cord 1V3 000MA110H XV.18 I V.1N On. I Incorporating NONNYHS 3031N3vr MUSIC USINESS Vol. 20, No. 961 mber 6, 1965 In the opinion of the editors, this week the following records are the SINGLE PICKS OF THE WEEK ._,,,,NN1111,-,-_, lnr EPIC 1 ET --2 .1,10 PM WH JAAAT 4 "C°"5 INC r4t) *PAIDLE NOT ION SALE EVERYBODY DO THE SLOOPY OVER AND OVER SOMETHING ABOUT YOU IN THE FOUR TOPS 1HE DAVE (LARK FIVE THUNDER . JOHNNY91 1 ,11114 1084 .1' The Dave Clark Five go to the top over and over, and "Over and Over" will be no WORLD exception (Epic 5-9863).The Four Tops have that same sort of history and some- thing about "Something About You" willrocketithigh (Motown 1084).Johnny Thunder has a highly promising dance invitation with "Everybody Do the Sloopy" (Diamond 192). SLEEPERS OF THE WEEK FIVE DIFFERENT GIRLS I FEEL LIKE I'M FALLING IN LOVE CHILLS AND FEVER IIMMT P.1.1;01:11'. PAUL KELLY Three new fellows arrive on the scene this week and will be taking home the bacon within a short period.Paul Kelly's tune will send chills up and down spines.It's "Chills and Fever" (Dial 4021). Jimmy Beaumont applies falsetto tohis song and will inspire chills of his own with "IFeel Like I'mFallinginLove" (Bang 510). Patrick isa "Hullabaloo" personality and therefore those fans will be anxious to Trade Notables From hear "Five Different Girls" (RSVP 1111). A to M Congratulate ALBUMS OF THE WEEK Herb Alpert (Center) A, SONS BIG HITS On Basin St. Click. by Burt Bacharach... Hal David... Bob Dylan Left: Jerry Moss, of A & M Records; Bob Rosen, NRB Assoc.; Sherwin Bash, NRB; & Gil Freizen, A & M A new Elvis movie, "Harum Scarum," is on the way and that means a new album is going to sell well for RCA.This new Presley score is an especially pretty one Records. Story Inside. with lotsof soft music and gentle crooning (RCA Victor LPM 3468; LSP 3468). Terrific interpretations by the Four Seasons of Bob Dylan and Burt Bacharach and Hal David songs make up an extra exciting new package. Bob Crewe and Charles Calello produced and arranged with inspiration (Philips PHM 200-193; PHS 600-193). Over 7 nu ion iëope saw Bob on the twice re- peated NBC Network show- ing of his memorable junket to Vietnam. A Lot of 'em will want the album! 4t f 11011 +4,44t6:4` 404.6 H011° lLtftDl#CDO IIIII:ING ACIIIAI V "cl LF PEICIPOILUANCEN Al U. N. 11100.111011011. HANES IN '111AILAND, 4;11A , Eli D OKINAWA, VIETNAM, ETC. .110110110.1... Featuring Jill St. John Janis Paige Anita Bryant Jerry Colonna Narrated by Alex Dreier 3500 Delight WSM New License Society, COPPS Announced By Seeburg CHICAGO-A new perform-says,"isto provide the coin - At N'ville Fest ance rights society has takenoperatedmusicmachinefield NASHVILLE-WSM was extremely pleased with the resultsits place beside reigning giantswith a continuing source of its of the just -ended convention and found that the newly inau-ASCAP, BMIandSESAC:own for quality recordings. This gurated $10 admission fee was a great success. COPPS, the abbreviationforisa tremendous field,actually Attendance was guaged at about 3500 (1000 less than lastCoin -Operated Phonograph Per-the second largest of the four year) and of this crowd WSM veep Robert Evans Cooper said,formance Society. leadingnationalentertainment "Itis our belief that the more than 3,000 who qualified for The force that has set it inmedia.Only TV, whichbills participation and paid their fees were here because of theirmotion is the Seeburg Corpora-$1,200,000,000 annually in com- interest-either commercial or artistic-in country music." tion of Chicago, leader in themercials,topstheestimated He added there was "a smoother -running program, more manufactureofcoin -operatedyearly gross intake of $500,000,- streamlined and definitely less confusion." music machines. 000 in coin -operated machines, Seeburg decided to establishRadio and films lag considerably Money to Opry Fund thismusic performance -rightsbehind." The gate money is going into a special Grand Ole Opry fundsociety for the purpose of pro- Each of the other media, he upon which Opry or other country artists may draw in times ofviding America's 500,000 musicpoints out, is involved with one financial stress. The fund will be supervised by a board on whichmachineswitharoyalty -freeofthe two big performance - Roy Acuff, Ernest Tubb, Earl Scruggs, Hank Snow, Marty Rob-supply of exclusive, top-qualityrights societies. "TV and radio bins, Roy Drusky, Bill Anderson, Porter Wagoner and Jimmyrecordings.To providethese,are linked with BMI, the movie C. Newman are presently serving one-year terms. Seeburg has literally gone intoindustry with ASCAP. The ma- the recording business. jorrecordingcompaniesare, The Seeburg recordings arewithout exception, linked with Col Song Chosen BMI's Prexy intended exclusively for play inone or the other. Yet the music Columbia Recordshasan- coin -operated machines.Peoplemachine field, larger than any nounced that thetitlesong can only hear COPPS recordsexcept TV, has