Distributed to the Council and Official No. : C. 511. M. 251. 1932.XI. the Members of the League.] [O.C.294 (ft).] Geneva, April 1st, 1932. LEAGUE OF NATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC IN OPIUM AND OTHER DANGEROUS DRUGS SUMMARY OF ILLICIT TRANSACTIONS AND SEIZURES REPORTED TO THE SECRETARIAT OF THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS BETWEEN JANUARY 1st AND APRIL 1st, 1932. PART L CASES REPORTED IN PREVIOUS SUMMARIES IN REGARD TO WHICH FURTHER INFORMATION HAS REEN RECEIVED. N o t e . — The first two cases are unnumbered, owing to the fact that they refer to seizure reports contained in previous summaries in which no serial numbers were used. The remaining cases in Part I carry numbers corresponding to those given to the same cases in previous editions of this document. Friedrich Barnitske Case. See series O.C.724, With reference to the letter from the Government of India dated ° 1 19 and August 7th, 1930, of which a summary appears on page 3 of document O.C.294(71), pa'se 3. O.C.294f/z^, the German representative on the Advisory Committee reports (January 20th, 1932) that investigations showed that Abdur 1607/157. Sobhan had been studying in Berlin since 1923 and that he had matriculated at the Friedrich Wilhelm University. Hs associated a good deal with other Indians studying in Berlin. It has never been observed, nor can it be proved, that he associated with persons engaged in the traffic in drugs. Sobhan was examined and denied that he had ever engaged in the traffic in drugs, that the names of Atzig, Mazharuddin and Ahsan were entirely unknown to him and that he had never associated with these persons. Sobhan made a good impression on the authorities and his statement would seem to be credible. Seizure of Opium at Vancouver, June 17th, 1928, ex the “ Empress of Asia James Durkin Case. rtSee /-I O.C.856,« / J\ and The Canadian Government reportsA (January\ */ 20th,« 1932)/ that inn ini Durkin, who jumped his bail in 1928, was not located until November 1931, when he was found in Chicago. He wa; arrested and, having 7189/157. waived extradition, he was sentenced in Vancouver to three years’ in the penitentiary and a fine of $200, or, in default, a further six months’ imprisonment. No. 57.—Seizure of Cocaine at Calcutta on August 13th, 1930, ex the “Seattle Maru ”, See O.C.1279 and The British representative on the Advisory Committee reports O.C.294(ÿJ, page 20. (February 10th, 1932) that information has been received from the 13336 1 57 Government of India that orders have been issued for the deportation of B. Oda, who was convicted of smuggling the cocaine seized in this case. No. 74.—Seizure of Morphine in Dairen, November 1929. See O.C.1297 and The Japanese representative on the Advisory Committee further 0.C.294(g), page 26. reports (February 23rd, 1932) that, besides the 10 kg. of morphine 18241/157 seized in the possession of Okajima, eight small cases and three packets of morphine were seized in his house, which was searched. The police authorities of Changchun were informed and about 30 kg. of morphine were found in the house of Mme. Saka Kanetake. Enquiries showed that Okajima had already sent to Gihei Yashiro (Yago) 12 small cases of morphine between August and October 1929 and at the end of October and the beginning of November he had sent 6 cases to Murakami. The judgment °n the case has not yet been pronounced. No. 106.—Seizure at Mukden, November 1929. See 0.C.1326, Additional information on this case has been communicated by the German Government (see confidential document O.C.1326(a)). j^age 37, and O.C.294(,/j^j page 8 . ' 4717/157 No. 107.—Seizure of (? ) Benzoylmorphine at Mukden, March 1930. See O.c.1326, Additional information on this case has been communicated by the German Government (see confidential document O.C.1326fa;) o7-d8 ana O.C.294(7iJ, page 8. 24717/ 157. a,d'N- 570 (F.| 545 (A.; 7/32. Imp. Réunies, Chamtaéry. No. 109.—Seizure of Benzoline at Tsingtao, February 1930. See O.C.1329 series, and Additional information on this case has been communicated by O.C.294(g), page 38. Qerman Government (see confidential document O.C.1329fa^). 24720/157. No. 115.