·Temple Beth-El Only Anglo-Jewish' . Serving 35,,000 Newspaper in This State in Rhode ,,land Jh,e JeuriSh~HifrA1d - VOL. XXXVI, No. 25 FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 1951 PROVIDENCE, R. I. TWELVE PAGES ' 10 CENTS THE COPY / I Transfer 0f Deeds For New Center -GJC Men's Di\/isio·n To Start on October 28 Women, Y~ D Campaign-Chairman lo ·Begin Sept. 11 Joseph W . Ress, general chair- . man of the 1951 fund-raising drive of the General Jewish Com­ mi'ttee of Providence, Inc., an­ nounced this week tha,t the Men's Division Initial Gifts m -e et in g will be staged Sunday, October 28. Previously it had been an­ nounced that- the affair-a key event in the annual campaign in behalf of the United Jewish Ap­ peal-would take place in Septem­ ber-. Ress, however, disclosed that the Executive Committee of the GJC's Board of Directors-meet­ (Continued on Page 2) It was a happy delegation that I ning Committee; an unidentified grouped around the desk of Mayor city official; Mrs. Leo Borenstein, ;::::::=.==Jo=s=EP,=.a:::;w=.=R=Es=s===. Walter H. Reynolds in City Hall honorary president, Parents As­ Qualifying Round in Herald Golf last Friday for the signing of the sociation; Dudley J. Block, Center papers that officially transferred treasurer; William McCab~, City Tourney Monday at Ledgemont ijallyhoos Report ownership of the old fire ~.t;i,.tio~ .~~_Jt,.;..Seated, Joseph Ad~lson, " , and adjacent property on ""ses- chairman, Center legal committee; · By SYD' COHEN Zionists Carry sions Street to the Jewish Com- Mayor Reynolds, and Milton C. The qualifying ' reund of the list of contestants is printed~-he munity Center. Kay, chairma.n of . the Center's 195,1 Jewish Herald Golf Touma- end of this story, to facilitate the Standing, left to right, Morris new building planning committee. ment will get un<ier way on Mon- pairing-up process for those who Bond Drive Load Kritzman, executive cij.rector of Saul E. R. Feinberg, J.C.C. presi­ day, August, 27,"--with an_ entry don't know whic):l night to selt ct, NEW YORK CITY (AJP)-The the Center; Mrs. Ben Lewis, presi­ dent-, forwarded ·the papers from list of between 40-50 expected to or whom to call to make up a Zionist Organization of America dent, Parents Association; Coun­ Grand Canyon, Colorado, where test the course at Ledgemont foursome, etc. is circularizing a report through­ cilman Jacob J. Alprin; Samuel he signed ~nd had th~m notarized. Country Club during the week. The qualifying round will take out the world that Zionists are Rosen, co-chairman of the Plan- Photo by Joe Marcello ·Qualifying rounds may 'be fired the form of a kicker's tournament; carrying the burden of· the Israel on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday with prizes to be awarded those bond drive in the -United States, ' and Friday at the Ledgemont golfers ,whose scores match the and that ~fiorts of non-Zionists World Zionist Congress course located in Seekonk, Mass. numbers selected in advance by so far have been "disappointingly· Scores will be turned in to the the committee, which will meet small." caddy master, wh:o will post them tonight to complete arrangements. The latest thrust against Israel Silver Bloc Suffers Setback; on the -board. There is only one Detailed instructions will be list- leaders, particularly Prime Minis­ conditiop - all contestants must ed on the board at the caddy- ter David Ben-Gurion, was made go around the course with other house. in the "Zionist Information Ser­ Goldmann Opposes Status_ Move entrants; twosomes, threesomes While next week's qualifying vice," which is issued from the and foursomes are recommended. round will be an unrestricted af- ZOA headquarters here and rep- JERUSALEM (AJP)-The score faring little better. At the opening Since the planning committee fair, the ac;tual match play whic)l resents ZOA positions informall:Y:. for the American Zionists mid­ of the Congress last week, Prime wishes to permit players to ar- will follow the Labor Day holiday The report was a reprint of an way in the 23rd World Zionist Minister David .Ben-Gurion had range their own schedules, part!