PUBUC LIBRARY A25 EMBROAD ST. Good Luck Tomorrow THE WESTFIELD LEADER WHS Football Team THE LEADINO AND MOST WIDELY CMCUIATED WEEKLY NEWSPAKt IN UNION COUNTY Published Second Class Postage Paid JIGHTIETH YEAR—No. 17 Every Thursday WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1969 at Westflelii, N.J. 38 Pages—10 Cents Town to Mark Bonfire Tonight Adult School Bachman Seventh To Host Open Thanksgiving To Spark Spirit House Monday Vietnam Fatality The Weatfieid Adult School will First Lin:l. Roscr J. Badimon, Family reunions, turkey feasts and football games are on the agenda BARBARA KAl'IN .will begin the fire, by tossing in thold open house in the Thomas Edi- rnn of Mr. and Mrs. RaWi W. 'or moist resridenltis tamcraw, ThanksgiyMg Day, with a complete sell-out News Bureau lighted tonohes. Once tiie Maze son Junior High School, Monday, Baclnmnn of "") Norwood Dr., died begins^ the -.cheerleaders and; the starting at 7:25 p.m. Sixteen exhibits forecast for the titadMunilal Wes&ieW-FSlainlfield focttxafi game to be The Westfie'.d Senior High Thanks- Werf.if id.iy, \(iv. 19, attrir injudes rtayed at Recreation Field on Rlahwiay Ave. .twir'lers will lead (he crowd in songs of student classroom work,will be on giving eve bonfire "wild begin "at 5 sustained in aotiim in Vietrtam the artd cheers. view. The public also is inviited to Several onurehes Have sdheduted Thanksgiving services tonight and p.m. tonight on the field behind She previous day. Lieutenant Baohman Cora,' Mae Zimmerman, cheer- aittemd'any c&ss wfttoult change. Re- omonrow, and many win join in a high school parking lot. One of the Jrad been in Vietnam rally three xjmmuriity program at 8 p.m. toto-- w »» momlihs. St. L/ieii!cnant Bachman is tlie sev- Episcopal Javcees to Host Gary enth Westfidd resident to have lost Tonight's religious observance of J wffl announce tomorrow's probable course having no opportunity to pre- •his life in Vietniam. iine-up and the football co-cajtauis pare classroom visual material, has nftanksgiviag will be sponsored by v.*,be tivrown into the Born May 30, 1945, in Washing- Jie.League of ReSgfous Otgariza- „. will speak. Robert Beewster, presi- as its theme: "Visit and Enjoy Your ton, D. C, Lieiutemant Bacliman was ,Jim Wickerstam, the WHS denlt of tihe Westfield Boosters, has Museum-^Beoome a, Member." It am.'under «he dtabmanship of GarCoacy KeMerh, hea Kehled foottxaQl rctfach ' to enld the rally. graduated from Westfield High George Morin. The Rev. M. Jerome of the Westfield High School Blue been askeed to spetak along with will be sponsored by students of the School June 20, 1963, and was grad- Brown, pastor of Bethel Baptist '.Devils, will be the guest speaker of Rabbi Xroloff Piartfcipaitittg in tonight's bonfire John Lay, director of aifihlettcs at art appreciation course—"300 Years uated from Parsons College in Pair- Church, will preach. the Westfield Jaycees nroritMy din- will be' the' cheerleaders, twirlers, the high school, Mid Charles Fran- of American Painting and ScUlp- field, la., in June, 1957. Other participants will include the ner meeting held on~Wednesday at and flag corps who will be acoom- kentnach, president of the Board of ture." He erjiisled in ttio Army Oct. 3, Canon Richard J. Hardman of St. .the Old Heidleberg Restaurant-., Rt. West field Rabbi .partied by the high school rriarobing Education. Art prints will be displayed and a 1967, and underwent basic training Raul's Episcopal Church, Walter 22, Scotch Mains. band. The Blue Devil will enter- 'Later tonight the senior girls will continuous showing by tabletnp pro- in January, 1963, at Fort Dix. He Pextry representing Mayor James 'In describing this year's season. tain the crowd and generate endst- continue another tradition by dec- jetffon will feature slides of world also received advanced training at Moron, the Hev. James C. White- Coach Kehler will show film high- In Key Post siasm for tomorrow's game. orating the homes of the senior foot renowned master paintings. The (he New Jersey base before going leer of the First United Methodist lights of the outstanding,plays of Devil , co-captains Frank fraH players and storting prints and oolor slides are material to Officers Oaindddates School at Port Charles A. has been pt py FIRST LT. ROGER BACHMAN Church and tte Rev. Alan GugUebno this year and discuss wtwl it takes Jackson and Skeeter MacCaxfcey passmen with streamere and sigm. lend during dlas*room lectures by Banning, Ga.. where he was grad- of St. llatffl'n Roman CarthoJic to put together a champivoehip Oarl QgMvfe, course aukbor and in- uated from parachute school. structor. Church