—Seizure of Hashish at Cairo, October 1930. See O.C.1342, The Director of the Central Narcotics Intelligence Bureau states O.C.294^;, page 42. (March 14th, 1932) that the invoice for 6 millstones marked “ F ", dated 25143/157. Istambul, July 22nd, 1930, was made in the name of Hadja Zadé Ahmed Eff. by the firm of Gadi Zadé Maher of Galata, Mumhane Sokak No. 12. An insurance policy, No. 58368, was made out in the name of Hadja Zadé Ahmed Faik by the Istambul branch of the Continental Insurance Co., dated July 24th, 1930. The millstones were insured for 250 dollars. The bill of lading, No. 36400, dated Istambul, July 22nd, 1930, was issued by the Khédivial Mail Line, Istambul Agency, also in the name of Hadja Zadé Ahmed Faik. This bill of lading was endorsed on the back by Hadja Zadé Ahmed Faik, and was also signed by Gadi Zadé Nuri Maher, of Istambul, who sold the said millstones to Hadja Zadé Ahmed Faik. The bill of lading also bears the signature of Ismail Aly, the clearing agent of Alexandria, who presented himself to clear the goods. A letter dated July 21st, 1930, from “ Fotzatein ” of Galata, Istambul, the concessionaire of the millstones, and addressed to Faik Hadja Zadé, appointed the latter as their representative in Egypt and Syria. Photographs of the documents mentioned above have been sent to the Turkish Government through its Consulate in Geneva for the purpose of enquiry into this case of illicit traffic originating in Turkey. No. 131.—Seizure at Harbin of Heroin coming from Germany. Trachtenberg Case. O.C.1386(b). The German Government states (January 13th, 1932) that Paul n6p Lauer, the sender of the goods, is the joint proprietor with Julius Gustav ■ • (9), Pa=e Thomas Wiener, of the firm of Wilh. H. Schwiecker. The consignment 315/157(12). in question was one of 30 kg. of benzylmorphine obtained in October 1930 from the firm of C. H. Boehringer and Son, of Hamburg, in 6 tins of 5 kg. each. These goods were repacked by Messrs. Schwiecker and sent to Trachtenberg at Harbin. The buyer of the goods was stated to be a certain Brinberg (see document O.C.294 fcj, page 64, and document O.C.294f<^, page 24), resident at an unknown address in Paris and, at that time, in China. Brinberg had asked that a fictitious address be given in order that his client, Trachtenberg, should not learn the name of the supplying firm and obtain goods later from that firm direct. Wiener would not agree to this and the goods were therefore sent in the name of Paul Lauer. A copy of the invoice made out to Brinberg, referring to the quantity of 30 kg. described as “ Inisal ” obtained from Messrs. C. H. Boehringer & Sohn, Hamburg, was shown to the Hamburg police. The firm of Schwiecker emphatically denies that they sent to Trachtenberg on Brinberg’s account any diacetylmorphine or other goods, other than the benzylmorphine obtained in October 1930, from C. H. Boehringer and Son, of Hamburg. Messrs. Boehringer and Son informed the police that they had supplied the said benzylmorphine to Messrs. Schwiecker in October 1930. Messrs. Schwiecker have frequently sent morphine esters to the Far East, chiefly to Dairen and Osaka. Up to the end of 1929, they sent only benzoylmorphine, but later, when this became subject to the opium law, they sent only benzylmorphine. The goods were obtained partly from German firms, but in 1931 also from Swiss firms. It is intended to withdraw Messrs. Schwiecker’s licence to trade in opium. No. 132.—Seizure at Harbin of Heroin coming from Germany. Nakamura Case. O.C.1386(6). The German Government states (January 13th, 1932) that, as the See also O .C.1386 and name of the sender of the letters was not given in the original report O.C.294(g), page 49. (nor could it be ascertained by the postal authorities on the basis of 315/157(12). the registration numbers), the enquiry set on foot by the Hamburg Public Prosecutor had therefore to be discontinued. No. 200.— “ TJinnoun ” Case. O.C.417fpJ. The British representative on the Advisory Committee reports See O.C.S.5 series and (March 10th, 1932) that the opium was despatched by Messrs. Behbehani O.C.294(7U, page 11, and 294 (j), page 8. an d Sons, who, it is understood, produced to the Persian authorities a contract of sale to the Canton Government. It is also understood 3306/3018. that the name of the Tjinnoun has since been changed to Vatic. 27422/3018. No. 271.—Seizure of Diacetylmorphine Hydrochloride at Shanghai on May 30th, 1931, ex the S.S. “Gemma”. See O.C.S.17 and The German representative on the Advisory Committee reports O.C.294 fi J, page 7. (November 24th, 1931) that no firm of the name of “ Chemische Fabrik 30406/ 157. A.G. Pelikan ” is known in Germany. 0.C.S.17 (a). The Belgian Government reports (January 18th, 1932) that a telegram was received from the Chief Commissioner of Police at Rotterdam on June 6th, 1931, asking where and from whom the firm of Sotramar of Antwerp had received the 7 cases marked M .R .lll to 117 in which the heroin was seized at Shanghai.
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