin Eye Fleming, Denise E Flem There's a Monster in Your Book Fletcher, Tom E Flet Guess What? Fox, Mem E Fox I'm Not Afraid of This Haunted House Friedman, Laurie E Frie Pug and Pig Trick-or-Treat Gallion, Sue E Gall Otter Loves Halloween Garton, Sam E Gart Pumpkin Island Geisert, Arthur E Geis Duck, Duck, Dinosaur George, Kallie E Geor More Flanimals Gervais, Ricky E Gerv Scary Fright, Are You All Right? Gibala, Scott E Giba Halloweena Glassman, Miriam E Glas Little Toot and the Loch Ness Monster Gramatky, Hardie E Gram Frank was a Monster Who Wanted to Dance Graves, Keith E Grav Trick or Treat, Marley Grogan, John E Grog Frankencrayon Hall, Michael E Hall Jitterbug Jam Hicks, Jean E Hick Honk! Quack! Boo! Hills, Tad E Hill Angelina's Halloween Holabird, Katharine E Hola Halloween Queen Holub, Joan E Holu Just Say Boo! Hood, Susan E Hood Excuse Me… Are You a Witch? Horn, Emily E Horn Ugly Pumpkin Horowitz, Dave E Horo Hoodwinked Howard, Arthur E Howa I Will Chomp You John, Jory E John Baby Beast Judge, Chris E Judg Monsters Eat Whiny Children Kaplan, Bruce E Kapl Clatter Bash! A Day of the Dead Celebration Keep, Richard E Keep Monster Trucks Keller, Joy E Kell Ralph's Secret Weapon Kellogg, Steven E Kell Page 2 Halloween 7/8/2021 Title Author Call # Come with Me on Halloween Kimball, Linda E Kimb No Such Thing Koller, Jackie E Koll Alpha Oops Kontis, Alethea E Kont How to Trick or Treat in Outer Space Krull, Kathleen E Krul Z is for Zombie Kutner, Merrily E Kutn Meredith and Her Magic Book of Spells Lachner, Dorothea E Lach Porkenstein Lasky, Kathryn E Lask Boy Soup, or, When Giant Caught Cold Lesynski, Loris E Lesy My Monster Mama Loves Me So Leuck, Laura E Leuc Giant Surprise Oram, Hiawyn E Lewi Everything I Know About Monsters Lichtenheld, Tom E Lich Pumpkin People Lightburn, Sandra E Ligh Froggy Picks a Pumpkin London, Jonathan E Lond Froggy's Halloween London, Jonathan E Lond Seven Scary Monsters Lundgren, Mary Beth E Lund Monster Princess MacHale, D.J. E Mach Monstergarten Mahoney, Daniel E Maho Monster Needs One More Marshall, Natalie E Mars One Monster After Another Mayer, Mercer E Maye There are Monsters Everywhere Mayer, Mercer E Maye There's Something in my Attic Mayer, Mercer E Maye Scariest Monster In The Whole Wide World Mayer, Pamela E Maye Littlebat's Halloween Story Mayr, Diane E Mayr Jeremy Draws a Monster McCarty, Peter E Mcca Monsters' Monster McDonnell, Patrick E Mcdo Even Monsters Need Haircuts McElligott, Matthew E Mcel Peanut Butter and Brains McGee, Joe E Mcge Jampires McIntyre, Sarah E Mcin I Just Ate My Friend McKinnon, Heidi E Mcki Ghost Library Melling, David E Mell Floridius Bloom and the Planet of Gloom Metz, Lorijo E Metz Skeleton Meets the Mummy Metzger, Steve E Metz How Big Could Your Pumpkin Grow? Minor, Wendell E Mino Spooky Hour Mitton, Tony E Mitt Tiff, Taff and Lulu Montanari, Eva E Mont Happy Halloween Witch's Cat Muncaster, Harriet E Munc Grimelda and the Spooktacular Pet Show Murray, Diana E Murr Grimelda the Very Messy Witch Murray, Diana E Murr Halloween Night Murray, Marjorie E Murr Zen Ghosts Muth, Jon E Muth Shake Dem Halloween Bones Nikola-Lisa, W. E Niko