INSIDE ***"*CRLOT 0041A**C071 Willow Road Village inches Who's This Week's MT PROSPECT PUBLIC LIBRARY Project Update Toward Annexing `Pet Of The Week'? 10 S EMERSON ST STE 1 es"141, A A " Page 5A Page 12A Page 13B MT PRrIQPr'TII 6,0056 3295 ULIVV II N? i,1111,qr:y...1.1..11....11... L.:1BL_ ILL MOUNT PROSPECT JOURNAL Vol. 89 No. 35 Journal & Topics Media Group journal-topics.com Wednesday, August 28, 2019 I SI. Will One `Pot' Shop $500K For Village? Board Plans To Talk More Sept 24 By RICHARD MAYER Village trustees are expected Associate Editor to discuss at their Tuesday, Sept. 24 committee of the whole meet- If the sale of recreational ing whether or not to opt -out of marijuana is permitted in Mount allowing the sale of recreational Prospect starting Jan. 1, 2020 marijuana in town. The meeting when the new state law goes into will begin at 7 p.m. at Village effect, itis estimated a single Hall, 50 S. Emerson St. establishment could generate A medical cannabis dispensary between $400 ,000-$500,000 an- is currently located in Mount nually in new sales tax revenue Prospect in 2015 E. Euclid Ave. for the village. (Continued on page 2A) District 26 Dealt 'Big Setback' As Judge Says Montessori Can Stay By RICHARD MAYER judge Tuesday, Aug. 27 allowed Associate Editor Park View Montessori School to remain in a district -owned River TrailsElementary building through June 30, 2020. School Dist. 26 officials are The private school has been rn scrambling to figure out how to leasing space in the building Music Takes Center Stage In MP proceed, if at all, with plans for owned by Dist. 26. The district Guitarist and vocalist of the group Hatchetfoot, Geoff George, performs with bandmates at Red Barn a new kindergarten center after filed an eviction lawsuit in Cook Restaurant on Kensington Road during the second annual "56 Music Fix" weekend of music in Mount a Cook County Circuit Court (Continued on page 4A) Prospect.See morephotos Inside and on page 4B. (Shawn Clisham/Journal photo) Rolling Meadows, Prospect, Hersey Look Strong FOOTBALL PREVIEW, JOURNAL SPORTS Page 2A I I Wednesday, August 28, 2019 The Journal www.journal-topics.com Village Projects Sales Tax RevenueFrom Legal Marijuana (Continued from page 1A) decision at this point. allocating those extra dollars for "We know people will to pay pensions and debt. It has operated with no reported "My belief is there's a lot ofpolice and fire operations. Trustee Colleen Saccotelli is issues, village officials say. moving parts and legs to it," he "We need to learn from otherbe legally using it remaining neutral for now. State law allows communities said. "I would like to hear what the communities and other states onon private property, "I think it's premature to make to opt -out of retail sales of can- community thinks. I have received how we can handle the driving a decision," she said. "I look nabis, but Mount Prospect cannota great deal of information as to under the influence law and medi- so how do we best forward to a full discussion at the regulate personal possession orwhat the law actually says andcal aspects," she said. "Betweenregulate it within the committee of the whole meeting, consumption under the new law. how it will be done and that plays traffic, DUIs, and paramedic calls, so I cannot commit either way Village Manager Michael Cas- a key role in making decisions on that's where the money should go,village..:' right now." sady said should the village whether we want or allow sales in if we get any money. We need to She added she does not believe Mayor Arlene Juracek board decide to permit the sale the community." figure out how do we best execute revenue will be the driving force, of recreational marijuana start- Zadel said he wants to hear fromthe law for Mount Prospect." but many other factors will play ing Jan. 1, there are many other law enforcement before making a According to Juracek, the vil- a larger role. considerations that will need todecision. lage needs to make a decision "I have an opinion, but I am still be discussed, such as where that "I rarely make decisions onand have rules in place before the time with this in general." gathering information and want additional revenue will go, howrevenue expectations alone," he new state law goes into effect so Grossi believes he is the mi-to hear from other stakeholders," many establishments would be said. "I am more concerned withresidents do not misinterpret thenority on the board on this issue,she commented, citing she has permitted, where those establish- the impact and feelings of ourlaw locally. and thinks many of the electedno thoughts on where the addi- ments would be allowed to conduct residents instead of what other Trustee Bill Grossi said