14_570641 bindex.qxd 7/14/04 10:17 AM Page 237 Index See also Accommodations and Restaurant indexes, below. Appleton Rum Estate, 124 Jamaica Grande’s Beach A bbey Green, 216–217 Architecture, 224 (Ocho Rios), 146 Accommodations. See also Art, 223–224 Jamaican Reef Beach (Port Accommodations Index Art galleries, 11 Antonio), 174–175 best, 6–9 Kingston, 205 James Bond Beach (Ocho Blue Mountains Montego Bay, 81 Rios), 146 Mavis Bank, 216 Port Antonio, 187 Kingston, 201–202 Newcastle, 213–214 Asylum (Kingston), 206 Lime Cay (Kingston), 202 Falmouth, 84 Athenry Gardens and Cave Long Bay Beach Park Kingston, 193–198 of Nonsuch (near Port (Negril), 111, 181 meal plans, 37 Antonio), 183 Mallards Beach (Ocho Montego Bay, 55–67 ATMs (automated teller Rios), 146 Morant Bay, 189 machines), 19–20 Montego Bay, 72–73 Negril, 93–106 Attractions Link, 186 Naggo Head (Kingston), 202 Ocho Rios, 135–143 Negril, 111–112 Port Antonio, 166–170 Ocho Rios, 146 Runaway Bay, 154–158 B amboo Avenue, 124 Orange Bay, 185 Spanish Town, 208–209 Bananas, 171 Port Antonio, 173–176 surfing for, 30–31 Baptist Manse (Falmouth), Puerto Seco Beach (Ocho tips on, 41–44 84–85 Rios), 146 Accompong Maroon Festival Barrett House (Falmouth), Rhodes Mineral Springs and (St. Elizabeth), 23 83–84 Beach, 114 Aguasol Theme Park Bath, 188 Runaway Bay, 158 (Montego Bay), 73 Bath Botanical Gardens, 188 San San Beach (Port Airfares, 29–30, 35 Bath Fountain, 188 Antonio), 175 Air Jamaica Jazz & Blues Beaches Seven Mile Beach (Negril), Festival (Montego Bay), 23 best, 3 3, 93, 111, 114 Airlines, 33–34, 41 Bloody Bay Beach (Negril), Treasure Beach, 128 Air travel security 111–112 Turtle Beach (Ocho measures, 34 Bluefields Bay, 119–120 Rios), 146 Albert George Shopping & Boston Bay Beach (Port Walter Fletcher Beach Historical Centre Antonio), 3, 175, 176 (Montego Bay), 72–73 (Falmouth), 83 Cornwall Beach (Montego Whitehouse, 121 Alfred’s (Negril), 116 Bay), 3, 72 Belmont, 118–120 Alligator Hole, 128 Doctor’s Cave Beach Biking, 37 Alligator Long (near Port (Montego Bay), 3, 72 Blue Mountains, 212 Antonio), 178 Dunn’s River Beach Negril, 91, 112 All-inclusive resorts, 41–42. (Ocho Rios), 146 Bird-watching See alsoCOPYRIGHTEDAccommodations; Folly Beach (Port Antonio), MATERIALFont Hill Wildlife Accommodations Index 174–175 Sanctuary, 121 Montego Bay, 63–67 Font Hill Beach, 121 Montego Bay, 77 Negril, 93, 102–106 Fort Clarence (Kingston), Negril, 114 Ocho Rios, 138–143 201 Rocklands Wildlife Runaway Bay, 156–158 Frenchman’s Cove (Port Station, 86 American Express Antonio), 174 The Black River (South lost or stolen card, 20 Gunboat Beach (Kingston), Coast), 6, 118, 122–128 Moneygrams, 20–21 201 Black River (town), 119, Anancy Fun Park (Negril), 111 Half Moon Beach (Green 121–122 Annotto Bay, 185 Island), 114 Black travelers, 28–29 Apartments, private, 43–44 Hellshire Beach (Kingston), Blenheim, 115 201 14_570641 bindex.qxd 7/14/04 10:17 AM Page 238 238 INDEX Bloody Bay Beach (Negril), Carlos Café (Kingston), 206 Cosmo’s Seaford Restaurant 111–112 Carnival Cruise Lines, 39 & Bar (Negril), 116 Bloomfield Great House Carnival in Jamaica Costa Cruise Lines, 39 (Mandeville), 10 (Kingston), 23 Cottages, 43–44 Bluefields, 118–120 Car-rental insurance, 25 Cotton Tree Lake, 114 Bluefields Beach Park, 120 Car rentals, 40–41 Court House (St. Ann’s The Blue Lagoon (Port Carry-on regulations, 35 Bay), 148 Antonio), 10, 174 Car travel, 40–41 Coward, Noël, 