- will be divided into three divisions, article by Arieh Gelblum, cortes­ Congress totaled up this week to discussed the granting of such c i pants may select their own assignments being made accord: , pondent in the United States of a sharp setback for the American status but had hedged the propo­ course-mates. WWle most men ing to the abilities of the respec- Haaretz, an independent Israel General Zionists in particular and sal with limitations which some know which of their friends is tlve competitors. Each division will Idaily, which is sympq.thetic to the virtually, no gain for the American American Zionists considered as entered in the tourney, a partial (Continued on Page 3) General Zionist cause. Zionists as a blop. making the proposals meaningless. \ The General Zionists , led by Considerable but Inclusive de­ Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver and Dr. bate about whether American YA D-Initial Gifts 'Maciver Labels Attacks On Study Emanuel Neumann were routed Zionists were obl!gated to settle in their intensive fight, which has In Israel had bogged Congress ses­ 'Unethical;·Lambasts 'Selfish 'Aims spl!t the World Confederation of sions with participation. by Gold- General Zionists wide open on the Banquet Sept. 11 mann, Mrs. Rose Halprin, presi­ NEW YORK CITY (AJP)­ "I consider this unethical, es­ seating of Israel General Zionist dent of Hadassah, El!ahu Dobkin, Leon Mann, chairman of the Prof,. Robert M. Maciver, author pecially the statement by Judge delegates to the Congress. director of the Organization De- Initial Gifts Committee of the of the controversial Maclver Re­ Meier Steinbrink,' national chair­ The Congress Supreme Court partment of the Jewish Agency, Young Adults Division O.J.C., an­ port on the effectiveness of Jewish ml',n of the Anti-Defamation voted against seating the dele­ and Zvl Lurie of the pro-Soviet nounced after a Monday night civic agency · undertakings, · be­ Leagµe that the repart ls unob­ gates, whose party had boycotted Mapam. meeting that pla:ns were progress- lleves that the attacks ·being made Jective," Prof. Maciver said. ·the Congress charging "Ir­ Dobkin accused the American Ing for the banquet. to be held at on the report by the agencies is after He. also told Brainln that. the regularities" In the voting. Zionists of alleged failure because .The Sheraton-Blltmore Tuesday "unethical:" · so few had come to settle ln Is- evening, September 11, at 6:30 The Columbia University socio­ agencies were' "selfishly seeking The effect of the setback was rael. Mrs. Halprin replled that P.M., to launch the annual Y.A.D. logist made the charge ln.· an in­ thefr own separate advancement, marked, with some Zionist Organi­ Drive. American Jews do not consider terview with Joseph . Brainln, frequently at the expense of the zation of America members threat­ Captains and workers are al­ English-Jewish columnist, which ening to walk out on the Congress themselves as llvlng In exile. Lurie cause the¥ are presumably· serv­ retorted that German Jews had ready· ln action. Plans include a appeared llr the current Issue of ing," and that the agencies and return home to the United speaker of national prominence "Opinion." States. harbored similar feellngs. "exaggerate their achievements a n d entertainment surpassing Bralnln asked Prof, Maciver for propagandistic reasons, in On the key issue of a formal With the Congress at the half­ prior years. what he thought about the agency order to obtain 111.rger funds from status for the World Zionist way mark, no decisive action has . Fdll detalls will be announced leaders "who attacked your Re­ local Jewish communities. The Movement in relation to Israel, been taken as yet on a number of ln the near future, as soon as part in the press before it was ADL ls especially liable to this American Zionists seemed to be major issues, final contracts have been' signed. made avallable to the public." charge." ) • mic climate by the end of October the ~erican Jewish P r e s s 1 •. N GJC Men's Drive learned, sailed from New York / ·would undoubtedly be reflected in Local Couple Criticize Dorothy the total pledged at the Initial City for Europe several weeks ,\g o. To Start Oct. 28 Gifts Affair. Council spokesmen- described 1the :;; (Continued from Page 1) Another reasori for selecting the Thom-pson's Jewis,h-Arab Views trip as "purely a: vacation .cruise" ~ ing at the home of Alvin A. Sop­ late October date was to await ·, but adm1tted that Rabbi Berger ..; kin, GJC president, this week­ completion of the Community An ·exchange of letters with the and favorable change of heart_for "probably would confer with N had voted unanimously in favor Fund drive which runs through­ controversial journalistic figw·e, the victims-the Jews ..." some Jewish l~aders over there E-< of the later date. out the first portion of that Dorothy Thompson, in regard to The letter apparently Bad little, during his trip." ~ The decision, Ress said, was month, Ress pointed out. her opinions on Arab-Jewish re­ if any, effect on the writer. "Noth- -.:::: : :::::::: : ::::::::::::: ::~ ~ predicated upon a number of Sopkin emphasized tnat the lations, was bared this week · by ing has happened/ to me," Miss . I ~ factors. "Because of the critical Women's Division and. _Young Mr. and Mrs. Jean Jacques of 88 Thompson wrote in return. "I ~LWlfl/UJ•. importance to Israel of the drive Adult ·Division . would go ahead West Clifford Street.
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