had no arrange- from the Robert Goulet album On COPPS oncoin -operatedphonographs,ment of its own, until COPPS." "This Christmas I Spend With and nowhere else. COPPS will make its records You" was selected by the Na- COPPS already representsavailable to operators on a leas- tional Tuberculosis Association BY ROBERT B. SOUR over 4,000 musical copyrights,ing arrangement,rather than as the Christmas theme song BMI President exercised both on the 45 rpmby outright sale. forits1965Christmas Seal singles and 33 rpm singles and AccordingtoGordon, "Our Campaign.Song is being dis- albums recorded for it by See -theory is simple. If the record tributed by Columbia to 4,000 As described in its press re-burg. According to J. Cameronhas it in the groove, it'll become djs and will also be used by thelease,thisnew organizationGordon, President of Seeburg,popular. With millions of listen- thousands of Tuberculosis andcan in no way be termed a "per-COPPS intendsto expand toers serving as the jury, COPPS Health Associations. forming rightslicensingso- even greater size and function,could turn out to be the testing ciety."It is obviously just oneconstantly acquiring more copy-ground, not only for new music, IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII more attempt by the jukeboxrights, seeking out more artistsbut for new musical artists as owners, described as the sec-and eventually signing artistswell. Music operators could be ond largest users of music inof its own to exclusive recordingthe star -makers of tomorrow." theUnitedStates,grossingcontracts. The company is "wide open to $500,000,000,toavoid paying Gordonnew talent." royalties to the creators of mu- "What weintend," 200 W. 57th St., New York, N. Y. 10019 sic. Area Code 212 CI 7-6250 WecannotvisualizeanyDain W-P's New Sales-Promo Dir. Publisher writerofconsequencewho BOB AUSTIN would willingly grant his works a under terms which deprive him LOS ANGELES - Philip First Anniversary Editor -In -Chief of virtually all of the rightsSkaff, Executive Vice -President SID PARNES thepresentCopyrightLawof Liberty Records Corporation, guarantees. announces the appointment of Doug McClelland Editor Bud Dain as National Sales and Dave Finkle AssociateEditor Promo Director of World Pa- Kal Rudman RaeEditor Jukebox Benefits Mort Hillman Advertising Manage, cific, Pacific Jazz and Aura la- Eastern Division Under the new plan, a writerbels, products of Liberty Rec- Ted Williams Research would be unable to benefit fromords, Inc. DaM reports to Dick Merrily Lustig Circulation the performance of his music Bock, World by any mediumotherthan Pacific'sGen- West Coast Office jukeboxes.He would be un- eralManager, Norman Greer, Eddie Kafafianable to benefit from broadcast and headquar- 8440 Sunset Blvd. performances, concert perform- ters at the Suite 204, Los Angeles 69 ances, performances in hotels, firm's Los An- Phone: (213) OL 4-8260 ballrooms or thousands of simi- geles offices. lar establishments. Dain entered Nashville Representative At the first anniversary gala Ed Hamilton The new organization would the record Blue Gross Drive business inof Broadway's "Golden Boy" Hendersonville, Tenn. also deprive him of the right Bud Dain 1960 as South-are, from left, musical's pro- Phone: (615) 824-0218 to have other recordings made ducer Hillard Elkins, star Sam- of his works, or of the publi- ernCalifornia SUBSCRIPTIONS: One year (52 issues) U. S. promotionmanforLiberty.my Davis Jr., his mother, Mrs. and Canada --$8; Air Mall-$25; Foreign -- cation of his music. Shortly thereafter he was trans-Elvira Davis and Sammy's wife, Air Mail$35.Second classpostage paid For more than a half cen- May. Sammy's new Reprise sin- at New York, New York.DEADLINE: Plates ferred to the East Coast to head and copy must be in New York by 12 noon tury, this industry has not paidup the label's promotion depart-gle, "Yes, I Can" (also the title Friday. one cent to the creators of itsmentthere.Becauseoftheof his autobiography), was re- Published Weekly by basic staple of existence. Thestrides Dain attained while onleased in conjunction with the INTRO PUBLISHING CO., INC. new plan seeks to perpetuate anniversary. It was also rein- 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I this iniquity. (Continued on page 14) stated in show. RECORD WORLD-November 6, 1965 3 Epic Explores Tubb To CMA Hall Of Fame Indie Outlets Epic Records has beenex- At Gala Nashville Banquet ploring independent outlets for NASHVILLE - Celebratedthe man who was his idol. Mrs.Fame was founded in 1961 bynew artists and potential hit country and Western artist Er-Jimmie Rodgers, widow of thethe Country Music Association.singles. nest Tubb was named to thep i o n e e r country singer -com-Selection is made by a commit- Inadditiontothe product Country Music Hall of Fameposer, felt Tubb had a style ofteeof 100 prominent countryrecorded by Epic's producers, Oct.
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