139 Blue Mountain Bike Tours, 212 Cascade Water Trail, 215 Firefly (Grants Town), 149 Blue Mountain coffee, 45 Cashoo Ostrich Park, 124 Coyaba Reef, 74 Jablum Coffee Company Castleton Botanical Gardens, Coyaba River Garden (Mavis Bank), 216 185–186 and Museum, 148 Mandeville, 132 Catherine’s Peak, 213 Crafts Market (Montego Blue Mountain-John Crow Caves Bay), 80 Mountain National Cockpit Country, 87 Cranbrook Flower Forest & Park, 211 Green Grotto Caves (near Riverhead Adventure Trail, Blue Mountain Peak, 217 Discovery Bay), 6, 149 148–149 Blue Mountains, 6, 191, Mandingo Cave, 182 Credit cards, 20 211–217, 220 “The Caves” (Negril), 113 Cricket, 202 brief description of, 15 Caymanas Golf Course Croydon Plantation Blue Mountain Tours, 151 (Spanish Town), 202 (St. James), 77 Boating. See also Rafting Cecil Charlton Park Cruise lines, 38–40 Negril, 112 (Mandeville), 131–132 Cuisine, Jamaican, 232–234 Boat tours and cruises Celebrity Cruises, 39 Currency and currency Montego Bay, 77 Cellphones, 32–33 exchange, 18–19 Ocho Rios, 151 Central Square (Port Customs regulations, 16–18 Bob Marley Centre & Mau- Antonio), 179 soleum (Nine Mile), 159 Children, families with The Bob Marley Experience best resorts for, 7–8 D ance, 229 (Montego Bay), 81 information and Darley Trail, 178 Bob Marley Museum resources, 28 Deep-sea fishing (Kingston), 204 Christ Church (Port Negril, 113 Books, recommended, 46 Antonio), 179 Ocho Rios, 147 Boston Bay Beach (Port Anto- Chub Reef (Montego Bay), 73 Port Antonio, 176 nio), 3, 175, 176 Ciboney Ocho Rios, special events, 23 Botanical gardens. See tennis, 147 De Montevin Lodge (Port Gardens Cinchona Botanical Gardens Antonio), 179 Boundbrook Wharf (Port (Clydesdale), 215–216 Devon House (Kingston), 203 Antonio), 180 City Centre Plaza (Port Dick Kinkead Pharmacy Bounty, HMS, 165 Antonio), 187 (Kingston), 205 Bourbon Beach Climate, 22 Disabilities, travelers with, (Negril), 116 Clydesdale, 215–216 26–27 Brimmer Hall Estate (near Cockpit Country, 87 Discovery Bay, 133 Port Maria), 148 Coffee, 45 Dive Jamaica, 74 Buff Bay, 185 Jablum Coffee Company Doctor’s Cave Beach Bump Grave (Moore (Mavis Bank), 216 (Montego Bay), 3, 72 Town), 184 Mandeville, 132 Dolphin Head Mountains, 115 Burcell Memorial Baptist Columbus, Christopher, Dolphin Lagoon, 75 Church (Montego Bay), 77 70, 218, 222 Dolphins, swimming with, 75 Bush medicine, 183 statue of (St. Ann’s Drama, 229 Bustamante, Sir Alexander, Bay), 148 Drinks, 234 221, 222 Columbus Park Museum Dunn’s River Beach Museum (Blenheim), 115 (Discovery Bay), 159–160 (Ocho Rios), 146 Bus travel, 41 Condos, 43–44 Dunn’s River Falls, 149 Constant Spring golf course, 202 “C age, The” (Montego Content Gap, 215 Edinburgh Castle (near Bay), 76 Cool Aqua Sun Sport, 74 Claremont), 147 Calendar of events, 23 The Cooperage, 213 Eleven Mile, 190 Calypso, 229 Cornwall Beach (Montego Emergencies, 47 Cardiffall Lot Public Beach Bay), 3, 72 Entry requirements, 16 (Runaway Bay), 158 Cornwell Barracks (near Errol Flynn Estates (near Caribic Vacations, 93, 151 Moore Town), 184 Port Antonio), 180 14_570641 bindex.qxd 7/14/04 10:17 AM Page 239 GENERAL INDEX 239 Hope Botanical Gardens & High season, 21 Falmouth, 83–85 Zoo (Kingston), 203 Hiking, 37 Falmouth Courthouse Mrs. Stephenson’s Garden Abbey Green, 216 (Falmouth), 83 (Mandeville), 132 Blue Mountain Peak, 217 Families with children Gay and lesbian travelers, 27 Blue Mountains, 211, best