Lizard Man of Crabtree County Nolan, Lucy E Nola Hey, That's My Monster! Noll, Amanda E Noll I Need My Monster Noll, Amanda E Noll Ghosts Went Floating Norman, Kim E Norm 10-Step Guide to Living With Your Monster Numeroff, Laura E Nume Sally and the Some-Thing O'Connor, George E Ocon Filbert the Good Little Fiend Oram, Hiawyn E Oram Vampirina at the Beach Pace, Anne Marie E Pace Vampirina in the Snow Pace, Anne Marie E Pace Broom Mates Palatini, Margery E Pala Page 3 Halloween 7/8/2021 Title Author Call # Bears and Boos Parenteau, Shirley E Pare Spooky Book Patschke, Steve E Pats Oscar Seeks a Friend Pawlak, Pawel E Pawl Dogzilla Pilkey, Dav E Pilk Hallo-wiener Pilkey, Dav E Pilk Wempires Pinkwater, Daniel E Pink Graves Family Polacco, Patricia E Pola Graves Family Goes Camping Polacco, Patricia E Pola Picnic at Mudsock Meadow Polacco, Patricia E Pola Some Birthday! Polacco, Patricia E Pola Haunted House Party Polisar, Barry E Poli Go to Sleep, Little Creep Quinn, David E Quin Frankenstein Makes a Sandwich Rex, Adam E Rex Eat Pete Rex, Michael E Rex Goodnight Goon Rex, Michael E Rex Curious George Goes to a Costume Party Rey, H. A. E Rey Curious George Haunted Halloween Rey, H. A. E Rey Creepy Carrots Reynolds, Aaron E Reyn Creepy Pair of Underwear Reynolds, Aaron E Reyn Here Comes Destructosaurus Reynolds, Aaron E Reyn Halloween Mice Roberts, Bethany E Robe Big Brave Brian Robertson, M. P. E Robe Scary Movie Rose, Gill E Rose I Want My Light On Ross, Tony E Ross Big Bad Bubble Rubin, Adam E Rubi Little Giant Ruzzier, Sergio E Ruzz Herbert's First Halloween Rylant, Cynthia E Ryla Rodzilla Sanders, Rob E Sand Amazing Ghost Detectives San Souci, Daniel E Sans Which Way to Witch School Santoro, Scott E Sant Mostly Monsterly Sauer, Tammi E Saue Monster Who Ate My Peas Schnitzlein, Danny E Schn Monster Who Did My Math Schnitzlein, Danny E Schn Scaredy-Cat Splat Scotton, Rob E Scot Where the Wild Things Are Sendak, Maurice E Send Garbage Monster Sensel, Joni E Sens Very Witchy Spelling Bee Shannon, George E Shan Don't Play with Your Food Shea, Bob E Shea Scariest Book Ever Shea, Bob E Shea Thirteen Monsters Who Should Be Avoided Shortsleeve, Kevin E Shor Patty's Pumpkin Patch Sloat, Teri E Sloa Dark Snicket, Lemony E Snic Ladybug Girl and the Dress-Up Dilemma Soman, David E Soma Monster Next Door Soman, David E Soma Wanda's Monster Spinelli, Eileen E Spin Monster Hug Stein, David E Stei Enzo's Very Scary Halloween Stein, Garth E Stei Mine! Stein, Mathilde E Stei Dexter Bexley and the Big Blue Beastie Stewart, Joel E Stew Monster at the End of This Book Stone, Jon E Ston By the Light of the Halloween Moon Stutson, Caroline E Stut Page 4 Halloween 7/8/2021 Title Author Call # Stan's Frightful Halloween Sutter, Sandra E Sutt Hedgehug's Halloween Sutton, Benn E Sutt I Want to Be in a Scary Story Taylor, Sean E Tayl RA When a Monster is Born Taylor, Sean E Tayl Child's Guide to Common Household Monsters Thach, James E Thac Librarian from the Black Lagoon Thaler, Mike E Thal Principal from the Black Lagoon Thaler, Mike E Thal School Nurse from the Black Lagoon
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