P y’;::e~f @ Agriculture Mendenhall Glacier Forest ~rvice Recreation Area Alaska Region Tongass Natlonai Forest Management Plan Revision R10-tdB-325 April 1996 Final Environmental e% w Impact Statement Q \ Alaska Region Tongass National Forest Chatham Area Juneau Ranger District 4[[ ~opp Cover photo credk USDA Forest Service Mendenhall Glacier Recreation Area, early 1980s. The United .Nates Department of A@CUltUK @sDA) proKIbItsdiscriminationini=pro~s on me bssis of race, color, national ori@l, Se-X,I_@@ we, disability, political beliefs, and mariml or f~ili~ s~tus. (Not ~1 profibi~ b~s apply to ~1 pro-s.) pewn~ wifi distillities who require dtcrllative means of communication of ptiq inform~on @fi]le, ]qe prin~ a@otape, em.) should ~n~t me uSDA ~lce of CormnuniCStiOnSat (202) 720-2791. TOfle a complain~ write the secretary of A@C~~, U.S. Dep@errtof A@cul~, Wmhington, N 20250, or CW (202) 720-7327 (voice) or (202) 720-1127 (TDD). USDA is an equal employment opporhmity employer. Reoord of Decision Record of Decision USDA Forest Service Mendenhall Glacier Recreation Area Management Plan Juneau Ranger District Tongass National Forest - Chatham Area April 4,1996 Thii Reoord of Deoisii (ROD) oontains my decision oonceming whether or not to revise the 1975 Mencfenhail Gla”er Recreation Area Management PlarL Revisiins to the 1975 Remation Area Management Planwill resultin a non-significantamendment to the Tongass Land Management Plan, and also an amendment to the Juneau Ranger Disblct Off-Road Vehicle Management Plan. This decision is based upon the analysis and evaluation in the Mendenhall Glacier Racreatkm Area Management Plan Revision Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS). Since implementation of the 1975 Management PlarL several situations have evolved including changes in recreation use patt~ conflii among user grou~ resource damage concerns, and new project oppoftunitk In response to these changeq effottato revisethe 1975 Management Plan were initiat@ resulting in the development of alternativesto update and replace the existing 1975 Management Plan. Alternatives Selected for Detailed Evaluation The FEIS evaluates in detail six alternatkq including the No Aotion Alternative. The No Action Alternative ie required under the National Environmental Polii Aot (NEPA) and forma a baseline for comparing the environmental effects of the five action alternatives,The five action alternatives were developed to be a range of apprm to reepond to the five significant issues identified during publii involvement and analysis for the Mendenhall Glacier Recreation Area Plan revision. The significant issues addressed are motorized recmatkmal vehicle use, firearm use, commercial use, ~ ~ fish and wildlife. Commercial allocation levels described in the alternatives beIow refer to summer use only (My 15- September 15). The range of alternatives tim which I am making my decision are Alternative 1 -No Aotion Alternative 1 would continue current management practices There would be no revisionto the 1975 Recreation Area Management Plan. ROD -1 Mendenhall Glaoier Recreation Area EIS Alternative 2- Proposed Aotlon Ntemative 2 would prohibti firearm use throughout the Recreaon“ Area and would allow off-road vehicle (ORV) use during the winter months on the west side of Mendenhall lake when frozen, Thii alternative would establii commercial albcation Ieveis up to 65% of oapacity at the Vi Center, on Mendenhsll Lske, end on Mendenhail River.There would also be two new trsilheads for eccess tothe Recreath Area, Attemathre 3 M_e3_*tia-*d*_~W-~wmMiti* adesignated ORVboptrail anduseof~fOrwatarfowl and~ hare hunting in Dredge Wetifm-i~ti_QmM-~ M_n. k__~~-mW~ for commenM useupto 75%ofcapacBy atthe Vior Center, Mendenhall Lak@and Mendenhall River,andupto20%ofoapaoRy onthreetraik East Glaoier,WestGlacier, and MorakIe Eoologytraik Pending addii site specifk environmental analy* this altematnm- could alsoauowfornewoRv trailheads into the Remationman emeqerqriverresoue ~anddevelopment bythe Oii and Borough of Juneau ofcul-de-saos foremergenoyveh& turnarounds at fivekoaMns. There wwldaisobeaddi&x@ public boataccess behind anexktinggate at Mendenhail lakeaswellas allowing ~ undeveloped overnight camping on McGii Mountaina Ahern#ve 5 Akemative 5 would emphashe protective msasumsforwildlife, shorWr@ end migratory waterfowL ~=~d~pe nesting ~ -m,this~emativemldbethemoste. mcreamn uses. useoffimarmsasweu asoRvsandmmmobks would be prohibited thm@outthe Racre@n Area Abosdon Ieve!sfor oommedduses at the Vioroenter, on MtiMUq~MtiW~_kti~~l~tiNow accass would bepmided. Akrnadve 6 Aknative6isaoombinathnoffea turesfrom~ 2 through 4, developed in response to publii commenk on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEB). Thii alternative restrkts ORV usetowinter months onthewestskfeof