resorts for, 7–8 Georgian House (Montego 212–213 information and Bay), 76 Cinchona Botanical Gardens resources, 28 Gloucester Avenue (Montego (Clydesdale), 216 Fern Gully, 147 Bay), 76 Holywell National Recre- Festivals and special Goldeneye (Oracabessa), 10 ation Park, 214–215 events, 23 Golf, 37 Port Antonio, 176–178 Film, flying with, 32 best courses, 4–5 Rio Grande Valley, 186 Films, Jamaican, 234–236 Kingston, 202 Hilton High Day Tour Firefly (Grants Town), 149 Montego Bay, 74–75 (Montego Bay), 77–78 Fishing Negril, 112 History of Jamaica, 218–223 Negril, 113 Ocho Rios, 147 Holidays, 22 Ocho Rios, 147 Port Antonio, 176 Holland America Line- Port Antonio, 176 Runaway Bay, 158 Westours, 39 special events, 23 Gordon Town, 215 Holywell National Recreation Flynn, Errol, 135, 161, 162, Gordon Town Trail, 215 Park, 214–215 164, 174, 177–180, 234, 235 Gosse, Philip, 120 Honeymoon resorts, best, 6–7 Folklore, 228 The Great Morass, 122–128 Hope Bay, 185 Folly Beach (Port Antonio), Green Grotto Caves (near Hope Botanical Gardens & 174–175, 179 Discovery Bay), 6, 149 Zoo (Kingston), 203 The Folly Great House (near Green Island, 114 Horseback riding, 38 Port Antonio), 181 Greenwood Great House Montego Bay, 75 Folly Point Lighthouse (near (Montego Bay), 78–79 Negril, 112 Port Antonio), 181 Grove Court (Mandeville), 132 Ocho Rios, 147 Font Hill Beach, 121 Guava Ridge, 215 Prospect Plantation Font Hill Wildlife Guava River Trail, 178 (St. Ann), 151 Sanctuary, 121 Guesthouses, 43 Rhodes Hall Plantation Fort Charles (Spanish Gunboat Beach (Kingston), (near Negril), 114 Town), 208 201 Riverhead Adventure Fort Clarence (Kingston), 201 Trail, 148–149 Fort George (Port Runaway Bay, 158–159 Antonio), 179 H alf Moon, golf, 75 House of Assembly (Spanish Fort George Village Shopping Half Moon Beach (Green Town), 208 Arcade (Port Antonio), Island), 114 Hurricane season, 22 186–187 Half Moon Golf, Tennis & Fort Montego (Montego Beach Club (Montego Bay) Bay), 76 golf, 5 Industry, 215 Frame Centre Gallery tennis, 5, 38, 75 Insurance, 24–25 (Kingston), 205 Half Moon Plaza (Montego Internet access, 31–32 Frenchman’s Cove (Port Bay), 81 Kingston, 192 Antonio), 174 Half Moon Resort, swimming Mandeville, 129 Frommers.com, 30 with the dolphins, 75 Montego Bay, 54 Handcrafts, 11 Negril, 92 Negril, 115 Irish Town, 213 G allery Carriacou (Port Ocho Rios, 153 Ironshore Golf & Country Antonio), 187 Hardwar Gap, 214 Club (Montego Bay), 75 Ganja (marijuana), Harmony Hall (near Ocho Island Plaza (Ocho Rios), 44, 226–227 Rios), 149–150 152, 153 Gardens Health concerns, 25–26 Island Village (Ocho Rios), 150 Athenry Gardens and Cave Health insurance, 24–25 of Nonsuch (near Port Hedonism II (Negril), Antonio), 183 nightlife, 11–12, 116–117 Jablum Coffee Company Bath Botanical Gardens, 188 Hedonism III Resort (Mavis Bank), 216 Castleton Botanical (Runaway Bay), nude Jamaica Grande’s Beach Gardens, 185–186 weddings at, 155 (Ocho Rios), 146 Cinchona Botanical Gardens Hellshire Beach (Kingston), Jamaican people and (Clydesdale), 215–216 201 Culture, 224–229 Coyaba River Garden and Hendricks Building (Black Jamaican Reef Beach (Port Museum, 148 River), 122 Antonio), 174–175 14_570641 bindex.qxd 7/14/04 10:17 AM Page 240 240 INDEX Jamaican Standard Products Mandeville, 118, 129–132 Motor Sports Championship Company (near Mandeville), brief description of, 14 Series (St.
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