he isofficials believe there is nothingtional revenue should go, should business, and where consumption communities do." leaning toward opting out of al- that can really be done to preventthe village permit recreational would be permitted. Mayor Arlene Juracek said anylowing recreational mairjuanarecreational marijuana from being marijuiana. "We are doing additional re-potential tax revenue is not thefrom being sold in town, but saidpresent in town. Buffer requirements could be search in terms of what has oc-driving force or decision factorhe will listen to everyone before In the end, he thinks moneysimilar to a medical marijuana curred in Colorado, Washingtonfor her. making a final decision. could be the deciding factor. dispensary, meaning the busi- State, and in Canada following the "We have more of a global is- "I have asked for information "If we do not permit it, it isnesses cannot be located within legalization so we can understand sue with how do we responsiblyfrom police and data I have seen like taking money off the table,"1,000 feet of the property line of it better," Cassady said , emphasiz- administer the state law within so far from Washington State, Cali- he said, adding permitting videoa pre-existing private or public ing there is no recommendationthe community?" she asked. "We fornia and Colorado have not been gaming was driven by money preschool, primary or secondary from staff at this time, and it isknow people will be legally us- good," he said. "There has been an since many restaurants and barsschool, day care center, daycare possible the village board could ing it on private property, so howincrease in DUIs, and an increase pleaded with the village to allow it home, group day care home, or prohibit sales completely. do we best regulate it within thein fatalities and traffic deaths -- which it did last year. "I feel like part day child care facility. Some elected officials provided village if $400,000 annually isalso. Marijuana is also getting init is a foregone conclusion with Also, similar to a medical can- their initial thoughts on the matter,not the deciding factor, which is the hands of kids in high schoolthe amount of money seeminglynabis dispensary, a recreational but emphasized more community significant money." a lot more and there have beenthat will be generated, which is use business may not be located in input is necessary. She said should the villagemore trips to emergency rooms. I astronomical in my mind." a house, apartment, condominium Trustee Michael Zadel said he permit recreational marijuana, andhave a feeling that everyone will Any money that would comeor area zoned for residential use. is not completely against the ideathat estimated revenue comes tobe doing around us will guide usto the village in terms of sales tax The state will issue licenses of opting out, but has not made afruition, she would be in favor ofin our decision. I have a difficultrevenue, he said, should be usedaccording to a graduated scale. IT'S NOT WHAT YOU SELL IT FOR, BUT WHAT YOU GET TO KEEP THAT COUNTS! As an award winning REALTOR®, committed to serving the community, I've got what it takes to get the job done. JAN GOCZKOWSKI Broker (847) 767-6548 Military Relocation Professional With CENTURY 21 - the most trusted name in Real Estate - and a Team of 11 Industry Experts behind me, I can help you maximize the equity in your present home. Asyour home's Marketing Director, I'll make sure it gets noticed by interested, qualified Buyers. -See over 50 testimonials on Zillow Get one today, online and at Des Plaines Park District facilities. Mobile: (847) 767-6548 Featuring hundreds of fall programs & events for all ages. Office: (847) 228.8713 Registration is now open for everyone. Seek. Find.Enjoy! Visit my website: centu.vo www.jangocz.com Langos & Christian [email protected] Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated Linked youm Dv low 2222 Birch Street 847-391-5700 DPParks.org www.journal-topics.com The Journal I Wednesday, August 28, 2019 I Page 3A Mayor: Delegates Probe Cause Of Apt. FireWelcome Here A six -unitbuilding in unincorporated Des stop the fire. Multiple media outlets reported Plaines remained partially uninhabitable as Red Cross Assists "It wasn't a big fire," he told the Journal nearly half of the delegations attend- of Tuesday (Aug. 27) following a fire early & Topics. ing the 2020 Milwaukee Democratic Saturday morning (Aug. 24). Maine Twp. Residents Drdla said the unit where the fire started convention next summer would be District Chief Dave Drdla of the North was empty during the blaze and that all staying in Illinois hotels, and Rosemont Maine Fire Protection Dist.
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