M~ Lake.lnthe Dredge Lakes Unkfirearmuseis restrktedtotheuse ofshotgunsduringwatet iend~hare~ Mt. MoGinnis isopen touseof shotguns endrirn-fire .220alii rifles dluingptarmigan and grouse hunting season, Allocadon levels for mmmemid usescould beestabiii upto65% ofcapaciy forthevior Center, on Mendenhd ltie~mM-WIRMW,ti~W~@_fW~_m onthree traikthe Esst Glscier, West Glscier, and Nugget Creek trailS. Pending addhnal site SPeC~=IalyskAitemative600uldallovvtwonewtrail-an emeqenqriverresoue acces%and allowtheC~and SoroughofJuneautodevelop~ foremergenoyvehiolesatfivelocatiom AbrnatNe6wouldalsoaHowpubliibo atacceas behiianexktinggate at MendenM I Lake, as well as allowing d-, undeveloped cwernightoamping on MoGiinis Mountain. Environmentally Preferred Alternative Alternative 5 isthe environmentallypreferred alternative.The environmentally preferred is defined ss the alternative whii best protecq preserv~ and enhances hmm”c, cultural and natural resou~ and whii causes the least damage to the biological and physical environment. Mendenhall Glacier ROD -2 Recreation Area EIS Record of Decision Decision ...- Sased on the analysisand evaluation inthe Final Environmentalimpact Statementforthe Mendenhall Glacier Recreation Area Management Plan Revision, it is my decision to select Alternative 6 (= set out in full in the FEIS, pages 1-22-2j 2-3,24,2-5,2-9,2-10, 2-11,2-19,2-20, 2-22). Rationale for the Decision I have selected AWmative 6 because it is consistent u@hcurrent recreation management direction and polii (see FEIS Appendii B, Existing Management D-), while addressing the significant “~ and the wide array of publii input during the --mnmentd _ P~ (see FEIS AP~u B, Respmses to PubIii Comments). Clearly no single decision in the Mendenhal#Giacier Recreation Area will satisfy all the needs and desires of the many people and interests whii have communicated with us during the more than three year process of coming to this decision, However, I be@ve that Alternative 6 best babnces and responds to current and future visiior needs from the R~~ti W= Wk~ri~~ti@A ~~dtiW_WWtiil betheretomeet theneeds of future generations. AWnative6satMiesthepurpos eandneedby devdopingammagmem strategy Whii provides more specific directionfor the Recreabn ~ addresses conflictsamong recreational user group& reduces risksto public health and safety and protects the natural resources of thii area. Alternative 6 also follows the overall direction for the Recreation Area as stated in the proposed Recreation Area Management Plan, whii is to Manage the area pdncipally for recreation use while retaining the area substantially in its natural condtion. Primaryemphasis will be placed on protecting natural resource values while balancing natural resource use with human recreation needs. It also refiactsthe Desired Future Condii inthe proposed R~”onArea Management Plan which is to RenWn relativelyundeveloped, allowing for comemmted use at the Vior Center and Men- denhall Lake Campground, allowing for moderately concentrated use at the West Glacier Trailhead, Skater’s Cabin, and on Mendenhall Riier, allowing for dspersed, low to moderate useinthe restofthe Recreation Area. The recreation opportunities to be provided are intended to give visitors a chance to experi- ence the Mendenhall Glacii and the glacial landscape ‘up dose’ yet not adversely impact the natural resources of the area For local and out-of-townvisitorsalike, this area offers a unique oppatunity to experience a glacii and the rebirth of a glacial landscape without being in a wilderness ~“ng. The goal is to ensure both high quaiii recreation experiences and a healthy ecosystem that can provide for and sustain these high quality recreation experiences over an extended time. Alternative 6 was a&o selected because it best addresses the significant issues that were raised during publii scoping: motorized recr--on vehicle use, firearm use, commercial use, access, and fish and w“ldliie. Motorized Recreation Vehicle Use Alternative 6 provides for motorized recre~”onal vehicle use in the w“nter on the west side of Mendenhali Lake when frozen. Except for administmtive purposes (search and rescue, law enforce- ROD -3 Mendenhail Glacler Recreation Area EIS memtrail maintenance, moss-country ski track *“rig, etc.), motorized recreational vehicle uses suchas ORV’sandsnowmob “leein the Dredge Lakes Unit and motorized boats on Mendenhall Lake and MendenMl Rii are prohibited. Motorized model airplane use willoontinue to be allowed in the Dredge Lakes Unit. My decision is consistent with the existing management direction outlined in the 1975 Management Plan, whii while allowing ORV use in the Remation Area, also states that 7f the...management ~*ti~eti ti~vtie ~@titim Rtim&~ti~dtito off-road motafzed
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