team. At tike present cane, Wertfietd Conferenc_e_ of American He was assigned to Tort DeveBS, Tie <*•*« wffl be used to sup- » wtod as one of the fine* teams J,^ r"atlbiii6ic"assod«ion" of Re- The source of the la>nl material Servicemen's Kin, Mass., before leaving for Vietnam port the program of tiie Neighbor- ji n "th*e SfState1*-. ^ ', form Judaism in the United States has been collected from The Natton- Foreign Students where he arrived Aug. 13. hood Omn* of OaocMa H. <*«• "(he» W*.years , WWestfield has had '^ Help Needed: United al Gallery <•* Ait, the Montelair Art He served wiil/h D Company, 3-2M Museum, and the Sears Foundation, The MfflMMee, planning the pro- "^W wm™"™T8 team•». s »-J «c. .. ^ 00AR gonuniotee on church May Tape Messages Bn, 196th Light Inftiartry Brifada. "Portfolio U.S.A.," the tatter loaned gram wUi Mr. Morin were E. T. team is Dated as one of the beat. and state provides memibelrs guide- The WesUleld - Mountainside In addi'tton to his parents, lieuten- Graaey, Paul Mcbarty. Robert Hy- <rh6ir TecaM «Hrert«y stand* at lines and policy dtatemertts on a through the courtesy of the EDwabeth ant Bachman is survived by, a sis- y y and Onsntord Junior League. Chapter of tke American Nation- Jan, Mis. Nancy Dairtoy and D. N.7-0-1. On two successive Saturdays. wide range of issues dealing with Fund Short of Goal al Red Crsss win conduct M* an- ter, Mrs, Barbara B. Stanley at Three leading museum, the New Metairle, La. Kanouw. (the Blue Devils scored imprettive The rabbinic nual Voices From Home pro- Sponsoring churches include: Be- victories Failure In some oases to establish to newcomers as wet as longtime J^^^fZ gram from §-9 p.m. Dec. 8, I, Funeral services wHl to held at I thel Baptist ChiBich, First Baptist a strong historic stand against any contact between solicitor and donor residents. The agencies' work and ?™ Mgottteir Art and 10 at the chapter home, 321 a.m. Friday >n St. PauTt I^aCDBa] Elm St. Families living to Welt- Church and interment wilt be at 1:11 Church, First infringement of tl-ris rule by the fe ciUsd as a prinrnny OMMB (or tte availability is very mucti a part «f federal, state or local government, legging United Fund carnptikV, ac- the Westfield chosen by people tnens- Meld and MMHtalmide are Invit- p.m. that (fay in Artntfhn Holy Trtady dm* Ortho- This -apples especially today to cor*^ to Arthur C. Fffed, drive ferred to this area. Ihey are very the exhiMtiton theme. ed ite make a 12 minute ta#e to Cemetery. The V«ry Rev. game Ea< dox ChuKh, Ho* Trinity Ranttn 0it programs aimed at educational chairman, much a part of the 'anage' «Mcb at- * send te their servicemen and; Rkterd J. Handman wilt offidiate at Catholic Chutt, Redeemer U*w- sponsored by tracts new residents In our commun- turf scrvteeir«nie* anywhere «V*T- both services. tfjvHu The Fund needs about and pubtic services, tacturas, musi- M OlMrcti. a. Hata'a Roman *™2? groups. Recently the fawed ity, just as they are vital in sea* er hsspUaltied In the United Friends may vMt at Gflajr'a Tw> cal pro^tena, mid aafav ctatunsi ac* States. 1MB iavttaUaa alse Is ««- er)al Home (ram 2-3 and 7-» ».m. to remain teadei te isnifa stMdcats. today and tomorrow. O. "Buatnesis transton, tripe. deB- It Is iaWia.fi tkai body the Union if American It* we* a total of |«8,«JI has sn paa» 4) MailM CkMh and tkt '? 1 J rnpHNkM gattanat venttons and uttwr matters have > at Ow* Hatnw OsnaretfattiM at law group's baas report** subscribed to *• Un- tiie time ot mar sf sor CMdi Kdaw a Bhaj Fund. soJsiaiBw,^ m ' BoroiteKilW jteochar at FMlia*. w- Fred ttem F. Liatk 3rd, a, am at**, ajaf this AlHhnJm, despite h» brief servJce Mrs. Wifoam F. Uttl* Jr. at Wf supported through private funds. successful conclusion." Reeerdtnf* an made HI nrlva- OuMook Dr., dtad in combat w Vfct- ,eoachad WeMAeld ta an outstandtaa *rves aa sp with (tie Mountoiiwide Police De- are hosting a new earty maming (Continue*) m Page 4) i Reports and may to tr and UHKS aads aastage «re wam on Nov. 1#. ta*-v«*a*y series each morning at on Page 4) prMerm [or mailed to the United Fund or free. AMpeesunents may be made Lt. Little was a MM |ndHala af 7:«5 a.m. on Channel 7. up the need to aid m the United left there or at Police Hewdquertere, kjr calling Pmgiy School, Hiftade, aaal «aa graduated in IMS from die The cotajJe talks w*h cetsbrity To Light Downtown Fund's effort to keep our IS agen- both located in the Municipal BuaM- recogniamg States MM»ry AcMtamy at guests and interviews them from Westfield Glee oies prepared to offer their services ing on East Bnoad St.
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